The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 12: The Day Arrives (1)

Chapter 12: The Day Arrives (1)

Unlike before, Karyl's aura now perfectly maintained the shape of a sword blade.

As Kaye Aesir said, the sharpness of the aura changes depending on how much magic is infused.

Around him, no trees remained intact. What seemed like mere rocks were actually the remnants of once massive boulders—a fact known only to Karyl.

The magic is sufficient. As expected, the problem lies with my body.

Karyl had devoured books on magic manipulation at every opportunity. However, given his condition—the exact opposite of having traditional meridians for magic—conventional methods were of no use to him in unclogging his blocked meridians.

The only thing I can do now is to train my body. Thanks to the memories of my past life, my swordsmanship has improved much faster.

A whooshing sound filled the air as Karyl assumed his stance.

The rustling leaves caught in the wind spun several times in midair before splitting into dozens of pieces.

If anyone from the MacGovern family had seen this, they would have been unable to hide their astonishment. The swordsmanship Karyl had just displayed was none other than the unique sword technique used only by the Kuwell. Or, perhaps, to the contrary, no one would have recognized it.

This technique was not passed down to any of my brothers.

Karyl was the last successor of Kuwell’s swordsmanship.

"It might have been an inevitable choice. By the time Father passed it on to me, all my brothers had already died in battle." Karyl's expression turned bitter.

Of course, as Narh Di Maug said, this sword is not perfect.

Karyl had spent an eon mastering the sword. The swordsmanship he envisioned was already more sophisticated and perfect than that of Kuwell.

Nonetheless, Karyl’s primary focus was learning Kuwell’s swordsmanship.

"Sacred Silver Elan, Spear Demon Faiman, Archipelago King Magtou..."

These were the rising stars.

A common trait among those who were pivotal in the Oracle War was that they had all been trained in the swordsmanship style developed by Father.

Karyl wanted to accelerate their growth even faster. He had chosen Kuwell's sword for that very reason...

Of course, it went without saying that his swordsmanship was superior to Kuwell's. Yet, ironically, its superiority made it unteachable to others. Even Karyl himself, found it challenging to learn his own swordsmanship.

That's why the talents of later generations chose Kuwell's sword, but Karyl wasn't merely learning it as it was.

The times I have lived through with the sword differ.

This meant he could understand it in a way others could not. Karyl was learning only the essence of the swordsmanship of Kuwell MacGovern, known as the continent's greatest swordsman.

Of course, this style of learning suits my current body as well.

Karyl's body was still only 12 years old. From the movement of muscles to the flexibility of joints, Kuwell's swordsmanship was not only excellent for self-improvement, but also for teaching others.

Too much of anything is not good; his body was indeed growing, step by step.

But I can't just use it as it is.

Just like a moment ago, although it seemed he was swinging the sword in the same manner, the leaves hit by the sword blade didn't just get cut; they exploded as if bursting.

What is lacking must be supplemented, and the superfluous must be eliminated.

The swordsmanship Karyl was now mastering was based on Kuwell's, but it was undeniably different. He had been a person who, even without magic in his previous life, had surpassed Sword Masters who had reached the pinnacle.

No one on the continent could stand against him with a sword. If there were discussions about the sword, everyone would claim him as the best.

Hence, they called him the Sword Saint.

But being at the top was not why he was given such an honorary title. The title Sword Master was reserved for those who could pour mana of class 4 or above into a mana blade while also reaching the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Magical power equivalent to a sorcerer's, along with extraordinary physical abilities.

It was no easy feat. That's why there were only five of them across the continent.

I couldn't use a mana blade.

He had surpassed those Sword Masters who used magic with pure swordsmanship. Perhaps it was the last shred of pride for those from the empire.

While acknowledging Karyl's skills, they nevertheless distinguished him with the title of Sword Saint, setting him apart from the Sword Masters.

"I wonder how they will call me this time." Karyl lifted his sword. Looking at the Aura Blade emitting a sharp keen, he smiled softly.

All of a sudden, pain gripped his heart as if clutching it tightly, a sensation of magic from his magic vessels overflowing and trying to forcibly unblock the blocked meridians.

"Phew..." Karyl lightly exhaled, barely calming himself down.

There is only one way. If only he could find a way to stabilize the meridians...

He could pour overflowing magic through the sword, but circulating magic through only two meridians was impossible.

In other words, Karyl could use the Aura Blade but was unable to use any other magic.

I am just half as good. Karyl admitted to himself.

The road ahead was long.

I've scoured Einheri to no avail, finding nothing particularly striking..

For others, it was a place with only ordinary low-level magic books, but for Karyl, it was the treasure trove of the Grand Sorcerer Kaye Aesir.

Would such a person have only left behind a Dragon's Heart...

Regrettably, he had not heard more from Narh Di Maug in his previous life. Karyl smacked his lips in disappointment.

Well, the goal has been achieved, after all.

He slowly raised his head and looked toward the mansion. I had collapsed... It's been quite a while since the messenger from the palace visited... It's about time for me to hear about it.

That's when it happened. From the edge of the forest in the distance, Ruben was seen running toward him. He was shouting something, but it was too far to hear.


However, as if knowing what he was shouting about, Karyl moved with a calm expression on his face.


Everyone has gathered, Mother," Martte MacGovern said, bowing lightly.

The atmosphere was tense.

Why is he here too...?

He hasn't shown his face around here for a while.

Karyl chuckled lightly, guessing what they were most probably thinking.

"Yes," Isabelle nodded.

The chief steward, Taylor, cautiously handed her a parchment sealed with a red stamp. She unfolded it with ease.

In Kuwell's absence, spending most of the year on campaigns, Isabelle had been handling the affairs of the household.

In the absence of Kuwell—who spent most of the year away on campaigns—Isabelle would be in charge of managing the affairs of the household.

"As you all know, it's almost time for the harvest. And as per the tradition, the royal family has ordered a goblin extermination to prepare for this autumn."

The royal family would send decrees to the MacGovern household every quarter, unless there was a special occasion. It was a routine matter for them to receive the imperial decree—bearing the emperor's seal.

"There's nothing unusual. Except for one thing."

The children nodded at her words, as they had anticipated this.

"In recognition of the MacGovern household's efforts in employing private troops for the heretic hunters, the royal family will send support troops," she read.

"Support troops?" The second son, Tiren, asked, tilting his head. Goblins, while they ravaged the fields and occasionally raided villages, were not considered particularly threatening monsters.

"Having support troops would make it much easier."

"Isn't that strange, though? They called for private troops because there weren't enough forces for the extermination of barbarians." Elliott glanced at Karyl.

"Brother, don't you think so too? It seems we should invest more troops in that matter rather than this one.”

"Where are the support troops coming from, Mother?"

"From the Valsar family," Isabelle said.

At that moment, Tiren's expression soured slightly.

They've come.

However, unlike him, Karyl's eyes sparkled as if he had been waiting.

The royal envoy who visited during the week I lost consciousness. It must have been to inform us of this.

He slowly turned his head.

Elliott finds it strange, and Tiren won't just let it pass.

"Hmm..." Indeed, Tiren seemed unable to hide his unease, just as Karyl had predicted.

"Don't think too hard about it. It's something we've done every year."


Watching him, Karyl thought to himself. The royal family had never sent support troops for a goblin extermination.

And there were never going to.

With Kuwell's absence, this had been the first battle his brothers, excluding himself, had participated in.

Karyl recalled that dreadful day.

This won't just end with an extermination.

His expression hardened.

An ambush lay in wait, along with the death of a brother.

For it was not monsters, but humans, they would have to fight against.


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