The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 1: Abandoned - Part 1

Chapter 1: Abandoned - Part 1

"No! Please, I implore you. Come back!"

'Even before I could turn back, I realized that I had been abandoned. I watched them leave me on my own. I was covered with hatred and fear. They gripped me as if there was no tomorrow. I was cried and shivered.'

'You may all be wondering who I am and why I'm saying all this. Well, I'm Jay Down, an F- Rank hunter.'

"I'm a pretty average hunter or it would be better to tell that I am a complete loser! I have neither special abilities nor good connections. In fact the only thing I'm good at is studying. My IQ is 185 and I ranked first three times in the entire country, but these achievements are useless. I'm an introvert and don't usually talk to anyone."

'I tried to do a lot of things but failed in all of them. I soon became a hunter but I have been an F- Rank since 2 years and rarely been to dungeons. So basically I'm your typical loser who isn't worth of even a single cent.'

'So I implored many hunters to take me with them to a new dungeon and in the end a few hunters agreed. Now I was really happy to go with them.'

Jay went down towards Kim in order to thank Kim with a slight smile and said, "Brother Kim, thanks for accepting me and letting me tag along."

"Ahh. It's fine. We must help each other otherwise how will we survive in these times?" was what Dunar Kim replied with a husky and hoarse smile.

'He is Dunar Kim, an B- Rank hunter. He is famous and is rich. He has a lot of women around him and the reason he brought me is to just be a carry bag and nothing else.'

Jay Down could do nothing other than just detest him.

"Dunar baby... Why did you bring a trash like him? Do you really think is will be of some use? He is like a creep." Sia Mirrow whispers slowly in Kim's ears.

"She is Sia Mirow, an arrogant bitch, a C- rank hunter! She is greedy and always leeches and roams around strong and rich hunters. She is a total slut!"

"Haha, other than a carry bag he has no purpose. He is just a pawn.", Kim gives an evil laugh as he says this.

"You fuckers! I can hear you! Dammit. If only I was strong, I would have been famous and my family would not face any problems!" Jay could do nothing more than talk to himself. He was a typical coward after all.

There were seven more people with them which made a total of ten including Jay Down. All of them entered a B-rank dungeon. Each of them had plenty of experience and around 4-5 of them were C-Rank, 2 of them were B- rank and others were either D or E. The only one who was F-Rank was Jay.

They all slowly started proceeding after clearing and killing the obstacles one by one. All of them were smiling and were happy since the dungeon and everything till now seemed to be quite easy for them. They were even collecting many rare materials and this dungeon despite being a B-Rank dungeon was not even as difficult as a D-Rank dungeon.

So none of them even cared to think about anything else and kept moving forward except Jay. He was the only one who was getting a weird feeling. You could call it a sixth sense or some instinct, but it was clearly telling Jay that it was not a normal dungeon.


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