The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 111: Leaving The Leaf Village

Chapter 111: Leaving The Leaf Village

Daichi was in his bed after packing the necessary items for his journey. He asked for a few books and scrolls in Kensei's library and the old man provided them without hesitation. The different scrolls contained information on several fields of the ninja arts.

'This is gonna be my last night in the Leaf village for a while. I didn't expect things to go this route Whatever the case, I have to be ready to face all obstacles that get in my way Gramps said he had a medic who will train me. I wonder who it could be.'

Time flew by as Daichi laid on his bed thinking about the future. At midnight the rewards for the long running quest appeared.

[Ongoing Quest - 'Path to the strongest.']

[4th Year tasks successfully completed. Distributing the Special reward for clearing a dungeon. Distributing New Skill for successfully Improving at least 6 Skills to LV. MAX.]

[Special Reward.]

A-Grade Item Blueprint (2/3).

[Stealth - Passive/Active(LV.1): This skill increases your ability to move undetected. It also gives you the ability to perform actions unobserved or undetected. This skill helps with pickpocketing, sneaking around and lockpicking. Damage dealt to targets also increases when stealth is active. Holding breath increases the effects by a small margin.

Note: This skill is divided into 5 grades. Current grade: Average.]


[Removes footstep sounds.]

[+2% Chance of successfully lockpicking doors, safes and containers faster.]

[+2% Chance of pickpocketing an unsuspecting target. (A skilled pickpocketer is less likely to be caught and more likely to loot valuables from the target.)]

[+1% Chance of successfully moving unseen and unheard. (Highly skilled sneak can even hide in plain sight.)]

Daichi's eyes slightly widened as he saw the new skill. 'A stealth skill. Definitely one I needed. I've been trying to get this skill for a while now. I can't always rely on my cloak.'

Daichi read the effects of the skill and came to a conclusion. 'I need to level this up fast. Right now it's not all that good but once it reaches a high level I'll be able to get in and out of anywhere And it looks like lockpicking and pickpocketing are attached to this skill. Nice.'

Daichi then looked at the special reward. 'I still have no idea what it could be But it seems only one more piece is needed. Since it's an A grade item it should be on the same level as Atamagai's cloak.'

"Time to get some shut eye. Tomorrow is a new chapter in my life." Daichi went to sleep with a small smile on his face.

The next day he woke up bright and early. He completed his morning rituals and workouts within a couple hours. He was then getting ready to leave.

Once he got dressed, he put on his backpack after double checking everything. Daichi felt a slight sadness as he looked at his room. It was his space ever since he came to this world. It was unknown why but Daichi always felt safe here.

He let out a short breath and headed down stairs. As he walked down the steps he could hear his grandfather talking to someone. Daichi couldn't recognize the second voice and was curious as to who it was..

'I wonder who he's talking to?'

Based on where the sounds were coming from, Daichi deduced that Kensei and the mystery person were on the front porch.

Daichi reached the porch and was completely surprised. His eyes widened as he looked at the second figure. 'Is that a'

It was a large white tiger. It was as tall as Kensei and had snow white fur with black stripes. It was wearing a black body jacket that covered most of its body and had steel armor plates that completely covered its tail.

"So this is the boy huh!" A deep gruff voice came from the tiger as it looked at the small boy.

Kensei looked at the stunned Daichi and smirked. 'Good to know I can still surprise him.'

"Daichi, this is Raiga. My summoning partner."

Daichi quickly gained his composure. "Hello. Nice to meet you." Daichi slightly bowed his head and greeted the summon.

"Come closer boy." The tiger Raiga spoke. To Daichi it sounded more like a command.

"He looks like he'll make a delicious snack." Daichi saw the tiger lick its long sharp teeth.

It was the first time Daichi saw a tiger in person. Ever! So he was a little nervous when the carnivorous animal was looking at him like he was its dinner.

Despite his apprehension, Daichi stepped closer and stood near the giant white feline. The tiger slowly came near Daichi and lowered its head to Daichi's stomach. Daichi watched the tiger sniff a few times and then it raised its head and took a couple steps back to look at him.

"Strong For a small cub." Raiga spoke.

"Umm Thank you?" Daichi spoke not knowing what else to say.

"So what do you say Raiga? Is he qualified?" Kensei asked, looking at his summoning partner and then to Daichi.

The tiger was quiet for several seconds as it looked into Daichi's eyes. Daichi, not one to shy away from a challenge, stared right back into the eyes of the large jungle cat.

After a few more seconds it spoke. "He has potential. But he will need to be tested."

Kensei let out a sigh. "I understand."

"I will speak with the elders. If they agree then he can take the trial. But only after he becomes a ninja." Raiga looked at Kensei and said.

Kensei nodded and agreed. "Fair enough. Thank you for your time Raiga."

"Of course, old friend." The tiger then looked back at Daichi. "I hope you won't disappoint when the time comes."

With those words the summon animal vanished in a smoke.

Daichi blinked a few times and looked at his old man. "I knew you had a summoning contract but I didn't know it was a tiger contract."

"I didn't advertise it and you didn't exactly ask me for the details." Kensei shrugged.

It was at that moment that Daichi remembered something. 'Come to think of it, his nickname is the Calamity Tiger Huh! So that's why.'

Daichi then focused on his grandfather. "So you want me to sign a contract with the Tiger summons." Due to the conversation between Kensei and Raiga, it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"Yes. If you're interested."

Daichi's eyes widened. "Yes. I'd like that." 'Oh wow! This opens so many possibilities.'

The old man smiled looking at the boy. "It's not going to be easy. There will be a trial to see if you are qualified to be their summoner. And it's not something you need to worry about until you become a Genin."

Daichi nodded.

"Oh and before I forget. Tiger summons are very territorial. They won't like it if their summoner signs another contract. So if you come across any other summoning contracts don't sign them." Kensei told Daichi.

Daichi was confused at that. "But I haven't signed the contract yet. And what makes you think I'll come across a summoning contract. Those things aren't exactly easy to come by."

"True. Getting a summoning contract is rare. But you're going on a long trip. Anything could happen. And trust me when I say this. The tiger summon will be more suited to you." Kensei emphasized the last part.

Daichi looked at the old man and agreed. "Alright. I'll wait until I'm Genin and then take the trail."

"Good." Kensei smiled. 'After Tsunade takes him as a student I have no doubt she'll be impressed with his potential. And there is a possibility she'll offer him a chance to sign with the slug summons They have excellent healing capabilities but they are not suited for Daichi. The tiger clan is the best for someone like him.' This was Kensei's reasoning for introducing Daichi to his summoning partner.

"Did you get everything you needed?" Kensei asked his grandson.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

Both of them left their home. They closed the gate and Kensei reactivated the barrier. At that moment Daichi received new notifications.

[Ongoing quest] - 'Take care of the Garden' Failed.

[Reputation decreases with Kensei Yasaji.] (Penalty invalid.)

Daichi looked at the notification that popped up.

'Huh. I almost forgot about this quest This task would only be marked completed after 6 years. There was still 1 more year left. But since I won't be here for the next few years it looks like the system has considered this quest a failure. But due to outside interference it seems the failure part of this quest won't affect me. Good to know.'

Both of them headed for the gates of the village. After reporting their departure they left the village.

Their journey was to the capital. Both of them enjoyed the view and Daichi asked his grandfather about the locations in the capital.

A direct road led to the Fire capital. And it only took half a day to reach the place. There were several guards in Armor at the entrance gates. Kensei and Daichi showed them their documents and soon entered the place.

"Wow!" Daichi was amazed as he looked ahead. The capital was more bustling with people than the leaf village. Daichi saw many shops with colorful designs.

[New Location: Mini-Map Updated]

At that moment Daichi received a new quest.

[Quest Created] - 'Explore the Fire Capital.'

Explore and find out more about the Fire capital. Find the different buildings and places in the capital (0/7). Time limit: 7 Days.


1000 Exp.

Complete Quest in 3 days. (Bonus reward.)


Rep slightly decreases with Kensei Yasaji.

[Accept] (Y/N)

'I knew it. I had a feeling this quest was going to appear.' Daichi accepted the quest without hesitation.

Kensei had a small house in the capital, comfortable for two people. They entered the small home.

[You have found Kensei's residence. Quest progression] (1/7)

Daichi looked at the blue box. 'This will be easier than I thought.'

"You can take that room during your stay here." Kensei said, pointing to a room at the other end of the house.


Same time - Leaf village.

Hiruzen was looking over the reports and stamping several documents. But his mind was elsewhere.

'Kensei and Daichi left early this morning. So they must have reached the capital by now. How will things go from here I wonder Based on Jiraiya's reply, Tsunade wasn't exactly happy that I'm making her take another student. She'll most likely test him and see if he's capable. I have no doubt that Daichi will find a way to pass But will she be a good teacher to him?... I guess time will tell'

Hiruzen took a break from important files and documents and took the report that Iruka had dropped off a few hours ago. Hiruzen quickly went through the scores of every student in Daichi's class. He noted the ones with potential. His eyes then landed on the reports of Sasuke Uchiha.

'Daichi will retain the top spot for the 4th year as well. But now that he's gone Sasuke will take that place. And just as Daichi is far ahead of Sasuke, Sasuke is far ahead of everyone in his class But now he has no one to compete against. Will this stagnate his growth?'

Hiruzen knew he had to wait to see the answer to that question. His mind then drifted to his two former students.

'Based on Jiraiya's reports he and Tsunade should be at the capital right now. I hope everything goes alright.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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