The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 637 Halmuts Change of Plans

Chapter 637 Halmut“s Change of Plans

"But it would work?"

Gasnon nodded and sighed, "Yeah... but the moment the rapier blocks or parries an attack, it will have a better chance of breaking."

"That’s fine..." Jack also sighed, relieved to hear that. "Mind if I try?"

"Try what?"

Stepping forward, Jack held out his hand and eyed the heated metal plate. "I just want to take one swing. That’s it."

"Just one? What do you--"

"Please, just one swing?"

"I... guess... but lightly..." Not fully understanding what Jack was intending, he flipped the hammer around and let Jack take hold of it. The smith pointed carefully at one end of the plate. "Right there, nice and light. But if you ruin this, I’ll kill you."

"If I ruin it, then I’ll pay for it a hundred times over."

"Then go ahead, with all the force you’ve got!"

Jack rolled his eyes and smiled. Timidly, Jack lightly tapped the piece of metal sighed, "There... perfect!"

"What do you mean perfect? You didn’t do nothing!" complained Gasnon, feeling let down. "At least break something so I can charge you..."

"I’ll pay for your watchful eye, how about that?" Jack asked, surprising the smith. "I’ll come here tomorrow to upgrade the rapier. Then, I’ll start working on some new gear. I’d like your help in making sure I don’t miss any steps of the process."

"If you’re good enough to upgrade that thing, then what do you need me for?!"

"I thought you wanted to get paid? All I need is you reminding me of the steps before I do them. I’ll handle everything and make sure it’s given enough energy to reach lv. 90. The roxite should help with that."

"... And how much is the pay?"

"I’ll give you this in advance and another one after three days of work. I’ll need to finish all this in three days anyway..."

A heavy-duty leather bag dropped onto the table, making Gasnon’s eyes twinkle with greed. "Platinum?"

"What else would it be?"

"I’m in!" Gasnon shouted heartily. "We’ll work here if that’s okay."

"Then I’ll see you then." Jack lifted his hand and started for the door.

"Thanks for your patronage!"

Exiting the plot, Jack could still hear Gasnon’s laughter beyond the gate. Once outside, Jack let loose a sigh of relief and teleported away.


"That blasted Perchet!"

"Your excellency, please calm down," Alcahain stated. "We need to reevaluate our plan and begin preparations for entering Glacier Keep. With Perchet out, we’ll need to rethink our teams."

"Silence!" roared Halmut, getting Alcahain and the others to stop trying to sway his temper.

Halmut briefly turned his gaze to the unconscious Kylon lying on a futon. Then, he focused on the enchantment key sitting on the side table. Seeing it safe had a calming effect on the Sun Dragon, making it easier to think clearly.

"Given the new circumstances, we’ll need to change some things... We’ll only have six new gods with the Flood Dragons, so order the immediate recruitment of the candidates."


"Tralbok, you do it. Get Sillo to help you bring them here if necessary!" Halmut ordered, finding the most compliant person in the room.

"Of course, your excellency!" Tralbok bowed and left with a smile on his still-swollen face.

Torian sighed and asked, "Your excellency, what will we do about Kylon?"

"I’ve already healed her but healing damage from sound magic is tricky. All she needs now is a bit of rest. In a day or two, she’ll wake up, claim some demigods, and leave for Glacier Keep," explained Halmut. "We’ll send five teams, with one containing three people. You’ll lead that team, Torian, guiding Tyres and Alcahain as the fast striking team. You’ll decide to either attack or run, both being viable options with such a team. As for dividing the demigods, Kylon will take two, Tralbok one, Alcahain two, and Tyres one. Understood?"

"And the key?"

"I’ll hold onto it. Given the situation, I think it’s best with me and not inside Glacier Keep."

"Understood..." Torian nodded in agreement, thinking the same thing. But noticing the Halmut was still pondering something, Torian asked, "What else?"

"Oh... Nothing. You’re all dismissed. I’ll watch after her till she awakes."

Torian bowed and led Grixor and Alcahain out of the room. The moment it shut closed, an echoing roar spread through Halmut’s soundproof room.

"I should skin you all as my trophies! You’re lucky I’m leaving you all alive!"

Halmut took out more stimulants and immediately began to absorb their sweet energy. The rush of power entering his body was ecstasy and the sight of the pristine enchantment key could put Halmut over the edge.

With his anger momentarily quelled, Halmut sighed, "Too bad he never agreed... We could’ve done so much had he not been so foolish..."

Thinking aloud, the dragon began to feel more and more confident with himself and his plans. Eventually, Halmut looked back to Kylon and licked his lips.

"Soon... Not tonight, but soon... You’re definitely coming with me. One may not be enough, after all," Halmut chuckled, reaching out and running his finger along Kylon’s slim belly. "It’s still early... Soon..."

Changing his focus, Halmut sauntered to a table and took a seat with the enchantment key. The great Sun God had replaced his furniture a few times already, just taking out more from his vast collection in storage. Such was the wealth of the god that had always received the most donations until modern history.

"You chose not to join me... Instead, you chose to destroy me��� Now, I’ve taken your people... I’ve taken your subordinates... And I’ve proudly taken your women... You brought this on yourself!"

Halmut carefully ran his fingers along the enchantment key, taunting and mocking the item. The passionate hatred in his eyes was proof of Halmut’s repressed hatred for Skaryn, or better put, his envy for Skaryn. Whether he would admit it or not, Halmut was extremely envious of the Dark God, far more than anyone would ever think possible.


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