The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 51: The Eve Before The Storm (3)

Chapter 51: The Eve Before The Storm (3)

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Ulan regained consciousness after quite some time had passed. He was awakened by the Inspector who had come to bring him dinner. The Inspector looked at Ulan with a puzzled expression.

"No, why would you leave a perfectly good bed......."

and sleep on the floor?

Ulan, guessing what the inspector would say next, answered with a nonchalant tone, "I fell asleep while reading."

"On the ...... floor?"


The Inspector had a subtle expression, but he quickly understood. Given Ulan's background as a barbarian, he might indeed be more comfortable on the floor than a bed.

After clarifying the misunderstanding, the Inspector turned his attention back to Ulan, "I've properly delivered your statement to the higher-ups."

While Ulan was unconscious,

the Inspector had finished his job properly. He had handed over all the collected materials to Professor Berge, and confirmed the date of the committee meeting.

"The committee meeting will be in two days. I'll do my best to consider mitigating circumstances and reduce the punishment, so just stay calm until then. Don't cause any trouble."

"Understood," Ulan nodded obediently.

Unlike when they first met, Ulan had become more cooperative recently. That's why the inspector trusted him now and left the room after their brief exchange, "Get some rest, then. I'll see you again in the morning."

With those parting words, the Inspector left. Ulan then proceeded to devour the meal the Inspector had brought as if he hadn't eaten in days. He left no scraps behind and drank every drop of water, but he had a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

The reason was simple.

"Not enough ......."

The food was far too little.

Of course, it wasn't the Inspector's fault.

He had brought a meal that exceeded the portion of a regular person. However, the problem was that Ulan usually ate the equivalent of five servings or more.

Is that why?


His stomach was demanding more food. Ulan sighed in disappointment, I wish I had something more to eat.

Part of him wanted to go to the cafeteria and get more food, but he couldn't.

If he did that, it would be a violation of the restriction that he should not leave the vicinity of the dormitory and not meet anyone else.

"But if I stay like this..."

It was a problem. When he was hungry, it was challenging to concentrate, and falling asleep was even more challenging. As he contemplated his predicament


a sudden gust of cool wind entered through the window, along with the smell of the forest.


Ulan reflexively raised his head.

His gaze was drawn to the vast forest beyond the window, behind the dormitory. The moment he saw it, a memory suddenly flashed through his mind.

"That's right. By the way..."

A fact he learned when he went for a walk before.

In the back of the forest, there were many trees with fruit on them, including one of Ulan's favorite berries; a fruit that, when bitten into, emitted a sweet aroma and a cool gush of juice. His mouth watered at the thought of it.

"Let's go get some food."

Ulan pushed himself up.

He briefly wondered if this would be a violation of the restrictions, but it wasn't, because the forest was right next to the dormitory. In other words, it could be considered part of the vicinity of the dormitory.

And he didnt have to worry about encountering someone else there.

It was now 7:00 PM.

The professors had long since left for the day, and all the other students would be in their dorms, cafeterias, or the library. No one would be wandering around in the dark and deserted forest.

With that assurance in mind, Ulan smiled in satisfaction.

"I can go for a short walk."

Having come to this miraculous conclusion, Ulan flung open the window.

A refreshing breeze, carrying the scent of the forest, washed over him. Taking it all in, Ulan leaped out of the window.

Thud! Thwump!

However, he didn't fall all the way to the ground.

He realized that would be too loud and might attract unwanted attention. So, instead, he clung to the wall and quickly climbed down.

Eventually, once he reached the ground, Ulan quickly disappeared into the forest.

His destination was the depths of the Eastern Forest.

* * * * * * * *

At a similar time, Noah headed to the library. Her original plan was to stop by and say hello to Ulan, but it had to be postponed due to Ulan's disciplinary action.

'Then I won't be able to see him for a while.'

The disciplinary period was a total of 30 days. Was it because he wouldn't be able to see Ulan for a month? For some reason, Noah felt an emptiness inside her.

But that feeling didn't last long.

Upon reaching her destination, she soon shook off her thoughts. Noah greeted the librarian, Erwin, who was sitting on the first floor, with a nod.

"Good afternoon. Mr. Librarian."

"Oh, it's student Noah."

The librarian in-charge of the library for freshmen students, Erwin, greeted Noah with a smile.

It was only natural. Noah had been coming to the library every day for the past few days, stamping her library card regularly. She also greeted the librarians politely every time, which was a far cry from other students who mostly ignored the library staff. It made her quite likable.

"You're just in time. The materials you were looking for the other day just arrived."

"Wow, really?"

Noah's complexion brightened.

Four days ago, Noah visited the library in search of information regarding the connection between Sylphy Ludric and Kazan Ludric.

'But it wasn't here.'

So, she had requested the materials to be brought to the Central Library, the largest library in the academy, and today, it seemed like they had finally arrived.

Meanwhile, Erwin, who was rummaging through the shelves, soon took out a book and handed it to Noah; it was a somewhat old and shabby book.

Soon, the title of the book caught her eye.

The Chronicles of Kazan Ludric

Noah's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

While it might not provide a perfect match for the information she was seeking, knowledge about Kazan could lead her to some clues.

As she eagerly clutched the book, Erwin suddenly spoke up, "It's fine in the library, but if you want to borrow it, you'd better put it in your bag. The Empire has designated all books related to the Desert Kingdom as banned books."

She understood what he meant.

It could attract unfavorable attention from professors or students hailing from the Empire.

Noah nodded quickly. "Yes, thank you for your concern."

"You're welcome. Good luck with your studies, then."

With a warm wave goodbye, Noah headed for the second floor reading room. Technically, it would be more convenient to borrow the book and read it in her dormitory room, but today, she had no desire to return to her room.

Her roommate, Belkina Rudishant, who had been particularly difficult to deal with lately, had been getting on her nerves. Just thinking about Belkina made her involuntarily furrow her brow.

'Ugh, I really want to change rooms.

She'd rather share a room with Ulan.

At least Ulan didn't act difficult or interfere with others. Complaining internally, Noah finally found a suitable spot.

'Well then, now.'

Should I read the Chronicles of Kazan Ludric?

With a curious glint in her eyes

Noah immediately opened the book, ready to delve into the Chronicles of Kazan Ludric.

* * * * *

Kazan Ludric.

The hero of the ancient Desert Kingdom.

Born with a blessed body, he possessed not only combat skills but also the ability to communicate with beasts. This allowed him to form a legion composed of various beasts, earning him the title of the Beast King. Noah was somewhat surprised by this revelation.

'What, a hybrid character?

Kazan was a great hero and a warrior, so Noah naturally thought of him as a pure warrior like Ulan. She didn't expect him to be a mix of a druid and a warrior. Noah continued to read the book with an intrigued expression.

Kazan had reached the realm of a Master in combat skills and had the power to command beasts.

He created a legion of followers and traveled throughout the desert, gathering the scattered tribes into the kingdom and uniting them. As a result, the Desert Kingdom grew into its largest state in its history within just three years, comparable to the empire of the time.

However, the glorious era did not last long.

For the desert was suddenly struck by the Seven Days of Calamity. And at this point, Noah's eyes sank low.

'One of the major events that took place on the continent.'

The Seven Days of Calamity. This event is one of the biggest mysteries in the original work as well.

It was an event that occurred throughout the ancient desert, and according to the records, it lasted for seven days and the morning did not come.

'...However, that's all the records are.'

In addition to the Seven Days of Calamity, there are no records anywhere that explain the event. In other words, no one knows what happened during that period.

Noah focused her eyes, which had changed to calmness, back on the book. Perhaps there was a clue to the Seven Days of Calamity here.

But there were no details in the book, only that more than half of the Desert Kingdom was wiped out after the Seven Days of Calamity.

From then on, the Desert Kingdom was on a downward spiral.

The civilization that had thrived, rivaling the Empire, deteriorated in just a week. The population dropped by more than half, and on top of that, a terrible plague followed the catastrophe. Drought and attacks by undead beings followed.

It was a devastating blow.

The fallen kingdom scattered into tribal groups again. And during this time, Kazan began to change little by little.

Kazan, the great hero of the Desert Kingdom.

He left the lost kingdom and wandered the desert, avoiding contact with humans as much as possible and communing only with the beasts.

Many years passed.

When Kazan reappeared in the world, it wasn't his old beasts that followed him. They were grotesque creatures with mana all over their bodies.

They were demonic beasts.

What? Why are there demonic beasts all of a sudden?

Noah had a puzzled expression on her face.

It was obvious. Demonic beasts were creatures of a different species and nature than beasts; a creature with no self, with unbridled mana, and a desire to destroy everything around it.

That's what a demonic beast was. It was so different from beasts that it couldnt even be tamed. That was the conventional wisdom until now.

But Kazan had tamed them.

He had even mastered control over them. The astonishing part wasn't just that, but also the statement that followed.


Noah's eyes widened in disbelief.

He turned the beasts into demonic beasts, it read.

Of course, it was a possible method.

You could infuse massive amounts of mana into a magical beast's body and provoke it into a rampage, transforming it into a Demonic beast. However, what surprised Noah wasn't the method itself but the act itself.

Because this was.......

'It's the same thing the heretics do.'

The heretics in the south of the empire.

Descendants of the Desert Kingdoms, they are persecuted by the Empire and the Holy Land; not simply because their religion is different, but because their doctrines and goals are harmful to humans. Quickly, Noah recalled the purpose of the heretics.

To turn all beasts into demonic beasts.

She didn't know the reason for it, but the heretics lived solely for this purpose, and their ultimate goal was to turn not only the beasts living within the Empire but also those in the lands beyond into Demonic beasts.

Was it because of this? The Heretics of the southern desert were described as an evil group in the original work.

Does this mean that there is a connection between Kazan Ludric and the Heretics?

With these thoughts in mind, she continued to read the book, hoping to find more information. However, there wasn't much in it. Kazan, who wandered the desert for five long years with his legion of demonic beasts, disappeared like smoke after leaving behind the words "It is time."

That was all there was to it in the book.

Noah couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Instead of finding the link she had been searching for with Sylphy Ludric, it had raised new questions and mysteries.

Just as she was deep in thought, a voice called out to her.

"Student Noah?"

It was the librarian, Erwin, setting a thick book down on Noah's desk.

"This book was returned today, and I thought it might be relevant to your research," Erwin explained.

Noah reflexively looked at the book. In that moment, her eyes widened in surprise, as if she had unexpectedly stumbled upon a treasure.

"I brought it to see if it would be helpful."

As she listened to his next words, the corner of Noah's mouth twitched upward. After a moment, she bowed respectfully to Erwin, "Thank you."

It was a genuine gesture of gratitude.

Noah turned her gaze to the book.

On the cover of the book, which looked quite new, the title read:

The Heretics of the Desert: the Bloodline of Ludric

She felt like she'd found the answer to a mystery.

Noah smiled wryly.

"This is exactly the book I was looking for."

After thanking Erwin once again, she immediately opened the book. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and anticipation as she delved into its contents.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, at that time,

While Noah was engrossed in her reading,

Ulan was currently climbing a tree.

To be more accurate, it would be more accurate to say that he was picking fruit by going between trees using a rope made of vines.

Tuk! Toktok!

Ulan picked the fruit with skillful hands.

After a short time,

He'd secured a considerable amount of fruit; a sack woven from intertwined vines, brimming with fruits.

"This is enough."

Ulan smiled in satisfaction.

He took a seat at the top of the tree, more than a dozen meters up; though it might seem uneasy to some, his posture appeared profoundly relaxed.

And then he immediately started eating.

Splish! Splash! Chomp! Chomp!

The rich juices trickled down the sides of his mouth; the ripe flesh sweetened Ulan's mouth. It was just the right amount of flavor to fill his hungry stomach.

"Reminds me of my childhood."

Before he'd even taken the Trial of a Warrior, Ulan would climb trees, just as he did now, often picking and eating the berries.

"I thought anyone could do it back then."

Only to discover later that it wasn't so.

No one among the warriors was better at climbing trees than Ulan. As he reminisced and ate the berries, his hunger began to wane.

His stomach was slowly filling up.

This was enough. Ulan finished eating the berries he was eating and finished his meal.

"There are some berries left."

Of course, there weren't many.

Three or four at most.

Still, he decided to save them. He could eat them later if he got hungry, or give them as a gift to the Inspector who would be visiting tomorrow.

Thinking so, Ulan turned around.

He turned to go back to his dormitory, his purpose accomplished. But then he stopped. He had suddenly sensed a strange sensation in the forest.

A presence?

Is there someone out there?

With that thought, he activated his spirit. He expanded his senses as far as they would go, and soon he could hear footsteps and breathing.

A much clearer presence.

This piqued his curiosity.

In the dead of night, in the heart of a forest so remote, could it be that someone else had ventured here?


Ulan narrowed his eyes.

Somehow, a plausible conjecture came to mind. After a moment, he nodded, his face serious.

'I can't believe there was someone else who came to pick fruit besides me.'

Inside the forest, where he could feel the presence...

the area was filled with trees bearing fruit. To be in such a place must have a similar purpose to Ulan's.

'I'm not supposed to see other people, but.......

Taking a brief look from a distance should be safe.

Ulan changed his direction, driven by a sense of kinship and a touch of excitement.

As he hopped from tree to tree while moving closer, Ulan's eyes widened slightly as he finally spotted the owner of the presence.

Hmm? Isn't that

The back looked familiar.

But the shadows of the forest prevented him from seeing the face in detail. Just then, the moon broke through the clouds and lifted the shadows and a girl's face was suddenly revealed.

A slender figure and pure white skin that could collapse with a single blow. She was cute, with ash-colored hair that fluttered in the wind.

It was a face Ulan remembered.


The companion he had gone through the ordeal with last time.

The girl was none other than Sylphie Ludhina.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . . )

Translator's Notes:-

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