Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Penelope von Arkheim.

The Princess of the Empire, my prospective suitor. I was recalling a conversation I had with Nox von Reinhafer.

Some time had passed.

A faint red blush appeared on both of Penelope’s cheeks as she recalled the past.

It was a clear indication of how flustered she was by what had just happened.

Minutes earlier, when asked why he’d let her get away with it, Nox had explained.

-I thought it was for the best, and I’m sorry if it made you feel bad.

-And I’m sorry if I offended you.

Nox, the man who was supposed to be just someone else, walked in with a bow.

Penelope couldn’t help but feel a strange emotion as she watched.

‘I never thought it, but…… was right, he did lose to me on purpose.’

It was only a moment ago that she realized that she was actually quite pleased with herself. She was trying to keep her demeanor as dignified as possible, not letting on to Echidna, but it was true that she was quite pleased.

She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something about Nox that appealed to her.

A my-way-or-the-highway disposition that focused people on him and didn’t care about his past behavior. The way he changed little by little.

And a natural talent.

Nox von Reinhafer was hard to ignore.

“Princess Penelope, don’t be so hard on Nox next time.”

Echidna advised Penelope as she walked ahead.

Penelope thought for a moment.

He had made the choice to help himself, after all, and it would be unbecoming of a princess to push him to do so.

But Penelope didn’t want to show her feelings unnecessarily.

So she said, as dryly as she could.

“I forgive you, but only this once.”

Echidna gave a small smile at that.

……but one woman watching.

Talia von Steiner was not pleased.

No one could tell.

“Is it an affair, or is it just Nox’s advanced acting?”

She wondered, but it didn’t really matter.

After all, Nox was engaged to her!

She could make him fall in love with her, so she renewed her dulled resolve.

I’m going to get him, one way or another!

There weren’t many things more important to Talia at the moment.

* * *

Several hours passed again.

This time, it was time for another magic class, and this time, he was overcome with anxiety.

[Basic Imperial Magic].

The primary purpose of the class is, naturally, to develop a mastery of the primary element that suits one’s aptitude, and to increase one’s magical accomplishments.

Naturally, since I am a member of a Dark House, I will be dealing with dark elemental magic, but it is not uncommon for other cadets to not yet know their master element.

Commoners, in particular, have not had a chance to test this out beforehand, so it’s many times more difficult.

This is something that can be quite frustrating if not addressed early on. It’s something to be aware of before a basic magic class.

In any case, it’s not a big deal to me.

I also got a grimoire on black magic.

I’ve gotten used to using some of them, and I’m quite talented. In many ways, I have a distinct advantage over others.

Of course.

‘Not that there aren’t units that rival me in terms of purely magical accomplishments.’

Penelope von Arkheim, the Princess, and Leon von Marvas, in particular, are gifted with reverence, a gift of a different kind.

If I hadn’t also been blessed with a talent for swordsmanship, I would have had to compete with them for the sole possession of a Hidden Peace.

Though it was reassuring to think of it that way.

‘… Thanks to that, I got [Time Limit], so am I ultimately the loser after all?”

I let out a small sigh and calmly focused my attention.

For the record, the current lesson was a crystal ball test to determine one’s element.

Professor Lars took a step or two away from the podium and continued.

“What you are about to do is enchant this artifact, called the [Judge’s Crystal], and whichever of your possessing elements you can best manipulate will take shape and emerge within the orb. It doesn’t really matter if it’s a color or something else, just tell me what you see and what you feel, and I’ll take note and use it to develop your personal curriculum.”

[Judge’s correction].

This was one of those artifacts that made mages cry and laugh.

After all, even here in the world of the Inner Lunatic, there was a distinction between the fairly common elements and the precious ones.

In that sense, this test had the potential to be quite influential in determining the cadets’ future paths.

‘If you get an element like [Divine] that’s good for a healer, that’s great.’

Of course, most of these elements are monopolized by the Xenos family, so they have nothing to do with me.

……That was the moment I thought.


Something incomprehensible began to happen.

The [Judgment Crystal] imbued with my own element.

Its color changed, first to a deep dark violet, and then, somewhere in between, it began to glow with a hidden, pure white light.

What the hell is going on?

Before I can think about it, the glow is gone.

It’s as if the white light I saw a moment ago was an illusion.

‘This is strange. I’m supposed to be a scion of the Dark House… Why?’

Technically, it’s Nox.

Nox von Reinhafer.

Theo’s son, and the last of the Reinhafer children.

Why is he bathed in a pure white light?

A mysterious glow that doesn’t even show up in his status window?

It’s strange, to say the least.

So is this light.

‘It’s a symbolic element monopolized by the Holy Houses, namely House Xenos.’

My suspicions deepened.

The [Basic Imperial Magic] class has ended.

It was a good thing it was a theoretical class. I decided to do a little more research into Nox von Reinhafer’s past.

I’m sure there’s something more hidden that I don’t know about. At the very least, there’s more to Nox’s past that Gamer Yoo-chan didn’t know about.

It would also tie in with the information I’d gotten earlier.

The smell of something like that was strong.

* * *

A stormy night.

The Reinhafer family home is filled with a tranquil atmosphere.

Theo von Reinhafer.

Since Nox’s departure, he’s been feeling a bit stifled lately.

Even with Rodwell and the other servants around, he was still more low-pressure than usual. In fact, Rodwell knew why.

‘You want to see how your youngest son, Young Master Nox, is doing at the Academy.’

In a way, it was only natural.

Sure, he was the one who had the audacity to say he would put a sword through his own heart, but Nox was a sore subject for Theo anyway.

What’s more, he was a genius, a one-of-a-kind family man. I can’t help but be a little more nervous.

As he thought about it, he heard the sound of rain pounding against window.

There was a knock at the door and a woman entered without permission.

Rodwell’s nerves tensed as he realized that only one person could be so bold.

The woman opens the door. It was exactly what Rodwell expected.

It was Psylla, Theo’s wife. The mother of the twins, Allen and Hartz. Theo codly asks.

“What brings you here unannounced?”

“I forgot my manners and came here to discuss something with you.”


It was by no means the kind of conversation you’d expect to hear between a man and woman in love, or even married. In fact, it was probably not a marriage they wanted to make in the first place.

Theo had married his first wife, Psylla, far too young, and they had four sons.

Garen, Grine, and the twins Allen and Hartz, but they did not bring him the love of his life.

Moreover, unlike Theo, who was at least considerate of his wife, Psylla has openly expressed her dissatisfaction with his behavior as head of the household.

From the beginning, she has sought power for herself.

She entered into a marriage with him in order to further her own family’s fortunes with the backing of the Reinhafer family. It’s no wonder they don’t get along.

‘And there is one more reason why the lord and lady of the house do not get along.’

Rodwell swallowed hard and remembered a woman.

It was Theo’s second wife, the one he truly loved.

With her, Theo had fathered Nox von Reinhafer.

She bore him a young son, a wretch, and then died soon afterwards.

The Night of Slaughter.

At the worst possible moment, Theo had simply disappeared.

Psylla’s eyesore had been removed, and Theo was not happy about it.

“Without further ado, tell me what brings you here.”

Theo’s voice was stern again.

There is a brief spark of tension as the two exchange glances. Even Rodwell is on edge, listening to their conversation.

Psylla breaks the silence, clasping her hands together.

“Nox von Reinhafer. I hear your youngest son is doing well at the Academy.”

“What do you want to say?”

“That you pay enough attention to our Allen and Hartz, after all, are they not also your sons, Theo?”

“Aren’t they pushing for admission to other academies? You probably know that, right? According to the family’s legal procedures, no more than three people can be admitted to Eldain Academy.”

“Of course I am aware. But they are under-supported. They have room to grow, and I implore you to consider them.”


Theo thought about it.

Of course he cared about his own sons, Allen and Hartz.

But that’s the thing about one talent. It’s easy to become overly biased toward one.

Trying to fumblingly follow Nox meant that they could be further damaged.

So he said nothing and thought for a moment.

Psylla continued impatiently.

“…I’ve heard that you’ve passed on the second formula to Nox. Even if it meant breaking house rules.”

“That is for me, the Lord of the House, to judge.”

“Do you think the other vassals feel the same way?”

“It doesn’t matter if they do or not.”

Psylla gritted her teeth.

It was not an attitude she would dare display in front of her lord, but it was also an example of her emotions being overly agitated.

Finally, she seemed to explode first.

“Why the hell is it him? Nox was a disgrace to the family. No one paid any attention to the wretch. He may have won your favor with his talent with the sword, but it was only temporary. I would much rather have my Garen…….”

“No rude words, please. Psylla. Perhaps you should leave, I have no desire to speak further.”


The words finally came out of Theo’s mouth.

Psylla had no choice but to grasp her dress by the skirt, give him a quick, polite bow, and leave the room.

Rodwell studied the lord’s face.

It was lined with sighs.

“Not everyone can recognize talent.”

“That’s right, I think Psylla-nim will understand when she sees Master Nox’s actions afterwards.”

“No, she is not the right vessel for that.”

Theo felt a pang of regret.

Psylla was his wife, but she had a tendency to be overly protective of her children, and he didn’t trust her.

Rumor had it that she had recently bribed the Senate to sway them to her side. Using the fact that Theo had taught Nox the second sword art as leverage.

She dared to challenge the Lord of Reinhafer.

This was unacceptable.

“This could get bloody. I think you need time to decide.”

“Of course. I must go now, and tell the Senate and the vassals of my intentions and succession, for I must inform them at least once of my reasons for moving the Black Sword Knights.”

“I am afraid it is not enough, sir.”

“Rodwell, serve me well.”

“At your pleasure, sir. I will always trust and follow you, my lord.”

By the time the two men had finished their conversation and made a rough judgment, outside, Psylla was biting her lip in exasperation.

The shoulders of the waiting brothers, Allen and Hartz, slumped for a moment.

“Somehow, some way, we’re going to have to make it happen again for you.”

“Yes, Mother, but how can we…….”

“Nox is already the head of the Academy… and I’ve also heard that Kushan, the new king of Tahalin, has pledged his allegiance to Nox… and…… It’s a dangerous situation in more ways than one, isn’t it?”

“Yes. But I don’t believe any of it to be true. He was nothing but a bastard anyway. You don’t learn from that.”

Psylla smiled wryly as she spoke.

* * *

“The art of swordplay requires a great deal of mental strength.”

The next day.

Vernon’s swordsmanship lesson continued. I gripped my sword in concentration and repeatedly reminded myself to calm down and think about the techniques.

I didn’t have much time to think about Nox’s identity anyway.

My first priority is to survive, and my second is to become stronger.

In that sense, the footwork [Steps of Light] would take him to a higher level again.

Vernon continued.

“Once you master it.”

Suddenly, he disappears completely from view.

In the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of Talia.


“Just like that, I’ll be able to completely escape the gaze of others.”

‘…I’m not sure yet, but I think I see something.’

Of course, I didn’t see any footwork.

But I did see that he moved very quickly, and at one point, as if under tension, he hooked and moved quickly toward Talia.

“I’m going to show you again, so watch closely, and if you realize anything, tell me immediately. Do you understand?”


-I understand!

-But how the hell am I supposed to watch something that fast in two sittings?

-But… that’s the thing…….

I could hear the complaints everywhere. But I didn’t care.

‘It’s too fast to see. Then…….’

I smiled sheepishly. I decided to do something a little different.

Vernon once again activates the move [Step of Light].

[Activates the Active Skill “Time of Genius”].

I activate Time of Genius.

Everything around me moves slower.

One moment, I see a figure closing the distance toward me, and the next, I recognize it as Vernon.

The next moment, I realize it’s Vernon and he’s swinging his sword at me.

Though he’s not coming at me hard enough to kill.

‘No reason to not fight back.’

I quickly drew my wooden sword from my waistband and parried Vernon’s sword perfectly as it closed in on me.




With a loud bang, Vernon stopped in his tracks, his voice panicked.

I smiled weakly.

“I see, so that’s what you mean by the technique.”

Vernon’s expression turned sour as never before.

“Nice guy…… sleazy guy…….”

His voice trailed off into a curse. I stared at Instructor Vernon’s wide, glowing forehead and lightly sheathed my sword.

Now I’m finally starting to get a vague idea of what the martial arts are all about.


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