The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

The remains of the destroyed wagon and fake cargo were scattered on the ground.


I I wont let that bastard get away with this

Sang-gyu and Jincheol luckily survived as the scenario normally goes.

But, probably because they were still shocked from the crash, they remained in the rubble, frozen.

If they were just a bit more aware and resolved, they would have been able to escape this situation easily.

Clop Clop

They could hear the sound of horse hooves.

Damn it Shit We have to get out of here!

I cant move my body! Fuck!!

They were mistaken.

They believed they were stronger than the people who had just fought. They believed they were strong because they terrified others.

Damn it! Fuuuuuck!

But was that really the case?

The horses were getting closer.

And before they knew it, they could hear people as well.

Ha! Ha!

...Not here!

They were terrified of the dozens of people coming after them. The two could see the dust storm that the horses were kicking up.

And in the blink of an eye, they arrived there.

All of them had tattoos on their faces that were just like Kujos.

Hm Tragedy has already struck.



As the person who looked like their leader dismounted, so did the others.

The man looked around at the situation and let out a quiet voice.

Find Kujo.



Find him! Its Borgos orders! We have to get Kujos corpse at least.

The group perfectly scattered to look through the debris.



The men checked if the faces of the corpses had a tattoo or resembled Kujo. If they didnt resemble Kujo, the men separated them into a pile and in the unfortunate circumstance they were still alive, the men would finish them off.

Sang-gyu and Jincheol were trembling, praying that nothing happens to them.

We found him!

Is it Kujo?

Yes! Im positive!

Im on my way.

Whenever Borgo walked, others followed.

Before long, he reached Kujos corpse.


Borgo pulled Kujos corpse up into the air with one hand.

Kujo wasnt a small person at all. Borgo was just ridiculously strong.

He used one hand to hold Kujo up and used the other to search Kujos body.

After that, he used his massive arms to throw Kujo down to the ground.


It sounded like something had broken.

However, the people around him were more scared of his changed expression than his actions.

Ha Hahaha

Even though Borgo was clearly upset, he was also laughing.

Still, no one was stupid enough to laugh along with him.

They all knew that Borgo was someone who laughed when he was enraged.

Borgo killed whoever laughed along with him his entire life. No one dared to laugh with him.

Brogo stopped laughing and became expressionless.

Its not here, said Borgo.

...Oh no.

Theres no map. And theres also no translated copy.

Wh-what do you think happened?

Thats something for us to figure out.

Borgo, after saying that, quickly turned his head back in an instant.


His horrific gaze locked into where Sang-gyu and Jincheol were hiding. It was also the reason why Jincheol let out a small gasp.



Borgo was approaching them.

Luckily, theyre still alive.

The only option left for Jincheol and Sang-gyu was to talk with him. They had to prove their worth without upsetting him.

P-Please dont kill us!

Please dont kill us! Well tell you everything!

Those men had killed like it was nothing. They were clearly experienced killers.

Do you know where the map is?


Do you not know?

I dont reall


Sang-gyus neck was sliced off in an instant.

Judging by how Borgos handaxe was bloodied, it was clear that Borgo killed him. However, it was so fast that Jincheol was second-guessing himself.


Jincheol thought he was a monster.

What about you?

Uh Uhh I-I dont know about a map, but I have an idea on who might have it!!


There was a man named Snowman on the wagon with us! H-Have you found his corpse? He had a staff that glowed blue and a neat robe!

No, we didnt find him.

Then Im sure that he stole the map!

One of the men who stood by Borgos side, a bald man, relayed information that he heard from his subordinate.

Borgo, theyre telling me that there was someone who escaped from the wagon earlier.


We sent two people after him but they returned as corpses. Both were crushed by something.


It's likely that hes the one that hes talking about.

Borgo thought to himself while rubbing his chin. He then asked Jincheol another question.

Anything else?


Is there anything else?

A-And hes a summoner?

A summoner, huh how fun.

Th-then what are you going to do with m


Jincheols eyes were opened wide as his head rolled to the floor.

The Predator Guilds Murderer 4 wasn't going to continue to the next Adventure.

Were chasing after him, said Borgo as he climbed on his horse.

* * *

Seol had started running away long before Borgos group arrived.

Obviously, he wasnt doing something as dumb as running away on foot.

After killing his pursuers, he took the horse that seemed to be in the best condition.

- Huh? Why is he riding a horse when he cant even ride one?

- Dont you need a talent to ride on a horse?

- Nope. Simple lifestyle talents are sometimes just given out.

Seol started off in an awkward stance but before he knew it, he became accustomed to the horses movements.

And as he did, a message popped up.

[An unexpected talent! You have gained Horseback Riding 1.]

[You are able to bring out the horses fastest speed.]

- Like that

- Easy, right?

- Haha this isnt the case for everyone, right?

- I dont know that for sure. Theres not a lot of people who attempted it, so

- This game is such a mess. Im pretty sure I, Gong Hyeongsik, will be much better than him at this game.

- Reality: Gong Sukjin Out. Gong Sukjin Out. Race Start.

T/N: Reference to Ji Suk-jin in Running Man who always seems to be the first person to be out.

Seol opened the map he took from Kujo.

The ruins arent that far away.

If his prediction was right, they should be starting to pursue him soon. A lot of people were going to chase after him on horseback.

Im sure theyre much faster than me but that doesnt matter. All I have to do is enter the ruins before them.

Once Seol entered the ruin, their difference in speed was meaningless.

Seol was aiming for exactly that.

And another thing,

It doesnt matter how many enemies I have once were in the ruin.

Seol looked at the dense forest before him.

So thats the Great Forest

A few of the tougher Adventures in South Pandea take place in this forest. The Great Forest was just that massive. It was a mysterious place that had many hidden aspects to it due to its large size.

As Seol looked at it for the first time, he felt a strange wind blow.

Rumble Rumble!

The horses were getting faster.

Seol kicked his horse, making it gallop even faster into the forest.

Not too long after, Borgos group arrived at his location.

Ha! Ha!

There are traces of him here and there! Its clear that hes heading to the Great Forest.

Its clear that hes aiming for the ruin, Borgo.

...How fun. How dare he try to take whats mine.

Borgo was always the one that took, never the one that had their belongings taken. Well, it did happen on rare occasions. He just made sure to get revenge whenever it did happen.

Borgos group started to spread out after they entered the forest.

The fallen leaves are hiding his traces! Make sure not to lose it!

Its going to be easier for him the deeper he goes into the forest! We cant give him time!


The arrows that the pursuers shot were mostly wasted.

Seol did hear some things get pierced but that was just by pure luck. They had no idea they were shooting in his direction.


Im almost there.

It was going to be difficult to go through the mud on horseback. Luckily though, the ruin was right before the mud.


It was a formation of three large rocks.

Three large rocks Im glad I didnt miss it.

After that, it was written that he had to do something with the statue nearby.

Even though Seol was aware that he had pursuers, he acted calmly.

I found the statue.

He took some time finding the statue because it was hidden by the dead leaves, but thankfully, he didnt waste too much time.

Seol now clearly remembered the options he took to clear this part in his previous games.

Ill turn this statue clockwise.

Seol placed his hands on the statue and turned it clockwise.



The statue was making sounds for a while until eventually


Something activated.

It worked.


The change happened fast.

The three massive rocks all rolled in different directions.


- The person who created the ruins: (smug)

- Thats so cool LOL I love things like this.

- Now if we just forget about those scary guys chasing us

It was just then.

[Borgo used Steel Shoulder.]

[Borgo used Guess.]

[Borgo used Destroy Obstacle.]


Seol could hear something coming from far away.

He realized this was an ominous sign and quickly turned his body.

However, his opponents action arrived first.

And it was an arrow.

An arrow that had pierced through multiple trees to reach him.


It might have been a coincidence but the arrow was aimed exactly for Seols head.

Even though it missed his head, Seol felt it tear his ear.

And right after that



Jamad grabbed the arrow with the Mountain Fists. He slid on the ground because of the arrows power but he was able to stop it.



Lets go. The pursuers are going to arrive soon.

[Evil Shipper has donated 200 Madness!]

[My chest is throbbing is this love?]

- omg omg!

- Get rid of these shippers

- ???: I-I didnt block the arrow for you okay? Baka!

- Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh! I believed in you, Jamad!

Seol nodded and entered the ruins.

And at the same time, his body became covered in light as he disappeared.

[You have successfully survived the ambush.]

[Rewards are being arranged.]

[The Linked Adventure continues.]

[You can only collect your rewards after all of the Adventures have been cleared.]


Seol realized his 3rd Adventure was over and quickly prepared for his next one.

[You begin your next Adventure.]

[Your 4th Adventure is starting.]

[Adventure 4. The Hall of Self-Control]

[Adventure 4. The Hall of Self-Control

You were tasked with guarding a merchants wagon but have been caught up in something incredible. The person who hired you, Aden, was not a merchant and did not give you his real name.

Even though you were attacked, you miraculously survived using your wit, and you were even able to acquire Adens items that a mysterious group is after.

But, perhaps due to your greed, the group who was after those items is now pursuing you. You might have momentarily escaped their pursuit, but you still cant rest just yet.

The translated copy states that this is an ancient ruin called The Hall of Self-Control. You must slip away from your pursuers and survive.

Objective: Slip away from your pursuers and escape from The Hall of Self-Control, or kill all of your pursuers.

Remaining Time [23:59]]

- Yeah so uh the pursuers are the ruin hunters, right?

- This is so poorly written! It took me so long to realize the pursuers were the ruin hunters!

- What a dilemma lol. Its going to take him time to clear the ruins and if hes too slow, hes going to get caught by the ruin hunters.

- Oh no~ Their opponent is Snowman~

- We can look forward to it then haha

Seol quickly approached the Halls entrance.

It was covered in dust.

The walls were also covered with writings in a language he didnt understand.

Seol first pulled out the translated copy to check the method for clearing the 1st Gate.

You must give the blood of five innocent people, huh

Seol scratched his head after reading the translated copy.

And a few seconds after, he saw the options available to him.

[[You are in front of <The Hall of Self-Control>s entrance. What do you do?]

1. Check if there are any openings.

2. Check if there are any other entrances.

3. Decipher the sentence written at the entrance.

4. [Required: Translated Copy, 5 Sacrifices] Offer five sacrifices as it is written in the translated copy.

5. [Required: Stealth or Rogue] Hide here before the pursuers arrive.

6. [Required: Archaeology or Shaman] It seems the translated copy was translated incorrectly. Translate it properly.


Seol checked the translated copy once more before comparing it with his memories.

Comparing them only gave him more confidence that his memories were right.

He then grabbed the translated copy in his hand before

Riiiiip! Tear!

ripping it to shreds.

- Why did he do that?

- He must be out of his mind lol. How is he going to get in now?

- You worked so hard to get that too!

Seol didnt even look at the scraps of the translated copy as he approached the door.


He then used a dagger that he brought to cut himself.

- I thought you needed the blood of 5 people!

- Youre going to die trying to give the blood of 5 people alone, idiot!

Contrary to the viewers concern, the door opened after 5 drops of blood were spilled, not 5 peoples worth.


[You have cleared the 1st Gate of The Hall of Self-Control.]

The door opened.

Seol gave a twisted grin before slowly going deeper into the ruins with Jamad.

I was right.

He did not doubt himself.


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