The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

Zhe Gak had some knowledge of the celestial realm—a phantasmal world where spiritually enlightened ascetics ascended.

However, what did that matter now when he couldn’t see beyond the room?

Besides, Insulating Steel wasn’t just impossible to escape, it was also impossible to breach.

"Pfft... Hahaha! Are you threatening me? Bluffing as always, Shin Yo. I can’t believe you’re still putting on that act after being humiliated."

“You’ll know soon whether I’m bluffing or—”



The room began to tilt, as if it were being moved.

Rumble, rumble…


“These vibrations…”

“What’s wrong? Did the residents of the celestial realm lose interest?”


“This isn’t them… this is… a ghost…? No…”

Everyone's gaze shifted to the Insulating Steel ceiling.

Crack… crack…

Countless cuts had formed across its surface.

“N-No way…”

An intense heat and light flowed through the gaps.

Crack, crack…

The Insulating Steel ceiling was being broken.

“Th-the Insulating Steel is…”

Shin Yo had felt an energy like this before.

She knew only one individual who could have such intense aura.

- It was definitely good to come to Yocheon.

- I’m really looking forward to seeing how that line in your scroll will be used.

- Is that so?

- Depending on how you use it… I’m sure it could even save your life, wouldn’t you agree, Lady Shin Yo?

“It’s him.”

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The Insulating Steel ceiling was completely ripped apart, torn to shreds.

Agony’s voice rang out.

[Found them! They’re here!]

An intense wind flew in as the ceiling tore off, lifting those who were unprepared into the air.


“The wind is… krgh…”


Shin Yo sensed her Daoist ability return with the opening and quickly brought her hands together to cast a spell.


[Shin Yo used Higher Knowledge: Silkworm's Alcohol.]

[You shoot out a large amount of silk.]


Shin Yo quickly shot out strands of silk, catching the airborne Dragon’s Flowers and pinning them back to the floor.

“This is…”

“The celestial realm!”

The mysterious tornadoes swirling around them, along with the oddly shaped rocks being lifted by the winds, confirmed that they were no longer in their original world.

Atop the torn-off ceiling stood a single man, the very one who had birthed the sun in the sky.

Or rather… who had brought them the night.


It quickly turned dark as the man disappeared before their very eyes.

“Seol Hong.”


Seol returned to Seol Hong’s side, dispelling the darkness as he made his way to her.


“Close your eyes,” responded Seol, calmly.

Listening quietly, it felt as if he had arrived to wake them up from their dreams.

“I will cut them all down.”


Agony began to release an immense amount of aura.

It was the raw, unfiltered power Seol had gained after defeating Phantom.

Phantom’s Blades’ defense-ignoring effect came into play, effortlessly cutting through even Insulating Steel. It was precisely this power that Seol used to slice through the Insulating Steel ceiling.

[Phantom’s Blades activates.]

[You deal dark-attribute damage that ignores defense.]




None of Zhe Gak’s henchmen were able to block Seol’s attacks.

“No! Stop! Don’t use any ghost-related powers in the celestial realm!”

Though Shin Yo tried to warn Seol, it was already too late.

Crackle, crackle…

Something massive approached, tearing through space as it did.

“A-A white whale…”

The massive whale in the sky, sensing Seol’s ghost energy, turned its head and swiftly headed toward them.

It was a phantom beast that devoured ghost energy.


The immense pressure from the white whale made everyone tremble.

Seol turned to face it as well, locking eyes with the creature.

“I will close the gate now, so…”

Buy time.

Shin Yo inwardly reprimanded herself for giving this order.

She had given Seol the impossible task of buying time against a phantom beast.

But what could she do? She could not do anything else.

In fact, the phantom beast was a much larger threat than even Zhe Gak right now.


Shin Yo’s tattoos began glowing once more.

“Please… please…”


The white whale inhaled deeply, drawing in everything nearby.

But it wasn’t air that it was drawing in.

Instead, it was using the energy it absorbed to create something.



The white whale unleashed a needle-thin beam of energy, brimming with immense power.

So powerful that if it struck the Insulating Steel room, it would obliterate it.



Seol quickly unsheathed his sword.

[You used Exceptional Skill: Night Sea.]


The night sea failed to cut down the white whale’s beam of light.

‘Damn it!’

Shin Yo realized that this was the end.

While Seol clearly seemed superhuman at times, there was no way he could deflect the white whale’s attack.

But then…


[You used Exceptional Skill: Link: Darklight.]

Seol leaped into the air, attempting to intercept the white whale’s attack with a second counter.


This time, he held on.

Though it was clear that Seol would still inevitably lose, the few seconds he bought were more than enough.

“We’re going back! Focus!”

Shin Yo’s tattoos began glowing white brighter and brighter, as if they were going to burn off.


Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The Dragon’s Flowers inside the Insulating Steel room managed to escape with a thunderous roar.


The moment they escaped, the white whale’s attack obliterated the space they had just been.

* * *

Crackle, crackle…

“Haah… Haah…”

Crackle, crackle…

The gate between the two worlds had closed.


“W-We returned.”

They had safely returned from the celestial realm, but… were also falling from the sky.

“Jang Du!” shouted Shin Yo.

“Over here!”

“Catch us!”


[Shin Yo used Higher Knowledge: Spring Feather.]

[Drastically decrease the target’s weight.]

As the annex flew from the impact of closing the gate to the celestial realm, Jang Du, who had been fighting the remnants, waited for their return.



After catching a lump of Insulating Steel that had fallen from the second story, Jang Du carefully tossed it onto the floor.


“Haah… Haah…”

“Damn it… Urgh…”

The individuals in the room groaned from the aftereffects of returning from another world.

Though the celestial realm was beautiful, it was also immensely terrifying.

Quickly waking up, Zhe Gak stood up and shot a glare while gripping his head.

“Stand up! Urgh… G-Get…”

There was no one besides Zhe Gak.

The Dragon’s Flowers he had turned into slaves, along with the assassins he hired, were all lying on the floor.

All missing their heads.

The short second it took to close the gate to the celestial realm was more than enough time for Seol to kill them all.

“You fucking bastaaaaard!”

Jang Du appeared, drenched in blood, as if he had bathed in it.

He then quickly reached out his massive arms, trying to crush Zhe Gak’s skull.

Flustered by this unexpected situation, Zhe Gak began to panic.

Despite a few mishaps, everything had been going according to his plan. If it hadn’t been for Shin Yo’s strange spells and Seol’s sudden appearance, his plans would have gone perfectly.

He was at a loss, realizing the difference between them.

“Jang Du!” shouted Shin Yo. “Stop it!”

“Th-this little… Lady Shin Yo!”

“Don’t kill him.”

“What? Are you forgiving him?”


Jang Du then looked around at his surroundings.

He then noticed Seol and Seol Hong glaring at Zhe Gak.


Jang Du took a step back.

Though he was furious, it was the Dragon’s Flowers who had been personally hurt by Zhe Gak.

This was not the time for him to act rashly, driven solely by his emotions.

Sensing the strange air flowing between them, Zhe Gak immediately kissed the floor with his forehead.

The Dragon’s Flowers, having suffered all kinds of humiliation, began to gather around Seol Hong.

For some reason… it seemed like she was the only one qualified to make a decision.

“P-Please forgive me, Seol Hong! I messed up!”


“I just… I just wanted to achieve something as well. I… I just…”


“You know how I feel, right?! You’ve been through it as well, so you know, yeah? Everyone looked down on you!”

Seol Hong formed a rather kind expression on her face.

“Elder Brother Zhe Gak, do you remember when we were young?”

“O-Of course I do! So many people bullied you! I knew it was hard for you!”

“I am not trying to talk about how hard it was.”

“...Then what?” asked Zhe Gak back, confused.

"I can still recite the contents of the letters you sent me back then. They were that important to me, anchoring me when I needed it most."

“Y-Yeah, right! If it wasn’t for me, you…”

This was an opportunity.

Zhe Gak had to take advantage of Seol Hong’s kindness and pry his way to survival.

No one would be willing to hurt him if even she had forgiven him.

After all, the person who went all the way to the celestial realm to save her and the Dragon’s Flowers was Seol, her Dragon’s Stone.

Sensing something amiss, Jang Du tried to step in.


“Don’t step in,” interrupted Shin Yo.


Shin Yo then shot Jang Du another glare, making him take another step back.

It was time. Time to see how much Seol Hong had grown.

No matter their past relationship, the Zhe Gak currently in front of Seol Hong must never be forgiven.

- Seol Hong can only take one path, she always has. But do you think that’s ‘good’? If she continues to be weak, then…

- That is not guaranteed to always be the case. Lady Seol Hong is learning right now.

‘Yes, tell us your answer, Seol Hong.’

What decision would Seol Hong make? Was she still the same as before?

Or... had she changed, even if just slightly?

“Y-Yeah! So I—”

As Zhe Gak tried to continue, Seol Hong swiftly cut him off.

“...It’s pointless, Zhe Gak.”


“I will not forgive you, regardless of what you say.”

So she had changed.

Shin Yo’s eyes widened with shock.

She didn’t expect that answer from Seol Hong, who she still saw as a child.

Her expression was resolute, unbreakable, as if she wouldn't even flinch if she were stabbed.

Zhe Gak immediately began hurling insults.

“You fucking bitch, who do you think you are?! Ask the citizens! Who the hell would look up to someone who killed their mother when they were born!”

“...I will try. Try so that they will be able to look up to me.”

Seol Hong then gave a light bow.

“Elder Brother Zhe Gak, I say this now in the younger Seol Hong’s place.”

“Y-You… Ahhhhhhh!”

Not even Zhe Gak’s screams could shake Seol Hong’s resolve. His bloodshot eyes blazed with fury, it was as if his boiling blood was flowing backward from sheer rage.

"I am sincerely grateful. The goodwill you offered me on a whim gave me the strength to be here today. I will always treasure that feeling."


The Dragon’s Flowers were silent.

This was likely Seol Hong’s personal ritual.


Seol Hong then turned to Seol, biting her lips.

It was time for her to sever ties with her old, weaker self.

“Cut him down,” commanded Seol Hong.


“Seo-Seol H… Krgh…”

Zhe Gak’s words failed to escape his throat.

Was he scared of death, even though Seol hadn’t unsheathed his sword yet?

No, that wasn’t it.

It was because he was already cut.


A line was drawn across Zhe Gak’s neck.

* * *

Clip, clop… clip, clop…

Soldiers arrived at Zhe Gak’s manor on horseback, swiftly dragging out the burning bodies and uncovering the Dragon’s Stones buried underground.

Their movements were remarkably efficient, as if they were determined to erase any evidence of the chaos that had unfolded.

The Dragon’s Flowers were scattered throughout the manor, each struggling to recover from the horrors they had witnessed.

Chi Woo, heavily injured, was being carried away by a group of doctors, leaving Seol alone amid the chaos.



In a corner, Seol Hong continued to bump her head against a wall.






She began to rip off her outerwear.

“Why… Why…”

“Lady Seol Hong.”

“Whyyyyyyyy?!” screamed Seol Hong, her eyes tearing up. “Why did I get so excited? Why… Why was I so happy?!”

Now that everything was over, she was reflecting on what had happened.

“I can’t believe I actually looked forward to this like an idiot! I bought new clothes, new shoes… I even rushed Cheon Ju and laughed like a fool. And now, it’s ended like this.”


“I’m an idiot… I am so stupid… I am so pathetic. I-I… I don’t have the right, I… Ahhhh! Take this off of me! I can’t breathe! I-I can’t…”

“Seol Hong.”

On the verge of tears, Seol Hong turned to Seol.

“This isn’t your fault.”


“None of this is your fault.”

“Ah… Ah…”

Her eyes brimmed with tears on the verge of spilling.

“Let me…”


“Let me borrow your arms!”

Seol Hong buried herself in Seol’s arms, her body trembling as she wept silently, not letting a single tear fall to the floor.

Seol held her small, fragile frame close, patiently waiting for her to find peace.

* * *

Jang Du and Shin Yo laid in separate beds as doctors tended to their injuries.

“Argh…” groaned Jang Du. “Still, I feel like we’ve gotten quite close now, right?”

“Yes,” replied Shin Yo. “Though none of this would’ve happened if you had broken down that door.”

“Do you think that's something anyone can break? I'm not weak for not being able to do it.”

“I know, it was a joke.”

“Haha… man,” chuckled Jang Du.

Shin Yo began thinking to herself, lying on the bed.

Seol Hong had changed, but what had caused it?

Why was Chi Woo, someone who had always been a lone wolf, following her now? Who was her Dragon’s Stone?

She was shrouded in mysteries.

However, she also had to admit it.

There was something about Seol Hong that constantly demanded her attention.

“Jang Du, what do you think is the power that allows you to rule the Empire’s citizens?”

“Isn’t that… one’s competence? The most competent individual…”

“You’re wrong. In truth, even a newborn baby could govern Khan if you placed them on the throne.”

“What kind of disrespectful statement is that?”

“It’s true, though. When was the last time you saw Hong Cheon govern state affairs?”


“He is a corpse. A well-preserved doll.”

“Your jokes are too far.”

“Jang Du, I am telling you my honest feelings.”

“Haah… Fine, I understand. But don’t say this around other people.”

Shin Yo then asked a question.

“Do you think I will be able to become the Dragon?”

“Who else would be able to, but you? I heard about what happened inside the Insulating Steel room. You did a lot, didn’t you?”

“A lot, my ass… I just bought a little bit of time.”

“Still, that isn’t something that just anybody can do. By the way, is that wound on the back of your hand going to scar?”

“Ah, Kang Seol had given me medicine for it. Luckily, it likely won’t scar because of it.”

“...Kang Seol did?”


“Kang Seol did??? I don’t know why, but that pisses me off? Did you meet him separately?”

“I had to because of the report to the Dragon Palace.”

“Ah, then that’s fine. By the way, what was the ‘power that allows you to rule’ that you mentioned earlier? The thing necessary to become emperor, right?”

Shin Yo fell silent for a second before giving her answer.



“Even if you lack the ability, the power, or even the intelligence… the citizens will allow you to rule them if they accept you.”


“The Dragon must be someone the people can accept as their leader.”

Jang Du carefully stole glances at Shin Yo.

“Uh… Urm…”

“I will become the Dragon.”

“Y-Yes, of course! Who else other than you, Lady Shin Yo, would…”

“Tae Yul is the individual closest to perfection.”

“You aren’t wrong.”

“However, he is not the closest to becoming the Dragon.”

The one closest to becoming the Dragon.

Shin Yo thought of a particular individual in her head.

“We’ll need to give our all during the next trial.”


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