The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 667 Arrival of the Flood Dragons

Chapter 667 Arrival of the Flood Dragons

’How much further?’

’Calm down, auntie! I’m a man of my word.’

’Then stop calling me that!’

Jack laughed as he casually sat atop Jinbe’s head. At first, they were traveling slow until Lunara confirmed that everything was ready. Then, Jinbe proved just how phenomenal his swimming speed was. He was forced to slow down as only Kylon was able to keep up with them.

’Here... Are you sure I’ll be fine?’

’Of course, Jinbe. Lunara’s has already convinced them to let us in and that included you. As my companion, you’ll be allowed to go anywhere in the world or even beyond the world!’ laughed the hero.

’Beyond... What do you mean?’ Jinbe asked.

Shaking his head, Jack replied, ’I’ll explain that later. Just know that you’ll be fine going anywhere from now on. And after you ascend, we’ll help you learn to breathe outside of water.’

’That’s... possible? I’m quite curious...’ Though they had just met, Jinbe already trusted Jack. With Jack’s solo appearance proving to be enough deterrent against so many Flood Dragons, how could Jinbe not trust Jack’s claims?

Like Jinbe had stated, the group finally reached the correct trench. And to Jack’s surprise, they were greeted by a familiar and strangely friendly face.

’Welcome.’ Wingreig bowed his head to Jack and the many Flood Dragons encompassed in Jack’s soft light. ’As Jack already knows, my name is Wingreig. Allow me to lead the way from here. And you... It would seem that you’re not almighty after all, are you?’

’Hmmm... Just lead the way...’ groaned Jinbe, annoyed at the hydra’s words.

As they entered the trench, Kylon and the Flood Dragons soon started to notice the difference between this trench and the others. They were speeding through the trench but they had enough time to see the incredible plant life and sense the dropping temperature. Jinbe was even more astounded by the sight, startled by how the hydras had changed the trench’s entire ecosystem to work for them.

There were no more questions, not until the reef finally came into view. Then, all Flood Dragons and Jinbe were in awe. They were speechless and unable to share their questions without momentarily fumbling their thoughts.

Kylon was the first to speak while shaking her head. She softly stated, ’Such beauty... incredible.’

’And you wanted to destroy this place...’ mentioned Jack, catching the attention of all the flood dragons. ’If you think about it, didn’t you Flood Dragons do something similar to the underwater caves of Kustram?’

Again, the dragons remained silent. All of those present were among the few that had been away on assignments when Kustram was destroyed. Sure, they had rebuilt a new underwater society but it wasn’t like it was before. Experiencing the beauty and diversity of Glacier Reef with their own eyes, it was impossible for them to not feel at least a morsel of relatability to the Glacial Hydras.

Once they reached the well-lit, open waters over Glacier Reef, the group was then welcomed by more hydras with Raztol at the lead and Lunara behind him with Lina on her back.

’We welcome the Flood Dragons to our humble home,’ stated Raztol with a bow. ’I’m Head Raztol, the hydra chosen to lead my people. Which of you is Kylon?’

’That would be me...’ The Storm Goddess came forward, now beside Jack and Jinbe.

A few elders came forward also, extending mouthfuls of various floras and faunas. Raztol mentioned, ’Lunara informed us of what happened to your home. Please, accept these as an offering. We wish that you and the Flood Dragons will manage to create an even more lively and beautiful home than ever before.’

’Th-thank you...’ Touched, Kylon was caught off guard by the offer. She inspected the various bioluminescent plants, noticing the great variety among them. As Kylon stored all the offerings to the shock of the hydras that knew nothing of storages, Kylon tenderly glanced at Lunara and bowed her head. ’Thank you... Lunara.’

’Kylon, this is nothing compared to what you’ve done for me. You’re welcome to take as many plants as you need. There are more than enough to go around,’ insisted Lunara.

’That... Thank you...’

The other Flood Dragons all bowed their heads as well, sure that their mistress would ask them to do so. But they too were touched and short of words, accepting the gift in the manner they were most accustomed. ’Thank you, Mistress Lunara...’

Laughing, Lunara looked around at the other dragons. ’You still dare call me that? Are you saying that because you mean it or only because Halmut can’t spy on you down here?’

’Lunara... really... Thank you.’ Kylon slowly moved forward, as did Lunara, until they met in the middle and leaned onto one another in a makeshift embrace. ’This... This means a lot to us...’

’I know. That’s why you should take all that you need without worry,’ chuckled the Hydra Goddess.

Raztol spoke up again, reaffirming Lunara’s offer, ’Take all that you need! Even if it cuts into our supply more than expected, we have more than enough already and can make do with a controlled shortage without worry.’

’Head Raztol is correct,’ reaffirmed Wingreig, who moved to Raztol’s side. ’Take what you need. To have you as powerful allies, it would be a wonderful thing for our people and yours, I believe.’

’So, now that you’ve had your reunion, shall we check out our rooms?’ asked Jack, pushing the conversation along.

But Kylon then shook her head and sighed. She backed up from Lunara and looked at Raztol with a neutral face. ’Where’s Glacier Keep?’

’It’s below the reef,’ answered Head Raztol. ’After some rest, we’ll escort you there personally. Please, allow us to share a feast with--’

’I’m sorry to return your kindness with rudeness, but may we please see Glacier Keep first? We’ll stay at its entrance, so there’s no need to have rooms prepared for us,’ reasoned Kylon.

Sensing the unusual tone in her voice, Lunara began to understand the situation a bit more. ’Then how about we all go see it?’


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