The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter

Chapter 227: Change (1)

Chapter 227: Change (1)

There was a saying that reality was stranger than fiction.

Since returning to Märchen Academy, Eve Ropenheim had encountered an unbelievable reality.

A female student with silver-blue hair tied in a side ponytail, Eve was peeking around the second-year floor of Orphin Hall.

In Class B for the second-years.

Eve poked her head around the corner and peeked inside, her head barely visible from the entrance. Students passing by in the hallway glanced at her curiously.

Eve was secretly watching her younger brother, Isaac. Except for one blond male student, all the students of Class B were gathered around Isaac, chatting excitedly.

Isaac is so popular…

She could catch glimpses of Isaac’s profile as he turned his head, talking with his classmates. He had an amiable smile on his face.

Eve felt an overwhelming urge to run up and hug Isaac right then and there.

Suddenly, she made eye contact with a female student near Isaac and she quickly pulled her head back, leaning against the wall.

The hallway window came into her view. Outside, she saw green trees, a clear sky, and several birds flying.


Eve rounded the corner of the hallway and leaned against the wall.

She let out a hollow sigh, squatted down, and hugged her knees. Now her view was of the pristine hallway.


He was her beloved family she thought she needed to protect because he was weak and talentless.

But love didn’t put food on the table. What was needed was money to escape their relentless poverty.

It was then that Baron Adrian Ropenheim, who had recognized Eve’s magical talent, decided to adopt her. Even though he had abandoned her once, she was his biological daughter, and he had kept an eye on her.

Eve believed that if she succeeded, she could provide for her family. So, she accepted the Baron’s proposition for adoption in exchange for financial support.

Baron Ropenheim ordered her to sever ties with her family, deeming them useless.

Her mother understood the situation and let her go.

Eve had to leave home after saying harsh words to Isaac, who cried and begged her not to go.

At the time, the Baron had servants secretly watching to ensure that Eve clearly severed ties as he had instructed.

Now, a small spider was hidden in Eve’s clothes. Though small and unable to communicate properly, it was a magic beast that would fulfill its contract with Baron Ropenheim.

The spider’s role was to observe Eve’s every move and report any breach of agreement when she returned to the mansion during holidays.

He must resent me a lot…

Naturally, Isaac resented Eve. This made her feel depressed, but she endured by imagining a happy future.

Once she graduated from Märchen Academy, which would pave the way for a successful life, she planned to sever ties with the Baron and return to Isaac.

It was to take responsibility for him and care for him. When that time came, she would beg for his forgiveness and shower him with love.

However, during the time she hadn’t seen him, Isaac had enrolled in Märchen Academy and displayed impressive magical skills she could never have imagined before.

And then.

He was so cold back then.

During last year’s joint practical evaluation.

Eve had gained a few hours of freedom from the spider. The exam rules prohibiting familiars had worked in her favor.

She had tried to protect Isaac, albeit awkwardly.

– Isaac! Since mom passed away… what happened over the past two years?

– Nothing.

Since then, all Eve could do was watch Isaac from a distance.

She gave that up too after a while. She was sure Isaac would hate her. She thought it was shameless of her.


Why is my brother an Elemental King?

As it turned out, the talentless and powerless Isaac she had known as a child…

Was actually the Nameless Hero who single-handedly defeated the powerful Floating Island demon that had plagued humanity for a thousand years.

He was the youngest archwizard in human history.

Now, he stood shoulder to shoulder with the strongest beings in the world as the Elemental King of Ice…

The difference in their worlds was so vast it gave her chills.

Is that person really Isaac?

_She had wondered if he was someone else, but she couldn’t deny it was her brother. The handsome underclassman with silver-blue hair was undeniably her younger brother, Isaac.

The most reasonable explanation was that Isaac had been hiding his true identity from his family all this time.

Isaac was now someone who didn’t need any protection from her.

Besides, Isaac was surrounded by successful women, making any worries about his marriage prospects pointless.

Eve had become someone whom Isaac only resented and hated.

If she tried to explain now, saying, “I joined the Ropenheim family to take care of you,” and begged for forgiveness, it would only come off as insincere.

It was undeniably her fault for choosing the Ropenheim family and failing to take care of her brother. She would just appear as a pathetic woman.

Just like during the joint practical evaluation, she didn’t have the courage to face Isaac’s cold gaze. It would be unbearably painful.

Maybe it’s best if I just disappear…

She couldn’t understand why Isaac had never revealed his true identity.

But given that he possessed such terrifying magical talent to be called an archwizard, he must have had his reasons.

Eve felt cursed. Her disappearance now seemed like the best thing she could do for Isaac.

Two students passing by the hallway were surprised when they saw Eve. At the sound, Eve quickly stood up and casually moved towards the third-year floor.

What should I do…

She was at a loss.

As she walked, her eyes began to fill with tears.

What should I dooo…

The more she loved Isaac and envisioned a happy future with him, the more hopeless she felt.


I had planned to meet with Saintess Bianca Anturaze the next day after class. Bianca had mentioned that there was an all-night vigil tonight.

Bianca had insisted that it didn’t matter and that she wanted to spend time with me even at dawn. But since it was a matter requiring a long conversation, I suggested meeting leisurely after class the next day.

I didn’t want it to affect my condition.

Considering my lifestyle, I didn’t want anything to negatively impact my sleep.

Bianca agreed to my suggestion albeit reluctantly.

Now, there was something else I needed to do.

In the outdoor dueling ground. I arrived at a spot closer to the academy ground than where I had previously fought with the Priestess of the Red Lotus, Mei.

I placed a folding chair on the dueling ground and sat down, watching the sunset. Normally, I would create a chair with elemental magic, but since I was out of mana, I had just brought a regular chair.

Next to me stood the Ice Knight, Morcan, the only minion I had intentionally left at the academy.


“Oh, you’re here.”

A male-female couple approached the dueling ground.

The girl waving her hand energetically was Amy Holloway.

Her companion was our main character, Ian Fairytale.

Unlike Amy, who was chatting lively earlier in the classroom, Ian looked nervous.

As soon as Ian stood in front of me, he bowed at a precise 90-degree angle.

“It’s an honor to meet the esteemed Ice Sovereign…!”

“Isaac doesn’t like that!”


Amy tapped Ian’s back.

Ian straightened up, looking confused.

“So, Isaac, why did you call Ian here?”

“I have some business with him. I need to borrow your boyfriend for a bit.”

“Uh…? Huh…?”

Amy’s smiling face gradually stiffened. Her eyes trembled uncontrollably.

What strange thoughts is she having…?

I stood up from my chair. Ian looked around and seemed to grasp my intentions right away.

I adjusted my glasses and smiled as I asked.

“Ian, don’t you want to improve your fighting skills quickly?”

Ian looked at me seriously. Finally, Amy’s expression softened.

I had already revealed my identity as the Nameless Hero, and the storyline was long since messed up.

In other words, it was better for me to personally train Ian from now on.

Ian’s biggest problem was his reflexes. Let’s focus on fixing that.

“Are you really willing to help me?”

“Yeah, but we’re classmates, so drop the formalities.”

“Got it… But why do you want to help me?”

Well, the stronger you become, the easier it will be to achieve my goal.

“Ian, why do you think only you can grow the power of light, unlike the Saintess?”

“Well… I don’t really know. Why am I the only one who can do it?”

“Because you’re special.”


“There will surely be many things that only you can do. I believe your power will be crucial in protecting people in the future. That’s why.”

Ian didn’t fully understand what I meant, but he put on a determined face nonetheless.

“Something only I can do…”

He looked down at his palm. He looked like he was deep in thought, fitting for the main character.

Being the Ice Sovereign was incredibly convenient. People tended to assume my words had profound meaning.

Even vague reasons like, ”It will be crucial in protecting people,” could sound noble and weighty. That was how Ian and Amy were feeling now.

…Is that right?

Since the main goal is to defeat the Evil God, it does have a somewhat noble purpose.


When I pointed to the Ice Knight, Morcan, Ian and Amy turned to look at him.

“Try sparring with my minion. Every day.”


Ian’s eyes widened.

“In time, I’ll let you spar with my other minions too.”

This would ensure his reflexes would improve, whether he wanted them to or not.

I just needed to let my minions train him and then go focus on my physical training.

I needed to get on with my physical training.

The Heavenly Beings had an absurd level of elemental resistance due to certain gimmicks. To counter them, having strong physical abilities was essential.

This was one of the reasons I had been working hard on my physical training.

Now, with my mana depleted, it was even more efficient to focus on my physical training.

But since today is the first day, I’ll observe for a bit.

“Are you really… okay with this?”

Ian shuddered, his blood was boiling.

He looked excited at the thought of training against the Ice Sovereign’s minion.

When I nodded leisurely, Ian smiled brightly and exchanged glances with Amy.

He turned back to me and shouted enthusiastically.

“I’m grateful! Come at me!”

Like a true main character, Ian clenched his fists with determination.

Seeing his expression, I felt reassured.

“Morcan, go easy on him.”

[Understood, Master.]

And five minutes later, Ian had passed out.

I rested my forehead on my /genesisforsaken


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