The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Seol was confident it was Toki after seeing its moves against Finn.

It was a miracle born through the Season of Reapers.

Though it hadn't been too long since their separation, the line between life and death still divided them.


[Penance: Season of Demonic Beasts arrives.]

[Harsh winds rage on the battlefield.]

[Penance: Season of Knights arrives.]

[Swords will occasionally fall over the battlefield.]

The Season of Demonic Beasts arrived with the Season of Knights.

This is dangerous!

A chill ran down Seols spine.

Everyone on the battlefield lowered their bodies in an attempt to resist the winds.




Karens imitation was impaled by the massive sword that emerged from the void.


However, she instantly recovered the moment she reconnected to the red thread tied to Finn.

In the end, we have to finish off Finn.

It might have been impossible before, but it was definitely possible now.

Seol glanced at Tokis doll which was keeping their stance low. Even though the doll lacked a face, he could still sense that Toki was smiling.


A sword descended from the sky, initially aimed for the squares outskirts. However, a harsh wind abruptly altered its course, redirecting it toward Toki's doll.


The sword crashed to the floor, embedding into the ground.


At first, Seol couldn't see anything. The dust obscured everything in his sight.

However, as the dust settled he realized that Toki was safe, albeit missing an arm.

Damn it! Before we could even do anything


As the winds died down, Toki stood up.

Creak Creak

Toki replaced his broken arm with the limb of another doll. As always, he proved to be a man of many talents, to the extent that it even surprised Seol.

I guess it was a good decision to hold onto one.


You ready, kid?

Ready? For what?


Ready to get out of here.

With that, their roles were decided.

Changsik could no longer fight due to his injuries. Toki had now assumed Changsiks role.



Seol and Toki moved together as the seasons changed.

Their identical movements proved that they had the same plan.

Finn's doll was taken aback as the two recklessly charged at him with matching speed.

Just as before, Finns doll used Refusal on Seol.


However, that was a mistake.

Toki skillfully evaded the Blood Spear in a movement that resembled slipping to the ground, only to use his hips to swiftly bounce himself back up.

[Soul Doll: Toki used Pure Fist.]

[20% of the damage dealt will now be applied as true damage.]



[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Blood Barrier.]

[75% of physical damage is negated.]

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Toki's attacks currently dealt 80% physical damage and 20% true damage. As such, Finn's doll continued to shake and quiver as Toki unleashed a flurry of attacks on the now-pointless Blood Barrier.

Splatter! Splaaatter!

Blood Spears formed on each of Tokis sides. It was Finns attempt to create distance.

Toki, shocked, quickly rolled to the floor.


Seol dashed in from behind as the spears missed Toki and hit the ground.




Finn was pushed back by the force of the impact against the barrier. Seol glanced at Toki, who was beginning to stand up.

Though Toki did not utter a word or even cast a glance in his direction, Seol could tell what his next moves would be.

It was because Toki had used a particular skill in this exact situation before.

- Do you know when the strong are defeated?

- When they get tired?

- No, when theyre hit by a strong enough move to defeat them.

- Isnt that obvious???

- And thats why Im going to teach you that obvious move.

Toki's movements started to resemble those of an animal.

[Soul Doll: Toki used Debauchee's Movements.]

[Dodge rate increases by 10%. Accuracy increases by 10%.]

Seol moved alongside him.

[You used Debauchee's Movements.]

[Dodge rate increases by 10%. Accuracy increases by 10%.]

Seol stood in front of the doll while Toki lunged to the dolls rear.

Bam! Baaam!

As Seol unleashed a barrage of attacks, Toki employed a skill.

[Soul Doll: Toki used Chimney Sweep.]

[Ignore defense by 40%.]



Crack! Crack! Crack!

The pair continued pouring down a flurry of attacks at Finn.

Caught between Seol and Toki, Finn's doll shifted its body, attempting to position them at its sides rather than in front and behind.

Caught between Seol and Toki, Finn's doll shifted its body, attempting to position itself beside them rather than between them.

And the moment it found an opportunity Finns doll raised both hands.

[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Exceptional Skill: Emergency Transfusion.]

[Extract health from the being held in your hands.]

Dodge it!

As Seol's voice echoed, Finn's hands unleashed a crimson wave.


Seol and Toki rolled back, seamlessly evading the attack as they had planned this maneuver together.

Unfortunately, they had to stop their attack there.

[Penance: Season of Knights arrives.]

[Swords will occasionally fall over the battlefield.]

[Penance: Season of Magicians arrives.]

[Interconnected portals appear throughout the battlefield.]

Finns doll capitalized on the opening created by the changing seasons to heal itself.


[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Proud Flesh.]

[Rapidly recover 70% of the health you just lost.]

In the end, the little damage that Finn took through that barrier was mostly recovered.

...Thats disgusting.

I agree.

Lets go again.

...Then Ill be going first!


Only then did Seol realize his smile.

Why was Seol smiling?

The thrill of the battle? Having a trustworthy ally behind him? Or confidence he could win?

Regardless of the reason, Seols movements, which resemble Tokis, began confusing Finn.


Like always, the battle began with Finn using Refusal.

Gripping the ground to prevent being thrown back any further, Seol observed Toki.

Toki waved his arms wildly.

[Soul Doll: Toki used Sand Throw.]

[If the target is struck by the sand, their vision becomes blurred.]

It was a tactic Seol and Toki laughed about for its cheapness. Finn, shocked by Tokis attack, leaped back.



A sword fell from the skies and landed on Finn.

[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Blood Barrier.]

[75% of physical damage is negated.]

Finns doll hadnt fully absorbed the impact just yet. Toki, catching that opening, kicked the floor and jumped toward him.


Those movements

It was a move Seol had seen so much he had gotten sick of it.

A move that was so difficult to even imitate.

In fact, it was something he still hadnt learned.

- Bwrgh What was What was that?

- I didnt come up with a name for it yet. Kick High, Kick Low?

- Are you telling me you just beat me with a nameless skill?

- Then Ill name it Kick the Sky, Kick the Ground.

- You just came up with that right now, didnt you?

- Dont show off how smart you are, alright? You wont make any friends that way.


[Soul Doll: Toki used Kick the Sky, Kick the Ground.]

[One of two skills will activate.]

Finn attempted to take a defensive maneuver, but because it was unclear exactly where Toki aimed, Finn ended up getting hit.


Toki had aimed for Finns leg.

As Finn wobbled back, Seol appeared from the dimensional door beside it.

Seol spun in the air, releasing a kick with the same movements as Toki's Kick the Sky attack.


Nice hit! shouted Toki at Seol.




Finn grabbed the ground, catching itself.

However, Seol and Toki couldnt finish the job, and countless swords had fallen from the sky, preventing their path.




The swords can pass through the portals too.

Even though Seol could predict where theyd come from, closing the distance between them was still impossible.

Finn began healing, mocking them.

[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Proud Flesh.]

[Rapidly recover 70% of the health you just lost.]

Almost as if to prove that the Record of Pain was a part of the labyrinth, the seasons began changing as Finn recovered its health.

[Penance: Season of Demonic Beasts arrives.]

[Harsh winds rage on the battlefield.]

[Penance: Season of Priests arrives.]

[A hymn of glory cries out for you.]

[Flagellants are affected by the Hymn of Glory.]

[Flagellants have all of their stats increased by 35%.]


The Season of Demonic Beasts made movement difficult for everyone.

Winds bellowed from several directions, and losing your balance once was more than enough to make you fall into the void.

However, as this season affected everyone, it wasnt the worst-case scenario.

As Seol was holding on, he saw a message.

[The Season of Whimsy is about to end.]

[After the season changes once more, the Season of Death will arrive.]

[The Season of Death will harvest all lives on the battlefield.]

Damn it the insta-kill pattern

The Instant-Kill effect appears rarely in The World of Eternity.

It often appeared when a piece was unable to satisfy a certain condition.

Its because Im dragging this out too long

Seol had to end it during this next season.

If he didnt, the Season of Death would arrive, killing everything on the battlefield. Obviously, Seol included.

Seol glanced at Toki before hesitating.

He couldnt find it in himself to bring this up.

However, it seemed like Toki realized that the end was coming soon as well.

The first to break the silence wasnt Seol, but Toki.



Dont give up until the end, alright?


And if you can make sure to do good deeds in your life.

The seasons changed once more, introducing a new season.

The penultimate season, the season before the Season of Death.

[Penance: Season of Magicians arrives.]

[Interconnected portals appear throughout the battlefield.]

[Penance: Season of Reapers arrives.]

[Soul dolls appear on the battlefield.]

[The souls at the top of the lamp come to the battlefield.]

* * *


Moments before the soul dolls were fully created


Toki bravely charged in. And like clockwork, Finn used Refusal on him.

However, this time, it was different.


[Soul Doll: Toki used Sand Throw.]

[If the target is struck by the sand, their vision becomes blurred.]

Finns doll took a large leap back once more to avoid the sand.


And when it looked back, Toki was missing. His unseemly movements fooled Finns doll.


Finns doll prepared for the oncoming attack. However, what Toki had prepared wasnt an attack. It was a grappling move.


Tokis doll grabbed Finn from behind, restraining both arms.

Nows the


Finn scrambled in an attempt to dislodge Toki, but Toki's doll clung to him like glue and refused to let go.


The final season.

It all had to end here.

[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Exceptional Skill: Emergency Transfusion.]

[Extract health from the being held in your hands.]


Tokis doll screamed in pain, but it didnt let go.

Finn hurriedly tried to prepare for Seols oncoming attack.

He had already used Refusal on Toki and it was on cooldown.


[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Blood Barrier.]

[75% of physical damage is negated.]


Seol screamed in desperation.

He had been waiting patiently this entire time for this one opening.

The frustration Seol had unknowingly accumulated was released with that primal roar.

As Seol screamed, Finns doll spoke as well.

Finally, I.. will be freed from this pain

The barrier surrounding Finns doll shrunk in size.


[Record of Pain: Finn Modria used Link: Umbrella Fold.]

[A Blood Spear, on the same level as the Blood Barrier, takes shape.]

[You are unable to use Blood Barrier while Link: Umbrella Fold is on cooldown.]

Finn had been waiting for this moment the entire time. For when the enemy would let down their guard after being sure of their victory.


The Blood Spear grazed Seol, but it wasnt aimed at him from the start. It flew off in a different direction.



Seols vision was covered by a rain of blood.

At the same time, he felt empty.

That something was lost, that he was free of something.

And also pain.

Countless words could describe the situation, but Seol couldnt think of the perfect one.

No! shouted Toki.

The Blood Spear had passed through a portal to aim for Seols right arm. As a result of it, Seols right arm was blown entirely off of his body.

Seol felt unimaginable pain from the loss of a limb.

Finns doll was satisfied. It had waited in its shell the entire time and struck at the opportune moment.

However, what followed was something Finn didnt expect. Seol continued running, unwavering. He rolled on the ground and sprinted once more.

Even though he should have been in pain, even though it was something that he should not have expected

Why did he not stop?

I finally caught you, you damned turtle!

Finn's doll was shocked, and it started attempting to flee.


Finn was able to move his feet. All he had to do was move just a couple of steps. That wouldve been more than enough to win over Seol.

However, that wasnt the case.

Seol grimaced from the pain, but he still smiled. It was an expression that often came out when he was sure of his victory.

Like always

So youre still the same.

...way too obvious.

The same coward.


[You have changed to the Volcano Stance.]

[All attacks will spread flames.]

[An explosion will occur at the impact point of each attack.]

[Passive: Moving Flames is applied.]

[Passive: Heat and Warmth is applied.]


Shadows began to gather and surge from Seol's severed limb.

They became a massive arm that barreled forth.

[You used Night Crow: Iron Fist Rule.]

[Passive: Moving Flames is applied.]

[Passive: Heat and Warmth is applied.]

Seol overcame the strategy Finns doll was faithfully following.

In the first place, he knew he would lose his right arm.

But he needed to. If he backed down, there wouldnt be a next time. A moment of pain would be able to end everything.

As the battlefield was beginning to fill with Seols black shadow, Toki smiled.

At least you avoided finishing last.

Seols enlarged arm punched both Finn and Toki, who had been keeping Finn tied down.


Doll fragments exploded from the impact, being completely shattered.

With this, Seol had defeated his past.

At the end of the Season of Whimsy, all had ended.

In the remains of where his fist landed, there was a deep crater. Nothing else managed to survive its impact.

[Penance: Season of Death arrives.]

The message was left unfinished.

In its stead, more messages flooded Seols vision.


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