The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 251

Chapter 251


Countless gazes turned to Seol Hong as she entered the main hall.

“Why is she…”

“That lesser…”

The hall began to fill with spiteful murmurs.

If it were the Seol Hong from the past, she might have even been scarred by this.


- You’re stronger than me

- Go now, Seol Hong!

Chi Woo, who had become a fallen flower of his own volition.

So Ryo, who had come to accept Seol Hong after being defeated by her.

More and more weights were piled onto Seol Hong’s shoulders.

However, it was those same weights that gave her stability and allowed her to hold her balance.

Seol Hong smiled before walking to her seat.

Five rows.

Though she felt a surge of emotions after making it into the top 50, she was still at the end of the formation.

“Pfft… Who cares? She’s still at the end.”

“Nothing’s changed at all, haha…”

“My poor sister. She’s still as pitiful as ever.”

Each of them wanted Seol Hong to feel humiliated.

However, she did not react. She simply smiled while looking ahead, unwavering against any of their provocations.


People began to enter through a different door of the main dragon hall.

And naturally, all 50 Dragon’s Flowers were paying attention to their surroundings.

As the Dragon’s Flowers looked around the room, they spotted the other Dragon’s Flowers who failed to make the cut and the fallen flowers lining the walls.

Just as they were about to make a commotion about the Dragon’s Flowers standing around disorderly, they fell silent.

Chancellor Bang Hyu rose to the platform.

“His Majesty, the Dragon Emperor, is now entering!”

All of the Dragon’s Flowers immediately fell to the floor and gave a respectful bow, and Seol Hong did no different.

“Long live the Dragon Emperor!”

“Long live the Dragon Emperor!”

Thud, thud…


With the sound of a loud drum, a palanquin covered in drapes was set down behind Bang Hyu.

Even though it was now on the floor, it remained extremely tall, positioning the individual inside much higher than Bang Hyu.


The hall was silent, enough to hear the sound of someone gulping.

The Dragon Emperor, hidden by a curtain, took a glance around before giving a nod.

As Bang Hyu was the Dragon Emperor’s mouth, he began to speak.

“Listen carefully, as my words are the Dragon’s Emperor’s will!” shouted Bang Hyu.

“Yes, sir!”

“Yes, sir!”


Bang Hyu quickly unfurled a scroll.


The Daoist spell inscribed within the scroll activated to create a mirage.

As smoke silently swirled around, it eventually took the shape of a human figure, showcasing the feats that the individual had achieved.

The man made of smoke represented Tae Yul.

“Legitimate heir, Tae Yul, raise your head.”

“Yes, sir.”

Tae Yul raised his head, watching the fog growing in front of Bang Hyu. Though a chill ran down his spine after seeing the smoke perfectly imitate his movements, he did his best to hide it.

“What were your feelings from the first trial?”

Tae Yul’s first exam involved taking down a counterfeiting criminal organization and the transferees who colluded with them.

The criminal organization was massive, even for a Dragon’s Flower. In fact, most Dragon’s Flowers would have failed this trial.

There was a stark difference between Tae Yul’s first trial and Seol Hong’s.

“I came to realize that I was lacking.”

“Why so?”

"There were inevitable victims among the Khan Empire’s citizens who assisted me as helpers. Once it was over, they came to hate me because of it."

“You completed the Dragon Trial successfully, did you not?”

“My success is not what’s important.”

The still-bowing Dragon’s Flowers looked around.

What did Tae Yul mean by that?

How could his success not matter?

“Why so?”

“From the moment I was assigned that trial, I was confident I would succeed. In fact, I did succeed.”

Tae Yul’s statement seemed arrogant at a glance.

However, there was no one here who could deny it.

Tae Yul was not only physically and mentally strong, but he also had an immense amount of supporters and knew how to use them.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that he was the man closest to becoming the Dragon Emperor right now.

"But... it wasn't perfect. I managed to fulfill my mission, but I sacrificed innocent lives, creating a chain of hate. That was how I learned that I was lacking."

"But is that really true? The criminal organization you brought down was a shameless lot, viciously exploiting citizens and creating countless victims. Though you sacrificed some, isn't that a small drop compared to the countless more they would have harmed?"


“I see that you disagree. Are you trying to be perfect?”

“I am.”

“That is idealism. It is not possible.”

“Even if it were the case…”

Tae Yul then looked beyond Bang Hyu, at the curtain behind him.

“Someone wishing to become the Dragon must make it possible.”

“...That is a path one can never reach the end of.”

“It can be reached. It just hasn’t been reached yet.”

A chill ran down the spines of all the Dragon's Flowers as Tae Yul responded to everything Bang Hyu had to say.

Who else would be able to speak in such a manner to Bang Hyu?

And at the same time, a rumbling voice flowed through from beyond the curtains.

“Khan is vast, young dragon.”



Tae Yul immediately bowed once more.

As it was Hong Cheon, the Dragon Emperor, who had spoken, none could meet his gaze.

Yet, everyone could still feel the weight of his eyes upon them.

“Your hand and your will can never cover the entirety of the East. You will end up wasting your emotions, and your hesitation will only create more victims.”

Tae Yul flinched upon hearing his words.

Hong Cheon was the absolute ruler.

His intense gaze felt like being pierced by a spear. He was someone whose eyes you could never meet.

"In the end, you, too, will have to view our citizens as mere numbers."


“Because it will be your heart that is crushed first.”


“There is no heart that is able to understand everyone. That is why you will be crushed first.”


“I will do it.”

“Even if that path is wrong?”

“Because I, Tae Yul, wish to become the Dragon, I will never give up.”

“...Raise your head.”

Tae Yul raised his head once more.

Hong Cheon then honed his eyes on him.

Shake, shake…

Tae Yul began to shake, his body trembling as he broke into a cold sweat.

“Bang Hyu, continue.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Tae Yul’s test continued, with him answering each question honestly, remaining true to his beliefs.

Not once did Tae Yul give an answer that the Dragon Emperor wanted to hear. Even that was more than enough to earn the respect of the other Dragon’s Flowers.

“...Continue to devote yourself.”

“Yes, sir!”

Tae Yul’s turn was now over.

Bang Hyu immediately called for the name of another Dragon’s Flower.

“Legitimate heir Shin Yo.”

“Yes, sir.”

Shin Yo faced a torrent of questions similar to those Tae Yul received, but her answers were markedly different.

“The truth of this world is within favors and grudges. The one to become the Dragon must keep both at bay.”

“Is that what you are trying to accomplish?”

“Yes, the Dragon must be someone capable of achieving perfect harmony between those two.”

Hong Cheon rubbed his chin from behind the curtain.

“Hm… a state with neither favors nor grudges… in the end, the essence of what you are saying is similar to Tae Yul’s answer. You know that this, too, is idealism, correct?”

“I know that better than anyone, Your Majesty.”

“Then it’s fine. I will watch over you.”

I will watch over you.

With the Dragon Emperor's direct interest, Shin Yo was practically confirmed to be a top candidate for the next Dragon Emperor.

The other 50 selected Dragon’s Flowers began to slowly anticipate what would happen next.

With Tae Yul and Shin Yo receiving comments one after another, they believed that they could also speak with the Dragon Emperor.

However, they were mistaken.


Bang Hyu quickly furled his scroll.

“Then with this…”

“Hold on…” interrupted Hong Cheon, raising a hand.

Bang Hyu immediately fell silent, waiting for Hong Cheon’s next words.


He then pointed at someone.

At the end of his finger was a young child, bowing her head at the end of the formation.

“Why is that child here?”

He was pointing at Seol Hong.

Shocked, Bang Hyu quickly looked at one of his subordinates. They then ran up to whisper the situation into his ear.

After nodding, Bang Hyu then whispered to the Dragon Emperor.

“I see… Seol Hong.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Wang Zhu, the Great Shaman that was dispatched to Tumaku, has told me what had happened. They had told me everything that had happened in the Sodoong Mine.”


“Were you not disappointed? By the fact that you weren’t properly recognized for defeating Phantom?”

“I thought it was natural.”

“Tell me, why?”

“My siblings were assigned far more difficult and dangerous trials. As the Dragon Trial only evaluates the trials themselves, even if I performed well, it is hard to claim I achieved more than my siblings.”

“Even if you defeated Phantom?”

“My trial was not to defeat Phantom. That should not have been a part of my evaluation.”

The Dragon’s Flowers bit their lips.

Not only were the rumors about Seol Hong defeating Phantom true, but they also raised questions about whether her achievement influenced her evaluation or not.

“Then why did you still face Phantom?”

“Because I had to.”


“To save the miners, it was something that had to be done.”

“How interesting.”

Hong Cheon’s eyes shifted.

“Raise your head, Seol Hong.”


The two then locked eyes.

“It is as you said. The evaluations are strictly based on the trial that the Dragon’s Flowers were assigned.”


“All of you must follow the proper procedures.”

A spark ignited in Seol Hong’s eyes.

“If you wish to advance, you must extinguish all doubts and envy through the proper procedures. That is the essence of the Dragon Trial.”

Though his words were for all of the Dragon’s Flowers, they also seemed tailored to Seol Hong.

Almost as if Hong Cheon was saying that he would be waiting for her.

As the Dragon Emperor gave a nod, Bang Hyu continued.

“Though it may have been delayed, I am sure all of the Dragon’s Flowers have heard the rumors about Phantom’s revival.”



Bang Hyu then raised a massive scroll into the air.

“The Khan Empire is in incredible danger. However, as delaying the Dragon War because of it is unwise… we will simply change the rules.”


He unfurled the scroll, causing letters to float into the air. After a quick second, a numbered list with corresponding point totals began to rise higher and higher.

“Raise your heads.”

All of the Dragon’s Flowers looked up.

Their faces all scrunched up as they read the details of their next trial.

“Now, you must each choose your own trials and complete them within the specified time. Only after completing a trial will you earn the right to challenge another. Afterward…”

The Dragon War’s rules had changed.

“We will pick out the Dragon’s Flowers who accumulated the most points.”

The large number of absurd trials floating around them seemed to mock them.

* * *

As the Dragon’s Flowers had their audience with Hong Cheon, Seol and Jang Du walked around the palace’s garden. Several Dragon’s Stones and other subordinates of the Dragon’s Flowers wandered about, trying to pass the time.

“Hahaha… We were there at the Warrior’s Heart then too.”


“Yeah, we might have to visit it more often. Lady Shin Yo thoroughly enjoyed it.”

"That's a relief. It’s a major tourist attraction in Yocheon, so it should always be interesting no matter when you visit."

“Haha… What do you think about getting a drink later? Just the two of us, without our Dragon’s Flowers?” Jang Du asked.

“Ah, that might be hard.”

“It makes sense… Lady Seol Hong is still at an age where you need to watch over her, right?”

“Is that not the case for Lady Shin Yo?”

“Completely different. Lady Shin Yo hates it when I follow her, like she’s allergic to me or something. It’s especially bad during the summer. She chastises me for smelling like sweat… tch… Regardless, what if it was near your Dragon’s Flower’s room?”

Seol smirked before nodding.

“That might work.”

“Hahaha! I’ll have you know that I’m not the type to beg for a drink like this, alright? I’m sure you’re the same, right?”


A slightly worrisome thought ran across Seol’s head for a split second.

“No, not like that. Don’t scare me,” said Jang Du.

“I was the one who was scared.”

The two then turned quickly as a shout echoed from the garden.

“You have to be cheating!”

“Haah… Do you really have to use that word?”

“It’s just… Something weird’s going on! It was definitely in the first cup!”

“I don’t know, maybe you saw it wrong. Regardless, now! All of this money belongs to me…”

“One more time! Let’s do it one more time!”

“If you have money, sure.”

They were playing a simple gambling game where a die was placed into a cup, shuffled with others, and players had to guess which cup held the die.

Men and women were boldly gambling in a place filled with Dragon’s Stones.

However, the most eye-catching figure was the woman dressed in blue, skillfully mixing the cups.

“Tch…” Jang Du clicked his tongue. “Didn’t think I’d run into her here.”

“Do you know her?”

“Jin Ryeo, the Miser. Tae Yul’s subordinate.”

“Not his Dragon’s Stone?”

“Tae Yul has a number of subordinates, separate from his Dragon’s Stone. His subordinates aren’t weak, but…”

“She’s also strong.”

“Exactly. Still, she’s strong in a different way than people like you and me.”

“How so?”

“Just watch, and you’ll see.”

A few moments later…

“Th-this is strange! It was definitely…”

“Shush! Please make room for the next person. Huh? Jang Du!”

“Argh, damn it. She saw me.”

“Jang Du, where are you going?! We have to play a match, right? And I’m sure you brought a lot of money for me again, yeah? You’re not the type to run away from a challenge… are you?”

“...God damn it. Fine, we’ll go again.”

Jin Ryeo gave a sly smile as she greeted Jang Du.


The small chair creaked loudly as Jang Du took a seat.

“Did you shit yourself just now?” joked Jin Ryeo.

“It was obviously the chair creaking. Don’t try to distract me.”

“Haha… It was just a joke, why are you so sensitive? So… I’ll start, yeah?”

“Whenever you want!”

Fwoosh woosh!

It was immediately clear that Jin Ryeo was strong. Her skill in mixing the cups made it nearly impossible to track the die just by watching.

Jang Du groaned as he gripped his head.

“This one!”


“Argh! You cheated, didn’t you?”

“Do you have proof?”

“God damn it…”

Jang Du kept pulling more and more coins from his pockets. Although he won a few small bets, he consistently lost on the larger wagers.

“Jang Du,” said Seol.


“Let me try.”

“Are you sure? If this fucking cheat swindles you too…”

“I’ll do it.”

“Hah…” laughed Jin Ryeo. “You’re more interesting than I initially took you for.”


Jin Ryeo’s eyes spun as Seol placed a large wager on the table.

“I-Isn’t he…”

“Hold on… Isn’t he Lady Seol Hong’s Dragon’s Stone?”

“Obsidian? Obsidian, right?”

“Don’t tell me he’s…”

Jin Ryeo’s expression changed.

“Ah… the center of all the rumors floating about.”


“The events at Tumaku.”


“Now… why don’t we see if you have a talent for gambling as well?”

Fwip, fwip, fwip!

Jin Ryeo's hands blurred as she mixed the cups, moving even faster than she had with Jang Du. Seol focused intently, doing his best to keep his eyes on the cup despite her rapid movements.


“Now, where’s the die?”

Seol scowled in response to the question.

“You can’t tell?” mocked Jin Ryeo. “Oh no… how unfortunate…”

Jin Ryeo was confident in her victory.

She possessed a special ability that set her apart from others, one that only a few, including Tae Yul, were aware of.

Her ability, while extremely effective in combat, was even more incredible in simple gambles such as this.

There was no way for her opponent to know where the die was. It was impossible.

If it were just about speed and tracking the die, other experts might stand a chance, but this game wasn't about percentages.

Each loss she endured was a result of her own choice, she had never lost when she truly intended to win.



Jin Ryeo immediately activated her ability, moving the die’s location.

The match was now decided.

“No, here.”

But then, Seol changed his decision to the cup that she had moved the die to.


“The die is here.”

Jin Ryeo’s eyes widened as the others around Seol laughed.

“Bwahahahaha! You got it wrong!”

“It’s not there, friend, okay? Your first cup was the right one!”

“I guess the rumors were exaggerations, huh.”

In fact, even Jang Du was laughing.

“Oh no! You at least saved some money for drinks, right?”

Seol smirked after hearing Jang Du’s question.

Jin Ryeo then lifted the cup that Seol chose.

Everyone’s expression froze.



“H-He got it right?”

Jin Ryeo, known as the Miser and Tae Yul’s trusted subordinate, felt her expression harden. No one had ever managed to locate the die when she used her trick.

As she looked up, her gaze met Seol’s.

His golden eyes, deep and captivating, seemed to pull her in.

She gritted her teeth before forcing a friendly smile.

“How about another round?”


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