The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 656 End of the Meeting

Chapter 656 End of the Meeting

’Unless there’s anything else you would like to add, Jack.’

’Only a question meant for Elder Wingreig.’ Jack smiled to the consul, using cold eyes and a friendly smile to ask, ’Why are you so adamant to have Lunara on the labor force, specifically? Would you care to explain your desire?’

Nodding slowly and not backing down, Wingreig stated, ’It’s where the few six-head hydras work, as well as the majority of three-headed hydras. They’re the backbone of our development.’

’And why not one-headed hydras, like yourself?’

Scoffing at the thought, Wingreig mentioned, ’Over the years we’ve discovered the incredible healing factor that multi-headed hydras have, as well as their superior physical strength. For that reason, they make up the hunters, gathers, and any other task necessary for physical labor. It’s something that we one-headed hydras are unable to offer so easily.’

’Then why do you lord over everyone as a one-headed hydra? Surely, there must be a reason for the clear bias within the council, right?’

Wingreig shook his head without hesitation. ’No! We’ve merely taken up the role that best fits us. While multi-headed hydras are physically larger and stronger, we one-headed hydras having proven superiority in capabilities of mana and intellect.’

’So multi-headed hydras are dumb? I’m not sure I would suggest such a thing in front of Lunara...’

Some laughter trickled out of the crowd from those unable to contain themselves. However, one man let his lighter go unabated and fill the entire council chamber.

’He has a point!’ laughed Raztol, admiring Jack’s tenacity and bluntness.

’How is it that you test your theory, Wingreig?’ Jack asked, turning everyone back to the true topic at hand.

Shaking off the mocking, Wingreig replied confidently, ’It has always been so. Since the emergence of our race, that has always been fact!’

Tilting up a corner of his mouth, Jack questioned, ’So you’ve never tested it? Would you like to?’

Finally, the consul’s immediate responses came to an end. It took Wingreig a moment to ask, ’And how would you suggest that?’

’We could have you go up against Lunara in a comparison of your ability to manipulate mana. Wouldn’t that suffice?’

’Hmm... I refuse.’

’What’s wrong? Afraid you’ll lose?’ taunted Jack. ’Or are you thinking beyond the scope of the average person? You believe that if you lose I’ll use that to prove your inferiority and you’ll only be able to use her divinity as an excuse, right?’

’Divinity... What’s that?’ Raztol asked.

’When someone surpasses lv. 89 in Kartonia, they ascend to godhood. The level of power wielded by a god is incomparable to mortals, even if there was only a one-level difference,’ explained Jack. ’And that would be the perfect excuse for Elder Wingreig to prove that he wasn’t incapable despite losing.’

’Thus forcing the elders to either admit that multi-headed hydras aren’t at a disadvantage in terms of mana or that she has, in fact, achieved a level beyond anything we thought possible...’ concluded Raztol, letting the spectators understand the deeper thoughts of those debating on the council floor. ’I’m not against such a test, though I doubt Wingreig will accept as both of those conclusions would go against his best wishes.’

’There’s no need to belittle me,’ stated Wingreig, defending himself. ’I see no reason for such a farce.’

’Then how about we test you both with items?’ Jack suggested, getting Raztol to smile deeper and both consuls to do the same with their frowns.

’I see no need to waste my time.’

’Elder Wingreig, how about I pick a lv. 89 three-headed hydra from the audience and we’ll compare their mana supply to yours with the aid of items. You’ll both use the same item, in fact, how about you choose a three-headed hydra from the audience?’

Shaking his head, Elder Wingreig refused, ’There’s no need.’

’Than it seems to me that you’re afraid of reality.’


’You’re afraid that your long-outdated beliefs and traditions are utter nonsense, destroying the life you currently live,’ stated Jack, refusing to let the consul interrupt his thought. ’Deep down, you know that they’re not intellectually inferior, nor are they inferior by capabilities of mana. You just don’t want to rescind the power that you and your countless ancestors have built for yourselves. Am I--’

’That’s enough!’ Jack and Wingreig were both startled as Raztol stopped the debacle. ’That’s not the matter at hand. With nothing else to say, we’ll begin the recess now. Thank you for your time and attendance, and I look forward to seeing you within two hours for the vote and discussion of a foreign visitor policy!’

Immediately, Raztol turned and left through the corridor behind the raised platforms. Both Wingreig and Hindrad did the same, stealing heated glances at Jack and his party.

’Spectacular! Simply spectacular!’ Artrat was the first to rush to the party’s side. ’Thank you, Jack, for speaking on such things so openly! And you, Lunara, we’re so excited to--’

’I’m merely a guest, so don’t uphold me as some public figure,’ stated Lunara, not wanting to be rude to her people nor acquiesce to their immediate desires.


’Lunara! Jack!’ A voice suddenly spoke out from the room’s vast entrance, gathering everyone’s attention along with the party’s. ’I’ve come to escort you to the head’s manor for the private feast in your honor.’

’Thank you!’ Lunara scooped up Lina and Jack, swimming directly for the three-headed hydra calling out to them. ’I’ll follow you, so please lead the way.’

The servant hydra led the party out of the room with great haste, leaving many elders and council members with sour tastes in their mouths. Those that were unable to rally under Lunara were disappointed and sought a moment to sway her to their cause. Those that supported the supposed inequality schemed otherwise, now unable to meet with Lunara personally and offer gifts or banquets to possibly sway her to their cause. Either way, those on both sides of the inequality debate were left without a chance to change a thing and only their imagination as to how they could tweak the newest hydra to favor their side.


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