The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 187: The Results of the 11th Round (1)

Chapter 187: The Results of the 11th Round (1)

“Damn it! Damn it all!!!”

Japanese player Uetsuhako Manichi roared like thunder.

Having successfully bet on red three times in a row, he chose black for the fourth game.

After seeing red three times in a row, he thought it was about time for black to come up.

But red hit four times in a row, and he lost not only the points he had earned but also his initial stake.

‘Why am I such an idiot! Damn it! I need to get my money back, I have to!’

In the end, Manichi bet all his remaining money on black for the fifth game.

Honestly, what are the odds of red coming up five times in a row?

Yet that was exactly what happened.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!”

He tore his hair in despair.

Having dabbled in pachinko in his youth, he had been confident, but he didn’t expect to lose everything like this.

He was so overcome with self-loathing that he wanted to die right there.

“I’m ruined, ruined……”

The only consolation was that he wasn’t the only one who had lost everything.

‘Well, at least I don’t have to worry about being annihilated even if I hit 0 points.’

Three hours ago, the area point calculation had shown that Manichi’s Japanese team was in 10th place.

With that ranking, they wouldn’t fall below 95th place no matter how badly they performed.

There was no risk of annihilation, but that didn’t make him feel any better.

No matter what anyone said, losing all the points he had earned over 23 hours was a devastating blow.

‘I just want to go home quickly.’

He wanted to return and get some sleep, but the game wasn’t over yet.

[Now, for those of you who chose the high-risk mode, please get ready.]

Three people remained who had chosen the high-risk mode.

Honestly, it wasn’t even worth watching.

‘Fools. Betting their lives on a 1.5% chance. They must be desperate losers.’

He guessed that the lowest-ranking teams, who were at risk of annihilation if they didn’t win 200 times their points, were the ones taking this challenge.

No sane person would think they could hit a 1.5% chance.

[For those of you who chose high-risk mode, all your points will automatically be all-in, and you must get six consecutive correct guesses. Now, let’s shuffle the cards.]

Two cards were shuffled quickly, and one card was drawn forward.

[Please choose the color of the card within one minute.]

Since it was the first game, the three people were extremely cautious.

Well, one of them, the Black Scythe, had already made his choice from the start, but the other two had not.

Their lives depended on their choice.

‘They’re not going to win anyway, so why don’t they just choose quickly? Tsk.’

While Manichi grumbled, the minute passed.

[Have you all chosen? Hoho, it looks like your fates are decided from the first game. Two of you chose red, and one chose black. Who will be eliminated? Drum roll please…!]

The angel, enjoying herself alone, revealed the card.

[Ta-da! The first correct answer is black.]



The two who chose red were eliminated from the first round.

Manichi smirked at the despondent ones sitting on the ground.

‘Idiots. What were they expecting? There’s no way they’d succeed in getting six consecutive correct guesses.’

They were bound to be eliminated eventually, and it just happened a bit earlier.

Thinking like that was easier on the mind.

‘The one who got it right this time will soon be crying too.’

Clicking his tongue, Manichi didn’t know that the player was the famous Black Scythe, and he eagerly awaited the end of the game.

He thought he would be eliminated by the second game at the latest.

But things didn’t go as he expected.

[The second correct answer is red. Oh, you got it right again! Just four more to go. Hehe!]

[The third correct answer is black. Wow, incredible luck. Three in a row! You’re halfway there! Keep it up. Hahaha.]

The lone man got three consecutive correct guesses.

It wasn’t surprising.

Manichi had also succeeded three times in a row.

‘Hmph, lucky bastard. But let’s see how long that luck lasts.’

They were halfway there, but the chances of continuing to win would only decrease.

But his thoughts changed when the fourth result came.

[The fourth correct answer is red. Haha, you got it right again. If this were the standard mode, you’d have made 16 times your points by now.]

Manichi couldn’t help but be surprised when the man got four consecutive correct guesses.

Turning his head, he saw that others were equally shocked.

It wasn’t just the fact that he got four in a row.

‘How is that guy so calm?’

He chose the correct answers with a calm face, without a second’s hesitation.

‘It’s like he already knows the correct answers.’

He was clearly not an ordinary person.

Despite getting four in a row, he didn’t show any signs of joy.

He just calmly chose the next answer.

‘He’d be great at poker with that unchanging expression.’

Even the Korean players, who hadn’t expected much, were impressed by the Black Scythe’s performance.

“Black Scythe got four in a row.”

“If he gets two more right, that’s 200 times the points, right?”

“He might hit the jackpot.”

“Then our group will survive for sure!”

As people’s attention focused on him, the fifth game began.

Ryu Min made his choice without a hint of hesitation this time too.

[Alright, which color card will it be… You’ve already chosen? Haha, if you pick so thoughtlessly, you’ll be out in one go. Now, let’s see the correct answer…]

The angel’s expression turned sour as she revealed the card.

[…The correct answer is black. You got it right again.]

“Wow! Amazing!”

“Did he really get it right again?”

“Is this for real?”

The players cheered at the angel’s words.

They were so immersed in Black Scythe’s progress that they felt vicarious satisfaction.

They were experiencing success in an area where they themselves had failed.

“Just one more to go!”

“The odds are 50%!”

“If he gets this right, he’ll win 200 times the points!”

“Black Scythe, go for it!”

People trapped in the transparent barrier cheered for Black Scythe in their own languages.

Some, out of jealousy, cursed him inwardly, hoping he would fail.

‘There are always people who can’t stand to see others succeed.’

Ryu Min smirked as he made his final choice.

Despite their curses, Lady Luck was on his side.

[The sixth choice has been made. Let’s see the result!]

The angel’s tension made the players more nervous than the participant himself.

Even the angel, who didn’t know the result until revealing the card, was hoping for a failure.

But contrary to her hopes…

[Ah. Hahaha.]

Ryu Min’s plan went smoothly.

[The sixth correct answer is black. Congratulations. You’ve won the high-risk game with six consecutive correct guesses.]


Thunderous cheers echoed through the cave.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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