The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 670 Kylons Misleading Repor

Chapter 670 Kylon“s Misleading Repor

"Halmut..." Kylon sighed, trying to think of how to best handle the situation. "We’ve located Glacier Reef but only with Jack’s help."

"What do you mean?"

"Jack located us and guided us into Glacier Reef. He and Lunara found this place first. They used the life of one of our own to push for a ceasefire."

Halmut paused and then asked, "How many do they have?"

"... I’ve only seen Jack and Lunara," answered Kylon.

"Then we’ll--"

"Halmut, I’ve agreed to a ceasefire already. I don’t go back on my word!"

"Kylon, this is--"

"Halmut!" Kylon shouted as her body tensed up in passion. "This place is beyond beautiful, even incomparable to other parts of the world. Violence to the degree of godly warfare will destroy such a delicate place. The ceasefire is only for a single day, so--"

"But you should’ve contacted me before agreeing! A single god can be revived, Kylon. You know that!" reasoned Halmut.

"Either way, we’ve already made the agreement and the hydras have allowed us to stay outside of Glacier Keep without any struggle."

"You’re there now?"

"... Yes... We’re close enough to see the sealed entrance of Glacier Keep and will be camping out here till it opens," replied Kylon.

"Good... Good job, Kylon," Halmut sighed, calming his voice. "So, tell me about the hydra civilization. How many hydras are there, roughly?"

"At least a hundred... possibly two hundred."

"That many?!" Halmut shouted in surprise. "Then we must--"

"Halmut, the hydra civilization is included in the ceasefire. If we dare attack them, then--"

"Then the leisure gods will attack in defense and break the ceasefire themselves. What’s wrong with that?" questioned Halmut.

Kylon sighed, "I’ve already formed the agreement... I’m not going back on my word, Halmut. You know that!"

"I get it, I get it... You don’t want to hurt Lunara’s people."

"Halmut, I--"

"Just wait there till the keep opens."

The conversation was immediately cut off, leaving Kylon with a terrible taste in her mouth.


"Torian, Grixor, Tralbok, get here now!"

Halmut’s roar filled Olympic Chateau. He sat back in his chair overlooking the giant viewing table. The unrest on his face was obvious to everyone, hence everyone leaving Halmut alone in the conference room unless called.

The three gods entered the room from different sides and found Halmut staring at the pitch-black viewing table. Tralbok commented, "So, it’s too far away?"

Nodding, Halmut turned his attention to the three men. "Gather all the gods. You’ll be leaving immediately."

"All the gods?" asked Torian.

"Yes, including the guards at Kylon’s Palace. Without them, having five teams enter the keep will be impossible," stated Halmut. "Kylon’s feelings have compromised her role as a leader during this endeavor. You’re to take over and begin the strike against the hydras. Attack hard and fast before the leisure gods can intercept you. Once they arrive, retreat to the keep and wait till it’s unsealed."

Sensing the coldness in Halmut’s tone, Torian questioned, "And what about Kylon? I assume she would be against this, which would influence the other Flood Dragons as well."

"Grixor will hold her down. As for the other Flood Dragons... I guess I’ll contact them individually so that they’ll understand where their true allegiances lie."

"Very well." Tralbok bowed and left first, hurrying to find Alcahain and Sillo.

When Torian and Grixor left, Halmut was left with a smug frown. He felt capable yet incapable. His mind was more tumultuous than ever before while he felt so closer than ever to his goal. Halmut mumbled, "It’s almost time... soon, after Glacier Keep... We’ll leave... We’ll finally leave..."


Time passed relatively slowly for Jack.

After returning to Glacial Palace, Jack made use of his room’s dedicated bathhouse. It was small but only by the standards of Glacial Hydras. For Jack, the "small", private bathhouse was more than enough space to lounge and relax. By heating the bath himself, Jack let his mind drift and calm itself down over time.

Soon, a knock was heard at his door, followed by a telepathic message. ’Can we come in?’

’Let me get dressed...’ Jack sighed, stretching as he emerged from the tranquil bathwater. The hero dried himself off and turned his cloak into a cozy bathrobe. ’Alright, come on in.’

Lunara used her control of ice to unlock the door, making a loud clicking sound for the entire room to hear. She and Lina then entered to find Jack lounging on a comfortable couch that resembled the one in Raztol’s banquet room.

As Lina jumped on to the sofa beside Jack, Lunara reverted to human form and locked the door behind her. She then sat on the other side of Jack with a worried face.

Jack smiled and sighed, ’So... what’s got you so down?’

’I think...’

’You think Halmut will still mount an attack against the hydras?’

Lunara nodded. ’Yes... I doubt he would let them off despite a promise that Kylon made without his concession.’

’I know. I’m thinking the same thing,’ Jack stated with a chuckle.

’See, Mom! Jack’s got a plan!’ stated Lina, who had been trying to cheer up Lunara for quite a while now.

Glad to see that Jack was aware of the threat Lunara asked, ’Then, what are we going to do about it?’

’For now? Nothing.’

’But Jack--’

’Don’t worry, I’ve already got eyes and ears on Kylon and Glacier Keep. The moment the door opens or they try something, we can act then. For now, why not relax for once?’


A knock suddenly came from the door and Jack happily shouted, ’Bring it in!’

The door was then unlocked with that same clicking sound to alarm the room of the door being unlocked. A giant, trolly of food was pushed into the room as the servant bowed and left, locking the door again.

’Why so much?’

’Mom, I thought you might come and visit. Better to be prepared than to go hungry, right?’ Jack laughed. ’Let’s enjoy!’

Both Jack and Lina pounced on the food trolly, filling their platters with an array of different underwater dishes. Their actions finally convinced Lunara to relax a little and join in the meal.


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