The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 663 Lunaras Stance Against the Elders

Chapter 663 Lunara“s Stance Against the Elders

’No, I believe they should be permitted entry so long as they agree to surrender their findings,’ argued Artrat. ’Would you prefer to attempt to block our powerful guests? One has already proven capable of killing a consul with ease, though I would argue that the same consul may now be far more sluggish than what’s expected of his position. Shall we offer up the lives of other hydras as well?’

’I believe we’ll be able to stand our ground,’ replied Wingreig. ’With our populace, we should be able to handle an invasion despite them somehow being lv. 90 as the human had implied earlier.’


Sound waves flooded the vast chamber as all eyes turned to Lunara in the audience balcony. She stood with her heads held high and a new look of determination in her eyes. The pushover that had shown respect to the elders previously was now gone.

The Nine-headed Glacial Hydra swam out of the audience and placed herself above the Body Council, looking down on them from even higher than the consuls and hydra head. Lunara roared again, stating, ’Enough arguing! I’ve been told the Flood Dragons are already on their way here!’

’See! She is working alongside them!’ shouted Wingreig.

’Jack has intercepted them and agreed to a ceasefire,’ continued Lunara, disregarding the consul’s comment. ’If you don’t agree to their peaceful passage within the next few minutes, then it’s uncertain what will happen to the guards at the trench’s entrance.’

’You dare threaten your people--’

’I dare to protect the hydras!’ Lunara roared, silencing Wingreig as her divine energy spread through the chamber for all to feel and experience. She held back but made sure all hydras present understood that her strength was greater than anything they had felt before. ’Up to this point, I’ve tried to respect the order of things. But the development of circumstances along with your needless, arrogant arguing has forced me to act accordingly!’

Turning back, Wingreig took a deep breath and questioned, ’Head Raztol, what’s the meaning of this? Your guest is--’

’Shut up, Wingreig!’ shouted Raztol, not even sparing the consul a glance. The hydra head looked to Lunara and asked, ’What is it your asking of us?’

’Warn the patrolling hydras of Jack’s arrival with the Flood Dragons. Should anyone dare touch any of them, both they and I will refuse responsibility for the loss of life among the hydras,’ stated Lunara. ’I’m not threatening anyone. I’m stating the facts and forcing you to realize just how far out of depth you all are.’

’Lunara, that is why--’

’No, Artrat. We won’t accept the terms you’ve proposed.’

’But we--’

’Glacier Keep has no connection to the hydras. It’s merely an energy-rich place that is great for training and meditation. Its connections are to the world’s creator, which makes Jack far more deserving of entering than anyone else,’ reasoned Lunara. ’And if you believe that you’ll be able to convince the gods of such a thing, you’ll only bring destruction to the reef and the hydra people.’

’Then what is it you believe we should do?’ asked Raztol, dropping his harsh attitude faster than any elder could comprehend the situation.

Looking to the hydra in charge, Lunara was glad to see him act calmly and willingly discuss things. ’Head Raztol, I propose that deities should be allowed entry into Glacier Keep without any interruption or questioning, nor should they be asked to share the treasures they find inside.’


’Artrat!’ Raztol shouted, forcing the elder to shut up. ’I’ll second that motion. Are there any objections? Make your vote known before sharing your reasoning.’

A majority of the elders lifted their heads, standing against the motion.

’Wingreig, you’re permitted to share your opinion with Lunara.’

’Thank you, Head Raztol...’ Wingreig clicked his tongue, unhappy with the hydra head’s stance and actions. But he turned back to Lunara and stated, ’I see no reason why we can’t stand our ground to people threatening the lives of our society. Give me one good reason why--’

’Ask the people!’ argued, Lunara. ’I’m sure they would rather allow beings with power beyond their comprehension to enter peacefully instead of giving up countless lives in futile attempts to halt such deities. Are the lives of your common hydras so cheap and replaceable that you can make such an argument?’


’If you believe that a deity is capable of being stopped, then allow me to prove you wrong, consul.’ Lunara used her many heads to scour over through the elders that had voted against her motion. ’I challenge all willing elders to a test of strength.’

Unhappy with Lunara trying to sway the people’s opinion, Wingreig stated, ’We have no reason to accept such a challenge.’

’I understand that you’re afraid of me. That’s why I challenge all willing elders. It will be all of you against only me.’

Lunara’s challenge silenced the entire chamber. No one dread respond immediately out of fear of her overwhelming energy. Instead, they took a moment to ponder.

’What’s wrong?’ Lunara questioned. ’If you’re willing to sacrifice the lives of your people, consul, then you should be willing to step forward as well. Or have the elders grown corrupt beyond the point of no return?’

The audience was in awe. Not only had Lunara mentioned them and was supposedly trying to keep them from losing lives, but they also weren’t happy when the elders hesitated to challenge her. After openly admitting that the hydra population was the solution to overcoming powerful invaders, it became clear to the spectators that the elders hadn’t included themselves when speaking about the general population.

’I accept!’ Hindrad was the first to speak out.

Wingreig followed up with a rallying cry, ’I’ll also stand against you! To speak so arrogantly, how could us elders not stand against such treason!’

Plenty of other elders began to lift their heads in response as well, joining the consuls’ cause. Twenty-one of the thirty elders managed to stand against Lunara. But that momentum came to a grinding halt with one more announcement.

’I will be taking no part.’


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