The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 82: Round 6 Begins (2)

Chapter 82: Round 6 Begins (2)

As An Sang-cheol shifted his gaze, the two women continued their conversation.

By the way, Min Juri, is your profession a buffer?

Yes, Im a buffer, and Ill buff everyone later.

I have something similar to a buff in my job too


Im a summoner, and I can cast shields with my fairy summons.

Summoner? You have summons?

Yes, my profession is a Summoner. I can summon up to three creatures, Ill show you later.

At that moment, An Sang-cheol interjected.

I apologize for interrupting. I think its important to exchange greetings. My name is An Sang-cheol.

Oh, nice to meet you. I saw you earlier, and it seemed like you and Black Scythe knew each other

We received some help from Black Scythe. He saved both of our lives.

Oh I see.

Min Juri looked at Black Scythe in surprise.

He even rescued someone who was in danger.

My instincts were right.

Min Juri once again felt that Black Scythe was a surprisingly warm-hearted person.

As more people gathered over time, Priscilla appeared with a burst of light.

[Hello, humans. Have you rested well for a month?]

Priscillas voice echoed through the area.

[There are 1,010 participants for this round, which is a perfect number. Shall we get straight to the point?]

A message window appeared before the players.


Defeat one boss within 6 hours

[All Areas]

Participants: 16,120,590

Achievers: 0/8,060,295

[Current Area C-ESKS007]

Participants: 1,010

Achievers: 0/505

The players reacted with excitement to the quest details.

Whats this? Defeat one boss?

Are bosses finally coming out?

How are we supposed to defeat a boss on our own?

Hearing the murmurs, Priscilla chuckled and spoke through the message window.

[Dont worry; you cant defeat the boss on your own. Of course, youll need to work together.]

We cant defeat it alone?

Together? How

[Naturally, youll need to form parties. Thats where the party system comes in.]

Party system?

[A party is a group formed to allow cooperation among its members. You need five members to form a party, and when youre in a party, you wont harm each other.]

Oh, so we wont accidentally hit each other?

[Thats right! No more worries about friendly fire or betrayals kehehe]

Thats convenient, isnt it?

[However, attacks from other parties or monsters will still affect you. Only your party members attacks will be nullified.]

The players nodded in understanding.

The quests difficulty seemed reasonable. If you had a party of five, defeating the boss should be manageable.

[When you form a party, the experience points and gold obtained from defeating monsters are distributed evenly among party members, regardless of who delivers the killing blow. Just keep in mind that if the distance between party members exceeds 100 meters, the distribution wont occur.]

Oh, so experience points and gold are distributed equally?

It sounds a bit like communism.

I think its fair, though.

So, how are items distributed then?

[Unlike experience points or gold, items are distributed based on contribution. For example, if two humans contributed 70% and 30% to defeating a monster, the chances of getting an item when it drops will be proportional to those percentages.]

Ah, so the person who contributed more to defeating the monster has a higher chance of getting the item.

I see, that makes sense.

Yes, exactly.

So, conversely, even if someone had a low contribution, they could still get an item if theyre lucky?

[Thats correct. Even if you contributed only 1%, you could still get an item if luck is on your side. The probability might be low, though.]

Archangel! I have a question!

[Go ahead, human.]

How is contribution measured? Is it all about dealing the most damage? Wouldnt that disadvantage players with lower damage output?

[Thats a good question. While dealing more damage usually leads to higher contribution, its not always directly proportional. The system considers all factors and makes a judgment to measure contribution. So, even a player who mainly provides buffs can affect contribution.]

Wow So, just giving buffs can earn you contribution?

It seems like being a buffing profession is pretty sweet!

As the archangel said, contribution was calculated based on an overall evaluation, not just dealing damage. Even if someone had low damage output, if they made a significant contribution to the monsters defeat, their contribution would be high. Conversely, if they saved allies and indirectly contributed to defeating the monster, that would also result in a high contribution.

So, professions like priests and buffers can earn high contribution in parties.

The party system wasnt exclusive to this round alone. It could be opened occasionally when needed, and the required number of participants could vary.

For me now, parties are just a nuisance .

But you cant say no.

[By the way, if you dont form a party, even if you defeat monsters, it wont count.]

As the angel had just mentioned, the system enforced party formation.

There was no option for soloing.

But that doesnt mean there are no advantages to it.

The benefits of a party include the ability to rely on each other and cooperate freely.


[After forming a party and defeating just one boss, youll immediately pass the round. All five members, that is.]

All all five members?

The quest was shared equally among party members.

[In the current field, there are 101 boss monsters released. In other words, only the 505 who defeat a boss will survive.]

The angel chuckled and clapped her hands.

[That concludes the explanation about parties. Now that you know the quest, its nothing special, right? Just defeat one boss, and its a straightforward quest to pass.]

Nothing special, huh?

A hint of amusement appeared on Ryu Mins lips.

It wasnt as simple as she made it seem.

[Now, humans, do your best to defeat the boss. Oh, and there are no sub-quests, so keep that in mind.]

With a flutter of her wings, the angel disappeared in a flash of light.

Round 6 had begun.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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