The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 27: Fountain Of Magic (2)

Chapter 27: Fountain Of Magic (2)

With the sun slowly setting behind them, the Class-3 of the first-year students made their way to the Fountain of Magic. The departure went smoothly, except for one individual who seemed to be slowing down more and more as time went on.

"Gasp! Gasp! Pugh!"

It was Noah with her backpack.

Her face had turned as red as a ripe apple. It hadn't even been twenty minutes since they started, and she was already in this state. In her excitement over obtaining a hidden piece, she had forgotten about the penalty for depleting her stamina as Noah Darshen.

Ugh, I was too careless.

She should have thought more carefully and reduced unnecessary baggage. As regret washed over her, she continued her steps when she suddenly felt a weight lifted.

It felt as if her body was floating away. It wasn't an illusion, because her body was actually dangling in the air.

"Is this heavy?"

It was thanks to Ulan, who had taken her backpack.

Relieved of the substantial weight, Noah let out a sigh as if she had been granted a second chance at life.

"I'm not very strong."

"I know, but seriously, you need to get in shape."

"I wish I could, but.."

Unlike Ulan, who was blessed with a strong body, the stamina penalty attached to her was indeed harsh.

Just walking around already consumed five times more stamina than others. But would training really make a difference?

Just as she was getting lost in her own depressing thoughts, Ulan spoke up, "Don't worry. I'll help you with your training."

"Wu, Ulan himself?"


Sudden anxiety surged within her and she inadvertently swallowed a dry gulp, "Uhm, you're not going to . make me carry logs and run around or something like that, are you?"

"That would be a bit early."

So, there was a possibility he'll make her do that later!

Noah hastily changed the subject.

"Anyway, thanks. You saved me back there."

"It's not something to be thanked for."

"Still, I'm truly grateful."

After finishing her honest reply, Noah clenched her fist, "It may not be much of a repayment, but if you ever find yourself in trouble, I'll definitely help you out."

"Understood. I'll remember that," Ulan nodded silently.

After about ten more minutes of walking, a group of students came into view.

"Huh? Those are..."

"They're from Class-1, right?"

Class-1, who had already completed their field trip ahead of Class-3, was there.

Meanwhile, the professor in charge of Class-1 noticed Professor Miel and approached him, seemingly with something to say.

During this momentary pause, someone from Class-1 headed in their direction.

Thud! Thud!

Each step seemed to radiate a sense of prestige

and with her arrival, the surroundings fell silent.

Dilia Arpen.

Princess of Arpen.

The genius mage of the Kingdom.

The most talked-about of this year's freshmen, the students stared at Dilia, mouths agape.

In the midst of this, Dilia suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Standing across from her was Ulan. She found him intriguing and struck up a conversation, "Surely, you've been released?

"Well, I didn't do anything wrong in the first place."

"That's just no fun."

There was a change in Dilia's expression.

It was a faint smile, but it was definitely a smile.

"Are you alright?"

"I was prepared ahead of time."

Dilia snapped her fingers; an opaque shield soon enveloped her body.

Though Noah wasn't sure what it was, it probably means she blocked the shouts with magic.

"Alright, everyone gather! Let's head back to the dormitory!"

Even though she hadn't said much, it was already time to say goodbye. Dilia's lips twitched slightly, but she quickly regained her usual expression.

"Later, I'll see you."

With her farewell, Dilia turned and left.

As she disappeared, countless gazes turned towards Ulan. It was as if they were wondering how he had built a relationship with Dilia, a mixture of surprise and envy.

Noah was among them.

Well, even though the Swordmaiden is a bit different, but

When did she get so close to the Star Witch?

No wonder Noah was surprised.

Because Dilia Arpen was a figure so difficult and complex to approach.

A silver rose standing along, an iron fence surrounding her in every direction. That is what Dilia Arpen was to the students.

It was the character introduction for Dilia Arpen.

That's how difficult it was to build a connection with the Star Witch. Unless you looked up a guide, it was nearly impossible to raise her affinity, let alone create any kind of relationship.

But Ulan

Their conversation was so casual.

Just like talking to an ordinary friend.

Could it be because they're fated to become comrades later, connected by the threads of destiny?

It was an absurd thought, yet the recent events left Noah shocked.

However, this feeling was short-lived. Their destination, the Fountain of Magic, came into view, and Noah's attention shifted in that direction.

"Wow, it looks even bigger up close."

"Definitely. I could almost believe it's an entire ocean!"

"It's amazing. To think something like this exists within the continent."

Students marveled at the sight.

The Fountain of Magic was huge and exuded an air of mystery. When everyone was having a conversation with excited faces

"Alright, pay attention."

Professor Miel drew their attention, with a face that had something to say.

"Before we enter the Fountain of Magic, I have one question for you. How much do you know about the Fountain of Magic?"

"You mean..?"

"Tell me what you know about that place. Anything would be great."

The question seemed a bit out of place.

Students were puzzled at first, but soon began to answer.

The Fountain of Magic. A place where pure magic surged forth. A sight that mages wanted to see before they died as the various answers poured out, Professor Miel's expression remained unchanged. It seemed that none of the answers satisfied him.

Then he coughed lightly, gesturing towards a person who hadn't spoken at all.

You, the one who went on a little picnic."

"What, Me?"

"You say something."

Noah was taken aback by the sudden pointing.

Embarrassment was evident on her face. But since she had been singled out, she had to say something. And if possible, she wanted to give the correct answer.

So she replied, ".....The Fountain of Magic is a dangerous place."

"Hmm, why do you think so?"

"As mentioned earlier, the Fountain of Magic is a sanctum for mages. But at the same time, it's also one of the four major magic realms on the continent, so I just assumed there must be a reason for that."

Upon the conclusion of Noahs composed response, Professor Miel laughed for the first time, "You got it right. The Fountain of Magic is as mysterious as it is dangerous. Do you happen to know the reason behind it?"

"Perhaps it is due to the abundance of mana? I saw a phrase in a book once that said something like this: too much of a good thing is worse than not enough."

His pupils, now enlarged, Miel tilted his head slightly.

"I take back what I said about the picnic."

Noah's words sounded right.

"The Fountain of Magic is a constant source of pure mana. That's why it's so dangerous. Look at the map over there."

Though it seemed unnecessary to have a map for a lake, the map indeed existed, just as Professor Miel had stated a map with the intricate detail akin to the age-worn rings of a tree.

Just as she was beginning to wonder why it was so intricately divided, Professor Miel spoke, "The Fountain of Magic is divided into five sections."

His hand tapped the air.

There was a click where there should have been nothing. As if something had been struck.

"This is the Barrier of Protection. It is an ancient barrier erected to separate the Fountain of Magic from the outside world."

He, then, gestured towards the inner part of the lake.

"Starting beyond this point and until the water's color turns green, it is called the First Zone. Here, the flow of mana becomes easily unstable, and the likelihood of mana runaway increases slightly."

Mana runaway the worst possible outcome feared even by those who manipulate mana. At the mention of this grim term, the students instinctively recoiled. Yet, the real journey was just about to commence.

"Moving on, the Second Zone stretches from where the water turns green to where the mist gathers. In this area, magical tools cease to function properly, and the chances for mana runaway can increase by as much as twenty percent."

A 20% likelihood. Not a minor probability. The students' faces hardened, especially since this was the first time they'd ever heard of it.

"In the Third Zone, loss of directional senses, hallucinations, and auditory delusions occur, while the likelihood of mana runaway rises to fifty percent. Additionally, there's a rare chance of mana poisoning, so complacency is inexcusable."

Mana poisoning a phenomenon resulting from receiving an excessive amount of mana in a short period. It was a dangerous condition that could cause abdominal pain, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and in the worst cases, death.

"In the Fourth Zone, the use of mana will definitely cause mana poisoning. Even the Knights' mana swords are no exception."

Professor Miel closed his mouth for a moment.

Taking a refreshing sip of water to quench his thirst, he pointed towards the heart of the lake to conclude his explanation.

"Finally, the Fifth Zone. The mages of Arsene call it the true Fountain of Magic. As you can see from the map, it is a small area compared to the others."

An area barely larger than a pond.

But don't let the small size fool you, as Professor Miel went on to explain.

"The Fifth Zone hasn't been visited in the last three hundred years. However, according to old texts, none who entered and returned have been documented."

With the final explanation concluded.

The room immediately fell silent.

And for good reason. It was unheard of for the Fountain of Magic to have such dangers.

Tension. Fear. Nervousness. Anxiety.

As negative emotions swirled around the students, Professor Miel's lips curved into a wry smile, his tail gently swaying.

"There's no need to be so tense. We won't be venturing far today only the First Zone."

He had no intention of endangering the new students on their first day. His words carried an undeniable sense of assurance, and at last, the students exhaled sighs of relief.

"So, everyone, please wear these on your wrists."

"What are these?"

"These are mana suppression bracelets. Like I said, you can't use mana in there."

Even in Zone One, the likelihood for mana runaway existed. The students wear the bracelets without a murmur.

Except for one.

"The bracelet is too small."

It was Ulan. Because of his thick wrists and fists, the bracelet didn't even go in.

"Do you have anything else?"

"Theres nothing."

Silence fell around them.

A moment later, Professor Miel let out a sigh, "Well, there's nothing to be done about it. Ulan, no matter what happens, refrain from using mana. Promise me, or I won't allow you to proceed."

"I promise."

"Good. Then that settles it."

Could this truly suffice?

The students reacted in confusion, but Professor Miel continued in a calm tone, "Lastly, let's form groups."

"What? Why groups.."

"It's for a reason, so stop arguing and stick together. And, just so you know, each group will consist of five members."

His declaration held a certain air of authority.

Instantly, most of the students distanced themselves from Ulan. It was as if they fervently hoped not to be placed in the same group.

On the other hand, there were some who moved closed instead.

And Noah was one of them.

In addition, Ibella too crept closer.

After a while, two individuals who didn't fit in joined Ulan's group.

"Ugh, ughhh, ahhh"

"Hello, please take care of me."

Among them was the girl with ash-gray hair who had earlier inquired if she could switch classes.

As they finished exchanging brief greetings, Professor Miel retrieved five polished stones from his pocket, "Now that we're almost done, one person from each group can step forward to take these."

"What are these?"

"These are Teleportation Stones."

The stones emitted a mysterious green glow, captivating the onlookers.

Soon, Professor Miel continued his explanation, "They are the work of Head Deflyn. They only work within the Academy's grounds, but if you infuse them with mana, it will immediately transport you to the main entrance."

Within a radius of 5 meters from the possessor, all living beings become potential candidates for teleportation.

The students stared at the stone in wonder as he continued. When the professor finished handing out the stones, he added an explanation.

"Although it is hoped that you will not need to use these, if you believe a situation is dangerous, use them without hesitation. If you find no need for them, be sure to return them later."

The students' eyes were filled with tension at his words. Giving away such items signified that the earlier warnings were no mere jest.

"From this point forward, all of you will act in your assigned groups. Stay within a radius of at least 5 meters from the person holding the Teleportation Stone. Thats it. Any questions?"

"Well, what if an accident happens and we end up crossing into Zone Two?"

"That won't happen. The boundaries of each zone are guarded by the Fountain Guardians."

The guardians were golems.

The mages had painstakingly crafted them. Each one was powerful enough to rival a high-ranking knight.

"But if, by any chance, such a situation arises, the Guardians will come to get you. Besides, we're only authorized to enter Zone 1 today, so you don't have to worry about that."

As detailed answers flowed forth, various questions followed suit. Despite the potential nuisance, Professor Miel dutifully answered them all.

Some time later.

Professor Miel lightly tapped his palm.

"Now, since Class-2 is about to come out, I'll take one more question."

No one raised their hand.

The previous questions had already answered most of their questions. Then, the one who had remained silent all this time raised his hand.

A barbarian with auburn hair.

Professor Miel smiled, seemingly surprised.

"Very well, let's hear the question from our 'terrorist.'"

All eyes turned to Ulan.

Curious expressions wondered about what question he might ask. After a few moments, Ulan's question finally asked, "I understand that the Fountain of Magic is a sanctuary for mages, but is there any reason for us to enter such a dangerous place?"

"Oh, that's a better question than I thought."

A flicker of intensity flashed across Professor Miel's eyes before his expression turned serious.

"Every year, the new students tour the Fountain of Magic because this is Arsen, and because you have been accepted into Arsene Academy."

The answer was enigmatic, veiled in obscurity.

When Ulan gave him a puzzled look, Professor Miel directed a question at the students, "Does anyone happen to know about the founding principles of Arsene Academy?"

Yes! It's to discover and nurture talents by the joint efforts of the Empire and the Federation of the kingdoms!"

"You're half right. That's the surface reason, but...," Professor Miel nodded, "I'm asking about something much older. I mean, the reason why Arsene Academy was established near the Fountain of Magic in the first place."

There was silence at this second question.

No one knew.

Noah, of course, knew the answer, but she deliberately chose not to answer. It was normal for a freshman not to know.

"The answer is simple. It was established to safeguard and watch over this place. It was the mission given to your predecessors from an era long past, a purpose born in the distant past," After delivering a profound response, Professor Miel's gaze turned toward the Fountain of Magic, "The day the gates of the abyss opens, the age of men will come to an end. I'm sure you've all heard this prophecy at least once in your lives."

Certainly, they were well aware.

It was a prophecy from the beginning of time, the oldest of legends, heard so many times that those born on the continent had it nailed to their ears, like a lullaby.

"The Abyss referred to in this prophecy signifies the heart of the Fountain of Magic, which means that the Gates of the Abyss means the Fountain of Magic itself."

Professor Miel's eyes grew fierce for a moment and with an imposing aura, his voice became commanding, "In summary, the founding principle of Arsene Academy and the mission of its students from those times were as follows:

To watch the gates of the Abyss.
And to prevent it from opening.
Lastly, if the gate were to open, to risk your lives to close it."

As his explanation concluded, the room fell silent.

Was it overwhelmed by the awe-inspiring atmosphere?

No, it wasn't. Most of the students' reactions were indifferent, as Professor Miel's words had just recited what they had already learned from history books.

In the first place, the prophecy was a mere old wives' tale, used to frighten children.

The time for humans to fear the non-existent Abyss and its monsters had long passed. That's why they listened casually to Professor Miel's words and moved on.

Except for one.

Someone who was moved by those words.

That's the gate to the Abyss?

Ulan's eyes went wide.

It was natural for him to be surprised. In his last life, he had never made it to the Gate of the Abyss, meeting his end in the lair of the Largtan, the Giant King.

'I had heard that the Gate of the Abyss was in the center of the continent, but I never thought..'

He had no idea it was here.

Upon careful consideration, it made sense. Arsene Academy was located in the heart of the continent as well.

It was natural for the two locations to coincide.

With the belated realization of the truth, Ulan gazed fixedly at the lake.

His heart pounded in his chest.

His breathing quickened, and his whole body heated up.

But it wasn't fear.


With the sound of teeth grinding together, the corners of his mouth twisted upward into a triumphant smile.

He shuddered with delight and gripped his axe tighter, the same gleeful smile he'd seen on the faces of the students who'd seen the Fountain of Magic.

The Fountain of Magic... Arsen.

This was a surge of elation.

It was the exultation of a warrior at finally confronting his ultimate battlefield, the exultation he had failed to achieve in his last life.

Proof of this was his eyes, which blazed like flames; enough to swallow the Fountain of Magic and even the Abyss beyond.

The place where the monsters of the abyss emerge.

That place was right before his eyes.

Overwhelmed by this realization, Ulan couldn't hide his excitement.

There was no longer a reason for him to wander the continent in search of the monsters from the Abyss and the Rulers of the Abyss.

Then I'll wait here.

And then, one by one, he would split their heads open. Ulan's lips curled into a fiercely contorted smile as he gripped the axe even harder.

Someday, when the Gates to the Abyss will open...

......It will not be the age of men that ends, but the age of the monsters of the Abyss. This time, Ulan vowed, he would make sure of it.

In his eyes, the deep red pupils that resembled flames were ablaze with a savage gleam....

......These were the eyes of a being who had once split countless monsters in half and slain one of the Rulers of the Abyss.

......These were the eyes of a barbarian.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .)

  1. I will try to maintain a release schedule of alternate day release. The average length of a chapter is 2.8k-3k words. I will try to release them all as a single chapter. So, unless it is a unusually long chapter (like 3.5k words something), there probably won't be any split release going forward.
  2. I will try to get the Patreon active from next month with two tiers - 7 advance chapters for $12 and 15 advance chapters for $25. By then, we will be around chapter 35 something, enough to let you know what to expect from the story. It will give you a good enough idea whether to subscribe or not.

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