The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Seols viewers went wild when they saw Seol receive an item with a quality they hadnt seen before.

[Us right now has donated 200 Madness!]

[*rubs eyes*... What? *rubs eyes even harder*]

- Youre rubbing your eyes right now? OMG me too.

- Damn I thought someone was spying on me

- Peerless? Whats a Peerless?

[Thats insane has donated 300 Madness!]

[He got a Peerless item this fast?]

- I bet if you wear that belt in front of a girl, shell immediately try to introduce you to her parents lol

- Is this the first time a Peerless item popped up?

- I dont know, I only watch this stream

- You too? Me too

- Peerless! Peerless!

- Woah so this is how you get one of those

- Werent you only able to get a Peerless item through excavating relics?

- So Lucifer appeared in Satans items

- I dont know what the fuck hes talking about but that scared me

A Peerless item was born after the nine spirits were absorbed into the belt.

Peerless items were all one-of-a-kind items in Pandea and saying that they were difficult to find would be an understatement.

This was much more the case right now in the early parts of someones journey.

I cant believe I got a Peerless item this early

Even Seol didn't predict this.

He thought Rainbows effect would increase slightly at best, he didnt expect a piece of equipment that would surpass a Treasure quality item to come out.

What kind of effects does it have?

Seol checked the effects of the first Peerless item he got.

[[Peerless: Space]

Quality: Peerless

Recommended Level: 10-30

Defense: 40

Durability: 150/150

Weight: 0.1kg

A belt with the power of nine spirits. It was designed by Griz and completed by Snowman. This belt is filled with immense energy and is perfect just by its existence. A price cannot be given for this item.

Basic Effect: +15 to All Stats

Bonus Effect: All-rounder (Unique), Spirits Barrier (Unique). Enhance a spirit skill of your choosing. The damage you take from elemental attacks is reduced by 10%.]

- Is he graduating from the early game?

- Uh I mean with an item like that, you could consider it?

- The above equipment shall sincerely rest on your waist at all times and for your services, we will graduate you

- This is my first time seeing a Peerless item Anyone else like me?

- Its my first time seeing one too

- Its a bit of a shame that its a belt item but if you think of it like having a fixed item for one of your equipment slots, its not bad?

- The rest of his equipment looks like shit now because his belt is so good.

- I feel like he could beat everyone else with just his belt LOL.

- Wearing only a belt would just make him scarier LMFAO.

Theres another unique effect now?

Only special treasures had unique effects.

Because each unique effect was powerful and had its own characteristics, Seol wouldve been satisfied if he even got one unique effect.

Seol then read the description for All-rounder.

There is a certain percentage of this effect triggering while you are active in combat. Temporarily increases a random stat by 5. This effect can stack up to 5 times and the same stat can be increased multiple times hm

It was definitely a good ability. Simply, it increased your overall stats by 25.

However, Seol didnt have the best expression.

What does active include?

Seol was worried about that.

In general, summoners werent too active in combat.

No to mention the fact that Seol invested all of his skill points into skills related to his summons so the most active he got in combat was when he dodged the incoming flying debris. Oftentimes, he mostly just stood still.

Seol pressed the active part of the description, hoping his worries were wrong.

Summons Summons It applies to your summons as well. Its written here!

Thankfully, his worry ended up just being a worry.

Since it specified that a summon being active in combat triggered All-rounder as well, Seol was relieved.

I almost had an effect I couldnt use.

Seol was confident that if there was a useless effect on a good item that he had, he would likely lose sleep due to the stress.

And like that, the issue with the first effect was settled.

So then the next effect is enhance a spirit skill of your choosing, huh

When Seol pressed the Enhance a spirit skill of your choosing. part of the description, something happened.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

Nine marbles appeared before him.

Is this the element of each spirit?

Despite the fact there were nine of them, one of the spirit elements kept drawing his eyes. Seol stared at it.

It was a pitch black spirits marble.

Seol didnt think long before choosing that marble.

Just like how you dont consider certain clothes when theres a dress code to a party, Seol, as a Shadow Summoner, always sought the Black option.


When Seol selected the black marble, the other marbles disappeared and the black marble crumbled away before surrounding Seol.

[The shadow energy becomes stronger.]

[The black energy interacts with the Shadow Summoners skills.]

[Your maximum Shadow Space is increased by 15%.]

...Oh my god.

It was a percentage increase to his maximum Shadow Space.

This was much more meaningful than simply increasing his base Wisdom stat.

When Seol thought about how much more Shadow Space hed have in the Adventures ahead of him, the percentage increase was going to be extremely efficient for him in the long term.

No, even now it can be used to acquire a new summon.

Having excess Shadow Space meant that he had the option to acquire a new summon after all.

- Is that good?

- This ones kinda trash - me.

- Isnt this really good for Shadow Summoners? I dont really know it too well so I cant judge though.

- Of course, its fucking good. All he does is increase his Wisdom stat, right? It practically has the same effect as it.

With that, Seol finished checking his new items second effect.

Seol could tell that the other effects were good with a simple glance too.

Spirits Barriers efficiency probably increased too and taking 10% less damage from elemental attacks was essentially the same as increasing your magic resistance by 10%.

- If this belt gives 10% magic resistance as well, where the hell did the game balancers conscience go?

- To space like the items name lol

- You could pretty much use that belt as a weapon and it would still be super strong lmfao. I bet even the person getting hit by it would like it.

- Hit me more! Is this what an item that gives roughly 140 bonus stats feels like?!

- Choke me daddy! I-Im so happy! Im so happy, but why is this belt so nice no?

- What the fuck is wrong with you.

Is the only thing left the title?

It was Seols first time receiving a special title.

And obviously, his expectations toward its effect were increasing by the second.

Seol read the titles description.

[[Special Title: Peerless Item Owner]

Related Achievement: One of a Kind (Adventure: Ember)

Bonus Effect: You now have the right to challenge Owner.]

Ah, it was that.


It was a title you could challenge once you gathered a certain number of Peerless items.

Owner is definitely a good title, but when will I be able to gather all of those Peerless items?

Seol just now got his hands on his first Peerless item so he wondered when hed be able to get his hands on more. This title felt like putting money into a frozen account you can only open 10 years later.

Well Ill just have to be faster than before.

If it was going to take him too long to get more Peerless items, he just had to go faster.

Seol finished his self-inspection.

Color Study was an Adventure that was relatively longer than the other ones he had gone through before. It was also an Adventure that no one would have cleared other than Seol.

As such, he received rewards appropriate to that level of difficulty.

* * *

At dawn, Seol returned to where his Color Study Adventure started.

Snore Snore

Snore Snore

The magicians snored as they slept. It was clear that they were exhausted from having to stay in one place for a long time.

Aaaargh! Huh?

Hrgh Huh?

One of them mustve had a nightmare since they woke up screaming. The two then blankly looked at Seol.

They then barely remembered what they were doing and forced themselves wide awake.

W-Welcome! We were worried because you didnt come back to get your containers inspected.

We were waiting for you, Snowman. Why dont you sit here for a moment and comfortably talk about what happened? A-Also, could you not tell our master that we were dozing off

I came to get them inspected.

When Seol straightforwardly explained why he was there, the female magician in pigtails nodded before asking him a question.

Did you capture them or kill them?

I captured them but you can essentially consider them dead.


I dont know how to reopen them.


Seol showed them his belt. Because he couldnt trust them, he still had the belt equipped on his body when he showed it to them.

Uh Hm So Huh?

Fryn, what is this?

I dont know either

The two talked to each other for a moment before turning toward Seol and asking him a question again.

Could you perhaps wait here for a moment?

Is there a problem?

Were still apprentice magicians so we dont know that much about spirit containers. But it just so happens that our master is visiting here. Would it be alright to show it to him?

How long will it take?

Hes right by. It will be just a moment.

I understand.

As Seol was waiting, he remembered that the magicians had a relationship to one of his previous pieces, the Grand Duke of Frost.

If theyre a member of Zodiac maybe I might know them?

Because the Archmage who created Zodiac was himself, it wouldnt be weird if Seol ran into someone who he knew from his previous piece.

Seol asked the magicians a question.

What is that persons name by the way?

Blaine. He is a pioneer of hail magic. Have you perhaps heard of our master?

Ah I am not well educated so I havent heard of him. I will make sure to not forget him though.

You dont need to go that far its normal to not know him if youre not a magician. However, he is quite famous amongst magicians.

How so?

Seol rubbed his chin as he tried to recall the name Blaine. However, there was no one he could remember.

I mean its not like I know every magician

In fact, it would be stranger if Seol did know every magician in Zodiac, the Magic Tower Organization.

However, the man then said something which left Seol with a strange feeling.

Do you know who the Grand Duke of Frost is?

The Grand Duke of Frost?

Yes, the legendary Archmage who also founded Zodiac.

...I have heard his name before, yes.

It felt embarrassing to hear about his piece from someone else.

A long time ago, when Blaine was held back by the Wall of Awakening, he received help from the Grand Duke of Frost to break through that wall. And after that, he became widely known as a pioneer of hail magic.

Ah, so it was that kid.


Its nothing, I understand now. He is quite an incredible man.

Im not just saying this because hes our master too. He really is an incredible person who saw the legendary Grand Duke of Frost in person!

The disciple clearly was proud of their master.

Blaine, I remember him now. So hes that kid from back then.

Seol, as the Grand Duke of Frost, went on countless journeys while doing countless good and countless inevitable bad.

Helping Blaine overcome the Wall of Awakening was something that was definitely categorized as one of the good.

- Sir I can I can feel my emotions running away from me. I feel neither anguish nor sadness. I-Is this really okay?

Hail magic was a category of frost magic that had the same characteristics and side effects as it.

Once you pass a certain level, there is a danger of losing your emotions.

It was a type of awakening called Vanishment.

However, if you had someone who could lead you through the awakening, you could reach the next level without experiencing the Vanishment side effect.

To Blaine, that certain someone was the Grand Duke of Frost, and Seol, who was the Grand Duke of Frost, became his savior.

There were officially twelve Magic Towers in Pandea. Each Magic Tower was given the name of a constellation and were collectively called Zodiac.

Blaine if its him there probably wont be any issues.

And even if there were issues, it wasn't hard to slip away from the situation.

A few moments later, the apprentice magicians made a small bird which flew toward something. A few moments after that, a clean-looking man came to them.

His face looked like someone who was in his early 30s but his hair was completely white. His serious demeanor exerted a bit of pressure.

Fwooooosh Step

A cool breeze passed each time he took a step.

Seol watched him with a strange expression, the kind an uncle gives when they see their nephew or niece all grown up.

...You lack training, Fryn.

Your standards are just too high, master Did you expect me to summon a phoenix with just a basic spell like this?

The path of magic is quite far from contentment. You knew what you were getting into

Ahem, ahem Over there! Snowmans waiting for you.

Regardless, why dont we go back together in a bit and have a talk.

Tch Youre so strict

Blaine quickly turned his head with a flick and looked at Seol. He then reached his hand out toward him.

My name is Blaine and Im responsible for managing the dispatched magicians from Aquarius. I was also dispatched here to be in charge of the damaged barrier stone situation.


Ah, youre the person from the Pointy Mountains incident. We heard about you even far away from Kongory. I apologize for not being able to welcome you when you first arrived, I was away. I personally thought it was a shame as well.

- S-So sweet

- Blaines a hottie in this world too sheeesh

- This guy has everything but he doesnt have Snowmans Peerless item!

Seol shook hands with him.

Most magicians preferred to not shake hands with other people.

Shaking hands with someone else meant admitting that they were equal to you. As such magicians, who were often filled with a sense of superiority from their intelligence, avoided handshakes.

Of course, magicians like that existed but Blaine was the opposite.

Seol felt comfortable talking with him.

Thank you for the warm welcome, Blaine.

I heard that you brought your own spirit containers? Would it be alright if I check them?

Yes, please.

I ask for your understanding that I will be using magic. Its just the procedures.


Blaine caused Seols belt to let out a soft glow.

Blaine, who closed his eyes to read the reactions from the belt, grimaced.

N-No No way.

Why, whats wrong?

H-How How did you get your hands on this belt?

I received it from someone I know.

- You stole it though.

- Are stealing and receiving the same thing nowadays?

- Its always these guys who are strong.

- Yeah, always those guys.

Hm Oho Mrm

Blaine continued to inspect Seols belt with great interest. And then suddenly, he flicked his finger.


[Blaine used Brain Freeze.]



The magicians who were watching behind Seol also froze up in an instant. Judging by how there were faint traces of frost on their faces, they were frozen.

Brain Freeze was likely a mind disorder spell.

Seol quickly backed up.

Why did you asked Seol.

This item is dangerous, answered Blaine.


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