The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 270

Chapter 270

After parting with Seol, Chi Woo, Seol Hong, Mi Ah, and Hye Myeong followed the path guided by the Golden Divine Statue.

“This way!”

Chi Woo took the lead, acting as their guide.

Contrary to their expectations, the path ahead was winding and became increasingly complicated the further they went.

However, there were also signs they wouldn’t have noticed before if they hadn’t awakened to Watala’s lessons.

Hye Myeong bit his lips.

The further they walked, the more he broke out in cold sweat.

He was worried about Seol, whom they had left behind.

- Keep going, Hye Myeong.

- ...What about you?

- I’m staying here.

- Why?

- Because I’ve already acquired it.

Seol’s words were like a mystery.

‘Kang Seol...’

Hye Myeong’s steps felt heavy.

As if he were bound by chains, his ideals unwilling to align with his actions.

“...Hye Myeong?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know if this is right,” responded Hye Myeong, a somber tone in his voice.


“Was it really the right decision to leave Kang Seol behind? I feel like we pushed him to sacrifice himself.”

Running ahead of Hye Myeong, Seol Hong replied.

“He is much stronger than you think.”


“If he can’t do it... then no one here can.”

* * *

Seol heard Karuna’s voice from the Shadow Space.

- As lively as ever, Jamad.

- Yeah, I’ve rested for so long that I feel like bursting with energy now.

Seol then quickly read through Jamad’s information that had changed.

‘...Is he really the same troll?’

Normally, when summons improve in rank, only a few important things would change rather than a variety of aspects—for example, acquiring a Primal Power or gaining the ability to choose how to advance your swordsmanship.

However, Jamad's changes upon improving to Immortal rank were on an entirely different level compared to the transformations he had undergone before.

‘Is this… also because of the Void?’

If Seol had the luxury of time, he would have examined every single change Jamad had undergone in detail.

However, the opponent in front of him wasn’t kind enough to allow him that opportunity.

He was Shade, one of Hwagmu’s three ghost generals.

- I don’t think a long conversation is necessary.


Shade began emanating even more malevolent energy from his body.

Crackle, crackle…

[Shade used Exceptional Skill: Ten Thousand Hands.]

[Creation: Cursed Hands’ cooldown is ignored, regenerating infinitely. However, each time it regenerates, its mana cost increases by 20%.]

“How cramped.”


The hallway exploded, creating an area as open and large as the previous trial.

‘...It’s better for him the more room he has.’

Since Shade had the ability to change his size freely, he now had the option to grow much larger than he currently was.

While Shade had the option of taking advantage of the large space, Seol had nothing to take advantage of.

No matter how big Jamad was, there was no way he could grow larger than Shade.


Fwoosh… Fwoosh…

Shade conjured countless floating hands in the air.

Jamad laughed in response.

- You’ve prepared a pretty nice meal, Seol.

Jamad then continued, talking to Seol in his head.

‘Assimilate, Seol. The most important thing right now is for you to understand me.’


‘Yeah. And if he’s weak, you won’t have to do anything. Hand over control of your body to me while you grow accustomed to my energy.’

Seol didn’t necessarily see a reason to deny Jamad’s request.



Night Crow’s energy grew stronger.

[You are successfully maintaining the Night Crow form with an Immortal-rank summon.]

[Exceptional Skill: Night Crow’s proficiency greatly increases.]

Seol stared down Shade.


Rank: Immortal

Estimated Level: 45~50

Hwagmu, the Evil Dragon, commanded three loyal Ghost Generals who obeyed his every command.

Their names alone were enough to spread terror across an entire era. However, after Hwagmu's defeat at the hands of Hong Cheon, the Ghost Generals and the Ghost Army were disbanded.

Phantom, one of the Ghost Generals, was sealed by Hong Cheon, while Shade and Spectre faded into obscurity.

It was as if they had been forgotten by time…

Well, until you met him here.

Basic Skills: [Passive: Painless], [Passive: Ruler's Authority], [Passive: Domineering Mind], [Ghost Pressure 3], [Command: Press 4], [Command: Whiz 3], [Command: Clap 3], [Command: Slam], [Command: Pile Up 5], [Command: Pinky Promise 1], [Command: Lace Fingers 2]

Unique Skills: [Exceptional Skill: Ten Thousand Hands], [Exceptional Skill: Limited Oxymoron], [Exceptional Skill: Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara]]

Shade and Phantom had similar levels.

However, according to Seol’s assessment, Shade was much stronger than Phantom.

‘Not to mention the fact he’s at full strength… this won’t be easy.’


Shade quickly scattered a strange energy from his body.

It was as if he was channeling the galaxy into the night sky, causing a shimmering light to expand in the black space.

- It must be your domain.

“Since you know what it is, you must also realize it’s too late for you, right?”

- Hmph…


Domain was primarily used by swordsmen and warriors, but Shade had adapted it into his own technique and reformed it in a distinctly unique way.

Lift… lift…

The floating rubble began to move as if they had a will of their own.

‘It’s his specialty.’

Seol wasn’t sure whether to describe it as telekinesis or spatial control, but he knew for certain that Shade was using those powers to attack him.

Considering he could also enter a mental form, Shade was incredibly difficult to confront.

Just like now.

‘This is why I said that I had a bad matchup versus him.’

Until now, Seol has always defeated his opponents fairly. He met strength with strength and speed with speed, ensuring he faced his adversaries with the weapons he had the advantage in.

However, Shade was an anomaly, making a straightforward face-off difficult.

‘Unless I was Hye Myeong after he awakened to Watala’s powers… No, even Hye Myeong had to use the Luminous Bell.’

It was difficult to foresee Shade losing in an ordinary battle of strength.

“Welcome to my unknown,” mocked Shade, flashing his teeth.

Jamad then asked Seol a question.

‘Do you know anything about him?’

‘I know physical attacks aren’t that effective.’

‘He looks a bit too tough for someone like that.’

‘You’re right, he is.’

‘So, in short… he’s a cheap little bastard.’

Seol was inwardly worried about Jamad.

‘Jamad, he’s…’

‘Just watch, Seol.’


Jamad smiled.

‘Watch how much I’ve changed.’


As Jamad clapped his hands, two of Jamad’s skulls floated into the air.

[You use multiple Primal Powers.]

[You are using more than 2 Primal Powers.]

[The efficiency of the Primal Powers you are using is decreased by 10%.]

The floating skulls were likely connected to the linked skulls on Jamad’s arms that Seol had seen earlier.

Crackle, crackle…

On their foreheads were the same patterns that were imprinted into Seol’s Bones of Origin.

- I’ll give you a little taste first, ghost.

“I doubt even your full power will be enough.”

- I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

The skull opened its mouth and spoke.

[Become a sea of fire…]

[You have applied Sulfur Primal Power.]

[You used Primal Power: Wildfire.]

[Wildfire will continue to expand as long as you support it with Sulfur Primal Power.]

[The caster is immune to Wildfire’s damage.]

[Wildfire creates immense amounts of heat and smoke.]

[Opponents within range of the heat have a high chance of being afflicted with Abnormal Status: Burned. Burned deals 1% of the enemy’s current health every second, and lasts for 3 seconds.]

[There is a chance for Abnormal Status: Burned to change into Abnormal Status: Scorched after its duration ends. Scorched deals 1% of the enemy’s current health as damage per second and lasts for 5 seconds.]

[Additional effects are applied based on the size of Wildfire.]

It was a rather unique skill.

It also seemed effective to use when facing many opponents or a large opponent.

“Hmph… That won’t matter as long as it doesn’t reach me.”

- Are you sure you’ll be able to avoid it, though?

Clatter, clatter…

The second skull.

[Be purified by lightning.]

[You have applied Lightning Primal Power.]

[You used Primal Power: Lightning Strike.]

[Lightning will continue to strike the battlefield as long as you support it with Lightning Primal Power.]

[The caster is immune to Lightning Strike’s damage.]

[Lightning will strike where the Lightning Seal is placed. Lightning Seals will regularly appear on the ground where enemies are located.]

[There is a slight delay before the Lightning Seal activates.]

‘Lightning will continue to strike the battlefield?’

As Seol did not know how much damage it dealt, he worried if it could pose a threat to Shade.

In the end, they would have to fight for Seol to know.

And now, their fight was about to begin.

[Shade used Command: Slam.]

[Cursed Hand strikes the designated target.]


A hand, curled up into a fist, quickly flew toward Seol.

Rumble, rumble…

Then, more fists began flying at Seol.

In the Night Crow form, Seol was buried by their relentless assault.

“...Where did he go?” asked Shade, tilting his head in confusion.

In an instant, Night Crow’s energy was dispersed like a haze. Shade also recognized that Seol and Jamad were not individuals who would die in one hit like that.

[You used Nightmare.]

[The damage you took recently is transferred to your creation.]


Crows scattered around.

“That was close,” said Seol.

- It’s fine since you dodged it. We are one body, after all. I expected you to do at least this much.


Seol talked to himself like someone with a split personality.

‘...My creations came back.’

Crows continued to multiply around Seol as they surrounded him.


The hands that struck where Seol was were all turned to ash by Wildfire.

- Still, we’ve managed to reduce their numbers.


Night Crow then disappeared into the smoke caused by Wildfire.

“How one-dimensional,” mocked Shade.

- You can rest well knowing that a multi-dimensional attack is waiting for you, ghost.

Shade swiftly scanned the smoke with his senses, then zeroed in on the foolish shaman who thought he could hide within it.

“There you are!”

[Shade used Command: Lace Fingers.]

[Cursed Hands lace their fingers to combine damage.]

[Shade used Command: Slam.]

[Cursed Hand strikes the designated target.]





Though Shade managed to attack Seol each time he sensed him, it felt as if none of his attacks were properly landing.

“So it wasn’t just to obscure vision,” Shade murmured.

Wildfire’s smokes not only obscured vision, but also greatly increased dodge rate once it expanded.

For Seol, who had numerous effects that boosted his dodge rate, it served as an excellent shield.

“Sure, but… What if I do this?”

Shade waved his hands.


[Shade used Command: Pile Up.]

[Cursed Hands pile up, crushing the target.]



This time, Shade opted to limit the places Seol could go instead.



However, he suddenly stopped still.

Crackle, crackle!

Lightning Strike fell directly above Seol.


The Cursed Hands around Seol were all scorched black before turning to ash.

Jamad laughed while standing on the Lightning Seal, a clear taunt toward Shade.

“It’s pointless to taunt me. Your defeat is already decided.”

- …How so?

“Because your attacks will never reach me.”

- Hmm…

As Jamad gave Shade a curious look, Seol asked him a question.

‘Jamad, do you have a way to win?’

‘Somewhat. I’m just debating the method to close the distance with him.’

‘Close the distance?’

‘Yeah. As long as I can do that, I can damage him.’

‘Then what about this…?’

Seol explained his plans to Jamad, who replied with a satisfied grin.

- Ah… that sounds like it could work. Let’s go with that.

Seeing Jamad’s relaxed demeanor, Shade began to feel a bit irritated.

“I’m beginning to get annoyed.”

[Shade used Command: Whiz.]

[Throw a projectile that deals damage proportional to Cursed Hand’s damage. Additional effects are applied upon a successful hit.]




With countless pieces of rubble scattered around, Shade adjusted his strategy based on the mana he could sense and hurled the debris at Seol.




While these attacks were easy to dodge, unlike his hands, they seemed to never end.


Not to mention the additional debris that was also created from the attacks. In truth, this attack was impossible to dodge.


Jamad allowed a few of the smaller debris to hit him.

“...Caught you.”

- What?

[Shade used Command: Pinky Promise.]

[A target hit even once by Cursed Hand is restrained for a short while.]

[You are afflicted with Abnormal Status: Restrained.]

[Confession activates.]

[All Abnormal Statuses are lifted from you.]

[Abnormal Status: Restrained, the most recently applied Abnormal Status, is transferred to Shade.]



While Jamad tried to use that opening to run away, another piece of debris had already hit him within that moment.

[Shade used Command: Pinky Promise.]

[A target hit even once by Cursed Hand is restrained for a short while.]

[You are afflicted with Abnormal Status: Restrained.]

However, Confession didn’t activate this time.

‘Getting restrained even once means death.’

Seol clicked his tongue at the ridiculous attack pattern, but he was still confident.

It seemed like Jamad still had many more cards to play.


A large boulder hurtled toward Seol.

Clatter, clatter…

But then, Jamad’s third skull appeared.


Jamad clapped.

[Summon Phantom Beast: Shadow Wolf activates.]

[Passive: Sudden Appearance activates.]

[Koko, the Happy, affects Jamad’s skill.]

- Come out, wolf.

Crackle, crackle…


A black entity tore through Seol’s shadows to swallow the skull with the mountain pattern.


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