The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 660 Deciding on the Policy

Chapter 660 Deciding on the Policy

’Mom... do suspect him of anything?’

’No, Son, why?’

Glancing at Lunara, Jack sighed, ’Well... I don’t know. I feel that’s he’s too genuine to be deceitful but I get the feeling that something’s off with him.’

’You just met him and you think you’ll understand him so easily?’ Lunara joked. ’He’s older than most gods, Jack. It makes sense if he’s hard to read during our first meeting.’

’I guess... At least he’s smart enough to handle this place properly,’ mentioned Jack. ’He sees right through Artrat’s political persona and tries to understand how his citizens truly feel. That’s a rare trait for a ruler as old as him...’

’Sorry for showing myself...’ Lina blinked and looked away from her mother’s eyes.

’Lina... I’m glad you came with us. Thank you!’

As Lunara’s many heads kissed Lina’s foreheads and cheeks, Jack looked around the room in search of information.

A few grand sofas lined the walls, offering each party member a place to lie down and relax till the upcoming meeting. Though they wouldn’t directly participate in it, they would make sure to watch as audience members.

Jack was the first to sit down, getting a pleasant surprise the moment he landed on the soft sofa. It was then that Jack discovered the thousands or millions of the tiniest tentacles swaying back and forth. The hero closed his eyes and let out a satisfied sigh, letting the tentacles gradually massage his skin and lull him to a soft sleep.

Seeing Jack’s immediate lay to rest, both Lina and Lunara made their way to separate couches. They immediately understood the luxurious tranquility that Jack was experiencing. It quelled their many emotions and relaxed their bodies, bringing them to rest as well...

’Jack, Lunara, Linala, it’s time.’

Yawns crept out of all three of their mouths. Each party member took a moment to stretch their bodies, grateful for the short rest after their fast yet stressful journey. Then, they got up and neared the three-headed hydra from earlier.

’Please, call me Jakeek and forgive me for the improper greeting earlier.’ The aide bowed his three heads in respect. ’I recommend that Linala resume her human form unless she wishes for all the hydras to welcome her as they did Lunara.’

That being said, Lina immediately reverted to her human form and joined Jack on Lunara’s back. Together, they all swam behind Jakeek with eagerness to know what would become of the new policy and how Raztol would handle the situation.

Like before, Jakeek remained silent for the most part, guiding them out of the hydra head’s manor and back into the city. Based on their surroundings, Jack realized that there was no morning or night, only constant light outside of the buildings. It wasn’t much to talk about but it was interesting to note as they reentered the most grand of all the frozen manors yet again.

Jakeek immediately found them seats at the front of the audience area, getting some patient hydras to step aside with only a glance. Then, he joined the three and watched the elders and councilmen trickle into their seats below.

After a few minutes, nearly all seats were filled and those that weren’t were about to be claimed. Three figures emerged from the tunnel behind the raised platform, revealing the two consuls and the hydra head.

But Raztol’s gaze was different. Earlier, it was soft, tender, and genuine. Now, it was harsh, demeaning, and determined. Not only could the party recognize this, but also the elders. It was a rare occurrence for them to see Head Raztol in such a state. It was such a rare sight that not even the consuls dared greet him or meet his gaze, for fear of getting chewed out before the policy meeting had even begun.

’Now, let us draft our policy on foreign visitors!’ Raztol’s toned shocked the audience, which was even more unaware about this stern side of their ruler. ’Any opinions on the draft, speak now!’

Coughing to garner his own morsel of attention, Artrat lifted his head to speak. ’Head Raztol, may I.’

’You may!’

’Thank you...’ Artrat took a deep breath suddenly, feeling a little uneasy with Raztol’s unexplained shift in attitude. ’I believe that invited and approved guests should be allowed entry within Glacier Reef for a minimum of three days. Such would allow us the opportunity to grow through sharing knowledge, experience, or possibly technology.’

’Any more opinions?!’ shouted Raztol.

Wingreig raised his head, taking a moment before speaking to quell the tension of Raztol’s shout. ’I agree that a foreign visitor should be permitted upon being cleared by a hearing with a hydra elder and that they should stay no longer than three days, no more!’

’Any other thoughts?!’ Raztol roared, seeing no other wanting attention under his berating shouts. ’Then I agree that permitted guests cleared by the elders may have an entry for up to three days. Should they want an extension, then they’ll make such an appeal to at least three representatives of the Body Council. All in favor?!’

A sea of heads lifted into the air.

’THEN IT’S UNANIMOUS!’ roared Raztol, getting his voice to echo out of the building. ’Now, onto the next piece of the policy! What opinions do we have on visitors gaining access to Glacier Keep? Speak now!’

Again, Wingreig raised his head to immediately respond. ’I believe that entry to Glacier Keep should not be granted! Given the rich heritage and ancestry of our people, how could we dare allow complete strangers to tarnish the legacy of our people?!’

’Any more opinions?!’

Again, it was Artrat that responded, ’As for entry into Glacier Keep, I believe that entry may be permitted under certain conditions. First, I believe that all foreign visitors who wish to enter Glacier Keep must receive approval from the Body Council as a whole. Second, any foreign visitor that is permitted entry must later surrender all findings within Glacier Keep to us, the Glacial Hydras, the keepers of Glacier Keep. Third--’

Jack chuckled wryly and shook his head at the developing discussion. Based on the back and forth, Jack was under the assumption that the elders had already rehearsed the debate during the recess, proving again that Artrat and the elders were more conniving than they let on.

But then, a familiar yet strange voice casually popped into his head. ’Jack... May I ask for your assistance?’


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