The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 132: My Luck and a 'Surprise' Attack

Chapter 132: My Luck and a 'Surprise' Attack

May 6th - Tanzaku Town.

It was early morning. Daichi completed his daily workout and was on his bed. He looked at the chakra number in the Strength of the Hundred Seal skill on the 6th day of their journey.


Daichi let out a sigh as he looked at the number. The chakra directed to the seal each day comprises 50% of Daichi's max CP, the excess chakra generated in his sleep and meditation.

'I was too cautious. 22743 CP. That's the minimum chakra the system transfers to the seal everyday. Before I activated this jutsu, I didn't know how it would operate. If it had taken half my chakra everyday all at once, it would have been problematic in the future. Going on missions and suddenly losing half my chakra would have invited trouble. But it seems that's not the case. The minimum chakra needed is divided and a fraction is taken from me each minute.'

Daichi closed the system messages and sat up.

'And the chakra that I lose each minute to the seal is quickly restored thanks to my chakra regeneration skill. Since I didn't know how the skill would work or how it would take my chakra after activation, I only gave the seal a 50% supply. But if I had known it would be like this then I would have made it like 400% or 500% of my total chakra to be redirected. My chakra regen skill and meditation could have made up for the decrease in CP... I could have significantly reduced my time to create the seal.'

Daichi let out another sigh and got out of bed. 'Hindsight is 20/20. I guess But this is also valuable information. By the time the First Tier seal manifests I'll be a lot stronger and my chakra will be much greater. I'll be able to significantly reduce the time for the ones that come after and level it up.'

Daichi got out of bed and quickly packed his stuff. Since most of his belongings were in his inventory, he didn't have to waste much time on getting ready. Once he put on a new set of clothes he headed to where Tsunade and Shizune were.

'Those who know Tsunade and her abilities will definitely recognize my seal once it's manifested on the forehead. I'll need to be prepared.'


The three travelers were in an Inn and deciding their route to the Land of Medicine.

"Alright we've spent enough time here. Why don't we pack up? We can leave in an hour."

"Do you have a map, Tsunade sensei?" At Daichi's question the woman took an old map from her belongings and handed it to him.

Daichi looked at the map and at that moment the Mini-Map was updated.

'The Land of Medicine is at the other end in the Land of Iron. We can reach the Land of Iron through the Final Valley or through the Land of Hot water Hmm I've always wanted to see the Final Valley. It's an iconic place after all But I think going through the Land of hot water would be better I can enjoy and relax in some hot springs Just hope none of those Jashine nutjobs comes'

"Why don't we head through the Land of Hot Water? It's much better than just traveling through the route near the Valley of the End." Tsunade said.

Shizune and Daichi agreed with Tsunade's choice and packed. Before they left, Daichi as usual, made his weekly bet with Tsunade.

"Aren't you getting tired of this Daichi?" Shizune asked in an exasperated voice.

"Nope!" Daichi turned to look at his sensei. "Bet is for 500,000. What do you say, sensei? Unless of course you're afraid of losing again."

Tsunade's eyes twitched as she heard him. She knew he was just pushing her buttons but she couldn't let it go.

"Alright you brat. Let's do it."

Daichi took out a cup and put one dice in.

"We'll do best of three. If it's the first three numbers then I win. If it's the last three then you win."


Daichi flipped the cup upside down and shook it for a few seconds and stopped. He raised the cup and saw 6 on the dice.

He was shocked. '4, 5, 6 and she wins. And it's 6? Is this it?'

Daichi was excited. But Tsunade and Shizune were shocked.

Daichi rolled the dice inside the cup two more times and both times the results came up as 6.

"Oh my god. You've won Lady Tsunade!" Shizune was surprised that her teacher had won.

But Daichi and Tsunade didn't say anything as they knew what this signified.

Tsunade looked at the results and couldn't help but feel anxious. 'I won? This is not good Why now?... I have a bad feeling about this.'

While Tsunade was worried about what might happen Daichi was going through the new notifications that popped up in front of him.

[You have won and lost a bet against Tsunade Senju. Conditions for unlocking special stat Luck reached. ]

[Special stat Luck is now open.]

[+1 Luck]

[This stat increases the opportunities the player might encounter. It can be good or bad depending on the actions of the player.]

[This stat also has a 0.001% chance to trigger a good luck moment every minute. This percentage increases with stat growth and during battle or luck based events the player is participating.]

[You have unlocked a special stat.

Reward: +500 Exp.

+75 Exp. ]

'Finally! I have the Luck stat open So it increases my opportunities and it depends on me to make the most of it huh'

Daichi went through the details of the new stat. 'A 0.001% chance to trigger every minute. And it's good luck that's nice but I doubt it would activate at all since its percentage is so low It says it'll increase during battle and other events but not by how much.'

Daichi let out a breath and decided to wait and see how his Luck stat would work.

At that moment the Slug Sannin spoke.

"Change of plans. We're leaving right now and we're going through the path near the Valley of the End." Tsunade told the other two.

Shizune was surprised. "But my Lady. What about the Land of water? I was looking forward to some relaxing time in a hot spring."

"We'll visit there on our way back."

It was at that moment Daichi remembered the bet. He took out a scroll and tossed it to his sensei who caught it out of reflex.

"A deal is a deal. Here's 500,000." Daichi had a smile on his face even as he lost his money.

Tsunade looked at her student. "You sure about this kid?"

Daichi smirked at that. "Yeah And good news. I think this cures my gambling addiction. Hahaha" Daichi was genuinely happy. He lost a good chunk of his cash but he was able to Unlock another Special stat. It was a trade off that was worth it in his mind.

Seeing Daichi's reaction, Tsunade shrugged and pocketed the scroll. She wasn't going to say no to that much money even if he was her student.

The trio quickly packed up and left Tanzaku Town. They changed their directions and headed in the direction of the valley of the end.

Daichi was on alert. 'Since she's won that means something bad is about to go down. I need to be careful.'


Some ways behind the traveling trio a man was following them secretly. Before long he was joined by four others.

A 5 man Root Anbu team with the mission to capture Daichi Hekima.

"Captain. It seems they have changed routes. They're headed in the direction of Valley of the End." A ninja in the lead wearing unidentifiable clothes spoke to his leader.

"Did they find out about us?" A woman in a similar get up asked his teammate.

"No, that's unlikely. Something else must have happened. Did they encounter anyone else?" The captain of the team asked his recon specialist.

"No sir. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Then it must be a coincidence. A few dozen miles ahead of the valley is the entrance to the Land of Iron. We need to intercept and capture Daichi before they reach that place."


"They will most probably be traveling non-stop till they reach the Land of Iron. We need to adjust our plans. Since separating and acquiring the target secretly is no longer possible, we need to engage directly. Gino and I will handle Tsunade. Doka. Your goal is to keep Shizune in place. If the need arises I'm sure she'll put her teacher's safety ahead of the boy's. Ichimaru, Toga! You two will subdue the target. Make sure not to reveal techniques that expose your origin." The Root Anbu captain Bu gave the orders.

The speed of the Anbu team increased and they went around Daichi's group in order to get ahead of them.


Daichi was the first one to notice it.

"Sensei. We have company."

Tsunade and Shizune immediately searched the area. They could sense 3 presence surrounding them.

The trio slowed down and sensed that the three chakra signatures were moving to intercept them. Three figures covered in black gear appeared in front of them.

Shizune got into a defensive position while Tsunade appeared calm. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the three ninja blocking their path. 'Is this why I won? Are they the cause of my worry? What exactly are they after?'

Daichi sensed only 3 presence when he used his chakra sense but when he used Mana scout he found 2 more hidden some ways from them.

Daichi used Observe on the three present and cursed inside.

[?] [Bu]


[?] [Gino]


[LV.90] [Doka]

Age: 30

HP: 17850 CP: 25900


[Doka is a member of the Root forces under Danzo Shimura. He was taken into the Root program at 4 years of age and has been trained in several fields. He carries out missions with no questions asked and will complete a mission at all costs. Proficient in ninjutsu. Primary chakra nature is fire.

His current mission is to capture Daichi Hekima alive and bring him to Danzo.

STR - 253

AGI - 247

INT - 70

The physical stats maybe subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied. ]

'Damn. They're Root. And they're here for me. Which means Danzo has decided to make his move. The fact that he knew to attack now means he's been keeping an eye on me for a while. So most likely in the capital. He must have had someone at the hospital. Damn! I made sure to check out every nurse and doctor that I met there Was it someone else or was the agent not at the hospital?'

Daichi let that thought go for the moment. He had more important things to worry about.

"What do you want?" Tsunade asked in a rather impolite tone.

"You're one of the Legendary Sannin right. We just wish to fight you. And maybe take that bounty on your head. You've racked up quite a bit during the war." The one in the center spoke.

Shizune sneered, hearing the words and the arrogant tone from him. 'Is he an idiot? Does he not know what Lady Tsunade is capable of? How presumptuous of him. To think he can defeat someone like her.'

Daichi had very different thoughts from Shizune as he heard what the ninja said. 'That's a load of crap. Based on what 'Observe' says, their mission is to capture me. Since there are two more hiding, they would most likely be the ones to come after me. So this must be some kind of diversion These two. Bu and Gino. I can't read their stats. So that means they're over level 92. Most probably high level Jonin bordering S rank. But I doubt they would be confident in fighting Lady Tsunade one on one. So since they're the strongest they will most likely stall Tsunade and the one called Doku will keep Shizune busy. And I'm guessing the two hiding will try and capture me during that Chaos. Isolating the target and capturing, huh. That must be their plan. Or the most probable one.'

Daichi analyzed their words, information and mission goals and quickly came to this conclusion in seconds. Daichi's intelligence and battle tactics had improved quite a bit due to his many battles in the dungeons. But now he was facing real live people. Daichi knew this would be nothing like his fight with the three ninjas from the Village hidden in the Waterfall.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes. "You really think the likes of you can take me down?"

"We won't know unless we try." With those words several shuriken flew towards Tsunade and Shizune.

For Daichi at that moment a new quest box appeared.

[Quest Created - Kill your Enemies.]


Author's Note:

I'll see you guys on Monday.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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