The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

The young man serving as Seol Hong's archivist addressed the others.

“They seem to be someone Seol Hong knows?”

“It seems so.”

“He’s reckless! I can’t believe he just jumped in there without any plans at all…”

“Judging from what we’ve seen so far, he seems quite confident in his strength. However, it wasn’t just luck that allowed Hwi Chang to evade the soldiers for so long. He might be a bandit, but he's not someone to underestimate."

"He's foolishly brave, the kind that leads you to death's door without realizing it. How could someone so oblivious..."

“Unfortunately, his swordsmanship doesn’t seem up to par either.”

Seol then vanished after hiding himself and Seol Hong with the umbrella.

“...Did either of you see that?”

“...I didn’t.”

“Neither did I.”

The archivists had ended up losing track of Seol’s movements.

"Don’t lose track of him again,” the eldest archivist instructed. “We must document everything.”

After securing Seol Hong in a safe spot, Seol swiftly dashed back toward the group of bandits.



Seol swung Agony, who had transformed into a sword, to sever a bandit’s arm.



Agony cleaved through a bandit’s neck, sending the head spinning through the air. Most of the bandits still hadn't pinpointed Seol’s exact location. He moved like a bolt of lightning, too fast for their eyes to follow.

However, Seol had a dissatisfied look on his face.

It was the same for Agony as well.

‘I’m not used to it.’

After growing, the most significant change Agony experienced was its newfound ability to transform at will.

Although this was a significant advantage, there were times when it wasn't particularly important.

In fact, as Seol had no swordsmanship skills at all, it was difficult to wield Agony effectively.

In the East, the sword was revered as the king of all weapons.

And as the sword was a weapon also known for its incredible depth, it was impossible for Seol to suddenly become a world-class swordsman overnight.





Although Agony was a peerless sword, making it easy for Seol to cut down and stab his opponents, he couldn't shake the feeling that he could defeat them even faster with his fists.

‘I guess there’s no choice.’


Sensing Seol’s intent, Agony quickly transformed into a pair of gauntlets.


“Grab him! Grab that fucker and bring him to me!”

Hwi Chang continued to shout in frustration with each bandit Seol killed. Although he appeared fierce, Hwi Chang himself refused to take action. As expected from the leader of a bandit group, he was cunning.


With a swing of Seol’s black gauntlets, another bandit's head was blown off.



Seol spun and delivered a powerful kick behind him, caving in another bandit's chest. The bandit sputtered blood before collapsing to the ground.



Each attack Seol threw caused another bandit’s head to pop like a watermelon. Anyone who saw this battle would describe it as a scene straight from hell.


“It’s a ghost! He’s a ghost!”

Only then did the bandits finally realize that something was amiss. However, it was much too late.






The bandits turned deathly pale as Seol popped three more heads.

With his overwhelming stats, Seol stomped on the bandits like ants. As he unleashed more attacks, the surroundings became filled with unidentifiable remnants of bandits—chunks of meat and bones.

Even now, more bandits were dying by the second.

Seol was currently finding it much easier to kill dozens of people than dozens of flies.

After all, flies wouldn’t group up for him like this.


Though Seol was covered in blood, none considered his actions to be evil.

It was a natural consequence. They had been skewering people like pieces of meat, brazenly displaying such horrific acts to instill fear in others. Even the bandits knew their place.

And Seol, as if it was his job, continued to slaughter them.


The bandits were weak. A light jab was more than enough to crush them.


“R-Run away!”


The bandits split off in different directions, each praying that Seol would attack the other group instead of them.


Seol first chased after the left group.

He was like a wolf mercilessly tearing through the herd of sheep.


“Get the hell away from usssss!”



As the other group of bandits continued to build distance with relieved hearts, Seol shot out chains from his hands.


Agony’s swift chains grew a pointed edge to them as they flew faster and faster.



Agony pierced through a bandit’s heart.

“S-Save me…”

Agony did not stop. It quickly wrapped around another bandit’s ankle, sweeping him off his feet.



The fallen bandit latched onto the bandits ahead of him, stopping them from going any further.

“S-Save me… Help me free!”

“Let go! Let go, you bastard!”


The chains began pulling him in, bringing him swiftly to Seol, who stomped on the fallen bandit's head in an instant.


Even though only a few minutes had passed, only one bandit was left.


Hwi Chang swung his large machete downward at Seol.


But it was too slow. Seol had more than enough time to stop him.

“Die! Fucking die!” shouted Hwi Chang, pouring more and more strength into his arms.

Shake… shake…

Hwi Chang’s muscles began to quiver as he tried his best to finish his attack.


But for some reason… his machete did not move at all. It was as if it was stuck on a rock.

“Y-You… What the hell… are you…”

Hwi Chang’s grip on his machete began to weaken.

Seol inwardly laughed at Hwi Chang's reaction. It was evident that he was crueler than anyone before the weak, yet more submissive than anyone before those stronger than himself.

‘Why don’t I… test it out?’

Although Seol couldn't use most of his skills, there was one he wanted to test out to see if it would still activate with a summon.


Seol’s hand began to be shrouded in a dark shadow.

[You enter the Night Crow form.]


Seol grimaced as his wrist began to feel like it was burning.

‘I can’t do it.’

[You are unable to maintain the Night Crow form with such an unstable condition.]

[You exit the Night Crow form.]


Though Seol couldn’t use the Night Crow form, he was still able to use the lingering shadows to destroy Hwi Chang’s weapon completely.

He then quickly used his free hand to pull Hwi Chang by the hair.


After witnessing his opponent break even steel with bare hands, Hwi Chang could do nothing but tremble in fear. Seol continued to grow larger as Hwi Chang felt smaller and smaller.


Eventually, he gave up. Hwi Chang fell to his knees and admitted defeat.

However, there was no forgiveness.



And like that, a crushed head was how Hwi Chang met his end.

* * *

Seol, even without his summons, was more than capable of easily defeating a group of bandits.

‘I was worried for nothing.’

His overwhelming stats practically put him into a different dimension. Even those slightly stronger than Hwi Chang would still easily lose to Seol.

“You…” said Seol Hong, slowly approaching Seol.

Her face, covered in blood, tears, and snot, looked far too sorrowful for someone so young.


Seol quickly changed Agony back into an umbrella.

Though he was already soaked by the rain, it didn’t feel good to have it continue falling on his face either.

As Seol tried to walk closer to shield her from the rain, Seol Hong hesitated. Sensing her hesitation, Seol stopped too.

“How… do you know my mother?”

Seol claimed to be an acquaintance of her deceased mother, so it was understandable that she would be confused when he appeared out of nowhere.

Seol shrugged in response.

“She was…”

It was then.

Seol Hong had forgotten that they weren’t the only ones here.

"Seol Hong, the Death Flower!" a voice called out from a tree in the distance.

It was definitely one of the archivists.

“Yes…” bowed Seol Hong.

“We will now evaluate your actions.”

“We reward you 3 points for your courage and tenacity to face the bandits on your own. However, we deduct 2 points for your false bravado despite your lack of ability,” said the young male archivist.

“We reward you 3 points for not bending to their will despite their brutal attacks,” said the female archivist. “However, we deduct 2 points for severely lacking the strength to set your will.”

"As you have ultimately succeeded in the trial, we reward you with 4 points," said the old archivist. "However, due to your significant lack of contribution, we deduct 2 points. In total, you have received only 4 points for this trial. Do you disagree with our decision?"

It was pitiful.

The only thing Seol Hong had earned through this trial was 4 points out of a possible maximum of 10, which felt disappointingly small.

Seol Hong nodded in response.

“Your evaluations are perfectly reasonable. I, Seol Hong, accept the archivists’ decision.”


“Furthermore, I have also learned of my own lack of ability through this trial. I, Seol Hong…”

Seol Hong… wanted to give up.

Not only was she unable to overcome the easiest trial on her own, but she had only managed to survive thanks to a stranger. It wasn’t just embarrassing, it was sad.

She decided to end her involvement with the Dragon War here.

“Your rash personality is just like your mother’s,” said the older archivist.

“What… do you mean?”

"Do not draw conclusions on your own, Death Flower," responded the old man. "Listen to us until the end."

He then continued.

"Today, you were extremely lucky. If it weren't for that young man in black, you would have been skewered and made another one of Hwi Chang's decorations."

“...You’re right,” responded Seol Hong.

“How could a Dragon’s Flower simply rely on a stranger’s goodwill? Does your will only go that far?”


“Seol Hong, who is he to you?” asked the old archivist. “Based on your relation, our evaluation of you will change.”

Seol Hong turned for a second, confused by what the old archivist meant.

However, she soon realized it.

“I understand what you mean,” responded Seol Hong. “However, he… just came here by chance.”

“...Is that so?”

Seol quickly stepped to Seol Hong’s side, shielding her from the rain with his umbrella. He then took a step forward, leaving her confused expression behind, and addressed the direction from which he heard their voices.

“That isn’t the case,” said Seol.

“What are you…” stammered Seol Hong.

Seol Hong was confused.

“...Then what is your relationship?” asked the voice.

Seol's next words were ones that could shake the entire structure of the Dragon War.

“I, Kang Seol, wish to become the Dragon’s Stone of Seol Hong, the Death Flower.”

“H-He’s lying! He’s… He’s…”

Tears began to swell in Seol Hong’s eyes as she slowly looked up at Seol.

She was someone who feared kindness and felt guilt whenever she relied on others, believing herself responsible for her mother's death—the one who had given her the greatest gift of all: life.

Seol Hong always feared becoming dependent on others, as she didn’t believe she had the right to do so.

The archivist began to continue as Seol Hong found herself at a loss for words.

“To a Dragon’s Flower, the Dragon’s Stone is… a special existence.”


“They are someone you can share all your glory with, someone who can carry your burdens for you.”

“Death Flower,” said the old archivist. “If you accept him, I will officially appoint him as your Dragon’s Stone. Choose now.”


Seol Hong looked at Seol.

Seol silently met her gaze in response, saying nothing.

He was truly a mysterious individual, so much so that Seol Hong began to wonder if he was a god sent by Yu Hwa.

Could she trust him?

And more importantly, would she regret this decision later?

Seol Hong bit her lips before answering.

“...I accept him.”

The archivist quickly began speaking after her declaration.

“Death Flower, we withdraw our earlier evaluation of you.”


“Any archivist would agree that you were severely lacking in this trial as a Dragon’s Flower, and your contribution was minimal.”

The evaluation from before.

However, the archivist hadn’t finished speaking.

“However, a Dragon’s Stone’s will is also the Dragon’s Flower’s will. An unskilled swordsman does not make a keen sword dull.”

The archivists had changed their evaluation.

"We have removed your deductions. You have passed the first trial with 10 points. Additionally, we will rank your evaluations later. Your next trial will be assigned after a three-day deliberation."

The archivists still weren’t finished.

“We will also assign an epithet to the Dragon’s Stone who has established a bond with Seol Hong, the Death Flower. Your epithet shall be…”

* * *

A room filled with rare and precious treasures from around the world.

It was a place filled with invaluable works of art and sparkling weapons on the wall.

This was the room of Khan’s Emperor, Hong Cheon.

He was seated atop a massive throne, his eyes closed, silently listening as Chancellor Bang Hyu read from a scroll.

Chancellor Bang Hyu served as Hong Cheon's eyes and ears, the conduit through which he received news about the empire.

"Tae Yul has succeeded in his trial. Although reports suggest that the trial was only slightly smoother than expected based on his reputation, he remained steadfast and achieved the highest possible score."

“Shin Yo also stood out as well. She received high scores due to her outstanding leadership and flashes of brilliance.”

"Next is Zhe Gak. He was rather… disappointing in his performance. However, given our high expectations for him as a promising child…"

“San Hae completed his trial perfectly. However, due to his brutality and wickedness, we are unsure whether they are suitable to be a successor…”

There were many Dragon’s Flowers vying to become the next Dragon Emperor. As such, Bang Hyu quickly read through the list in order of importance.

After a long while, Bang Hyu wiped the sweat from his forehead, concluding his report on the Dragon War.

"All Dragon’s Flowers worthy of attention have each showcased their unique skills."


Hong Cheon remained silent, prompting Bang Hyu to quickly ponder the reason for his silence.

“What displeased you, Your Majesty?”


Bang Hyu thought for a moment before smiling, quickly shifting the conversation.

“Ah, I forgot her. The child, Yu Hwa’s child… Seol Hong successfully passed her first trial. Though the trial she was assigned wasn’t rather impressive, the reports were somewhat unexpected.”


Hong Cheon showed a reaction.

"According to the reports, she has acquired a Dragon’s Stone. Initially presumed to be a wanderer or a warrior, he surprisingly turned out to be a transferee."


Hong Cheon raised an eyebrow.

"Initial reports claim that he is incredibly strong and possesses the ability to wield shadows. Additionally, he possesses a unique, shape-shifting weapon of unknown origin. However, his swordsmanship skills are reportedly ordinary."


Hong Cheon opened his eyes before slowly opening his heavy lips.

“ know?”

“Do I know what, Your Majesty?”

“The epithet that I granted her… that I granted Seol Hong…”

“The Death Flower, right?”

“Do you know its meaning as well then?”

"The Death Flower buds using nutrients from its roots. However, this process also causes the roots to split, preventing it from ever blooming. Was that not the reason... you gave her that name?"

Hong Cheon silently laughed.

"Bang Hyu... You are not aware of the Death Flower's other characteristic, are you?"

“...I apologize, Your Majesty. Would you please bless me with your knowledge?”

“That was not the reason I gave Seol Hong that name.”

“Then why…”

“It's fragrance.”

“You named her the Death Flower because of its fragrance?”


"Its fragrance... is stronger than any other flower," said Hong Cheon. "Because of its overpowering scent, the Death Flower dominates the fragrance of all other flowers nearby. This strength is also why any carnivorous plant perishes when the Death Flower blooms nearby. That is why it is called the Death Flower."


“Well, that is what its fragrance is like.”

“Is that also the reason… you gave her that epithet?”

“Who knows… More importantly, about that Dragon’s Stone…”

“Seol Hong’s Dragon’s Stone, yes…”

“...What is his epithet?”

“He was a pitch black man, like a crow. For those reasons, the name that he was granted was…”

It was an epithet that reflected Seol’s characteristics well.


Hong Cheon nodded in response.

“How interesting… What is Seol Hong’s next trial?”

Bang Hyu quickly unfurled his scroll.



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