The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 39: I Shouldn't Have Done That (3)

Chapter 39: I Shouldn't Have Done That (3)

You know what to do, right? Coz that helps a lot.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about this."

Just after announcing the start of the class, Stella scratched her head casually, "There's actually a question I ask freshmen every year. Can we start with that?"

There was no reason to decline. Students nodded their heads in agreement.

And then Stella's questions began, "Hey there, student. What's your name?"

"Here! Vale Taylor!"

"Vale. Why do you want to be a hunter?"

"To slay monsters and demonic beasts!"

"Well, that's kind of obvious."

After bursting into laughter for a moment, Stella threw up her hands, "I guess the intention behind my question didn't come across properly. How about we ask our top student this time?"

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone's gaze turned to Ulan. Simultaneously, Stella continued with her questions, "Ulan, why do you want to become a hunter?"

"I... um..."

He hadn't actually intended to become a Hunter; he just didn't have a course to register for, and he thought of Stella, so he did.

That's the real reason he registered for this course.


Ulan hesitated. It wouldn't be nice to share his honest thoughts since that would likely hurt Stella's pride. After a brief moment of contemplation, Ulan made up his mind, "There are many monsters in the grasslands where I live."

He decided to play it safe. So he continued his answer, "If you don't hunt them regularly, their numbers keep growing. They could become a threat in the future. So, the tribe needs hunters to keep them in check."

"Mmm, good. That's an exemplary answer," Stella seemed satisfied, her smile showing her contentment.

The other students seemed to grasp the intent behind her question and nodded along.

"Now that everyone seems to understand the purpose of my question, let me ask again. Why do each of you want to become hunters?"


Starting with Vale, the first to be named, each student gave their reasons. Stella listened intently to all of them.

A little while later, she spoke up again, "Now there's only one last person left."

The person who hadn't yet given their reason; a silver-haired girl, standing alone, some distance away from Ulan. Stella gazed intently at her and asked, "In a way, she's the one whose reason I'm most curious about. I never thought the genius mage and the princess of Arpen Kingdom would take my course."

Dilia Arpen.

As soon as she mentioned Dilia, every gaze in the room was directed towards her. If it were Noah, she might have fainted at the attention she received.

Dilia, on the other hand, remained expressionless; no change in her emotions, no flinching. She answered without any hesitation, "Youre... mistaken."


"I, Hunter, don't want to."

What was she talking about? Stella furrowed her brow slightly, "What? Then why did you register for my course?"

"Because... I'm from Arpen."

The Kingdom of Arpen was a mountainous nation.

Surrounded by mountains, the land was teeming with monsters and magic beasts. Every year, countless hunters and rangers lost their lives due to them.

"So, I want to know."

About monsters and magic beasts their habitats, habits, weaknesses, and most importantly, how to minimize damage while hunting.

Dilia wanted to learn it all.

Stella squinted her eyes in response, "But you're royalty, aren't you?"

With a somewhat disapproving look, her question was repeated, "Then what good would it do for you to learn how to Hunt? You'll never have to fight on the front lines in the first place."

Stella's words made sense.

Dilia is the princess of the Arpen Kingdom. She was also a genius mage, the hope of the kingdom. She wouldn't even be allowed to go into battle, let alone fight.

"Still, I want to learn."


"Because it is my duty as a Royalty."

Not knowing about monsters just because she wouldn't be on the battlefield wasn't an option. In fact, it was precisely because she wouldn't be on the front lines that she needed to know more about monsters. This way, she could better understand the efforts of the hunters and rangers who did fight on the front lines and support them in various ways in the future.

After Dilia finished her answer, Stella scratched her cheek subtly, "Hmm, that's quite a refreshing reason."

The scowl was all but gone. In its place, a satisfied smile formed on her lips, "First and foremost, I admire your attitude. It will be easier for the hunters on the front lines if the higher-ups understand monsters."

Although Dilia had no intention of becoming a hunter, her motivation aided the hunters in the end. Stella was pleased because of this.

"I've heard everyone's reasons well. Let's move on to the next question. Has any student fought against monsters or magic beasts outside of the academy? If you have, please raise your hand."

Stella raised her hand. Ulan, on the other hand, was the only one who followed suit.

"As expected, it's just you," Stella burst into laughter, as if she had predicted it.

With that, she continued with her questions, "By any chance, do you know the difference between monsters and magic beasts?"

"Of course, I know."

"Good. Explain it to your friends."

Stella hopped off the stage.

This meant she wanted Ulan to go up and explain. But Ulan didn't think it was necessary to go that far, so he simply turned his body and tapped his left chest.

"Mana Core."

That was the entirety of his answer.

After all, the most fundamental difference between monsters and magic beasts was the presence of a Mana Core.

Perhaps due to the brevity of her answer, an awkward silence spread through the space. Stella quickly interjected to lighten the mood.

"Uh, you left a lot out, but the answer is correct. The most fundamental difference between a monster and a magic beast is the presence or absence of a mana core."

Magic beasts are beasts or monsters whose original mana had, for some reason, run amok or been eroded by an evil force. In other words, monsters were one big category of beasts or otherworldly beings that posed a threat to humans, and magic beasts were a special kind of monster that fell into this category.

"Incidentally, there is one more difference between monsters and magic beasts."

Unlike monsters, whose strength was determined by their species from the moment they are born, the strength of a magic beasts varied, depending on the period during which it existed as a magic beasts.

In other words, while most monsters stopped growing after reaching adulthood, this was not the case with magic beasts.

"If a magic beast is left alone, it absorbs a tremendous amount of mana from the atmosphere and becomes so strong that it's impossible to handle."

As a result, there had been instances where a magic beasts that was once only a 3-star threat level had risen to become a 7-star threat level. During such occasions, hundreds of soldiers had lost their lives trying to subdue it.

"Thus, the creatures that our hunters need to deal with first are not monsters, but magic beasts. These creatures can become a threat to humanity just by being left alone, so they need to be hunted down."

With Stella's explanation, the students' expressions stiffened.

They realized anew just how dangerous the monsters and magic beasts they needed to hunt were.

"Of course, it's not something you need to worry about right now. The magic beasts hunting classes will be held in the second year. So, let's first diligently learn the hunting methods for monsters that are not magic beasts."

After changing the heavy atmosphere, Stella shifted the topic to another area, "Other than that, did everyone have a good lunch?"

With an out-of-the-blue question, Stella suddenly shuffled her feet.

"A full stomach tends to make you sleepy. So why don't we go on a little mock hunt to help with digestion?"

"Huh? A mock hunt?"

"What is that?"

"It's similar to playing tag," Stella smirked.

"The rules are simple. One of us plays the monster, and the rest take on the role of hunters. The goal is to put stickers on each other's bodies."

The stage was the entire eastern forest and the time limit was 30 minutes.

"If a hunter gets a sticker on any part of their body, they are considered dead immediately. On the other hand, the monster needs to have a total of five stickers on their body to be considered hunted."

She waved around the colorful stickers sized like a fist; bright red in color, making them easily visible.

"The reason we're doing this is to test your senses as a hunter. Most of the faces are ones I've seen on the specialty test, but there are a few I've never seen before."

With a convincing reason, Stella continued when one student raised their hand, "Does this count towards my grades?"

"No, not really. This is just a mock test after all. Still, motivation is important, so if you manage to hunt the monster, I'll reward everyone with Store Points."

And vice versa.

At this, the students' expressions brightened; after all, they'll all need it at some point.

"Now, who will be the monster?"

"Originally, that would be my role," Stella tapped her chest lightly, "But I had a joyful occasion yesterday, and I ended up drinking quite a bit. I'm still feeling the effects of a hangover. So, honestly..."

She let out a pained sound.

After that, she started walking gracefully; like a cat taking a leisurely stroll.

A little while later, she stopped in her tracks. Then, she looked at the young man in front of her with a bright smile, "Can I leave the monster role to you?"

A muscular young man with crimson eyes; a man who looked more like a monster than anyone else here It was Ulan.

Ulan, on the other hand, responded with a quizzical expression.

He didn't immediately understand the implications of being assigned the role of monster. Perhaps sensing Ulan's confusion, Stella added some more explanation with a nonchalant tone, "Remember what you said earlier? That you've had experience hunting monsters outside of the academy."


"Then, you should be able to imitate the habits, characteristics, and movements of a monster to some extent, right?"

"It's possible, but..."

"Great! You've got the monster role!"

With an enthusiastic response, Stella handed Ulan a pouch full of stickers. Of course, she didn't forget to explain, "Your mission is simple: Your goal is to get these stickers on everyone except yourself."

"And that's it?"

"Yes, that's how you win."

After the detailed explanation, Ulan looked like he finally understood.

Meanwhile, when it was decided that Ulan would take on the monster role, some students voiced their concerns.

"Uh, Professor."

"We're worried about something."

The students approached Stella and spoke in hushed whispers; words like entrance, cheering, and fainting could be heard in between.

After a moment, when the murmurs subsided, Stella nodded as if she had guessed what they were worried about, "Oh, that should be fine. All forms of violence are prohibited in this mock hunt."

Using tools was also not allowed.

Throwing punches was also forbidden. The only permitted action was sticking stickers on the opponents' bodies. Any other form of violence would result in penalties.

"But that's the same as saying you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt them."

With a meaningful response, Stella looked back at Ulan, "One last thing. I'm going to give you an additional penalty."

"A penalty?"

"Yes. For some reason, I have a feeling this is going to end in a lopsided victory for you."

There was no particular reason for it; it was just the intuition of a hunter that whispered such things.

"As your penalty, let's have you guard a specific person. If we have to set a condition, let's say a monster with its offspring."

A monster with its offspring.

Upon hearing these words, Ulan immediately understood, "So, this adds another condition for losing?"

"Exactly," Stella smiled slyly.

Consequently, Ulan immersed himself in thought.

'Then, in order to win...'

He had to either avoid getting stickers on him until the time limit or attach stickers to all the students on the hunter's side.

Ulan's eyes flashed fiercely, as if he perfectly grasped the concept of the mock hunt.

"Now, who should you guard?"

It seemed that Ulan had to choose someone to protect among the students. However, all the students avoided meeting Ulan's gaze.

The reason was simple.

They judged that it would be more advantageous to belong to the hunter's side. The psychological pressure of being chased by the majority of students played a role as well.

'As long as it's not me!'

'Please, let it not be me...'

So, they hesitated to be on the same side as Ulan.

But their worries were for naught; because the moment he heard the words person to guard, someone immediately came to his mind, "Dilia."

The moment her name was called, her pupils widened; eyes widened like a startled rabbit. Facing her, Ulan reached out his hand, "Come to me."


Dilia hesitated for a moment, but then accepted; she had no reason to refuse.

Around the time when other students were starting to sigh in relief at her choice

"I didn't expect this. Out of all the students, who would have thought you'd choose the princess?"

Stella's eyes widened slightly, as if Ulan's choice seemed unexpected.

"Oh! If you were thinking of using magic to help, it's better to put that thought aside. Magic usage is prohibited in the mock hunt as well."

"It doesn't matter."

"Huh? Even though you can't use magic?"


"Really? Is there some special reason for it?" Stella's questions ended rather abruptly.

Dilia, too, looked up at Ulan. She was curious, to say the least. Since she couldn't use magic, she was just dead weight, that's all.

'But even knowing this...'

Why did he choose her specifically?Why? At the moment when her golden eyes held a touch of curiosity and a slight expectation, Ulan's answer came, "Among them, if there's anyone I must protect, it's only Dilia Arpen."


At the moment she heard those words, Dilia couldn't lift her head; her face was burning hot at Ulan's bold statement.

'Surely, not in front of so many people...'

She couldn't believe he was so bold.

Moreover, without even blinking despite saying something that made her blush. It was probably a sign that he was sincere in his words.

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, her face grew hotter. Dilia hastily covered her face with her hat.

I'm glad I brought my hat.

Ulan was a man who could read her emotions just by looking at her expression. If she hadn't worn a hat, he probably would have seen through her completely.

Dilia sighed in relief quietly.

Meanwhile, Ulan stared at her without saying a word. Suddenly, a story from his past came to mind.

'The Saintess said something like this.'

If only one of the seven warriors were to survive, it had to be the Star Witch.

The reason was simple.

Only she, who had reached the pinnacle of magic, could close the Gates to the Abyss. That's why Ulan had uttered such words.

On the other hand, students who didn't know this fact all widened their eyes. Especially the female students, each wore a different expression and whispered incessantly.

Stella, too, smiled subtly.

"What's this? Are you guys already like that?"

"Not yet," Ulan shook his head.

Like that, meaning becoming comrades who could trust each other with their backs, was something that would happen far in the future.

After the dust settled.

"Well, fine. I'll respect your choice," Stella shrugged, as if saying anything was fine.

"Anyway, since the monster role has been decided, let's start."

With a smile that somehow resembled a cat, the mock hunt began.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .)

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