The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

Yu Hwa, the Swordsdancer.

She could hear the sound of the blades—the sharpness and softness they emitted.

She wasn't the strongest swordsman among Seol’s pieces, but she was the most beautiful.

Her understanding of the sword went much further than a mere tool for slaughter.

"Don't make me laugh!"

The serpent ghost had just lost an entire arm. Although it still had four arms left, its balance was already broken.

"It's over. What a fool. Your name was wasted on you. I wanted to enjoy this more."

As Spectre muttered that, Seol Hong's body smoothly moved forward.


[Seol Hong used Sword's Song: Dream Cut.]

[The range of Sword Song’s: Bond’s slash has been greatly increased. The sword's durability is unaffected if the cut fails.]


In an instant, all of the serpent ghost's arms were severed.

Before the arms could hit the ground, Seol Hong called all the swords to her.


After losing all its arms, the serpent ghost was stunned and slowly retreated. Its eyes gleamed in despair.


All the swords the ghost had wielded were now levitating around Seol Hong.

While watching Seol Hong, Seol was reminded of something from long ago—the moment Yu Hwa decided her path as a swordsdancer in the heavens.

- Isn't it a waste?

- What is?

- Yu Hwa. You've developed her so much, sending her to the Dragon Palace… If you just let her wander, surely…

- I'm not sure about that…

- What?

- That's just my opinion. I think that, after all…

Seol didn't want to impose his desires on his piece. What his piece wanted was what he wanted as well.

- Yu Hwa looks happy.

How far did Yu Hwa's desires reach?


[Seol Hong used Exceptional Skill: Short Play]

[All swords influenced by Sword's Song: Bond gain free will and launch a simultaneous attack.]

[During this time, each sword’s attack speed is increased by 50%. The sword's durability decreases by 2% with each strike.]

[The attack continues until 20% of the sword’s durability is consumed.]

The five floating swords moved at an incredible speed, tearing the ghost's body apart.



In the blink of an eye, the serpent ghost was cut so much that it was beyond recognition.

A being at the Transcendent-rank lost to Seol Hong, who had attained Yu Hwa's enlightenment.


Clap, clap…

Spectre applauded beyond the curtain, "Not bad. It might be worth the gamble."


The curtain was pulled aside.

"You've come to find Yaksha, right?"

As the curtains moved aside, Spectre finally revealed its form.

However, it no longer had ferocious teeth and a massive body. Instead, it was a young girl with adorable fangs that could be mistaken for baby teeth and sparkling eyes.

But contrary to her appearance, the power emanating from her was anything but ordinary.

"Follow me. I know someone who can help you hunt Yaksha."

* * *

"Life is nothing but suffering…"

A long time ago, when Hong Cheon ruled Khan.

He had already left behind countless descendants, and Khan's regime seemed to be firmly established.

The one who had sought the Dragon's Breath had drunk the Dragon's Blood and had now become a corpse sitting on the imperial throne.


Hong Cheon, who hadn't collapsed even in his battle with the Evil Dragon, was on his knees.

"Life is cyclical, yet I alone remain stagnant."

The starlike brilliance that had scattered across the continent and the flames that had once blazed had yet to turn into ashes.

Warmth still lingered within, but it was no longer something worthy of being called a flame.

Although the Dragon Emperor Hong Cheon wasn't yet dead, he was no longer truly alive.

He had experienced countless memorable moments. Even then, some stood out more than others—for example, the monthly cultural diversions.

"Today, Khan's most famous woman will be granted an audience. You can look forward to it."

Hong Cheon was looking at the young Bang Hyu’s face.

Hong Cheon thought of Bang Hyu as a useful minister to Khan.

Bang Hyu was loyal to Hong Cheon—he tried his utmost to bring back life to Hong Cheon, as if Khan would wither if Hong Cheon himself withered.

"Everything feels so empty. Even a technique honed throughout a lifetime is nothing but mere entertainment. After all, human life is unbearably short."

The joys and sorrows of life had long since disappeared, leaving only torment and futility.

After slaying the Dragon, Hong Cheon had died too—no, he should have died.

If he had known that, he wouldn’t have lived such a meaningless existence.


Mist crept onto the stage.

Only Hong Cheon and Bang Hyu were witnesses to the vast stage.

Thinking about that, he couldn't help but think that the effort someone put into performing on such a stage was a waste.

Had it been anyone else, the performer would likely have received applause. But the best he could muster was pity for their efforts.


The sound of a drum marking the beginning of the performance rang out, and soon, a woman began moving on the stage.

At that moment, Hong Cheon’s eyelids, which had been drooping, paused in their descent.

The sound of strings filled the stage—it was a pleasant sound, but to Hong Cheon, it was mere noise.

Compared to the movements of the woman dancing on the stage.

"How could this be"

The ice was melting.

The cold winter was gone, and spring was now in full bloom.

It felt like he could see the seasons from the woman.

The seasons symbolize the passage of time and the flourishing of all things.

Hong Cheon, who felt something from looking at the movements of the woman, got up.

"Stop… Stop the dance…"


The strings became silent.

However, the woman on the stage continued dancing—a sword dance that looked as if her very soul was moving.

Bang Hyu shouted, "The Dragon Emperor has commanded you to stop the dance!"

Yet the dance continued.

The man who had struck the drum to start the performance pleaded, "Dragon Emperor, once the dance has begun, it cannot be stopped."


"She does not stop dancing until the performance is over."

Not even a Dragon could stop her dance.

At that moment, Hong Cheon woke up—he was alive.

He felt life through the flower that had bloomed through the sword.

Upon seeing the look on Hong Cheon's face, Bang Hyu bowed to the ground.

"Oh, Dragon Emperor."

Tears fell from the eyes of the man who had lost his joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure.

He had found a spark within the scattering ashes.

Even without the accompanying strings or applause, the movements of the woman dancing on the stage were nothing short of divine.

The dancer was a woman bestowed by the heavens.

Drenched in sweat, the dancer finished her final move and halted the dance.

The Dragon Emperor Hong Cheon should have punished her. After all, she defied his divine command by dancing until the end.

However, Hong Cheon's hands moved on their own.

Clap… Clap…

Clap… Clap… Clap…

The applause came naturally.

She had something beyond mere skill.

"What is your name…?"

Hong Cheon had asked for the name of a dancer for the first time in his life.

The dancer smiled, "I'm Yu Hwa."

Yu Hwa, the swordsdancer.

"A fine name."

Time passed, and after Yu Hwa left, the Dragon Emperor was once again left alone, panting as he stared at the wax of the candle.

The flame that was now fading.

"Yu Hwa… Yu Hwa…"

The dim light seemed to reflect his remaining life.

"You're still dancing in my dreams…"

* * *

At the same time, the Ghost Realm was bustling even more than the human realm.

Smiling broadly, Chi Woo looked at Spectre as she walked.

"A kid?"

"How dare you! You insolent beast!"

"Beast?! Hey!"

"Silence. Stop behaving frivolously."

The Ghost Soul was wrestling with Chi Woo.

Even Seol was surprised to see Spectre's form.

"Was it all an act?"

"It would be more fitting to call it a spell. You were completely fooled, weren't you?"

"So it wasn't real…"

"It was real, and yet it wasn't. No one knows whether my true form is that of a little girl or a giant."


"Are you curious?"

They were moving on top of a large palanquin. Each time it passed by someone, even the fiercest ghosts bowed their heads in reverence.

'As impressive as expected…'

A standing fitting the ruler of the Ghost Realm.

It seemed that no one in the Ghost Realm dared to oppose Spectre.

"Although it's a bit late, welcome to the Castle of Joy. I'll introduce you to Master Cha. However, there's a bit of a journey, so I'll answer your questions on the way. Just don't ask anything too deep. We won't have time to cover everything."

They were finally welcomed, and questions could be asked. As if he had been waiting for this moment, Chi Woo jumped in and asked Spectre.


"Why is one of the three Ghost Generals the Ghost King? Are you preparing for Hwagmu's revival? Was the resurrection of Phantom your doing?"

"It would be preferable if you asked one question at a time, but I doubt a beast can learn manners in such a short time. I'll explain it to you."

Chi Woo’s doubts were different from Seol’s.

Spectre answered his questions, "The term 3 Ghost Generals was made up by you, humans. Before the Hwagmu rose, I, Shade, and Phantom ruled different parts of the Ghost Realm."

"So you were already King."

"You could say that. However, our power was divided into three. One day, the Evil Dragon Hwagmu appeared. He forcibly subdued us and made us go to the mortal realm."


"Listen to the end. Unlike Phantom and Shade, who endlessly sought more power, I had no particular interest in the Mortal Realm. Humans are a delicacy, but I had grown tired of them after living for so long. That's why I waited for an opportunity."

This was something Seol knew as well.

This was also one of the reasons much wasn’t known about Spectre.

"While Shade and Phantom were distracted by the Mortal Realm, I returned to the Ghost Realm and secured the borders. They were stranded in the Mortal Realm, and all the power and influence of the Ghost Realm became mine. Do you understand why I'm not the same as them?"

"What about Hwagmu?"

"I have nothing to do with that lizard. I hate that lizard."

"So you have nothing to do with Phantom's resurrection?"

"I know nothing about that. To me, it's better if Phantom remains sealed forever."

Chi Woo asked, "Then, what's your goal?"

"For now, it's the same as yours," grinned Spectre, "To hunt Yaksha down."

Seol asked her, "Yaksha's power… Can you suppress it?"

"Isn't that why we came all the way here?"


The crack of thunder echoed.

Upon looking outside, they saw a tree ablaze from a lightning strike.

"A jujube tree struck by lightning. Master Cha will be pleased."

"Who is this Master Cha you keep speaking of?"

"The tea he serves is of the highest quality—sometimes, even better than liquor. He will let you taste it as well. We're going to continue our conversation there."


A house that looked like it might collapse at the slightest strike of lightning. Yet, strangely enough, someone seemed to be living there.

"Oh… Master Cha! So you were inside."


The sound of tea being prepared could be heard from within.

"So you didn't come alone today."

Seol tilted his head.

'Where have I heard this voice…'

Spectre laughed, "Some useful humans have drifted into the Ghost Realm. So I thought I'd introduce them to Master Cha and maybe enjoy some tea together."

Who was the person Spectre was addressing with such respect.

"Please, have a seat. I can serve tea at any time."

Soon, the owner of the voice appeared.


Master Cha placed teacups on the table and gently poured tea, and a rich aroma filled the room.

Scents could often call forth memories—the fragrance spread from the tip of his nose to the depths of his mind.

"You still won't drink tea?"

With a gentle smile, the owner of the house asked Seol.

He saw a familiar face.

Although he looked slightly worn out from hardship, he emanated a mysterious energy from him.

[Powerful Helper 'Hamun' has appeared in this Adventure.]

[Powerful Helper 'Hamun' will join you in this Adventure as an ally.]

It was Orgo's descendant, Hamun.

The person Seol hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye to back in Nobira was there.

"I won't refuse today…"

Seol reached out to the teacup.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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