Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Okay, first, let’s recap the situation.

How the hell did things get so out of hand?

It happened a few days ago, shortly after I returned to the Chasers from the Kingdom of Tahalin.

It began with a letter from Rodwell, delivered to me by Grine.

* * *

Greetings, Young Master Nox, this is Rodwell.

This is the first time I’ve ever greeted you by letter, and it’s timely, as I’m sure that by now you’ve somehow managed to finish up your business in the Kingdom of Tahalin and are about to return.

In fact, it’s not…… at all, but there is one thing I need to tell you that has brought me to the pen in such a hurry.

I apologize for your fatigue, but I must urgently inform you of the arrival of a distinguished visitor to your household.

Lord Robert von Steiner, the father of Lady Talia, has come in person to speak with you about Young Master Nox’s engagement with Miss Talia.

I fear that this could be a serious matter, and I am writing to you in the hope that you will return as soon as possible.

Lord Robert-nim says you can return at your leisure after you’ve finished your work, but that means… he’s made it very clear that he won’t leave the house until you do.

The family’s employees are all terrified.

Perhaps it’s because the trigger for the breakdown of the marriage was so unexpected…….

The atmosphere seems to be particularly tense.

At this rate, they may have to live in fear every day. Unless you come back to the mansion, that is.

So please. Could you please come back as safely and as quickly as possible?

I desperately wish you a safe and speedy return home.

Yours faithfully, Butler of the House.

Rodwell de Ernarok Dream.

“……Robert and Talia have come to visit Reinhafer Manor?”

“Young Master, after Robert-nim, you should have the title of Lord.”

“Ah, uh…….”

Even at Zitri’s pointed remark, I remained stunned and reviewed my situation.

Why was I being put through this ordeal……?

A silly thought slowly begins to creep into the back of my mind.

In fact, I’d always assumed it would happen to me someday.

But then Penelope von Arkheim…….

It’s a tale of two halves.

Even as a knight of the White Flame, and the patriarch of the prestigious House of Steiner, it would be prudent to not further the conversation here.

What on earth has set him in motion?

‘Well, whatever it is, I’m either going to get beaten up by Robert, or I’m going to get killed.’

It’s a hard letter to take positively, no matter which way you look at it.

In the first place, isn’t Robert’s position now that his beloved daughter has been unilaterally given away to a man with whom she is engaged?

What’s more, he’s a terrible father, and he’s rumored to be a notorious jerk among gamers. So infamous, in fact, that he’s considered the biggest, toughest mountain you’ll ever have to climb to win Talia as your heroine.

That would be Robert von Steiner…….

the Knight of the White Flame.

……I ponder, and then recite an answer that is missing one screw.

“Zitri. Wouldn’t we have a better chance of survival if we ran away?”

“I don’t know, I don’t think House Reinhafer or House Steiner would be too pleased, they’d probably follow you and try to eliminate you somehow, which I don’t think would be a very wise move.”

“Thank you for your helpful advice.”

I put on a serious face, sincerely listening to Zitri’s explanation.

Meanwhile, Elena spoke up with a naturally virtuous expression.

“Young Master, where are you going?! Is it an elopement for love?! Please take me with you!”

“Elena? It’s not a love escape, it’s just an escape. Why do you think people often do it just before they die…….”

“Mei. Be careful with your words. Who do you think dies? He still has a few days left to die. A few days is a long time.”

A few days is a long time.

At least, I know that for sure, as I’m living a life with a time limit.

But none of the units seem to understand me.

Only Rona is chattering excitedly.

“Young Master, how many legs do you have?! One, two, three… I don’t even know if counting makes sense anymore…… ouch!”

“Rona, it looks like you want to experience what hell is like first, Hagiya, and as a servant’s duty, it wouldn’t hurt to pave the way first.”


I said, giving Rona a hearty squeeze.

She rubbed the sore spot and lowered her eyes. It was typical of Rona to clamp her mouth shut so quickly. What a pity.

‘I wonder if my units have finally realized the gravity of the situation.’

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Rona in her bully mode.

The others’ faces stiffen as they finally realize the gravity of the situation.

“Young Master, why don’t we head back for now?”

I nodded at Zitri’s recommendation.

What a [Throne Genius] Zitri. {Thank you for reading at Durstysts}

I trust her more than I trust myself sometimes.

At least when my brain isn’t working properly?

In situations like this one, I tend to take Zitri’s word for it. At least I’m not being rational. I should have something to fall back on.

“I guess so…….”

I muttered with a sigh.

The carriage ride lasted a few days. Sadly, it didn’t take long to reach the mansion. Of course, in it, I didn’t come up with any solutions.

Upon my return, before I could even report to Theo, I was confronted by Robert and Talia.

Damn it.

Why am I so unlucky?

It was one of those moments where I questioned the value of a 10 Luck stat.

* * *

……Back to the present.

“Nox von Reinhafer.”

The voice is fierce, like a low growl, like an animal, as it calls, or rather, snarls, at me.

It is, of course, Robert. Talia’s father, a knight of the White Flame. I feel goosebumps rise all over my body.

I wonder if he knows what’s on my mind.

Christopher, who stood beside me, gave a slight salute to Lord Robert in greeting. Without asking permission, he begins to chatter away.

“Long time no see. Lord Robert. To come all the way to House Reinhafer, when I, Christopher, told you how much I wanted to see you, but you only visit when I’m not around… and you never bothered to look me up. I suppose you’ve finally decided to have a real conversation with me…….”

I was appalled.

‘What a crazy unit. You’ve even bored that white knight, Rover, with your tongue.’

Or maybe not.

Robert threw up his hands in genuine disgust.

“Calm down. Christopher. I’m here to take care of him, not you.”

Christopher scratched his head at Robert’s words, then began to speak in a tone of pride.

“Eh? I must admit, Young Master, you’re quite an accomplished man. You’ve recently demonstrated your limitless potential with the sword, and… oh yeah, and what about your magic! It’s nothing short of phenomenal…….”


“Yes. Young Master.”

Zitri reacted immediately to my words, whispering something to Christopher. Christopher’s expression quickly turned sour, and he bowed, then returned to his room.

That’s my maid.

The [Throne Genius] trait doesn’t just happen to everyone.

There’s a unit or two in the second half, but it’s late in the game.

At this point, I don’t think there’s a unit that can surpass the Zitri.

Robert sighed and I broke out in a cold sweat. He’s obviously tired of talking.

“Hoo…… now we can talk, you’ve got a pretty good maid, and she’s pretty, too, though not as pretty as my daughter, hahaha!”

“……Yes, that’s it.”

I glance at Zitri and give a modest affirmation, and I can feel her gaze on me.

But what can I do?

I have a life to live first.

“Anyway, it’s not different that I came to you… … It is for the progress of the engagement talk that was discussed earlier.”

I can feel my heart sinking.

There was no benefit to me in continuing this story. Desperately choosing my words, I glanced at Robert and spoke.

“I understand that the matter is over, but has anything changed?”

“It has changed…… No matter what. No.”

Rover’s expression narrowed for a moment, and his eyes scanned my entire body.

I resist the urge to vomit with my [Master of Acting] talent.

Beside me, Talia clings to her father’s side, trying not to let the truth get to her.

Finally. (Please support the official release)

Robert’s gaze snaps back to my face, and I can clearly see the smile on his face.

“So you’re telling me that you broke off your affair with Talia when you, for example unilaterally became the Princess consort, and that things would have been different if you hadn’t?”

I’m at a loss.

I have nothing to say.

I don’t know if I should apologize to either of them.

Robert continued.

“Haha! Don’t feel too bad. I’m sure it wasn’t your choice.”


“Isn’t that right?! No matter how beautiful the Princess is, you’d have to be an angel from ancient texts to match, my daughter Talia’s beauty, haha!”


I agreed.

And then I realized something.

Ah, this guy…….

As long as I praise his daughter, I’ll be able to survive.

* * *

The night before my serious talk with Robert, I returned to my room and flopped down on my bed after reporting to Theo first.

Normally, Zitri would have washed up and gone to sleep. Ordinarily, I would have said something, but I kept my mouth shut, knowing the gravity of the situation.

Rona was still sore from the smack, and Elena was tossing and turning from the newest addition to the family.

“What the shitstorm is this?”

“Young Master, you’ve let your inner voice leak out.”

Zitri informed me kindly.

I nodded and sighed inwardly.

‘Even if I didn’t, Theo would have heard me saying I was going to kill him, so is it okay…… to be so nonchalant?’

It’s a dangerous situation, no matter how you look at it.

Zitri asked.

“Are you sure you want to do it? Marriage.”

“I don’t know. I just hope it’s something I can handle now.”

“Certainly, things don’t look good.”


And that was how I spent the rest of my time with Zitri, making meaningless conversation.



There was a knock on the door.


This feeling of knowing who was outside?

“Who is it?”

“It’s… me… Talia…….”


I decided to review a few settings for Talia von Steiner first.


The person who plunges a knife into the heart of Nox von Reinhafer in the future?

It’s Talia.


What has the power to pressure me, who had a marriage discussion with Nox, and was unilaterally broken?

Talia, too.


A heroine with an incredible backstory and a father who would give anything for his daughter?

That’s Talia.

This means that if I make the slightest mistake here, I’ll be killed by Robert’s hands, not my own.

No matter how much Theo says he’s looking out for me now…….

I don’t expect him to save me from this.

‘Besides, he’s going to save his son, who just declared he was going to kill him? The same Theo? No way…….’

No matter how much I wanted it, hearing it from the mouth of the actual child is a different matter, isn’t it?


“So, what’s going on?”

The night had fallen. I’ll just have to listen to the story.

Eventually, Talia answered, stammering.

“I… I’d like to talk to you for a while, if you don’t mind, maybe go for a walk?”

Come on, Nox. [Crawled from Durstysts]

This is where your face comes into play.

Make a way out somehow!

With that thought, I opened the door.

Outside stood Talia, dressed in a white dress, her back straight, her shoulders slightly slumped, and her expression grim. She’s proving that what I said earlier was a lie.

‘As for lies, Eleanor is the best.’

With that thought, I let her lead me out the door.

…… Meanwhile, at that time.

I realized that Robert was looking at me and Talia…….

Sadly, I hadn’t noticed at all.

Well, I had other things to worry about.

Lowly, Robert’s voice echoes toward the two figures disappearing outside the window.

“That asshole…….”


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