The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 98: I'm Here To Tell You Something Good (2)

Chapter 98: I'm Here To Tell You Something Good (2)

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Immediately after hearing the news that the delegation from Eloden had arrived, Ulan and Noah arrived at the place where they were currently known to be staying.

Shortly thereafter, Noah's eyes widened at the unfolded scene.

"Wow, there are more people here than I thought."

She had thought that at most a few dozen people would gather, but even just the students in her immediate field of vision numbered over a hundred.

It seemed that not only the freshmen, but also the sophomores and third-years had heard the rumor and came to take a look.

Meanwhile, Ulan shook his head.

"I don't understand."


"Even if the academy is different, aren't they all just students? Why would they come to see this so enthusiastically?"

Ulan had a reason and an excuse to come see his old comrades from his past life. On the other hand, the students gathered here didn't have anything like that.

If that was the case, it meant there was some special reason for them to gather, and Ulan couldn't fathom it based on his common sense.

"As I said before, Eloden Academy is very closed-off. So I guess they're here to take a look at this opportunity."

That's when Noah answered his question.

Though this was just a superficial reason, considering the specifics, there was another reason students would gather.

“Probably, half of the male and female students gathered here have different purposes."

"Another purpose?"

"Yes, didn't you hear on the way here? There is an incredibly beautiful female student and a handsome guy."

Come to think of it, he heard similar words; however, he still didn't understand. Ulan furrowed his brow and asked, "And that's all they're gathering for?"

"For such a reason? To high school students full of raging hormones, there is no bigger topic of conversation than this," Noah answered as if she was stating an absolute truth.

Ulan still couldn't understand, but he didn't ask any further. Because he heard a familiar voice in the crowd.

"Ah, Ulan!"

A girl with her turquoise eyes wide open.

It was Ibella, who had just come out of a lecture and was clutching a thick swordsmanship textbook.

"Noah is here too? What are you both doing here?"

"We just wanted to check on something."

"What? Checking?"

"It's nothing much, I just heard that the delegation from Eloden Academy had arrived, so I came to take a look."

"Oh, I see. There's quite a crowd."

Ibella nodded.

As if she finally understood the situation. Then she quickly changed the subject, "But more importantly, Ulan."


"Are you still going to train this evening?"

"Yes, I think so."

Ever since he enrolled into Arsene Academy, Ulan had been training every morning and evening, unless there was something special going on.

Just as an axe needed to be swung frequently to avoid rusting, he believed that his body needed to keep moving to prevent sluggishness.

"Really? Then, can I join you?"

"For training?"

"Hmm, to be exact, I'd like to ask you for a sparring session. I need to review the swordsmanship I learned today, and it would be much easier if I had a sparring partner."

"Understood. Let's do it together," Ulan nodded readily.

Ibella didn't hide her delighted smile.

Meanwhile, Noah, who had silently observed the conversation, grabbed Ibella's sleeve and pulled her aside.

"Hey, is this okay?"

"Huh? What is?"

"As far as I know, Dilia is also supposed to be coming to Ulan's evening training today..."

Dilia Arpen.

At the mention of the name, Ibella's face hardened slightly. But only for a moment, and then she shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.

"It's okay, she's a mage."

"What does that have to do with anything...?"

"Of course it does," Ibella smiled brightly. "Because I have a good excuse for sparring. So if I monopolize Ulan first, it will be easy, right?"


Flames blazed in her turquoise eyes. The eyes of a strong determination that she would never let Ulan be taken away from her. Noah saw this and closed her mouth.

'Was it about two weeks ago?'

Ever since she'd gone out with Ulan.

Ibella's demeanor towards him had changed, and she was much more aggressive than before.

She was not hiding her crush on him, and she was determined to spend more time with him every chance she got.


As a result, the relationship between Ibella and Dilia naturally became strained. It was only natural, since they both had feelings for Ulan.

‘A change that never happened in the original.’

What this change in relationship would mean for the future, Noah couldn't predict. She could only hope that it wouldn't interfere with the warrior party.

As she prayed inwardly.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the front of the crowd.

"Oh, look over there!"

"They're coming out now!"

There was no need to ask who was coming out. The only reason the students were gathered here was for one thing.


The sound of disciplined footsteps came from the direction of the building and a moment later, a group of thirty male and female students appeared; wearing white cloaks — they were the students from Eloden Academy.

However, there was one strange thing.

"Hmm? But why are they so expressionless?"

The thirty students had something in common.

They were all expressionless; there was not a hint of a smile on their faces, and they did not look at the students gathered in front of them.

Their reactions were as dry as wood.

Then a few students pretended to know–

"Isn't it because of Eloden's rules?"

"Huh? What do you mean by school rules?"

"Well, I heard somewhere that humility and moderation are virtues. Maybe that's why they’re like that?"

"Eh, even so, that's a bit......."

As they continued to speculate.

Suddenly, everyone stopped talking.


No one spoke up.

They just stood there with their mouths slightly open, all staring at the same place.

The students' gazes were directed at a girl wearing a snow-white veil.

Her turquoise hair glistened.

A curvaceous, voluptuous body that couldn't be hidden even by her immaculate uniform. A girl who exuded an air of maturity, yet neatness and mystery.

'Saintess Laurea.'

The moment he realized her identity, Ulan's eyes filled with longing.

To be honest, Ulan had never gotten along with Laurea; she had looked at him with disgust from the first time they met.

So Ulan didn't like her either.

It was only natural. There was no way he would have liked someone who was hostile to him from the moment they met.


As he spent more time with Laurea, he came to know the reason and truth behind her hatred for him.

In turn, she also acknowledged that she also had misunderstandings and prejudices against Ulan.

As a result, they put aside their resentment and grew closer. Understanding each other's circumstances and situations, they began to respect each other.

‘Of course, we didn't become best friends.’

During the time they were just starting to become friends, the warrior party fell into the trap set by the Largtan, the Giant King. Ulan stayed behind alone to save his comrades and faced his final moments from his past life.

‘I remember those days.’

Perhaps because they parted ways just when they were starting to become close, Ulan's eyes were filled with a nostalgic emotion as he gazed at Laurea.

Noah, on the other hand, was different; the moment she spotted Laurea, her eyes blinked faster than anyone else's — to check the status window.

[Name]: Laurea Lo Charpel

[Age]: 19

[Rank]: SSS

[Talent]: God's Emissary

Saintess Laurea.

She was the highest-ranking warrior among the Seven warriors; a rank one step higher than Ulan, the pinnacle of the warrior class.

There was a reason for this.

‘Because she was indispensable.’

Of course, the other warriors were also indispensable named characters. But the saintess was special among them.

This is because only Laurea could help the warriors recover and purify their poison.

‘While a bard like Perticia could perform healing to some extent.’

The bard of the warrior party, Perticia.

A half-human, half-spirit, she could use the power of spirits to help heal.

However, this was only to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds. She did not have the power to reattach severed body parts.

‘Laurea, on the other hand, was different.’

She is a possessor of boundless holy power. She is a saint so powerful that there is no precedent in the history of the Holy Kingdom.

That's why she possesses an insane healing power that can even reattach severed arms or legs, let alone fingers.

'In other words, she is the only healer in the party.'

Even among all the named characters in the original work, there was no one who could match Laurea in terms of healing and purification power; and there were a few other special abilities that Laurea possessed.

Just as she was silently recalling them—


—Noah's eyes suddenly widened.

Because she made eye contact with Laurea for a moment, through the gap in the crowd. What followed was a chill down her spine.

This is because the moment she saw Laurea’s eyes,

She had the illusion that all her secrets, hidden deep in her heart, had been exposed.

'……No, it's not an illusion.'

Noah shook her head vigorously.

It was one of Laurea's special abilities.

'The Eyes of Penetration.'

The eyes that see through the essence.

In terms of its effect, it was similar to the ability of a mind reader.

Just by making eye contact with the target, it had the power to see through their good and evil, their disposition, and even their essence.

So she hurriedly turned her gaze away.

She felt that if she continued to make eye contact, not only her Noah Darshen, but even Yoo Min-ah's memories and existence would be exposed.

Meanwhile, around that time.

As Ulan was looking at Laurea and recalling memories of his past life, he suddenly felt a sharp gaze; it felt like someone was staring at him.

Ulan turned his head reflexively. And there, he saw a familiar face.

'Ian Marcus.'

The Saintess' escort and the strongest Paladin.

A trusted companion who often accompanied Ulan on his party's forays. In terms of strength, he was also a powerful man who was on par with Ulan.

'He's wary of me.'

The fact that he didn't take his hands off the hilt of his sword was proof.

Perhaps he had instinctively sensed Ulan's strength and presence, and judged him to be a dangerous element.

And so it was with Ian, when they locked eyes.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

"Hey? Wait a minute."

"That girl with the white cotton."

"Doesn't she look like she's coming this way?"

"Huh? Now that you mention it..."

The students suddenly started to stir; their guess was right.

Laurea, who had been in the center of the delegation, suddenly approached the crowded area.

Clack! Clack!

She walked slowly and gracefully.

The bustling crowd parted like an ocean splitting in two. This was because she gave off an aura that made people feel like they couldn't approach her.

A few moments later—

—her light footsteps stopped.


She came to a stop in front of Ulan and Noah.

Laurea greeted them with a bright smile, "I'm Laurea Lo Charpel, a sophomore on the delegation from Eloden Academy."

Immediately after her sudden introduction, most of the gazes turned to Ulan and Noah; gazes filled with questions about why she was suddenly talking to them, as well as curiosity, jealousy, and envy.

As they were receiving all of this, Laurea spoke again, "May I know your names?"

Noah spoke in a tight, nervous tone.

"N, Noah Darshen!"



The moment she heard Ulan's name, Laurea's eyes widened slightly. A few moments later, she smiled strangely, as if she had just remembered something she had forgotten.

"So that's who you are..."


However, she didn't finish her sentence; it was because of Ian, who had followed her.

"It's not appropriate to run off like that."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to greet the students from Arsene Academy. We'll be spending the next two weeks together."

It was a trivial reason for leaving the group.

But no one questioned it.

Most of the students were half-dazed by Laurea's clear voice.

"So, everyone." After glancing around the area, Laurea held up the hem of her skirt, "I look forward to working with you all."

She greeted them with a bright smile.

As soon as her lips closed, the students began to introduce themselves, one after another.

"Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Melion!"

"I'm Yurden, second year, 1st class! If you need guidance around the school, feel free to ask!"

"I am a member of the Lafayette Viscount family..."

Perhaps they saw this as an opportunity to become friends? The students of Arsene Academy revealed their names and affiliations one by one, hoping to catch Laurea's attention.

However, most of them couldn't meet her eyes. It was for a similar reason that Noah had looked away earlier.

Ulan, on the other hand, was different.

He had not taken his eyes off of Laurea since her introduction.

"You said you’re Ulan, right?"


"Do I have something on my face? You've been staring at me since earlier.”

His gaze had been uncomfortable the whole time. Laurea asked with an awkward smile and Ulan replied as if he had been waiting for this, "You look quite tired.”

"Aha, yes, I am a bit tired. We’ve been on a forced march since morning due to the schedule.”

She replied, scratching her cheek.

Then, a surprise question followed, "Did you drink too much last night?"


“Your eyes are bloodshot like a hangover.”

In that moment, Laurea's composure shattered; her eyes wavered like a raging torrent.

As she panicked like a child caught hiding something, a shout suddenly came from the direction of Eloden's delegation.

"What the hell are you talking about all of a sudden!”

The student council president, Teron Schlagen.

Led by him, the students of Eloden Academy frowned; then, they glared at Ulan and shouted accusingly.

"Do you know who this person is?”

"Lady Laurea drinks? That’s impossible!”

"How dare you say such an insulting thing…!”

"Even if the sky splits in two, that would never happen!”

The students did not hide their displeasure.

As strong denials were pouring in,


Suddenly, a burst of laughter rang out.

It was Ian who laughed. He shook his shoulders, trying to hold back his laughter, as if something was very funny.

However, this reaction did not last long.

This was because Laurea reached out and pinched Ian’s side hard.

Meanwhile, Ulan, who was watching this scene, was reminded of his past life once again.

‘Laurea used to love drinking.’

When she had dinner with her companions, she would hardly eat if she didn’t have alcohol.

She drank alcohol almost every day and often suffered from hangovers in the morning or afternoon.

‘Of course, she didn’t show it on the outside.’

Thanks to her meticulous self-management, Laurea rarely showed any signs of weakness.

Still, her companions, who had spent a long time with her like the Seven Warriors, could tell just by looking at her eyes.

Whether she had a moderate amount of alcohol yesterday or drank too much. And right now, her eyes had the look of someone who had overindulged the night before.

That’s why Ulan gave her some advice.

“Red fruit from the ear tree is good for hangovers.”

“Bu, red…… what?”

“Red ear tree. They're abundant in the eastern forest. If you have time, visit and try them. It might help."

Uttering advice, Ulan threw it out nonchalantly.

Just then, Teron, who had been standing far away, approached them.

“……Lady Laurea.”


"It’s good to interact with the students, but I think we should start moving soon.”

The Eloden delegation has a schedule.

Reminded of this, Laurea nodded as if she understood. Then she looked at Ulan, Noah, and the students and smiled brightly.

“I would like to talk to everyone more, but I have to leave first because of my schedule. I look forward to the day we meet again.”

With that final polite greeting, Laurea and the delegation left.

As they watched them slowly walk away, someone suddenly poked Ulan in the back.


It was Ibella.

With a puzzled expression, she pointed to Laurea, who was now completely gone.

"Do you know that girl by any chance?"

"Uh, no, of course not."

The answer came back from Noah.

"Ulan hasn't been anywhere near the Holy Kingdom, let alone the Eloden Academy. In fact, this is the first time he's ever left the grasslands."

“Is that so? I guess I was mistaken then.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

"I've been feeling a little uneasy, like I'm going to have some new competition."


“Hehehe, well, if not, that’s fine,” Ibella giggled.

On the other hand, Noah couldn’t laugh at all.

It was because of her guess.

‘What is this? Why has her intuition gotten so good?’

Looking at the original coupling, there is a possibility that Ulan and the Saintess could also end up together.

Of course, the possibility itself is very low.

However, the fact that she had sensed this instinctively was both surprising and frightening.

"Let's get back, we need to eat and train."

On the other hand, Ulan, whether he knew it or not, walked away, chatting with Ibella.

With that, the day the student delegation from Eloden Academy arrived came to an end.

End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . .

Translator's Notes:-

Just received a copyright complaint from M*npia today for this novel today. Dunno how long will I be able to TL it. I hope I don't have to take it down in future. Join the discord, just in case. Coz if it gets taken down, I will try to release it there.

Join Discord here ->>>

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