The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Seol touched his face, clearly more surprised and confused than Chi Woo and Jin Ryeo, who stared at him in bewilderment.

"What’s wrong, Seol?"

"I don't recognize this face."



Jin Ryeo squinted, "It's quite a handsome face… could that be your original face you have forgotten?"

"You do look more handsome."

"Ah! I'm not saying you weren't handsome before!"

Just like she said, Seol's appearance had transformed into that of an exceptionally handsome person.

'This is the first time… I have seen this face.'

His face had been replaced with one he was unfamiliar with, so it was impossible not to be confused.

He would have immediately recognized it if he had transformed into something closer to his essence, like Chi Woo, or reverted to his childhood appearance, like Jin Ryeo. But having transformed into something seemingly unrelated to him made it difficult to comprehend.

'Who is this? I don't know this face at all… could this be my piece?'

Even if it were his piece, he had no memory of it.

Although he was handsome, he had no distinctive features except for the beauty mark under his eye. There was nothing particularly special about this appearance.

'This is a mark engraved on my soul? This man? Why…?'

One's form in the Ghost Realm was that of someone deeply engraved in your soul, whether it was someone else or you. It meant the imprint was so intense that it had left a mark on your soul.

Something so intense should have been also memorable. So, why couldn't he remember?

He might have at least speculated if his face had some resemblance to him, but there was nothing familiar about it.

In truth, Seol had been anxious after figuring out they were in the Ghost Realm. He feared that his appearance from his time in the heavens—where he had always worn a mask—might be exposed.

Knowing that people like Janet, the Merchant of Madness, were watching him, it was best to keep his former appearance hidden.

That was the situation he feared, but what emerged instead was someone unfamiliar.

Chi Woo looked around, something seemingly bothering him.

In fact, Seol felt the same way. He had been feeling a strange sense of uneasiness ever since they arrived here.

"Where's Seol Hong?"

Chi Woo darted around frenetically—his round, chubby figure made it difficult to think of Chi Woo's true appearance.

"Ah! I'll look for her too. Hmm… Sh-she must be in an animal form, right?"

Jin Ryeo also started to search around the area.

Seol also tried to send out crows to search in all directions.

Dozens of perspectives came instantly into view, but that didn't necessarily make the search any easier. The surrounding terrain was rocky, so if Seol Hong was clinging tightly to the cliffs as she moved, it might actually be easier to find her by searching directly.

'Still… is this really what the Ghost Realm looks like?'

The surroundings were bleak to the extreme.

The grass was so dry that it seemed incapable of absorbing a single drop of water, and a sandstorm kept blowing.


After the hot, dry wind passed, the gritty sand in his mouth left an incredibly unpleasant feeling.

The Ghost Realm looked like a world made of different shades of gray.




As the crows also struggled, footsteps echoed from a blind spot. It seemed that there was a path over there as well.

Huff, huff

"Is it Seol Hong? Seol Hong!"

Huff, huff

Chi Woo quickly dashed after hearing someone's footsteps.

"Wait, Chi Woo!"

"That's definitely Seol Hong! I can tell! It's her smell!"

Chi Woo ran while wagging his tail.

"Wait for me!" Jin Ryeo followed Chi Woo.

They were moving toward the person coming from around the bend, making it difficult to see clearly.

Soon, both disappeared around the bend as well. Shortly after, they came rushing back.

Huff, huff…

"Oh, no! It isn't Seol Hong! Who is it?"

"S-someone we don't know is coming! They aren't a ghost, but…"

- Are they a newly formed comedy duo?

- Hahaha. That dog is definitely Chi Woo's true form.

- Because he's a golden dog, he's very friendly.

- He's definitely a mixed breed! Good lineage!

Seol found their reactions strange. They must have known that Seol Hong's appearance changed, yet they were acting like this.

'It isn't Seol Hong? No, it's definitely her.'

The one walking toward them was Seol Hong.

After all, he could feel her energy.

'Did her appearance change a lot? Well… I guess we'll soon find out.'


And as she appeared before them.

Seol immediately realized why Chi Woo and Jin Ryeo were so surprised. After all, he also became confused.

Seol Hong's appearance had changed completely.

If Jin Ryeo had transformed from an adult into a child, Seol Hong had undergone the opposite—she went from being a young girl to a fully mature woman.

"Look, it's Seol Hong, but it’s not!"

It wasn’t merely that Seol Hong had grown; there was something distinctly foreign about her new appearance.

"I'm glad everyone is safe…"

Although her voice was undeniably Seol Hong's, her appearance was that of someone else's.

Her deep, unfathomable eyes, the sleek and firm lines of her figure, and even the atmosphere she exuded.


Seol Hong's appearance had become that of her mother.

Yu Hwa, the Swordsdancer.

* * *

"My appearance…"

Seol Hong, now resembling Yu Hwa, was bewildered. Initially, she was puzzled by how her clothes had become too small, but she never imagined that her appearance had actually changed.

"What the…"

Seol handed her an outfit originally intended for Karen. With Jin Ryeo's assistance, Seol Hong—now resembling Yu Hwa—quickly changed into the new clothes, replacing the ones that had become too small.

It seemed that her figure was similar to Karen's, as her clothes fit her perfectly.

- Woah;;

- Mother… Sob… No wonder even the Dragon Emperor fell for her…

- Hong Cheon, you lucky bastard!

- Hong Cheon, the worst tyrant!

Seemingly uncomfortable with her changed body, Seol Hong kept looking at her clothes and then glanced at Chi Woo, who was looking up at her.

"Why did Chi Woo become a dog?"

"I'm not a dog! I'm a wolf!"

Amid their playful exchange, Seol snapped back to his senses.

'This isn't the time to waste.'

[ Adventure 33. (Special) 'Ghost King's Land'

You have successfully rescued the survivors left in Gi Seom. Now, only the final objective remains: to evade the ghosts and escape from Gi Seom with your party.

However, it seems that you have failed.

Something left in Gi Seom has drawn you and your companions into an unknown realm. For some reason, everyone's appearance has changed.

You must survive and find your way back.

Objective: Survive and return to the human realm.

Caution. This Adventure is very dangerous.

Caution. This Adventure can change at a moment’s notice.

Remaining Time 「Unknown」]

"It's a relief that everyone's safe. Let's move for now."


As Seol Hong spoke—looking like Yu Hwa—it really felt like they were talking to Yu Hwa herself.

The group was discussing what had happened when suddenly…


The sound of a carriage echoed from the wasteland.

"Could it be a person?"

Chi Woo eagerly turned his head, but Seol just shook his.

"There's no way."

"Then… a ghost?"


"Do we need to fight?"

"Let's wait and see for now. It's just one carriage."

"Alright! But since I look like this… could you talk instead of me?"



The carriage stopped close to where Seol's group was.

Upon closer inspection, it was a cargo wagon, and what was pulling it wasn't even a horse.

Despite its two humps resembling those of a camel, the creature’s appearance was far more menacing. Bones jutted from the humps, and its teeth were far more vicious than those of any regular camel.

"Whoa… Whoa…"

The driver calmed the creatures down and brought the wagon to a halt.

They had a hunchback and a cloth wrapped around their neck—their face looked fierce.

After all, it was a ghost.

"Are you guys humans…?"


Seol Hong and the others stared at the ghost warily.

"Hihihi… Don't be so on edge. It's just that it's been a while since I've seen humans in the Ghost Realm. Lately, there have been cases of humans that managed to cross over intact because of Yaksha, but it's still quite rare. For me, it's been a long time."


"How about it? You seem like you need my help."

"Help… What kind of help can you provide?"

"If you get on the carriage, I'll take you to the nearest city."

"There must be a catch…"

"Hahaha… Goods are enough. That thing called gold. You guys seem to have a lot of valuables."

"Are such things even useful here…?"

"Of course! Who doesn't like shiny things?"

Seol narrowed his eyes.

Then, a set of choices appeared before him.

[[A mysterious ghost has appeared and offered to take you to the nearest city in exchange for some valuables. How will you respond?]

1. It seems suspicious, so you refuse immediately.

2. Negotiate a price.

3. Offer a different condition instead of riding the carriage.

4. Trust that this is a good samaritan and get on without doubt.


"Then, understood."

"Straightforward! I like it! The ride might be a bit rough since it’s a cargo wagon… Just squeeze in wherever you can!"

Before boarding, Seol Hong whispered to him.

"Something feels off… to think a ghost would be so friendly."

Seol faintly smiled, "I have a plan. Trust me."

"I always do," Seol Hong smiled.

Seol sat beside the driver while the others squeezed into the cargo hold.


The carriage began moving again.

It felt faster than a normal carriage.

The ghost pointed at the camel-like creatures pulling the carriage and said, "Hihi… If you're a human, you've never seen a gurd, right?"

"I… haven't seen a gurd before."

It was his first time seeing it.

In-person, at least.

Seol asked a few questions.

"What's your name?"

"Name? Hmm… Just call me Jeong Gi. After all, that was my name when I was alive."

It seemed he had become a ghost after dying.

"Jeong Gi, I appreciate your kindness."

"There's no need for that. The ghosts that are hostile to humans are the petty ones, especially in the Ghost Realm. Here, ghosts don't trust each other, and you being humans doesn’t change that. Don't you think?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

* * *

They had been here for a full day now. Although the others managed to get some sleep, Seol stayed awake.

The next day, the carriage resumed its journey, traveling through desolate wastelands for hours on end.

"So, how did you end up here?"

"We were caught in a fissure…"

"Ah… So you got swept into one of the fissures created by Yaksha."

"Do you know about Yaksha?"

"Of course! In the Ghost Realm, it’s impossible not to know its name. He's almost as famous as the Ghost King."

"The Ghost King…"

Jeong Gi's gaze suddenly sharpened, "Human, do you know about the Ghost King?"

Seol didn't immediately answer. He simply made an ambiguous smile.

"The Ghost King is someone you need to be wary of."


"Yes. One of the reasons not all ghosts rushed out to the human realm is because they are wary of the Ghost King."


Jeong Gi continued to share numerous stories, cunningly mixing the truth with lies.

"And also…"

"If I may ask."


"Why are you covering your neck with that cloth?"

Jeong Gi's gaze darkened. "Ah… Ahaha… It's nothing. It's just that there's something a bit unsightly."

That was a lie.

When he lowered his head, Seol caught a glimpse of something metallic shining beneath the cloth.

'I can guess what it is, but it isn't time to act yet.'

Seol smiled, "I see."

"Yes. Ah, and also…"

"Wait a moment…"

"What's wrong?"


"That sound…"

"That sound?"


"Someone is chasing us."

"Chasing us? Where… Damn! Hyah!"


Only after Seol's warning did Jeong Gi urge the gurd to move faster, his expression suddenly becoming serious.

"What's going on?"


"I'd like to assist in any way I can. Who are they…?"

On the horizon, a group riding black gurds was rushing toward the wagon—they were clearly after them.

"I-it's a band of thieves…! If they catch us, they'll take everything I have!"

"I see…"

"I see?! How can you be so calm?! Think of something. Didn't I help you?!"


Seol placed his hand on his chin, pretending to be thinking deeply, but in truth, he wasn't really coming up with any plan. If anything, he was wondering what he should eat for lunch today.

Meanwhile, the black gurds closed in on them.

In a panic, Jeong Gi shouted, "Hey!"

"Jeong Gi, I heard that black gurds have such a unique breeding method that only very few in the Ghost Realm actually use them."


"The organization known as the Dark Execution Squadron."

Jeong Gi's expression became blank, not from shock but from the surprise of Seol knowing.

"You… who are you?"

"The Dark Execution Squadron's main task is tracking. They often go after criminals…"

"Shut up before I kill you."


Seol swiftly pulled away the cloth covering Jeong Gi's neck.

"In this land, anyone who defies the Ghost King's will once is branded with a unique chain around their neck…"

A chain with a peculiar pattern was wrapped around Jeong Gi's neck.

"And it should look exactly like that."

"So what…?"

"Why did you deceive us?"

"Haha… deceive you? Just because I'm wearing the Chain of Atonement doesn't mean I've harmed you."

"What were you thinking of doing with the earthly goods that you received in the ghost realm? Those things should be useless here."

Jeong Gi's true nature emerged.

"You really thought I wanted gold? Ridiculous! I would have devoured you all, of course!"

"Was the Dark Execution Squadron chasing after you?"

"That's right. But unfortunately for you, even if you've figured it out, it's too late."


"I'll use you as hostages to make my escape! The feast will come after that. So just sit there and wait to be devoured!"


Seol paused for a moment before calmly replying, "I'm sorry, Jeong Gi."

"It's fine. Apologizing now won't change your fate."

"I didn't just realize this."



Seol unleashed the power he had been restraining.

A sharp, electric energy went through the Jeong Gi—a power beyond anything it could have imagined.

"What the…"

"I've known since the start."


"Get down."

Seol kicked Jeong Gi.



Jeong Gi screamed as it tumbled to the ground.

- A-a robber!

- I thought it was hitchhiking!

- Yes, here's the hitch high kick that you've ordered!

Seol grabbed the reins and spurred the gurd forward.



However, the group assumed to be the Dark Execution Squadron continued chasing the wagon, showing no interest in the fallen Jeong Gi.

Seol expected them to stop once he kicked Jeong Gi off, but they didn't.

"Was I mistaken?"

It seemed the black riders had been targeting Seol and his companions from the very beginning, not Jeong Gi.

- Jeong Gi: ??? Then why…

- I'm sorry… I thought it was a transfer.

- Jeong Gi will remember this.

- The human is sorry…

At that moment, words from the pursuers caused Seol to pull on the reins quickly.

"We're emissaries of the Ghost King! Stop the carriage!"

"Ghost King…? Did they say, Ghost King?"

They were subordinates of the Ghost King.

"We were sent by the Ghost King, Spectre."


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