The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 58.1 - The Visit (2)

Chapter 58.1 - The Visit (2)

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After Ulan disappeared, the cafeteria regained its lively atmosphere. The students started talking again, as if they had never been quiet; the majority of the conversations were about the Special Operations Units agent who visited the cafeteria and stories related to Ulan.

But not everyone shared the same sentiment.

Ironically, the area that had lost its liveliness was the very spot Ulan had occupiedthe central part of the cafeteria.


Dilia, her face devoid of expression.

Ibella, stealing glances at her.

And Noah, caught in the middle.

The table where the three girls sat was filled with a silent atmosphere. Although it was undoubtedly the same cafeteria, it felt as if this side was isolated alone.

'Ugh, I can't breathe!'

An awkward atmosphere that was almost unbearable. Noah clenched her fists tightly; she realized how important Ulan's role was.

Amidst the heavy silence, a voice shattered the tension.

"Your orders are ready!"

Honey spider stew, basil pasta, and chicken sandwich; these were the dishes respectively ordered by Dilia, Noah, and Ibella.

And at that moment


the table vibrated slightly. The waiter had placed a massive plate on it, heaped with a mountain of meat.

"Ten portions of roast turkey!" the waiter announced.

Truly an enormous amount.

It was clear that Ulan had ordered it, but the owner of the dish was not there. What should they do with this?

Noah looked troubled, and then, breaking the silence once more, a voice spoke up.

"You can eat it."

A dry voice, belonging to Dilia. She calmly put a plump spider into her mouth and continued, "There's no one here to eat it anyway."

"Yeah, I'll enjoy it then," Ibella chimed in, returning the favor. She lowered her head slightly, picking up a piece of meat. As she ate, she smoothly started a conversation, "Ulan always enjoyed this dish so much; I've always wanted to try it."

There was no immediate response. Nevertheless, thanks to Ibella steering the conversation, the atmosphere at the table lightened somewhat.

And at that moment

Noah glanced at the two.

'Oh, they met much earlier than in the original.'

The Sword Maiden and the Star Witch.

In the original storyline, the two warriors didn't encounter each other until after the Gates of the Abyss had opened. They grew close while navigating the battleground together, eventually forming a bond akin to sisterhood.

'No wonder there were so many spin-offs.'

Novels, comics, and various creative works exploring their relationship became explosively popular within the fan fiction community of [Arsene Continental War]. Noah herself owned a few of these fan creations.

'Since, this time, they met earlier than in the original...'

perhaps they could become even closer. Maybe their relationship could evolve into something beyond what was portrayed in the original storyline.

The possibilities were vast, and Noah couldn't help but smile at the exciting prospect. Unbeknownst to her, Dilia, who happened to catch this expression, felt a wave of disgust.

At that moment,

"You are Dilia Arpen, right?"

out of the blue, Ibella spoke. She was cutting the turkey with a knife, but soon turned to Dilia and asked, "If it's not too impolite, can I ask about your relationship with Ulan?"

"Sure, it's impolite enough."

The response from Dilia was rigid, her gaze unwavering as she stared at Ibella, "I, don't, know, who, you, are."

"Oh, I see, I haven't introduced myself yet," Ibella said with a wry smile, proceeding to introduce herself. "I'm Ibella Elearde. I'm a freshman, Class-3, and I'm in the Martial Skill class with Ulan."

"I'm in the same class too! We met in the special room the other day, remember? I was eating..." Noah began, but Dilia cut her off sharply.

"I haven't, asked you," she said.

Yes. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Noah meekly closed her mouth. When the surroundings became quiet, Dilia pursed her lips again, "Freshmen. Class-2. Dilia Arpen."

After giving the necessary information, she answered Ibella's question. "I'm friends with Ulan."

"Oh, you were friends," Ibella replied, nodding as if she understood; a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Somehow, it seemed a bit relieved, a temporary expression of peace.

But it lasted only for a moment; Dilia added more explanation, "Not normal, friends, of course."

"Huh? What do you mean, not normal......."

"A special relationship, we have."

"Special? What do you mean?"

"There's something like that."

Dilia didn't elaborate further; when she closed her mouth, Dilia smiled faintly. A smile with a subtle sense of superiority.

Was she provoked by this? Ibella's brow furrowed slightly.

Then, as if she had thought of something, Ibella let out an exaggerated cough.

"Ahem! Come to think of it, I'm not ordinary either," she said, her tone suddenly taking on a boastful edge.

"Suddenly, what, talking about?"

"I had private lessons with Ulan, you know. And he also said he would always help me if anything happened," Ibella said, her emphasis heavy on the words "he will always help me." Dilia, however, latched onto a different part of her statement.

"You had private lessons alone?"

"There's something like that."

Ibella laughed. She had just returned Dilia's answer exactly the same, and now she looked a little relieved. On the other hand, Dilia's expression turned as cold as ice.

The tension in the air escalated, and Noah, feeling uneasy, chuckled softly.

'Ah, I just want to go back to my room,' Noah thought.

The mood wasn't conducive to eating together. It wasn't even an atmosphere to get close to the two of them. So she sped up her meal. To eat quickly and then leave.

As she continued the silent meal with that thought, suddenly, the conversation from the table across reached her ears.

"What? Really??!"

"Is it true that he came here?"

"That's right! I saw it for myself."

The students were talking loudly, their excitement palpable, as if they had seen a celebrity.

"Who's all the fuss about?"

"The famous Ice Golem of the Desert!"

"The Ice Golem?"

"Now, wait a minute, you don't mean the Imperial Master......!"

"That's right. Count Deorg is here!"

As soon as the short exclamations died down,


Ibella's knife halted in mid-air, as if someone had suddenly seized it. Noah was the only one who noticed.

'That's understandable,' Noah thought.

Ibella was the illegitimate daughter of Count Deorg.

She had been subjected to a lot of discrimination and persecution throughout her life. Even in the character story, her resentment toward her family was well-known.

Meanwhile, around that time

the students continued their conversation.

"Oh, then it's no wonder they're surprised."

"That's right. They say he never left the front lines unless it was of some importance."

"Then the reason he came here is...?"

"Of course, he came to see Himmel, right?"

Himmel Deorg.

The moment his name was mentioned, the conversation came to a halt. One student, wearing a grim expression, muttered, "Isn't... that barbarian going to die?"

Silence followed. The possibility hung heavy in the air. As the sole heir of the family became a mop, it wouldn't be strange for a bloodbath to occur right away.

However, the moment of silence was brief; the topic of the conversation returned to its original state.

"Ah, I'd like to meet him at least once."

"Where is he now?"

"He was last seen heading toward the Fountain of Magic."

"Huh? Why would he go there all of a sudden?"

"I don't know. He must have some business to attend to."

Count Deorog was headed towards the Fountain of Magic

And so was Ulan.

The two central figures of the discussion headed to the same place? As soon as she realized this, Noah's face immediately stiffened.

'I hope not...!'

It was because of a sudden ominous thought. And she wasn't the only one who had an unsettling idea.

"I'm sorry. I have to leave first," Ibella hurriedly rose from her seat, leaving her unfinished meal. With a swift motion, she plunged her knife into the turkey's body and turned her gaze, her eyes filled with trepidation.

"...I just remembered a place I need to be," she stammered, her turquoise eyes flicking toward the direction of the Fountain of Magic.

End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . . )

Translator's Notes:-

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