The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 34: And Then, It Happened (3)

Chapter 34: And Then, It Happened (3)

Out of nowhere, three chests had appeared.

Ulan and his companions stared at them in surprise.

"What could those be?"

"Hmm, maybe a trap?"

Unlike Ibella, who showed curiosity, Sylphie regarded the chests with a cautious gaze.

This attitude wasn't unwarranted. Sometimes, when exploring ancient ruins, you could encounter monsters that took the form of chests.


Those werent monsters; there was no sense of hostility, and the distinctive smell of monsters wasn't present.

They were just ordinary chests. As Ulan was about to explain this fact,

"Huh? There's something written on the ground here."

Ibella pointed at the ground in front of the chests the language of the Desert Kingdom.

Sylphie immediately began to decipher, "The cooperation of the three heroes has shone bright, congratulations on passing the final trial. You are deserving of the reward."

The identity of the chests was the reward of the Trial.

Sylphie's complexion relaxed. Relieved that this was no trap.

"That's what it says."

"Does it mean we have to pick one each?"

There were three of them in the group, and coincidentally, there were also three chests.

Ulan's eyes sparkled.

"Oh? There's something written here too."

This time, Sylphie pointed to a part of the collapsed wall. Unlike before, it was a relatively long sentence, as if it held important information.

"Can you read it?"

"Of course. Let me decipher it!"

After nodding her head cheerfully, Sylphie continued, "To the heroes who have reached the end of the Trial, I shall reveal the method to face the Blood Golem. Huh?"

A method to face the Blood Golem?

But they had already defeated the Golem, right?

Sylphie blinked her round eyes. But after a moment, she continued with her deciphering, "First, immediately after the golem awakens, return the Undead that came with it to the earth. That will weaken the Blood Golem, and even without the Bloodstone, you can inflict damage."

"What, weaken?" Ibella asked, looking confused.

Sylphie, too, had a bewildered expression, ......Courage to face the Blood Golem, strength to oppose the army of Undead, and the observation to discover this advice. Only by possessing these can you overcome the final trial."

After swallowing a dry gulp, Sylphie read the last paragraph, "I hope you find this advice. The Blood Golem is a powerful tactical weapon equivalent to a thousand warriors. It's nearly impossible to defeat it through means other than those mentioned earlier."

And that was the end of the inscription on the wall.

After Sylphie finished her deciphering, the room fell eerily silent, like water freezing over.

This advice was a kind of strategy a hint on how to defeat the Blood Golem.

They didn't expect to find this after the battle.

In the midst of their disappointment, Ibella's eyes suddenly widened like a startled rabbit, "W-Wait a minute! Are you saying..."

When they had found the Blood Golem, there was a good chance that what had said might actually be true.

The advice also mentioned weakening the Golem, and it said that even a thousand warriors would have trouble defeating it unless you followed the mentioned method.

In that instant of realization,

Ibella and Sylphie, both, turned their heads at the same time.

"How the hell did you defeat it?"

"Uh, how did you take him down?!"

Their gazes turned to Ulan.

He had defeated the strongest tactical weapon, single-handedly, without weakening it.

Eyes glowing, demanding answers.

Ulan silently raised his axe, "It's thanks to this axe."


"It's an axe made of Bloodstone."

"R-really?!" Sylphie gasped, clearly taken aback.

"Where would you find something like this."

"I received it from my master when I left my village. My master is an accomplished shaman, so perhaps she saw this coming."

Azur was a powerful shaman.

Just looking at her disciple, Noah, who was Azur's student, was enough to know that she had the power to foresee the future. So, this conjecture wasn't baseless that was what Ulan thought.

Meanwhile, after his explanation, Ibella and Sylphie wore expressions that held a measure of acceptance, their doubt softened.

At least they now had two methods to defeat the Blood Golem.

Once more, the group turned their gaze to the ornate chests.

Now that the nature of their rewards had been revealed, all that remained was to decide who would choose which boon.

"In sequence from left to right, they are labeled as the Warrior's Trove, the Growth Coffer, and the Scholar's Hoard."

"Well, it's a good thing we have a choice," Ulan lips curled into a wry smile, a soft chuckle escaping him.

In that moment, the two girls fixed their gazes intently upon him.

The meaning behind their eyes was plain. They yielded the foremost choice of the chests to him. Without Ulan, they might never have traversed this far to begin with.

Whether Ulan had acknowledged this was unclear, but he silently accepted their concession, "I will choose this one."

His choice fell upon the chest of crimson hue the Warrior's Trove.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but the instant he beheld that chest, an inexplicable pull tugged at him.

Next it was Ibella's turn, "So, can I pick this one?"

"The Growth Coffer?"

"Yes. Through recent trials, I have felt it keenly."

The awareness of her inadequacy, the yearning for improvement in her swordsmanship, burned fiercely within Ibella. And so, she chose the Growth Coffer.

"All that's left is..."

"This will be Sylphie's."

The violet chest, the Scholar's Hoard.

It was the smallest of the three. In response to their words, Sylphie jumped slightly, surprise evident in her gesture, "Oh! It's alright, really. I hadn't been much help to begin with, so even without a reward..."

"You did help. You deserve it."

"Ha, but," Sylphie looked hesitant.

That's when Ibella grabbed her hand.

"Take it, because if it weren't for you, we wouldn't even have been able to read the inscriptions of the Desert Kingdom."

This was an indisputable truth.

Ulan, too, nodded in agreement.

In response, Sylphie blinked her large eyes, her uncertainty palpable, "Did I really help you?"

"Very much so."

A prompt and unwavering answer.

Sylphie bowed her head deeply; her eyes seemed to shimmer, inexplicably shaken.

After a moment, she clenched her fist, then swallowed her uncertainty with a radiant smile, "Thank you! I'll take it, then!"

And thus, each of their rewards had been determined.

Without hesitation, they opened their respective chests


and the chest swung open with an uproarious clamor, as if to bear testament to the ages long past, the contents within were unveiled.

In the very instant of discovering the items within the chest.

Ibella's eyes widened in astonishment, "A longsword?"

A sword in a black scabbard.

At first glance, it appeared to be an ordinary longsword.


The sword was unexpectedly well-preserved, its edge gleaming as though it were brand new, despite having been neglected for so long.

"Not too shabby."

In a trial of sorts, Ibella swung the sword a few times, relishing the satisfying sensation of it fitting snugly in her hand.

A contented smile soon graced her lips.

A worthy reward indeed. Ibella had never possessed her own sword before. In the midst of this, Sylphie's voice chimed in, "I-I got a ring."

A violet ring, akin in color to the chest itself.

Sliding the ring onto her right middle finger, Sylphie muttered with a look of wonderment, "It's amazing how it fits on my finger."

She was right.

It was as if the ring had always belonged to Sylphie.

Now all that remained was Ulan. Curiosity laced Ibella's eyes as she inquired, "And Ulan, what did you get?"

"Nothing at all."

"......what?" Ibella asked, confused.

But it was indeed the truth. Ulan's chest was utterly empty. Despite searching every nook and cranny, there was still nothing to be found.

Was it because he hadn't received a reward? Sylphie hastily pulled out the ring from her finger.

"Th-then, how about I give you this ring?"

"It's fine. That's your reward." Ulan shook his head.

It didn't seem like the ring would even fit on his finger to begin with. So, he responded with an air of indifference, "Rewards aren't necessary. Returning unharmed, without anyone injured, is the greatest reward."

His words held earnest sincerity.

Ibella was a warrior, a future comrade-in-arms, and Sylphie was a friend who spoke her mind. Understanding this, Ulan turned without hesitation.

"Let's go. If we keep going like this, surely..."

.a path leading outside would be revealed.

Just as Ulan was about to speak these words, Ibella's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Wait a moment, Ulan."


"Did you always have a tattoo on your back?"

"A tattoo?"

"Yeah, a tattoo this big?"

Ibella brought her palms together, illustrating a size.

Ulan, meanwhile, looked puzzled. He had never had a tattoo, so he wondered why she asked.

That's when Sylphie interjected, "Could that be the reward?!"

"A tattoo as a reward?"

"Yes! I read about something similar in a book."

Her eyes sparkled like stars, the characteristic curiosity of a scholar evident.

"It resembles an 'Imprint,' a mark that only those among the ancient Desert Kingdom's warriors who have earned the title of Great Warrior bear."

"If it is an imprint, then.."

"It's a sigil imbued with magic techniques. Have you noticed any changes compared to before?"

Any changes? Ulan shifted his body, but there wasn't any significant change.

If he had to guess, it felt like the fatigue he had carried was gone. But that was probably an effect of absorbing the golem's power source.

So Ulan shook his head, "Nothing seems to have changed."

"No, it has."

But then, a firm denial resurfaced.

Ibella's voice.

She strode over and poked him in the back with a straightened finger, "Your latissimus dorsi has grown bigger than before. Not just that, if you look closely, not only the trapezius but even the triceps..."

{T/N:- The latissimus dorsi is a broad, flat muscle occupying most of the lower posterior thorax. The muscle's primary function is to move the upper extremity, but it is also considered an accessory muscle of respiration.

The trapezius muscle is a large superficial back muscle that resembles a trapezoid.}

"How would you know all that?"

"Because I'm interested," Ibella replied reflexively. After a moment, she realized that her answer was a bit odd and quickly corrected herself, "Oh, no! I meant muscles! I'm interested in your muscles!"

Her face flushed bright red.

Ulan, on the other hand, still wore a puzzled expression.

Why would she be interested in someone else's muscles, let alone her own? Why would she be interested in someone else's muscles?

For some reason, he knew that if he did, Ibella's reddened face would burst like a balloon.

"Well, I guess I've been rewarded after all."

He wasn't sure of the exact effect.

But there was no need to worry; he had a capable shaman by his side.

I should ask Noah about it.

She probably knew the true nature of this Imprint. With that rough faith, the group headed toward the passage where the wind blew.

After finally making their way out, a familiar landscape stretched before their eyes.

"This is..!"

"The Fountain of Magic! We're finally outside!"

Ibella and Sylphie's complexions brightened.

Moreover, they could also see people in the distance. It seemed to be a search party.

Some time later.

Swept by the waves, nearly eleven hours later

Ulan and his group had finally managed to successfully escape.

With Ulan and the group safely returned, the sudden disappearance of the Fountain of Magic incident came to a close without further incident.

Of course, the three who had disappeared had to present themselves before the Surveillance Unit to provide a detailed account of what happened at the Fountain of Magic.

After completing all the statements.

As they left the Surveillance Unit's headquarters, the sun was already setting.

"Uh, I feel like I'm going to die of sleep."

"I can't wait to go to bed either."

Sylphie and Ibella's eyes drooped.

It was understandable.

Even breaking through the Trial had been taxing, and now, after giving their statements, their energy was completely drained.

However, there was a small piece of good news.

There were no classes until Monday, three days from now. As soon as they returned to the dormitory, both girls planned to collapse into bed.

When they reached the front of the dormitory

suddenly, they saw a familiar face.


A girl sitting alone at the fountain.

It was Noah. As soon as she saw Ulan, she stood up from her seat. Ulan looked at her with mild surprise.

"You were waiting for me?"

"Well, I was worried. Everything's alright, isn't it?"

"We fought and I won."

A succinct summary.

Noah chuckled awkwardly.

It was a Ulan-like response. While Ulan was pondering this, Ibella and Sylphie approached and addressed Noah, "Uh, Ulan, we'll head in first."

"I-I'll go too. Thank you for your hard work."

The two of them walked with haggard faces.

The way they staggered, they must be pretty tired. As Ulan waved them off, Noah blinked at their retreating figures.

There was only one reason.

To confirm what reward they had received.

[The Sword of Growth, Esper (S)]


Increases the potential for swordsmanship.

Increases comprehension of the sword, greatly enhancing proficiency in swordsmanship.

(The first to acquire it becomes the owner.)

Previous Owner: Esper Cantone

Current Owner: Ibella Elearde

That sword!

Noah's eyes widened.

Esper, the Sword of Growth also known as the renowned "Early-game Thug Weapon."

If one trains in swordsmanship with this sword equipped, all experience in all sword-related skills increases by at least 2x and up to 5x.

But that's not all.'

If the owner has even a speck of talent in swordsmanship, it enhances it to its maximum potential, allowing rapid growth within a short period.

However, at present...

The current owner of that sword was a Sword Maiden.

Her talent and potential with the sword was the highest among all the Named characters. And yet, she was given The Sword of Growth?

She'll grow at lightning speed.

It was like giving wings to a tiger.

This was a good thing for Noah, too.

To challenge and conquer the main scenario, she needed to join a party with someone like Sword Maiden and borrow her strength.

'Next is...'

The girl with ashen-colored hair.

It's time to look at Sylphie's reward.

[Ring of Seeker, Ylma'ha (B)]

Effects -

Memory and concentration increase significantly.

Speed-reading ability is added.

(The first to acquire it becomes the owner.)

Previous Owner:Ylma'ha Irpha

Current Owner: [Sylphy Ludric]

Huh? Sylphy?

Noah was certain she heard "Sylphie," but...

she shook her head to dismiss the thought. The important thing now was not whether the girl's name was Sylphie or Sylphy.

What mattered is the reward she received.

The Ring of Seeker.

This was an item she honestly didn't recognize.

But its effects didn't seem too good.

Memory and concentration weren't that important stats, and speed-reading ability was a relatively rare attribute with low utility.

'Maybe it's good for studying.

Noah lost interest.

But then, she quickly perked up.

But why aren't there any rewards that increase stamina?

There were three rewards in the Trial of a Hero.

However, Ibella and Sylphie's rewards had nothing to do with stamina.

That means.!

Is it possible Ulan has it?!

Noah's complexion instantly brightened. A hope she had forgotten about rekindled like a bonfire.

"Noah," Ulan spoke to him.

With a serious expression.

"I have something I want to ask."

"Huh? What is it?"

"There's something called an Imprint on my back. I want to know what it does."

"An Imprint?"

Noah scratched her head.

A moment later, her hope quickly turned to despair when she saw the imprint Ulan was referring to.

[Mark of a Hero, Kazan (SS)]

Effects -

Physical limits are doubled.

Recovery rate increases explosively.

When injured, strength and agility increase significantly until the injury is healed.

(The first to acquire it becomes the owner.)

Previous Owner:Kazan Ludric

Current Owner: Ulan Bator


Noah's eyes widened in astonishment.

Because this mark was the reward she had longed to obtain.

And there was another surprising reason.

T-the reward for the Trial of a Hero was Kazan?!

The true identity of the mark.

The Mark of a Hero, Kazan, was a fraudulent item that ranked in the top ten of all the rare items in Arsene Continental War.

Back when she used to be a gamer

among the hardcore players of Arsene Continental War, rumors like these used to circulate.

If you can obtain a mark called Kazan, it's like lowering the game's difficulty by one level.

It didnt stop there.

If a player progressed through the game as a mage or a shaman and acquired Kazan, they could transform from a magic user into a hybrid character like a mage swordsman.

Kazan was a mark that significantly boosted physical abilities and could be called the strongest mark in existence.

And if a warrior gets Kazan

It was essentially like starting the game with a cheat code. This raised questions in the gaming community What would happen if Ulan, a named character known as the pinnacle of warriors, obtained Kazan?

How much stronger could he become?

These were the kinds of questions that arose.


Some hardcore players began experimenting.

However, all the results ended in failure.

It couldn't be helped.

There were two reasons for this.

One was that Kazan's acquisition method was unclear, and the second was that Ulan was not a playable character.

Ulan was a named character who made his own decisions and acted independently. Guiding his actions was never an easy task.

So it was just buried under a pile of tempting rumors and faced away.

It should have remained that way...

But now, it actually happened.

A situation that had never occurred before.

Noah chuckled in frustration.

Perhaps this was due to persistent silence that seemed strange?

Ulan subtly began to speak, "Could it be that you don't know about this mark either?"

".......No. I know it very well."

So much so that she wanted to get her hands on it somehow.

Noah let out a deep sigh.

It was a sigh of resignation. Since the mark was already imprinted, there was no way to change the owner.

It's okay, though.

There were still many hidden pieces left in Arsene.

It might not be Kazan, but if she searched diligently, she was sure to find treasures that would overcome her physical limits.

Next time, I'll make sure to get it.

Through this incident, Noah realized something.

Even if she kept it a secret from the others, she should be honest with Ulan and ask for his cooperation. That way, such incidents wouldn't happen again.

After making a firm commitment, Noah began to explain, "I'm going to explain it to you now, so listen carefully. The imprint is called the Mark of a Hero..."

Although she said she was resigned, her voice was still tinged with envy.

On the way to the dormitory, two shadows large and small stretched out.

Three days later, on Sunday.

The course registration for the new students began.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .)

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