The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 115: The Bet With Tsunade

Chapter 115: The Bet With Tsunade

As Daichi focused his chakra he saw Tsunade bringing her hands over on top of his palms. She held her hands just a few inches above Daichi's and a second later it started glowing green.

Daichi looked at the green chakra and at that moment he received a system notification.

[Unharmful foreign chakra detected.]

Daichi saw the message and came to a conclusion.

'So Tsunade is using her chakra on me? But it doesn't seem to be medical jutsu. Hmm My guess is she's most probably checking my chakra level and control And It seems my body won't reject even ordinary chakras that aren't harmful to me, just like medical ninjutsu chakras.'

Daichi dismissed the blue box and focused on his current task. He kept the chakra flow steady and was in complete control.

Tsunade kept a neutral face as she injected a bit of her chakra into Daichi. Her goal was to understand the boy's chakra levels and his current control over his chakra. At first she kept a neutral face but after a short while her expression changed.

Tsunade frowned and narrowed her eyes. The green glow between her palms got bigger and she looked far more serious than before.

Kensei, Jiraiya and Shizune sensed the change in her. They all kept quiet and didn't say anything to interrupt the medic nin.

Jiraiya crossed his arms and looked at his former teammate. 'Looks like she found something interesting about him. It must be something big I can't remember the last time she looked so focused.'

Shizune held the pet pig Tonton and looked at her mentor. She knew what her master was doing right now but was confused about something. 'It's been over a minute since Lady Tsunade started. She should have an accurate assessment of his chakra volume and control by now. So why isn't she stopping?'

The occupants aside from the Senju patiently waited for her to finish.

After several minutes the green glowing chakra faded and Tsunade took a step back from Daichi. She looked at Daichi with an astonished and bewildered face. She opened her mouth a couple times as if to say something but no words came out.

[Reputation increases with Tsunade Senju.]

Daichi had a guess as to what impressed her about him. 'Looks like all that chakra control training paid off.' Seeing that the test was done, Daichi cut off the chakra flow to his palms and put his hands down.

After a few more seconds Tsunade took a deep breath and regained her poker face. "Your chakra control is adequate. And you have excellent reserves considering your age. And the fact that you can keep a steady flow of chakra for several minutes tells me just how well you're trained. You certainly have the capabilities to become a medic ninja."

Shizune was shocked at that assessment and Jiraiya narrowed his eyes. He knew what his teammate was most proud of was her precise chakra control and medical skills. 'Adequate control..? That's high praise from her. For her to admit that much means this child's control is beyond good Then again he mastered the Rasengan in a week. So I suppose I should have expected this much.'

Daichi's face had a smile as he heard her. 'Yes! Looks like things are gonna be easier than I thought.' Just as this thought ran through his mind Tsunade burst his bubble.

"But that doesn't mean I'll take you on as a student."

"Wait what? Why?" Daichi was sure his control skills had impressed her so he was confused about her refusal.

"Listen brat. I don't have to explain myself to you. Just because sensei said so doesn't mean I'll do it. I'm sure you can find another medic back at the village who'll be more than happy to teach you." Tsunade spoke in a hard tone.

She knew he couldn't go back to the village for the time being. Jiraiya had filled her in on the on-goings of the village and her sensei's secret investigations. She was just saying it to see Daichi's response.

Daichi was not someone who gave up that easily. "But You're the best medic-nin in the world. I could learn far more from you than anyone else."

Tsunade smirked at that. "You do know how to flatter a girl. But sadly that won't work on me Still"

Tsunade paused and looked at the boy and after a few seconds continued. "Considering your above average chakra control skills, I'll give you a chance. If you can complete the next task, I might take you as my student."

Daichi nodded. "Alright. What do I have to do?"

Tsunade smirked and looked at her apprentice. "Shizune, bring it here."

"Yes. Of course!" Shizune left the room and after several seconds quickly came back with a scroll.

Tsunade took the sealed scroll and held it in front of Daichi. She put it down and released the seal. A smoke suddenly appeared and when it cleared, Daichi saw over two dozen books atop the scroll. All of them several inches thick.

"There are 24 books here. These textbooks contain the necessary information a competent medic-nin needs. These were all written by me, for those looking to become more than an ordinary medic ninja. I'll give you two months to learn all the information in these books." Tsunade had a devious smirk on her face as she said this.

Daichi's eyes widened as he heard the insane timeframe given by the woman. He looked at the titles of some of those books.

'Medicine, Toxicology, Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Battle medics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Animal anatomy, Human anatomy, Rules for medic ninjas on the field, Surgery, Poisons, Herbs, Chakra techniques and their effects on the human bodies, Medical equipment's managements, Medical forensics and more Oh man That's a lot of books.'

Shizune, who was standing nearby, was also shocked. 'The amount of information contained in those books It would take a normal person years to learn and memorize all that. It would take someone motivated and highly intelligent at least 9 to 12 months. But she's only giving him two months to understand all that?... There's no way that's possible So she really doesn't want him as a student after all.'

Kensei, who was standing behind Daichi, also came to the same conclusion. He was upset that she wasn't even giving Daichi a fair shot. "Tsunade. That's not fair."

The blonde woman scowled. "I said I'd give him a chance. Never said I'd be fair."

"That's" Kensei was about to argue but Daichi slightly raised his hand, stopping him. The boy took off his glasses and looked directly into the woman's eyes. A playful smile appeared on his face.

"I heard you like to gamble. Would you like to make a bet with me?" Daichi smiled and spoke in a polite tone.

"Ohh?! What kind of bet?" Tsunade was intrigued.

"If I learn all the information contained in all these books in seven days, will you take me as a student?"

That question shocked everyone.

The moment Tsunade heard that her smile vanished and she narrowed her eyes.

[Reputation massively decreases with Tsunade Senju.]

Daichi ignored the blue system box.

Tsunade looked at the smiling boy in front of her and became slightly angry. "Che! I didn't know you were so arrogant. I'm not going to teach someone who's just going to take this as a joke."

Daichi shook his head. "I never said I took this as a joke. I can assure you I'm dead serious. And besides You didn't answer my question. Do you want to make that bet with me?"

The lady smirked. "First rule of trying to get someone to make a gamble. You need to have something the other person wants. If you want me to take the bet, you need to have something I want. And it doesn't seem like you do."

Daichi slightly laughed. "I wouldn't be too sure of that."

He took a small scroll from his sleeve and placed it on the ground. He pressed his palm and injected some chakra. The next second the contents of the scroll became visible to everyone. From the scroll several stacks of money appeared.

The adults in the room were astonished.

Daichi stood up and looked at Tsunade. "That's 500,000 Ryo. My savings from the last 5 years Still think I don't have anything you want?"

[Reputation increased with Kensei Yasaji.]

[Reputation increased with Shizune Kato.]

[Reputation increased with Jiraiya.]

[Reputation slightly increased with Tsunade Senju. ]

Tsunade looked at the confident smirk on Daichi's face and wanted to refuse the boy but her gambling addict side took over. She smirked and spoke. "Well well Things just got interesting. So if you can't memorize everything in all those books in seven days, all this money is mine and you stop bothering me?"

Daichi nodded.

"Ha! Easiest money I ever made" Tsunade laughed and wondered which gambling den she should go to once she wins.

"When I win" Daichi spoke up at that moment interrupting Tsunade's day dreams "You accept me as your student and teach me everything about medical ninjutsu you know Give me your word that you will hold your end of the deal."

The smile on Tsunade's face disappeared as she saw the seriousness in Daichi's eyes. She was quiet for several seconds and then nodded. "You have a deal."

Daichi smirked and sealed the money scroll and the book scroll and took them with him. He smirked as he looked at the female Sannin. "I'll be back in a week. Make sure not to skip town Now, Lady Tsunade, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of reading to do Miss Shizune, Lord Jiraiya" Daichi slightly bowed, bid his farewell and left with Kensei following him.

Daichi headed back to Kensei's house with the old man following him. Daichi had a simple yet efficient plan in mind. And the seven day challenge he proposed wasn't something done out of impulse. Daichi looked at the quest that was created when Tsunade said she would refuse to be his teacher.

[Quest created. - 'Win the bet.']

[Make a bet with Tsunade Senju and win. Study and memorize all 24 books within seven days from now.]


Memorize all the books.

Complete the task within seven days or less.


[Rewards. ]

[2500 Exp.]

[Reputation massively increases with Tsunade Senju, Jiraiya, Shizune Kato, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Kensei Yasaji.]

[Odds of becoming Tsunade Senju's apprentice increases massively.]

[Completing one half of the conditions required to open the Special stat 'Luck'.]



[Will never become Tsunade's Student. ]

[Reputation decreases with Jiraiya, Tsunade Senju and Shizune Kato, Hiruzen Sarutobi. ]

[Completing one half of the conditions required to open Special stat 'Luck'.]

As Daichi looked through all the details of the quest, the failure part confused him for a moment. 'Even if I fail the quest, I still complete half the conditions needed to open the luck stat?'

Daichi thought about it for a few seconds and he came to a conclusion. He now had an idea as to what was required to open the special stat luck.

'Tsunade has some kind of a strange relationship with luck. When she wins at something, it indicates a terrible omen. And when she loses everything is fine A strange relationship with Luck that's beyond reason or understanding This must be why the system chose her. I think I understand now. To open the Luck stat I need to make two bets with Tsunade. One that I win and one that I lose That's the logical conclusion I can reach from this'

A large grin appeared on Daichi's face. 'I'm going to win this bet. Then I'll have plenty of time to make another one with her where I can lose.'

The two of them quickly reached their home in the capital. Kensei hadn't spoken since Daichi made the bet. He knew his grandson's tenacity and intelligence. He believed Daichi could do the impossible. Still, he couldn't help but be slightly anxious.

"Looks like you have a tough seven days ahead of you" Kensei spoke.

Daichi looked at his grandfather, smirked and shook his head. "No. Not really."

Watching Kensei's confusion, Daichi made a single hand-seal.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

Kensei's eyes widened as he understood Daichi's plan and a wide grin that matched his grandson's appeared on his old face.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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