The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 51: Party Invitation (1)

Chapter 51: Party Invitation (1)

Black Scythe?

It wasnt a mere inquiry for clarification; it carried a deeper meaning.

Although they hailed from different territories, Min Juri was well aware of the name Black Scythe.

After all, it was a moniker that consistently claimed the top spot in the world after every round.

So, youre talking about that person, right? The one who always managed to secure first place in the world.

Yes, exactly.

So, let me get this straight. You want me to seek assistance from Black Scythe in the fifth round?

I did mention assistance, but its more about collaboration. Its about forging a temporary alliance to increase our chances of survival.

But isnt Black Scythe from a different district? Are you suggesting that our district and theirs will merge this time?

Thats precisely what I mean.

But Black Scythe is level 30. Why would they even consider joining forces with me?

Because you can use buffs. Black Scythe will find value in having you by his side. With your help, you can complete quests and mutually benefit each other.


It was an intriguing proposition.

Imagine how reassuring it would be to survive each round safely with the guidance of a high-level player.

However, the challenge lay in forming a party with a complete stranger.

Moreover, not just any formidable presence, but one of remarkable strength.

To be honest, I have my concerns. Would Black Scythe truly agree to accompany me solely for the sake of a single buff?

Its not just any buff. The buffs you have are extraordinary.

Ryu Min suppressed his true thoughts and smiled, trying to alleviate Min Juris worries.

Black Scythe will be willing to cooperate with you, not only for this round but also for the rounds to come. I saw it in the future, so theres no need to worry.


Min Juris face finally brightened, radiating a genuine smile.

If Ryu Min, the prophet, expressed such unwavering confidence, Min Juri had every reason to believe him.

Thank you for sharing this vital information with me.

No problem. Friends should be able to do something this important for each other.

As a token of gratitude, I should give you something in return, shouldnt I?

Min Juri extended her hand and bestowed a buff upon Ryu Min.

It was a moment that Ryu Min acted as if it had caught him off guard.

I received the buff as planned.

Knowing Minjuris financial struggles and inability to offer much, Ryu Min had anticipated her relying on buffs as a form of repayment.

Now, once I get home and use the lottery ticket

Suppressing the twitch in the corner of his mouth, Ryu Min left the restaurant together with Min Juri.

Only when he had dropped Min Juri off in front of the convenience store and found himself alone did Ryu Min allow himself to smile without inhibition.

Upon returning home, Ryu Min changed into comfortable attire and equipped his items.

[The Bless skill increases all stats by 50%.]

[The Rune of Slaughter bestows a 100% increase in all stats.]

Not only did he receive buffs, but he also obtained the effect of the Rune of Slaughter by vanquishing the mill worms, just as before.

Lets see how much my stats have improved.

Strength: 93, Intelligence: 111

Agility: 105, Luck: 84

With this level of luck, I can have high expectations.

Ironically, the attribute Ryu Min had neglected, intelligence, stood out as the highest.

This was thanks to the Rune of Luminescence., which boosted intelligence alongside leveling up.

If I were to encounter a Holy-type opponent, my stats would soar even higher, doubling in magnitude.

Unless an angel were to suddenly appear, such a prospect seemed arduous to achieve.

Ryu Min opened his inventory and retrieved the lowest-grade lottery ticket.

Lets put it to use.

An ordinary person would have ended up praying, hoping for a favorable outcome. But Ryu Min wasnt an ordinary person, without any hesitation, he simply used the item.

Whats the point of praying? That damn excuse for needing a god.

Though he had never been religious, this whole situation had completely eroded any remnants of faith he may have had. Not only did his faith disappear, but in its place, a deep-rooted resentment took hold.

Even if they dont know it, this must be some grand scheme orchestrated by a god.

Who else but the mastermind behind a hellish survival game that entrapped 1.8 billion people?

Of course, there had to be a god pulling the strings, toying with humanity.

If, by some chance, I make it to the final round and have my wish granted, Ill demand the annihilation of that godforsaken deity who designed this wretched excuse for a game.

Of course, whether that would be possible remained uncertain.

Just then, the lottery results appeared before Ryu Mins eyes.

[You have used the lowest-grade lottery ticket.]

[Congratulations! You have obtained 5 lowest-grade magical stones!]

In that moment, Ryu Min found himself wearing an expression of astonishment.

5? Isnt that the maximum you can get?

Instead of praying, he had resorted to cursing that deity, but fate had handed him the maximum number of stones.

Talk about an incredible stroke of luck.

Ryu Min chuckled to himself and checked his inventory.

Two red, one yellow, one green, one purple Not bad.

A total of five lowest-grade magical stones had appeared.

Ryu Min decided to start by combining the stones of the same color.

[Main Material]

Lowest-grade red magical stone

[Sub Material]

Lowest-grade red magical stone





With the stones placed in their respective slots, he pressed the combine button.

[Combination successful!]

[You have created a Low-grade Red Magical Stone.]

A low-grade magical stone now resided in his inventory.

If theyre the same color and the same grade, you can combine them like this.

Without hesitation, Ryu Min immediately combined the low-grade red magical stone with the Assassins Hood.

[Combination successful!]

[The Assassins Hood gains the additional option of Damage +2%.]

Previously, if it were a lowest-grade stone, the effect would have been 1%. However, now it had doubled to 2%.

He also combined the newly obtained purple magical stone with the one Seo Arin had given him.

After creating a low-grade purple magical stone, he inserted it into his gloves.

[Combination successful!]

[The Shadow Gloves gain the additional option of All Stats +2.]

The remaining green and yellow magical stones were placed in his shoes and ring, respectively.

His agility and luck both increased by 2.

He also inserted the navy magical stone he had removed from the Hunters Armor into the blood-red Assassins Suit.

By doing so, he had now embedded the magical stones into all of his equipment.

Great. It was worth sharing information and gaining buffs.

Not only that, but he had also established a connection between Juri and Black Scythe, all under the guise of prophecy.

Starting from the fifth round, he could now accompany Min Juri without revealing his true identity.

With Min Juris buffs, breaking through the fifth round will be a piece of cake.

Feeling satisfied, Ryu Min smiled and glanced at his phone.

Time was already progressing towards evening.

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