The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Seol moved toward the guardpost which was located in the middle of the mountain. It was also the location where the Rock Molar Tribe first shows up.


The guardpost was burned to the ground.

The burn mark-ridden remains of the guardpost made it clear that there was a fire. There were also troll corpses scattered about, a special point to note was that there was a fluttering green flag near the guardpost.

A flag So its their harvest season.

The Rock Molar Tribe brought out a green flag during special periods. It was when they were preparing the harvest to offer for the Earth Dragon Tancreeds blessing.

However, that wasnt important right now. The important thing was locating his party members locations. Seol, after confirming that there was nothing around him, went deeper into the mountain.

Even though the situation turned out like this, he had to double-check to be sure.

And finally, he was able to find his party members.

...Theyre all dead.

There were four posts.

And all of them were sewn down to it.

Seol was confident that they were his party members because their clothes looked no different from his own.

- What do you say in a situation like this again?

- That its an incomplete party? Probably

- Its fucked Why did this have to happen to him :/

Incomplete party.

Its a situation that occurs from time to time when not enough people fill up the party.

In a situation where you join an ongoing Adventure, you typically say I joined an incomplete party.

So these people all just finished the 1st Adventure after clearing the 1st Gate, huh

It seems that they couldnt wait for Seol, who went all the way to the final gate, and proceeded first.

And the result of that was four corpses.

Seol thought it was a shame while looking at the four posts.

The standard strategy isnt going to work anymore like this

Where Seol was right now was practically the lowest floor of the Rock Molar Tribes area. If his party members died here, it also meant that they werent able to kill any of the leaders.

It meant that Seol had to kill a boss that required a party to kill, alone.

But strangely enough, Seols eyes were still determined. He hadnt given up yet.

Rather, they looked more excited.

...Then I guess I have to use that method.

* * *

First, Seol organized the situation to correctly identify the problem.

Based on the color of their clothing, it was 1 priest, 2 vanguards, and 1 archer. It was a good party

If Seol had led them they wouldve easily been able to clear Adventure 2. But now they were nothing more than corpses.

They died with their eyes still open they must have had many regrets.

Theres no point crying over spilled milk though I dont think Ill be able to just charge into the situation, I have to use another method.

Seol already had many strategies to take down the five brothers.

But just because he had strategies didnt mean he had an optimal one to overcome this horrific situation.

Seol looked at the options he had in front of him.

[[You have arrived at Rock Molar Village. What do you do?]

1. Slowly Attack the Rock Molar Tribes Area, Starting from the Lowest Floor.

2. Wait for Night.

3. Scout the Surroundings to Gather Information.

4. ]

- Fuck this team! Fuck this team? I just got fucked by my team

- I am alone I really, really am alone

- This situations awful Its more than just fucked

- Is there a way though?

- I doubt it The guidebook says that theres a bunch of things because its a Party Adventure but theres no way he would know when I cant even tell it in one look

Option 1 was dangerous even if Seol brought out Karuna, Option 2 allowed you to ambush at night but since he was alone, it would just be a waste of time.

The optimal choice here was Option 3. This allowed him to choose more options after this.

When took his first step, determined to scout out the area, more options came up.

[[Where will you Scout?]

1. Scout the Inside of the Rock Molar Village.

2. Scout the Outskirts of Pointy Mountains.]

Seol had only about a day left.

Most people would find it hard to choose the choice that would move them away from their objective.

Because of that, most people generally scouted for information inside the village.

But Seol was different.

He not only knew about the settings for the Adventure, he also knew about the hidden options that existed in it.

And because he wasnt scouting randomly but moving toward an objective, he could bring out the results that he wanted.

Ill go back.

Seol, after deciding on that option, walked away from Rock Molar Village.

- He gave up. GGs.

- How is he supposed to even clear it

- At least hell live for one more day

The Adventures in The World of Eternity arent simple, linear adventures.

Based on the way you progressed through your Adventure, there were a wide variety of results. It even affected your future Adventures as well.

And oftentimes whats recorded into history are the game pieces who set the greatest achievements.

The worlds that those game pieces have created become shared with everyone who plays The World of Eternity.

And because of that, if Seols plan was successful, there was a high chance that the results he brings will be adopted into the history of the world.

Seol planned on clearing this Adventure alone while also getting the best rewards he can.

Seol was currently searching at the lowest peak of the Pointy Mountains.

The Pointy Mountains had five different peaks.

The Rock Molar Tribe took residence at the tallest peak while other individuals took their place at the other peaks.

Those individuals didnt move to those peaks because they were trying to purposefully oppose the Rock Molar clan, they were just supporting characters to the story that had their own stories.

For example, those that were exiled from the Rock Molar Tribe

They were all exiled from the Rock Molar Tribe for a variety of reasons but stayed in their own separate peaks.

At first glance, it seemed like unnecessary background information but it was quite important for The 5 Good Brothers Adventure.

It was because the root of all of these hidden plots started with the exiled.

It was also the reason that Seol was looking around the lowest peak of the Pointy Mountains.

Im sure hes around here somewhere

The individual that Seol was looking for was supposed to appear at the lowest peak of the Pointy Mountains.

Seol mightve raised multiple characters but it was the first time he was searching for something with just a hint. It was quite difficult on him.





There was a bell attached to a string that was tied between two trees.

It doesnt look like a trap is it an alarm?

The bells clear sound rang throughout the mountain.

It didnt sound like an ordinary bell though.

There was no way that an ordinary bell would ring so loud that the entire surrounding could hear it. It was likely that a shamanic spell was cast on it.

Did I find him?

The individual Seol was looking for was definitely around here. Now, all that Seol had to do was find a place where someone could stay.

But then, unexpectedly, the individual that Seol was looking for was the one to speak first.

So youre a human Who are you?

He was inarticulate.

Seol didnt look surprised by it, almost like he expected them to be inarticulate. Seol then continued to go deeper into the trees, a bit shocked that he was able to hear him despite being unable to see him. It was an interesting power.


Another bell rang. The individual spoke in a surprised tone.

P-Please dont come any closer

Im not a dangerous person.

B-But youre a human.

Seol stood in place.

It wasnt because he was respecting the voices request. It was because he discovered where the individual could be.

There was a mud hut in ruins, barely holding itself up by leaning into the hillside.

Because it was quite well hidden, Seol had a hard time finding it. It was also a bit hidden from the sun so he mightve missed it if he hadnt been paying attention.

I-I told you, please dont come any closer

And as I said, Im not here with ill intent.

Dont lie to me! I bet Rock Molar sent you! Wh-what are you trying to do to me!

At that moment, Seol thought to look at the options in front of him.

[[An exiled is scared of you. What do you do?]

1. Threaten Him.

2. [Required: Persuasion 1] Tell Him That You Are Lost.

3. Command Him to Help You Massacre the Rock Molar Tribe.

4. [Required: Shaman] Ask Him to Teach You Shamanic Spells.

5. [Required: Insight 1] There Is Something Weird About Him. Comment on This.]

Seol was now confident that this choice was correct.

Why are you telling me to not come any closer? Is there something wrong? asked Seol.

I-I told you! Go away!

But just because you chose the right option didnt mean that the situation was handled properly.

The system didnt speak for you so for options that required you to have a conversation, this only served to lead you in a direction.

Go away from me

Are you are you hurt?

Even though Seol couldnt see him, he already knew that the character had that in his backstory.

But because he wanted to lead the conversation in a certain direction, he asked it as a question rather than a statement.


The exiled came out of his mud hut.

He wasnt a human. He was a troll.

The reason that his speech sounded a bit inarticulate was because of his large fangs that showed even through his closed mouth.

Regardless, he wasnt an ordinary exiled troll.

He had scars all over his body.

You saw it, right? Go away now. This disease is infectious.

I want to hear more about it.

Please dont make me any more miserable.

- WTF its an infectious disease!

- Social distancing! We have to go away!

The exiled had a gloomy expression on his face as he watched Seol. He expected Seol to obviously back away after seeing his condition.

[[The exiled is an infected troll. What do you do?]

1. Back Away.

2. Insult Him.

3. [Required: Antidote 1] Ask if He Was Poisoned.

4. [Required: Medicine 1] Tell Him You Want to Examine It.

5. ]

Seol was a competitor.

At least, he was when he was in The World of Eternity.

Step, step.

...What are you doing?

I wanted to talk more with you.

If you approach me you could get infected.

But I wont be able to hear you if I dont get closer.

The troll looked into Seols eyes. He then sighed and entered his mud hut.

[The exiled has lowered his guard.]

I wont be taking any responsibility if something happens.

May I come in?

If you want to hear my story, you may.

Seol chuckled and followed the troll into the mud hut.

The first thing that Seol noticed inside of the hut was the smell of various medicinal ingredients as well as books on display.


Why? Is it that weird?

What else in the world would be weirder than a troll that reads?

Seol held his tongue and said, Not really.

The exiled scrunched down and lit a fire.


Would you like some tea? It might not taste that good but since its made of medicinal herbs it will at least be good for you.

I wanted to hear more about what you talked about earlier truthfully.

What would you like to know?


The exiled replied with silence. He then slowly gave an awkward laugh like he had just resolved to do something.

Th-then would it be alright if I talk a bit about myself?

Thats exactly what I wanted.


He then started to talk about his own story.

It was nothing too special.

There was an endemic that has existed in the Pointy Mountains since the past and he was infected by it. The endemic resurged every other generation and many trolls lose their life to that infectious disease.

The past tribe members of the Rock Molar Tribe were troubled by it and made a rule to combat it even though it was a poor solution.

And it was exiling them, right?

Yes you are correct.

Then were you exil

No, I wasnt exiled. It was my mother that was.

The troll then continued telling his story.

His mother was pregnant with him when she was exiled and even though she desperately begged to at least take her son in, they rejected her request.

The troll then said that those past tribe members mightve been in the right.

Since I was born infected like this

My mother resented the tribe. She thought She thought that everything had to disappear.

What do you mean by everything?

The tribe, the disease, even me

It was a sad story, but the troll spoke calmly.

Is that disease incurable? asked Seol.

Thats the reason Ive been digging into these books. I used shamanic magic to learn the humans language and then read a lot of books with a variety of information in them to research the endemic.


I was almost successful, but there was one ingredient I was unable to get.

Seol was close to the information that he wanted.

Its called a Corpse Finger Mushroom It definitely exists on this mountain, but

You werent able to find it, huh?

I wasnt. The only thing the logs ever said was that it was found on the cliffside And because this disease made my bones weaker, it was impossible for me to go search there myself.

What about asking other tro ah

Did you forget? I have been alone ever since I was born. Alright, Ill end my story here. I feel like I whined so much because youre the first guest Ive ever had Anyway, if you want anything else, I

That mushroom


Would it be alright if I went to go find it?

What? Why?

Seol gave a slight smile.

Seol knew about the Rock Molar Tribes backstory, the trolls backstory, and the leaders backstory along with the problems behind it.

Seol could definitely help this troll.

Just think of it as a small transaction.

If if you really are able to find that mushroom for me, I will help you with whatever you want.

[Hidden Adventure The Exiled is now active.]


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