The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

What Seol had handed over to Kibo was the shadow venoms antidote that he created with the Poisonous Herb powder.

Since it was something that only Seol could make, it was also something that he had to come up with the price for.

Kibo, who was still looking at the antidote, was silent for a moment.

Is this the shadow venoms antidote?

As you can see.

How did you make no, more importantly, how did you get the materials for it?

Is that important?

It isnt. I-It isnt important at all. I apologize.

Mira was shocked as it was her first time ever seeing Kibo so flustered.

Antidote? Are you saying that this is the shadow venoms antidote? asked Mira.

I dont like to answer the same question twice.

Th-then does this mean Kibo can be healed?

Thats also the same question.


Like a granddaughter worrying for her grandfather, Mira didnt easily believe that the antidote was real. Kibo, seeing that, comforted her with one hand.

Mira, from this point on, just listen.


I want you to just listen, Mira. This isnt a conversation that you shouldve joined in the first place. Or would you rather wait outside?


Kibo spoke sternly to her. Mira had seen Kibo act like that a few times before and when he did, he scared her.

Mira stayed silent as she took glances at Seol. Seol didnt think of her negatively because of it though.

She must really like Kibo.

They were a unique pair.

A female transferee and the experienced leader of a ruins hunter faction.

Kibo continuously tried to teach her and she followed him without hesitation.

As Seol was thinking about their relationship, Kibo opened his mouth.

What do you want for it? Gallotta's Tongue?

That was already on the table. I want something else.

...Something else?

A treasure or rare quality item or information that I might find useful.

Kibo was silent.

It seemed like something was troubling him. Kibo then sighed and opened his mouth.

Weve already sold off all of our treasures because of the war of nerves with Heka. Could you take our circumstances into consideration?

I dont know I think Ive been more than kind to you already.


Trading this antidote with you is kindness enough.

Haha you arent wrong. I see.

What does he mean, Kibo?

Kibo slowly, painstakingly nodded.

However, Mira was unable to keep up with their conversation at all.

Hes right. Think about what wouldve happened if he took this antidote and went to Heka, Mira.

Ah I see.

Hes already been considerate to us from the moment he decided to trade this antidote to us. Anyway, what to do

Kibo already understood Seols intent.

Kibo realized that Seol looked favorably on him and had shown kindness to him.

Still, goodwill ends here.

If Kibo was unable to properly see through the situation and did something wrong, the deal would collapse immediately.

Im sorry but everything that I said earlier was the truth.

That you sold off all your treasures?

Yeah. Unfortunately, most of the treasures that could be used for trade were

Most meant that it wasnt all. Kibo was implying that he still had something left to trade.


From his ring-filled hands, Kibo placed the ring with the deepest hue on the table.

Kibo! Thats

I know. But if I want to pay a fair price, I have no choice.

That ring is your symbol. How could you

The only thing that can symbolize me is myself. This is nothing more than a ring.

Seol took a look at the ring that looked like a wolfs head.

[[Wolfs Warning]

Quality: Treasure

Recommended Level: 10-20

Resistance: 30

Durability: 68/68

Weight: 0.1kg

A ring that is passed down in a tribe in the north that worships a wolf god. Perhaps due to a supernatural power, it warns the wearer of dangers.

Basic Effect: +2 Strength, +3 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +8 Wisdom

Bonus Effect: A wolfs cry will warn the wearer when they are in a dangerous situation.]

It has an alarm effect.

This item was perfect for casters who had low health and constitution.

Since it was hard for accessories like necklaces and rings to have better effects than the more important equipment areas, effects like these were typically more useful.

- Excuse me, why does he keep getting Treasure-quality items?

- I dont understand it either.

- This is alchemy LMFAO An antidote turned into a treasure!

- Not to mention the fact that he has a bunch of antidotes left lmfao

- This is insane I cant believe he even got a fucking treasure-quality ring too now.

- But man, a Peerless-quality item is really good after all, huh?

- What?

- He got disappointed after looking at the treasure-quality items stats lol

- Seriously haha. But the surprising thing is that Snowman has both

Seol gave a sly smile and grabbed the ring in his hands. Kibo, seeing that, asked him,

Are you accepting the trade?

Yes, I like the ring.

Haha! Hahaha I hope you use it well! Its something that I havent taken off for twenty years.

Mira, who was next to Kibo, was on the verge of tears.

I thought you got that ring when you also inherited the faction members


Is it really okay to give something like that?

My family is still alive. And thanks to the ring, I also got a great opportunity.


You should never get attached to things; whats important is family. I could always just replace the ring with another treasure anyway.


Kibo gave a glance to Seol and lifted the antidote.

Now why dont I see what kind of effects this has?

Feel free.


Kibo popped open the antidotes bottle cap and poured it into his mouth without hesitation.


Krgh I can feel it burning my neck. Even the strongest liquor I drank wasnt this harsh.

Thats because it's poison.

Mira jumped up at Seols words.

What? What did you say?

As Mira was about to pull out her sword, Kibo answered her questions instead.

Mira, my heads ringing. Please be quiet for a second.

He said it was poison!

I mean, judging by the pain hes not lying, but its definitely having an effect.


Kibos limp, black arm was slowly returning to its original skin tone. It started at Kibos elbow, then his wrists, then finally his fingers.


An awful-smelling black fog vanished through the window.

Miras eyes were shocked open and she couldnt keep her mouth shut.

Oh my god Kibos arm got better?

Haah Haah

It mustve been quite painful

How painful could it be compared to losing your arm? No one would listen to me if I cried when Im this big.

Seol nodded and stood up.

Next is trading the treasures.

Ah. Yes, please.

Rita, the auction house manager, came here despite it being her office hours with extensive security. She had both of the treasures with her.


She handed Kibo the Shades Grace.


And Seol the Gallottas Tongue.

After confirming both things, Rita then passed out two documents.

I need signatures from both of you here.

Ah. By the way, I will be paying all of the service fees.

Kibo suddenly declared that he would be paying for all of the transaction fees. Since Seol didnt particularly have a reason to decline, he nodded his head.

Once the deal was complete, the employees from the auction house left. Once again, it was Seol, Mira, and Kibo.

Arent we all done here now?

No, theres one thing left.


Kibo, holding the Shades Grace in his hands, brought out a black energy.

Seols eyebrow twitched when he felt how strong Kibos energy was. And because of it, Seol also unwittingly increased his energy to face off against him.

What are you doing?

It was just a joke. Still, Im a bit sad that you werent surprised at all.

Kibo stopped his joke and looked at Seol with a serious expression in his eyes.

I want you to help us with our battle against Heka.

I refuse. I despise getting involved with other peoples problems.

"Hm thats going to be hard though? Since this is the biggest event going on in Nobira right now, even bakery owners, no, even the rats in the sewers, wont be able to avoid the aftermath."

Are you done?

Well, Ill stop here. It was a good trade. Could I have your name?

Seol was a bit surprised as he didnt realize he hadn't given Kibo his name yet.

You can call me Snowman.

Ah, Snowman. Well see each other again.

If the circumstances call for it.

Mira and Kibo left.

* * *

As Mira was following Kibo out, she kept stealing glances at Seol as if she was disappointed by something.

After leaving Seols outbuilding with Kibo, Mira pouted and started complaining to Kibo.

Why were you practically crawling at that Snowmans feet? Its not like hes in any faction either.

...Hes scary because he isnt in any faction, Mira.

As Kibo was talking, he felt sweat drip down his chin.

Kibo? Kibo? Kibo, whats wrong? I knew it! I knew it wasnt an antidote! That bastard! I should just

It was expected for Mira to be shocked after seeing Kibo like that but she wasnt going to return to Seols outbuilding. Kibo immediately explained the situation.


Kibo? Are you okay?

Youre finally calmed down now. Fuuu

Whyd you sweat so much? Whats going on?

Mira, sit down for a second.

The two sat down in the flower bed of a safe location for a short break.

Kibo was the first to break the silence.

What about a ruin hunter stands out more than an ordinary persons?

Their eyes?

Exactly. To be more specific, its their eyes and instinct. Its also the reason I took you in.

...And Im grateful for that.

When you first came to this world, you were filled with anger toward the world.

I know. I can feel how much Ive changed since then too.

Mira recalled the day she first came to Nobira. It was a rainy day, all of the stores had their lights shut.

No one was kind to her but she didnt expect any help from them either. She thought it was obvious that people didnt help her. It was the same in her original world too after all.

She was alone there. She would scream that she was in pain at the top of her lungs but no one would listen to her other than the fake people who were only interested in her appearance.

The person who took her in was Kibo.

Thank you for taking me that day. I wonder if Id even be alive now if it wasnt for you then

You? Definitely. I still remember your bloodshot eyes filled with malice

So, what did you want to talk about?

"The gossipers compare Heka to a lion and me to a wolf. Well, theyre not wrong. Heka is rugged and brave. Im the leader of a smaller ruin hunter faction than his, and I avoid fights unless theyre necessary."

Youre in the right, Kibo. Hekas just crazy.

Mira followed Kibo, thinking of him as the absolute good. Even now, she believes whatever Kibo says to be true.

Kibo, youre the only person thinking of a future with the transferees. Youre practically our shepherd.

Haha I bet people would laugh if they heard you call a wolf a shepherd. Stop looking at me with those rose-tinted glasses.

Im serious! You really are amazing.

Kibo let out a sigh.

Mira, theres no real other special reason Im bringing this up to you. It was simply because I was scared of him.

Of who? That Snowman guy? What are you saying?

Do you remember how I showed some of my energy?

Yeah, I thought you said it was a joke?

No, I was testing him. But, my eyes and my instinct The two things that brought me up to this position were warning me. They were telling me that he was dangerous, that I shouldnt get close to him.

Are you really doing this solely because of your instinct?

Its also based on other things as well. You dont find it strange that an individual who isnt a part of any faction has a treasure?


Kibos suspicions were obvious ones to have.

The majority of the treasures in Nobira, the ruins city, circulated around the ruin hunter factions. It circulated around the factions because the majority of these treasures typically required an entire group to uncover.

However, a random man showed up out of nowhere and traded a treasure like it was nothing. Not only that, he even solved Kibos illness which had reached critical condition.

There were way too many contradictions to claim that he was just an ordinary person.

"Also, Im sure that he has much more treasure than the one he just traded. I could tell at a glance that his belt was extremely valuable; it was the first time I had ever seen something like that. Its much more incredible than even the crystal ball in my hands."

...Who could he be?

From now on, listen, dont approach him carelessly.

Since Kibo had never given a warning to her like this before, she was shocked.

Kibo ignored her reaction and continued talking.

Mira, theres a reason why I take you with me whenever I have an important business or meeting.

What is it?

A wolf pack doesnt follow the strongest wolf, they follow the smartest wolf.


I want you to remember these words for when the time youll have to stand alone comes. You only have to be strong enough to not be behind, but you must be smarter than anyone else.

Strong enough to not be behind smarter than anyone else

Im sure Heka would feel the same thing if he met him. Because regardless of whether youre a lion or a wolf

Kibo gulped with a shudder, remembering the power hidden behind Seols eyes and small frame.

Youre still below a human.

How amazing do you think Snowman is?

Youll learn soon enough as well.

How? The trades done, no?

After I heard about him from Rita, I used the internal information network to look into our mystery person.


Rather than giving a reply, Mira only continued to ask questions in response to Kibo.

You told me that transferees in Nobira are able to know whos the strongest amongst transferees, right?

Yeah, I told you about it recently too, remember? Even though I had 350,000-ish points, I got pushed out of the Top 5 because of some weird huh?

And who was the strongest on it?

Uh it says its Private?

The day that Private appeared is also the same day that he arrived in Nobira.

Come on, Im sure its just a coincidence.

I doubted it at first too. But now, Im confident. I saw it in person, thats why Im saying this.


Mira could already tell what Kibo would say from his attitude.

As she was thinking Maybe Kibo answered her question.

Hes Private. And theres a good chance that Hekas faction realized it as well.

What do we do then? What if he goes to Hekas side?

"I dont know... We have to first prepare for the upcoming battle, though, since that will be happening soon. Hes probably going to be the most important storm in this upcoming battle. We just have to hope that the storm hits the lions faction and not ours."


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