Tenkomori: The Homecoming Club Conquers Another World

Chapter 3: Transfer And Then

Chapter 3: Transfer And Then

I find myself in a village at night.

The people in front of me are probably the residents of this place.

It’s not a monster that’s attacking the village, that’s for sure.

The first one has three fingers, whether it has sharp fangs in its open round mouth, its body is covered with a brown and hard shell, or it has many short claws from its torso, even if three fingers hold a human-like leg.

“That monster!”

The anger in the sky became a signal.

With a loud screech, the brown villagers jumped out of the crumbling houses and darkness one after another and were quickly surrounding me.

Their numbers were countless.

They were all dripping blood from their mouths, and I would recommend that they go to the dentist immediately.

The villagers surrounded me and shouting at me from all directions.

Perhaps they were discussing a welcome party.

No, it was possible that they had already started and were singing a welcome song.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the lyrics are about.

“– Like hell I understand. What the hell is this creature!”

Because of my words, the nearest insect people jumped at me and quickly twisted around to avoid me.

I’m not going to let you down with my body language, which I’ve developed through avoiding passersby.

I put my anger at the little fat man and the dog on hold for now.

I’ll hold them accountable after we get through this.

The villagers – let’s just call them insects, for now. They keep coming at me.

The rough ground catches my feet, but I dodge the attacks in waves.

I’ll be able to duck somehow, but it’s not … the same.

I’m not that physically strong, and I’m not that slow.

Maybe they’re playing with me?

I’m not sure why only a few of them attacked me even though I was surrounded.

I don’t know why. But it’s now or never if I want to escape.

As I avoided the attacks, I quickly looked around.

I’m in a village deep in the mountains or in the forest.

The houses were built poorly and far from prosperous, and there were dark forests in every direction.

It looked like an abandoned village, but the bloody wreckage scattered about denied that.

It was only a matter of time before the village was abandoned.

When I suddenly felt a presence, I rolled over and saw a claw pass over my head.

It was dangerous…

And just as I was about to stand up in a panic, I felt a hard touch against my leg.

An old sword.

It was the first time I had ever seen one of these.

I hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and shook my wrist off.

I could still feel the warmth, but I didn’t think about it now.

The insect man stopped attacking as I held up my sword in imitation of what I had seen.

I’ve never even held a bamboo sword in my life, but they seemed to have at least taken precautions.

But still – a sword I picked up by accident.

In the movies, it’s a holy sword, right?

I tried to talk to him, but he didn’t respond.

He’s probably just a shy guy.


Because of my foolishness, I failed to avoid the bug man’s claws.

There was a sharp pain in my left arm, and blood dripped down my hand as I gripped the handle.

Oh no, if I don’t do something, I’m going to die.

Is there no choice but to fight?

No, that’s impossible. If it was one against one, a miracle could happen, but it’s dozens against one.

What the hell am I supposed to do? At any rate, help me, you fat old man!

Angered by the lack of response from the self-proclaimed god, I pointed my sword at him and threatened him, hoping he wouldn’t see an opening.

Most of the insects were unconcerned, but a few retreated in alarm, and one of them stumbled.

It’s a doozy. You’re not even a little bit cute.

The little bastard stood up and struck a threatening pose as if to hide its embarrassment.

As I watched him warmly, I was suddenly getting hit by a strong light from right beside me, and I jumped back.

But nothing happened.

Isn’t that an attack ……?

In the corner of my vision. I saw a light that was strangely modern and inappropriate for this place.

What is this?

Name: –

Race: Garneles (Worker)

Level: 12

HP: 31/33

MP: 6/6

Str: 14 (Strength Up: 15)

Int: 3

Dex: 12

End: 13

Agi: 10

Charm: 4


Armored Shell, Dissolving Sphere

Claw Technique 2, Strength Up 1





Maybe it’s a status screen from a game or something?

Speaking of which, The Fat God said that he came from a world with status.

If this is a clumsy one, then the big guy who attacked me earlier–.

Name: –

Race: Garneles (Soldier)

Level: 23

HP: 84/84

MP: 21/21

Str: 15 (Strength Up: 18)

Int: 5

Dex: 10

End: 16

Agi: 14 (Acceleration: 15)

Charm: 5


Armored Shell, Dissolving Sphere

Claw Technique 4, Taijutsu 2, Strength Up 2, Acceleration 1





When I turn my attention to it, the content instantly switches.

There’s no doubt about it. This is a status screen.

When I moved my head slightly, the frame also moved.

It seems to be occupying a part of my field of vision.

Anyway, let’s leave the detailed verification for later. For now, I need to find their weaknesses.

While keeping an eye out for attacks, I took a glance at the status of the insects.

Workers and soldiers–are these social insects like ants?

When I switch the target, the display changes one by one.

Most of them were workers, but there were also many soldiers.

And the ones that were attacking me were all soldiers.

I understood the behavioral standards of the insect people.

Leave the attacking to the strong soldiers, and the workers would be in charge of defense and siege.

But I don’t know how strong they are. How different is it from mine?

Just as I was about to take a look at my status, one of the soldiers rushed at me.

I managed to dodge, but another soldier jumped at me without pause.

I slammed my sword into it.

A loud sound echoed.

At the same time, my faint hopes of a possible attack dissipated into thin air.

Now it’s clear.

This sword is just a sword. And I don’t need to check my status to know that my abilities are low.

But that doesn’t mean I’ve lost hope.

The Fat God said it would give me a useful cheat.

Even if my direct combat power is low, I may have the ability to break the ice.

The problem is, I’m so busy avoiding them that I don’t have time to check.

It would only take a moment. I have to get out of this situation.

Swinging my sword, dodge the insect people’s attacks.

I can’t go outside the village. If I step out a little bit, it will be completely dark and I can’t see anything.

If they’re attacking at night, they must have night vision or some other means of detection.

The only thing left was the house.

The only thing left to do was to jump into a house that was in a decent condition and buy me some time, or even thirty seconds.

It’s a gamble.

There was no guarantee that the cheat would work, and there was no way out of the cul-de-sac.

But there was no other choice.

Swinging my sword in a circular motion, I looked around.

The nearest house had its door blown off.

The one next to the house was on fire. The one next to it – could it work?

The structure of the house was the same as the others, but the damage seemed minimal.

Determined, I swung my sword in the dark and started running.

The insects’ people were confused by my sudden action, and the siege was buzzing.

Perhaps because of their thoroughness in their roles, the workers didn’t attack when I approached them but stayed on the defensive.

I slammed my swords into them and ran earnestly.

Throughout the siege, the workers and soldiers pushed each other, and the attacks slowed down.

Still, I flicked my sword at the claws of a soldier who slipped out and bent down desperately to duck.

I’m prepared for death.

That’s how determined I was, but it was surprisingly easy to reach the house I wanted.

I kept my running momentum and stepped into the half-opened house.


A moment later, a strong presence blows at me from the front.

I immediately used my sword as a shield, but I couldn’t control the impact and was blown away.

I somehow managed to keep my consciousness from flying away, and I looked up.

Name: –

Race: Garneles (Elite Guards)

Level: 28

HP: 104/104

MP: 79/79

Str: 16 (Strength Up: 18)

Int: 14

Dex: 13

End: 15

Agi: 16 (Acceleration: 19)

Charm: 5


Armored Shell, Dissolving Sphere

Claw Technique 6, Taijutsu 4, Strength Up 1, Acceleration 2


Water Blow, Water Shield, Light Healing



Damn, was there a previous customer here?

It’s also the Elite Guards. I guess they’re strong after all.

If the soldiers were heavy, I got a sharp impression from the Elite Guards.

Moreover, it has recovery magic. Depending on the amount of recovery, it’s really bad for me.

But for now, I’ve done zero damage.

I glared at his predecessor with self-deprecation.

The Elite Guards carried the headless man and slunk out.

His bloody mouth was wriggling, so he was eating.

Oh, it looks like I’m seriously stuck.

If I die again. I’m going to drag The Fat God around and shave all the hair off his body.

Covered in mud, I readied my sword, but the Elite Guards just walked out and did nothing.

The surrounding bug people remained surrounding me and even the soldiers did not attack.

And while the Elite Guards continued to chew, it twisted its neck and turned its single eye to its shoulder.

The shoulder–is it moving?

What’s it doing, this guy?

As I watch the strange movement, I realize it’s not the same.

The Elite Guards is not moving its shoulder but seems to be looking at the creature on its shoulder.

It’s a horseshoe crab-like creature, smaller than the palm of my hand.

A child?

The atmosphere is similar, though.

Suddenly, the Elite Guards made a single sound and threw the remains of the man.

The wreckage sinks into the siege, and the workers rush in.

Do they crowd around the leftover food?

I feel like I’ve been shown the harshness of class society, but I’m such an outsider that I’m the next meal.

The Elite Guards bend down, looking at me with a single eye.

This is their rush stance.

I bend my knees and thrust out my sword.

Unprecedented concentration.

And then – before I knew it, I was flung away.

My whole body receives a strong impact, and I hit the ground several times before finally stopping.

As I crawled to my feet, I looked up and saw that the Elite Guards was about to stand up from its forward-leaning position.

This is the speed of a mere body hit.

It’s not that I couldn’t see it.

But it was too different from the rush of the soldiers.

I got up, thrusting my sword into the ground, but lost my balance and fell again.

I tried to get up again, but the Elite Guards scratched him, and the red palm of my hand stopped my movement.

Looking for the cause, I couldn’t help but laugh.

My right leg was missing.

A sound like the crushing of a hard object echoed in the air.

I followed the sound and saw that the Elite Guards had ripped off my leg and was deliciously carrying it to its mouth.

It tore off the cloth, dexterously removed my shoes and socks, and flattened me down to the tip of my little toe.

I watched in silence, bleeding profusely and in a daze.

Soon after, the Elite Guards approached me with my blood dripping from their mouths.

The sword I swung down made a clattering sound, and my second life came to an easy end.


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