The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 677 Zariffs Big, Drunk Mouth

Chapter 677 Zariff“s Big, Drunk Mouth

After collecting samples from the hydra storehouse, Moranti said his momentary goodbye to Raztol. Lina gave the hydra head one last hug before she and Moranti were teleported back to the entrance of Glacier Keep to pick fruits and then to the guild property they knew so well, along with their chain-led hostage who received no fruit.

Reappearing inside the guild strategy room, the few gods that were lounging there immediately noticed something they hadn’t expected. Seeing Lina come back was anticipated but seeing Tralbok dragged behind Moranti in the very chains that Tralbok had used to contain Moranti was priceless.

"What are you doing?!" shouted Hadurt.

"I would normally tell you to calm down, but tonight is going to be wild!" Moranti laughed, yanking Tralbok’s chain forward. "Aside from injuring, scarring, and killing him, tonight we can do anything we want to the pestro we all despise!"

"Well... I’m excited to take you up on that offer!" howled Kori, eyeing Tralbok with fangs bared.

The news of Tralbok’s momentary hostage situation was virtually announced to the entire guild. While Lina left the room to go tell Maura, Eliza, and Daliea all about Glacier Reef, all gods hurried into the strategy room for a night-long party.

At the same time as the telepathic invitation reached all the gods, one entered the room and smiled at the sight he found. "Tralbok... Finally getting the treatment you deserve?"

Still clutching tightly to his contact crystal and the unique amulet, Tralbok didn’t spare a word, only a glance.

"Perchet, tonight we--"

"I heard your shout and hurried here as fast as I could," replied the God of Sound, back at lv. 90 now. "I’ve got something I need to attend to later so I won’t join the festivities, but I thought I’d take out some stress on my old acquaintance before leaving..."

Before anyone else said another word, Perchet soundly reached out and slapped Tralbok across the face. The God of Time was about to be thrown through the air from the impact but Perchet’s backhand stopped that and forced Tralbok to fly in the opposite direction. And before Tralbok could get far, he reached the end of his chain and forcefully crashed into the floor unable to go further.

"Ahhh... That’s better!" chuckled Perchet. "Take care in Glacier Keep, Moranti!"

As Perchet made his exit, Dragas rushed into the room and embraced her husband. "Where are they?!"

"Calm down, honey..." Moranti sighed, holding out a storage ring. "Here they are."

Planting a kiss on Moranti, Dragas eagerly snatched the ring from his hand. And on her way out, Dragas gave the ground Tralbok a kick to the crotch.

"AAAaaahhhhh..." Tralbok groaned, unable to keep his pain from leaking past his lips.

Laughing along with Kori and Hadurt, Guuro waved his hand and spread holy energy over the groaning, chained-up god. "Don’t worry, you’ll be fine by tomorrow morning."

Forced to accept the situation, Tralbok scoffed and looked away from the four gods. He understood what would happen shortly and he was determined to pay close attention and try to learn something from his time in Trodar. Just a tidbit of information could be useful and information commonly flowed freely during joyful events, such as shaming a common enemy. This was the assignment and order that Halmut had given him, with a promise that Tralbok would be the next person to reach lv. 99.

The night progressed as expected. Gods of Trodar were the first to gather and belittle Tralbok physically and verbally. Then, the leaders and most powerful mortals of the guild were called in to enjoy the event as well. This continued until even those that were low-leveled but familiar with the gods were involved. By then, the event had relocated and dragged Tralbok to an open courtyard for the entire guild to demean and curse.

That was when the first unexpected moment of the night took place for Moranti.

"Ryn would love this!"

That short phrase caught Moranti’s ear and didn’t let go. The God of Space turned away from his divine drinking buddies and looked to the group currently surrounding the suspended Tralbok at the center of the open courtyard.

Laughing and enjoying his buzz, Zariff poked fun at the dangling deity along with his friends from Reinolt. Tridon and Tomas were there, along with Trevor and Shlad who were dragged along by Tridon, their superior officer in the Beast Corps. But Moranti was focused on Zariff, the drunkest and most boisterous of the bunch.

Zariff kept shouting, "Where’s Ryn when you need him?! With his godly strength, we could slap him across the world!"

Ignoring the questions and stares from the gods he stood with, Moranti immediately marched toward the drunk guild treasurer. The others around Zariff spotted Moranti and his crazed look but Zariff was enjoying the moment. Until he was spun around and stared face to face into Moranti’s eyes.

"Who are you talking about?" Moranti firmly questioned, being both serious yet hushed. "What god named Ryn?"

"You know!" Zariff shouted, acting like Moranti was either stupid or ill-informed. "He’s the one with the helmet! He’s a coward to hide his face but the man’s got great taste in drinks!"

At the mention of drinks, Moranti sniffed Zariff more closely and looked sternly at the empty mug in Zariff’s hand. "What did you drink?"

"Oh, that’s a secret... I don’t have enough for everyone, so--"

"What did you drink?!" repeated Moranti, shouting some sense into Zariff.

"Fine... I can spare some for someone like you. How about a toast?!" Zariff pulled out a small wooden keg from his storage and was about to pour himself another glass. However, before that, Zariff was teleported away from the party. "Hey! What--"

Casting silence around them, Moranti tightened his grip on Zariff’s shoulders. "Zariff... Where did you get that?"

"From Ryn, who else! He’s got the best--"

"Who is Ryn?!" roared Moranti, not letting the drunk evade answering.

Still able to see the party in the distance, Zariff sighed and groaned, "Fiiine... but you can’t tell anyone! It’s a secret..."


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