The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

- Man, hunting must be so easy for the Immortal. I wish I could auto-hunt with creations like the Immortal too!

- People would think creation is the Immortal's only ability if they heard that.

- How did he make that flesh golem? Is there a recipe or something for it? Ah, Im near you right now, if you arent busy Ah, youre busy?

The Immortal was an expert in creation, even recognized by the gods themselves.

And Seol had those memories, the memories of someone whose horrifying creations had left a deep mark on history.




It was difficult.



It was extremely difficult.

His black creations would repeatedly pop and crumble away.

Seol had managed to pour out shadows from his hands but continuously failed to create anything with them.

It really was way more difficult than Seol thought it would be.

...I thought Id be able to do it right away.

- Dont tell me he thought hed do it in one go LOOOL

- He thought he was a genius HAHAHA

- Have you forgotten, Snowman? Youre not Sasuke, youre Rock Lee.

- Youre the hard worker character! Dont forget your true self!

As the viewers suggested, Seol was known for his tenacity.

Seol continued to knead his shadows.

Crumble Crumble

...This is impossible.

Seol made a mistake by refusing Frannan's help. He had become too confident after learning that it was a creation ability.

- Did he never take an art class? LOL

- I mean, even other classes make you do stuff like this

- Argh Youre not supposed to do it like that

Seol only possessed the Immortal's memories. He was not the Immortal himself. In other words, he did not possess the same talent as the Immortal.


Ah again

- Excuse me, is that your mental crumbling away?

- It also kind of sounds like someone shitting themselves.

- Who the fuck makes a crumble sound when they go to the bathroom?

- Ah, sorry. Ive been having stomach issues.

- Ah I hope you get better, dude.

As the viewers continued to mock and insult Seol, another voice chimed in as well.

[Arghhh! I cant watch this anymore!]

...What are you doing?

[Its so frustrating to watch! I cant stand it!]

...Shut up and keep watching.


- Edward. Big brother.

- Why must you bring back the pain?

- Yeah, you took it too far

- His creations are worse, though

- What the fuck is even that?

- I didnt know Satan was remodeling hell in this stream.

- Was it a bit loud? Sorry

As Seol kept failing, Agony shouted in frustration.

[Ahhhh! Again! How are you so incompetent?!]

I wonder whether youll crumble or pop if I step on you.


You make me want to test it out.

[...theres too many details.]


Agony spoke with an air of superiority.

[Youre making detailed trash! It should be simple and clear!]


Seol's expression stiffened, and Agony quickly realized its mistake, cowering in response.

[Ill be quiet! I wont say anything from now on! Im quiet now!]

Seol replayed Agonys words in his head.

Simple and clear I feel like I heard that before

And just like that, an old memory stirred in Seol's mind.

- Creations are all about sincerity! Practicality! Simplicity!

...Yeah, I complicated it too much. Lets just start with the necessities.

Practicality, simplicity.

Seol had forgotten those.


What does it need?

It needs to be small.

A small size.

It needs to be able to move freely.


Eyes it would be nice if it had those too.

What else?

Unnecessary. Those are the only things that it needs.

Seols sticky shadows began to grow and swell in size.

- Get ready, everyone! It's about to crumble soon.

- Im excited to see him get upset again HAHAHA

- Crumble! Crumble! Crumble!

- Why is it taking so long this time, though?

- Right?

Seol wore a serious expression on his face, while Agony, who had been glancing back and forth between him and his creation, looked utterly shocked.



- Hahahahaha!

- It crumbled again! Like a cookie!!!

- Thats just the way the cookie crumbles!!!

Though the viewers laughed, Seol's reaction was quite different.

After the shadow had crumbled away something remained.

It was a small bird.

[Awakening! You awaken a new skill.]

[You awaken Make Creations.]

[The attribute of the new creation is designated as Sticky Shadows.]

[The type of the new creation is designated as 'small winged creature'.]

[New, related skills can be derived from this.]


- Sasuke-kun?

- It worked?

The small bird trembled for a second before letting out a weak cry.


* * *

Frannan was an accomplished magician not only within Zodiac, but also within the era as a whole.

However, with his eccentric personality, crude demeanor, and habit of always carrying a bottle around with him, he seemed like nothing more than a grumpy old man at first glance.

Even so, no one could look down on him after hearing of his extraordinary accomplishments.

Born into a poor farming family, he quickly left home to join a nomadic mercenary group as a laborer. However, he did not waste his time there. Eventually, he was able to persuade the mercenary groups magician to teach him magic.

He was an exceptional genius.

Frannan's ability to control the flow of mana, combined with his brilliant intellect, was unparalleled.

If the mercenary group hadn't been forcibly disbanded after undertaking a dangerous mission, he would likely have ended up becoming a magician for the mercenaries as well. However, finding himself alone, he approached the doors of the magic tower and knocked.

Because Frannan hadnt learned magic from a young age, the magic tower rejected him. After all, it was a place filled with young, talented, and tenacious individuals. There was no room for someone like him.

- Its too late for you.

- For you to become a magician, its a bit

-Talent like yours is a dime a dozen.

Frannan was judged by them as if he were a slab of meat, like a slave at an auction. The words he heard then hurt him much more than those he had heard from nobles during his broken past.

After all, he didnt choose to become a farmer. But becoming a magician... that was a choice he made.

Oftentimes, humans fall into despair when something they've chosen, something they've poured their heart into, is completely rejected like that. It can even become the catalyst for a lifetime of depression.

However, Frannan was luckier than he expected.

- Hmm he seems useful.

Frannan only learned later that this turn of events was largely due to Veil, the lone high-ranking magician of Libra at the time. Veil, known for his reclusive nature, spent his days immersed in research within his private chamber, rarely coming out.

- Even so, Veil, this child seems a bit too old...

- Too old? What was your name again, child? Frannan?

Frannan would never forget these events for the rest of his life.

- Are you aspiring to become an archmage to conquer the world?

- N-No

- Then its fine. If your goal is to just become an adequate magician, even now isnt too late as long as you put in the effort.

- Wh-what?

- When I first arrived here, I brought along a really special flower. But even now, after all these years, it hasn't bloomed once. It's quite the stingy little thing.


- So, if you're wondering what odd things this old man is trying to say to you...

The old man named Veil made eye contact with Frannan before giving him a big smile.

- It just so happens that I need someone to take care of this flower after I'm gone. And that someone is you.

Frannan felt disappointed.

All Veil wanted was a disciple who would care for a flower. Veil then gently placed his hand on Frannan's head.

- From time to time... I would like to witness you blooming as well. At least I'll have that to see before I pass, won't I?

- Yes! I promise I will!

As time went on, Veil passed away, leaving Frannan behind, unable to fulfill the promise.

- Frannan? Frannan? Answer me.

- What?

Frannan was surrounded by countless magicians of the Libra Tower.

- Damn it, that flower was doomed from the start. Why would you wait for something like that to bloom

- Frannan?

- Well... even so, at least I was able to bloom before the flower. My flower...

- Frannan! Answer me, have you resolved yourself?!

Frannan continued to murmur to himself, a scowl on his face.

- I was a bit late, old man. I wish... I wish you could have waited a bit longer.

- Look here, Frannan!

- Alright.

- Make the vow!

The promised words began to flow from Frannans mouth.

- With knowledge as my blade and wisdom as my handle, I declare my omnipotence alongside my incompetence. In pursuit of truth, I embrace the contradictions within my ideas.


- I am a magician.

- I bestow upon you the esteemed title of the Libra Tower's Aspect Magician. Embrace the responsibility and the expectations it carries.

- Woahhhhhhhh!

- Frannan! Frannan!

Damn it Damn it

Damn it!

Ahhhhhh! Damn it!

I-Is everything alright?


Frannan woke up screaming.

Ah, it was just a dream. What an awful morning.

Frannan often dreamt of his late master, likely burdened by the guilt of blooming too late.

After coming to his senses and realizing that he was traveling with the Black Pilgrims and a strange transferee, he got up to his feet.

Where is he? asked Franan.

Ah, if youre looking for Snowman, hes over there

Frannan recalled the events of the previous night.

I wonder if hes reflected a bit.

Even though Frannan was an accomplished magician, having his craft, a non-combat skill, looked down upon by Seol was insulting.

Furthermore, without a thorough understanding of the underlying theories of creation and the guidance of a seasoned mentor, even the most talented individuals would achieve no results despite devoting entire nights to their pursuit.

Is he like this because he acquired powerful items and strong skills too quickly? Damned transferees... Transitioning slowly into adulthood is vastly different from becoming an adult overnight. Even so, with time and effort, he can yield results.

Frannan paused for a brief second before resuming his thoughts.

I doubt hed want to hear advice that anyone could offer, so I should teach him a way to expedite the process. But


What What is this smell?

It seemed like the transferee was cooking a meal to return to Frannans good side.

At least he has tact. All he had to do was be diligent.

Frannan was secretly satisfied as he approached Seol.

Are you making breakfast?

Yes, its almost done.

A-Ahem So, have you made any progress with that?

What? What do you mean by that?

You know, that. the hm?

Frannan then noticed something that was rather displeasing.

"Why are there so many crows here Ahh! Look, that ones eating the ingredients! What are you doing?!" scolded Frannan.

But then he realized that something was off.

This crow

The crows eyes had an auburn color.


Seol sighed after watching the crow, his shadow, crumble once more and return to its original state.

Ah so it doesnt last that long.


Is something the matter? asked Seol.

Frannan had encountered numerous geniuses during his time in the magic tower.

Whether in terms of research, dedication, or even their lives, as a genius himself, Frannan was confident in facing conflicts such as this.

But he dont tell me it only took one night?

Seol scratched his head.

Ah, this it was harder than I thought.

Frannan was stupefied upon hearing Seols words.

Even Frannan had times when he felt jealous after seeing people younger than him budding with talent.

But this this was on another level entirely.

He had already bloomed like a flower.

You you

* * *

Weve arrived.

The partys carriage had arrived in Timbrian.

"Are you... not going to your villa?"

"It'll be fine on its own. There's no rush. I wouldn't be late even if I visited Varanoas branch before heading there."

Then I shall gladly guide you, Frannan, said Chameli.

Haha thank you.

Seol felt like Frannan was behaving oddly.

Why is he acting like that?

The only thing Frannan did today was silently steal glances at Seol. He wasn't as talkative as he was yesterday.

I guess hes just prone to mood swings.

The party then entered Varanoa's Timbrian branch, and a fat, middle-aged man in glasses immediately rushed out in a fuss as he lumbered towards Chameli.

"Vicar Chameli! I should have come out to greet you"

Brother Markon, your thoughts are more than enough. More importantly, have you received my letter?

Ah That uh That thing about you coming here with some psychopath who wants to wield a demonic spirit, right?

Wh-when did I say it like that?!

I mean, they have to be a psychopath if they want to wield a demonic spirit, right? Or am I wrong?

Frannan, who had been observing, laughed and put forth his hand.

"I didnt think Id meet a friend who shared my thoughts so closely. Mind if I ask where you're from?"

Who are you? Ah! Are you the Aspect Magician?

Yes, I am.

What perfect timing. There was something that I wanted to ask an expert magician like yourself.

Hm? What is it? Im fairly free right now.

Is this about the holy relic we promised to give Snowman? asked Chameli.

It is, Ive seen no results whatsoever. And it's not as if I could simply tear it apart... I just thought a former Aspect Magician like him would have a clue or two.

Hm thats not a bad idea. For now, lets go in.

Markon, Chameli, and the other Black Pilgrims guided Seol and Frannan in.

Inside the magnificent marble temple, worshippers gathered for mass while workers diligently maintained the premises.

It was unexpectedly grand for what was intended to be merely a branch church in Timbrian.

Its quite large.

Its because the Timbrian chapter is practically the center of the parish. How embarrassing. Now, this way.

The holy relic storage room.

After passing through several guards, security locks, and barriers, Seol and the others finally entered the room.


After pulling something out of storage with strange numbers that only they could read, Markon returned to them.

This is it.

Hm I dont know what this is.

Youre just going to say it right away like that? Are you sure you got a proper look?

Are holy relics some fancy thing? If I cant tell it immediately, most of the time, I wont be able to tell, no matter what. Still, Ill take a closer look.

And after about a minute or so

I dont know what this is.

Didnt you say that you were going to take a closer look?

No, Im serious. Theres an unfamiliar energy inside of it, and it seems a bit different from normal holy relics.

Urgh If you, an Aspect Magician, is saying that then I guess its impossible to know.

Seol took a step forward.

Let me take a look.


- Haah is it my time to shine now?

- Yare yare shoganai na~

Markon, despite clearly having no confidence in Seol, handed the sphere over.

It was a white sphere, roughly the size of a piglet.

But with Seols knowledge, a holy relic like this is easily

Hm I dont know.

- Rock Lee! I told you to sit still!

- Guy-sensei, no! I must show them my ninja way!




Karuna and Karen appeared simultaneously, emerging from the Shadow Space on their own accord, without Seol summoning them.

What What are you


Seol raised his hand, signaling to them that it was safe. After the others calmed down as well, Seol looked to his knights.

Karen slowly raised the sphere and held it close to her face.

Master, I I think I know what this is.


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