The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 729 - What Happens to Us Gods?

Chapter 729 - What Happens to Us Gods?

Tralbok didn’t dare speak since he had already given up after receiving falling under Sterfen’s control. Halmut would grunt and fail to utter anything as two fresh nubs on his back tried to instinctively flap, which came after Skaryn forcibly amputated the Sun Dragon’s wings for safe measure. Both were left in the corner, helpless to do anything or deny any harsh treatment offered to them.

"May I ask something?"

A bit surprised, Jack nodded and let Tyres speak. The Sword God nervously bowed to Jack, asking, "May I officially join you as a leisure god? I understand that I’ve been brutal towards you and others, but... I’m willing to change."

"In other words, you’re afraid you’ll end up like those two by the end of tonight and are offering yourself in hopes of avoiding that?" Jack assumed, questioning Tyres. "And be honest or I might not consider your offer."

"I... Yes... Compared to those beside me now, my former actions were more in line with what those two wished to accomplish and I admit that."

"Then allow me to decline."

"Jack, please--"

"But," Jack continued, "though I won’t allow you to work under me, I believe there is a god here willing to take you under his wing, as he did in the past."

"Really?!" It wasn’t Tyres but Jin who shouted, laughing as he looked back to his former apprentice.

Tyres sighed, "Jack... Please--"

"It’s either you accept him as your master or we may include you in our plans for those two. Which would you prefer? I’m being honest with you since you were honest with me."


"Agree to abandon your false title and train properly under my instruction, then I’ll accept my long-defiant pupil once again!" Jin stated proudly, declaring his terms out the gate. "Or has your will and desire become so shaky that you’ve forgotten who I am? Are you the first of my student who tried to kill me in an attempt to claim fame beyond your station? No! So stop whining and moping!"

"Jin... We’ve been--"

"We’ll hold a proper match, just the two of us. If you win, I’ll side with you and help convince Jack that you’re worthy of working under him. But when I claim victory, I’ll kill you and your sins so that you can be resurrected as my next pupil. Only now, you’ve got a rival that may surpass you if your laziness isn’t replaced with diligence," explained Jin, motioning toward his demigod pupil among Jack’s long-time party members. "That should help clear your heart of regret and make it easier to accept your new position, right?"

"Th-that can’t--"

"I agree with Jin’s proposal," Jack added. "If you beat him, then I’ll help you ascend. But when you lose, it will be up to Jin if you remain dead or come back. It’s only fair."

"... Jin... We’ve been trying to kill each other for millennia now and we’ve been equals for--"

"You’ve never been my equal!" Jin barked, refusing to let Tyres continue uttering nonsense. "Never have you bested me in a proper duel, apart from our match after your ascension while I was still a mortal. But even then you failed to kill me, proving your lack of discipline! Either accept my terms or I kill you now without the promise of resurrection!"

Two swords appeared in Jin’s hands, ready to attack. The fiery passion in the samurai’s eyes proved his unabashed willingness to fight on the spot, despite the atmosphere and setting.

"Jin, I--"

"Three! Two!"

"Alright!" Tyres shouted, turning to Jin and bowing his head. He hid his eyes as Tyres mumbled, "Jin... I’ll accept you... as my master..."

"Save it for after your defeat," scoffed Jin, putting his katanas away. "Then you’ll be offered mercy and a second chance."

"But I think we can all agree that Tyres will need a temporary slave seal," Skaryn spoke up, putting a frown on Tyres’s already disappointed face. "I can come up with one that’s removable upon Jin’s command. Considering Jin is the only reason we having slain Tyres by now, I think that’s fair."

"What?" Tyres questioned, looking up at Skaryn and Jack.

Jack sighed, stating, "Tyres, I’ll be honest. I don’t care if you live or die. Looking back at recent history, I see no reason to keep you alive when there are already so many others willing to work alongside us without question or notorious background. Jin’s the only reason I haven’t decapitated you for EXP. I promised him that he decides your fate, whether you live or die. So be lucky you’re offered this much unless you’d like to join our guests of honor at the back of the room..."

"Then... I agree to the terms..." Tyres reluctantly sighed, forced to accept the fate of past actions.

"Then you two will be the main event of the party," Jack chuckled. "Your duel will happen after the food has been served for all the cosmicians to witness. That should also let them better understand how things word on Kartonia and help them feel more welcomed here."

"Finally!" Jin clenched his fists as his eyes widened in excitement.

"But back to other matters... Daruun said--"

’Make room.’ Daruun’s voice played through the minds of those linked via Jack’s pact, startling them all.

"You heard him. Make room." Jack motioned for one corner of the room to be cleared.

Everyone did as Jack said, assuming that Daruun was about to make another appearance and explain more of his identity. What they weren’t expecting was a spatial rift to suddenly appear, one made of both dark purple and neon green energy. The density of the energy was incredible, startling everyone able to recognize how incapable they were in comparison.

Through that rift stepped a man unfamiliar to those of Kartonia, but one man lounging at the back of the room with a drink in his hand wasn’t from Kartonia. Oli put his drink down and leaped toward the portal. "Dominus!"


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