The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 61: Deathmatch (2)

Chapter 61: Deathmatch (2)

[From now on, well have a deathmatch where you kill or be killed until only one remains. I must warn you though, if you die outside the arena, there will be no resurrection for you, so stay within the bounds. Let the game begin!] Despite the tense atmosphere, none of the participants moved. They waited, eyeing each other cautiously, assessing the competition. Engaging with an area representative was no small feat, and they wanted to see who would take the first step. In the midst of this, Priscillas representative, also known as [Psycho Chopper], couldnt help but wear a confident smile. He had maintained his position as the top-ranked player in his area without fail. Im unbeatable when it comes to dismantling things, be it humans, animals, or monsters, He thought with confidence. His confidence stemmed from the [Dismantling Rune], a cunning yet powerful rune she possessed. The moment I pierce my opponents body with my blade, I can flawlessly dismantle them. Theres no other deceitful rune like this. He had already demonstrated its potency by killing 312 players in the fourth round, even proving its effectiveness in PK. As long as my sword pierces them, the game is practically over. The rune automatically removes that part. With the rune, he could, for instance, stab his opponents arm, and the rune would take over, expertly severing the rest of the limb as if guided by a spectral force. After obtaining the rune, my killing numbers increased tremendously. His real-life experience as a butcher had proven valuable, complementing the power of the Dismantling Rune. He even surprised his co-workers when he came back the first time. Well, survival in this otherworld takes precedence, thought Psycho Chopper, understanding the ruthless nature of their predicament. Thats why he didnt hesitate to eliminate his rivals and claim the position of area representative. In this harsh reality, stepping on others was the grim path to staying alive. Just a while ago, I was regretting becoming an area representative, but who could have foreseen such an opportunity? he mused with a hint of joy. With authority within reach, no one would dare to underestimate him. He felt like he could reign like a monarch. In the end, becoming an area representative had been a wise decision. If I can defeat these nine opponents, Ill become the king, wont I? He pondered, his eyes flashing with determination as he assessed the others. Everyone seemed cautious, reluctant to make the first move. They were eyeing each other, aware that acting rashly might make them the primary target. [Why are they just staring at each other?] [Why arent you fighting? Come on, humans! Fight already!] [Yes, fight!] The impatient angels shouted from above, their voices akin to excited gamblers watching a dogfight. Whats with them? Did they actually place bets? Why are they so eager? He wondered, not needing any encouragement to eliminate his rivals. It was a natural course of action. Its a loss if you go first, everyone is thinking the same. If they just wait for others to engage in a battle, they can save enough strength to join in later and win, He surmised, considering his tactics, yet aware that he couldnt linger indefinitely. With confidence, he strode towards the center of the arena, his mind set on securing a strong first impression to instill fear in his adversaries. To make them fear me, Ill unleash the full extent of my ruthlessness, leaving a lasting impression, He thought, mentally preparing for the intense display of his prowess. However, a twinge of guilt surfaced; he couldnt help feeling sorry for his first prey, who would bear the brunt of his calculated cruelty. But theres no other way. Whoever challenges me first will just be unlucky, He reasoned, his competitive spirit suppressing any reservations. And finally, a challenger emerged from the shadows. Ah, there you are! My first sacrifice, He declared, eyeing the player wielding a massive scythe, a formidable opponent who demanded his respect. As the distance closed, Psycho Chopper couldnt help but be astonished by the players massive scythe. Ive seen spears and swords, but a scythe? Thats a rarity, He thought, genuinely surprised. Scythe, huh Ive come across usernames with scythe before, but encountering someone who wields an actual scythe is a first, He mused in amazement. As they drew nearer, Psycho Choppers gaze instinctively shifted upward to check the players nickname. The moment he read it, he was taken aback. A black scythe? Your nickname is Black Scythe? Its a familiar nickname. When the results are announced, its the name that always ranked first in all districts. Could it be the same name? Oh no. Nicknames cant be used by two people, right? When setting up a nickname in the beginning, he tried to name it Super Saiyan, but it was rejected for being redundant. So, then, is that person really the black scythe that ranked first in the rankings? The Level 30 Player? He pondered, feeling a mix of awe and fear. Psycho Chopper gracefully lowered his sword. The number 30 alone had shaken his confidence right from the start. [Why is that human acting like that?] [Just moments ago, they seemed full of vigor, and now his making such a stupid face.] The observing angels shook their heads, perplexed by the sudden change in the player, Psycho Chopper, who seemed dazed and lost. His expression appeared vacant as if something was not quite right. [Priscilla, isnt that your areas representative?] Priscilla wasnt in the mood to respond, clenching her teeth in frustration. [What on earth is that human doing? Weve come this close, and hes just standing there!] Despite the player with the scythe right in front of him, Psycho Chopper remained clueless and motionless, lacking any will to fight. It was as if they had lost all determination. Frustration reached its peak, and then [Kiki, kiki, kihuhuhu] Laughter, irritating and mocking, echoed from the side. Priscilla shot a stern glare at the source of the annoying laughter. [Olive, are you finding this situation amusing?] Priscilla asked, her voice tinged with frustruation. [Kehehe, sorry. But I cant help but find it funny,] Olive replied, trying to suppress a giggle [Whats so amusing?] Priscilla inquired, perplexed by Olives reaction. [Just look at that human. Your areas representative seems as nervous as a willow in the wind in front of mine,] Olive remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Priscilla directed her gaze at the human wielding the impressive scythe. However, she couldnt sense the overwhelming aura that she had anticipated. [So, youre saying my areas representative is scared of your representative?] Priscilla asked, raising an eyebrow. [Well, it certainly looks that way, doesnt it?] Olive responded with a playful smirk. [Dont be ridiculous, Olive. Do you think being the top-ranked in my area is a joke? My representative has never missed the top spot since Round 1,] Priscilla said, defending her areas representative. [In your area? Is just being the top-ranked in his area even a big deal?] Olive challenged with a hint of skepticism. [I dont get you anymore? What do you mean?) Priscilla seemed puzzled. [My representative has never missed the top spot in the whole region,] Olive clarified, his tone tinged with pride. [In the whole region? Where did you come out with such a lie?] [Do you still not get it? For those angels who bother to check the rankings, isnt his nickname enough of a clue?] Olive pointed out, raising an eyebrow. As Olives words sank in, the other angels finally paid close attention to the humans nickname. [What? Black Scythe?] one of the angels exclaimed. [Ive seen him! Hes always at the top of the results screen,] another angel chimed in. The realization dawned on them. Even though angels didnt typically concern themselves with human rankings, they knew who held the coveted top spot. Priscilla felt a tremor of uncertainty. [Black Scythe, is Olives area representative?] she murmured to herself. Her confidence faltered. If that human was indeed the feared Black Scythe, then her representative wouldnt stand a chance. And then, in a flash, everything changed. [Uh?] Psycho Choppers head dropped to the ground, severed by the Black Scythes swift strike. The angels turned to Priscilla, silently acknowledging her elimination. [Well, Priscilla is eliminated,] one of them said matter-of-factly. The shock left Priscilla speechless. She couldnt even muster anger at this unexpected and inevitable defeat. Hello Everyone, I hope you like the websites new look.For more chapters please support me on Patreon.


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