Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 506 - 506 Ji Yanli's Spending Power~

They went to the Sheng Villa with their new family member, Sheng Yuexi. Because Sheng Ruming was in a great mood, he generously gave Wang Haixiao permission to see his father when the man called him. 

With a private helicopter, Wang Haixiao was brought to an unknown island in the middle of the ocean. From afar, he saw a person roaming around in the open field and searching for something. 

At the sound of the helicopter, Li Jibian looked up. At the sight of the old man's face, surprise flashed in Wang Haixiao's eyes. Beard and dense white hair... The man couldn't be recognized easily.

When the old man saw Wang Haixiao, excitement appeared on his wrinkled face. 

The moment Wang Haixiao jumped down from the helicopter, Li Jibian rushed to him. 

"Haixiao! Quickly take me away from here! They destroyed my viruses… I have to renew them as soon as possible! Hurry" Li Jibian's body trembled as he shook Wang Haixiao. The thought of leaving the island made his dull brain madly excited!

The other person stayed silent as he stared at his father. When Li Jibian saw him motionless, he growled, "Why aren't you saying anything?! Didn't you come here to rescue me?!" 

However, when Wang Haixiao spoke, Li Jibian had to stop his madness.

Wang Haixiao's clear eyes became dark as he murmured with difficulty, "Even now, your research comes before everything… Father, don't you know where you are standing?" 

"Don't take nonsense with me! Take me away first!" Li Jibian growled again. Madness showed on his face as he glared at his son and grabbed his collar. 

"Why did you kill mother?" Wang Haixiao asked with pain in his eyes. 

"I… I didn't completely kill her! I've preserved her body to revive her later…" At his explanation, Wang Haixiao didn't utter a word. After all, it was pure bullshit.

Li Jibian was angry as he shouted, "How dare you not believe in your father! She wanted to divorce me, just because of her stupid love. If I didn't do anything, you would have had a stepfather now!..." 

"That doesn't mean that you will go around and poison people… how do you expect me to rescue you?! Even the government wants your head!" 

Wang Haixiao felt extremely helpless as he spoke. To him, Sheng Ruming was already doing a huge favor by not handing him over after he did so many awful things. He was also scared to take away his father lest he would spread the virus again. Even he was helpless in front of his father's madness. 

'If Ji Yanli wasn't there for me, I would have died a long time ago…' Wang Haixiao whispered. 

Back when he was in the worst state of his life. Being ignored by his parents, he felt nobody wanted him and that he was a useless person!

At that moment, Ji Yanli came like a fairy and beat the crap out of him. She set several goals for his life, working like a donkey for her, being her babysitter, and… then being pressured to study hard and then getting into the same university.

He knew more clearly than anybody that if there was no Ji Yanli in his small life, he would have left this world a long time ago. 

Wang Haixiao took out a bag of lollipops and handed it to Li Jibian. In the past, whenever his father would leave him for months, he would throw a bag of lollipops and then vanish. Despite having a mother, Wang Haixiao felt like an orphan. 

The other person threw it away and shouted, "I am not a child. Take me away from this dreadful place! My research!..." 

Wang Haixiao coldly stared at the bag that had fallen on the sand. He put on a smile and said, "The day you can forget about research and viruses, tell the guards. Then, I will think about saving you…" 

After saying that, Wang Haixiao expressionlessly went back to the helicopter. 

With a last glance, he told the pilot to move away. Li Jibian stood on the ground and saw as the helicopter flew away. Complex emotions brewed in his eyes as the thought of killing this useless son flashed in his mind. 

But soon, two guards came and took him away to their secret base where Li Jibian wanted to go the least. There, he would experience the taste of his own viruses...

A helicopter landed on the helipad which was on the top of Sheng Industry and Corporation's main building. 

Wang Haixiao stepped out of the helicopter with haggard eyes and went to the exit. His steps felt heavier than before. Abruptly, someone grabbed him from behind and began to drag him away. 

Wang Haixiao saw the person and soothed his expression as he called out "Yanli." 

"Hmm." Ji Yanli responded curtly and then pushed Wang Haixiao back into the helicopter. She glanced at the pilot and said, "Go out. I will do it." 

The pilot knew Ji Yanli and thus, left the helicopter. In the next moment, Ji Yanli clicked on a bunch of things and drove the helicopter out of the helipad. 

Wang Haixiao felt his heart beating frantically as the helicopter drove in the air. Ji Yanli also let loose and did whatever she wanted. 

"Hehe! How fun!" Ji Yanli screamed at the top of her lungs when she drove on top of the ocean.

"AHHH!" Wang Haixiao clutched his seat as if his whole life depended on it. He felt his little life was hovering between life and death and the key was in Ji Yanli's hand. 

Again, he was reminded of the fact that Ji Yanli was no normal woman, but a scary lady who would even jump in the hellfire if needed!

After giving Wang Haixiao a rollercoaster of violent emotions, Ji Yanli was pleased with herself. She drove the helicopter out of the ocean's territory and went into the city. 

Wang Haixiao was on the verge of foaming from his mouth when the thing stopped moving. When he looked out, he was scared shitless. 

Ji Yanli landed the helicopter on the parking lot of Ming City Shopping Center. He turned to Ji Yanli and shouted, "Yanli, it's not a place for this!" 

"You don't have to think about this." Ji Yanli winked at him and then dragged him out. Because of her helicopter, others were scared to park their cars beside it.

The manager of the shopping center rushed out when someone reported this. But upon knowing that it was Ji Yanli's helicopter, his angry face changed into a flattering smile. 

"If it's Miss Ji's helicopter, then it's fine. She can take that place as long as she wants!" The manager. 

"..." Others were confused as to which big shot could make the stingy manager change his mind. 

In the next hours, they got their answers. Many shops were swept by a mysterious rich woman who wouldn't even bay an eyelid while purchasing something. 

The jewelry and kid section's employees were so happy that they didn't stop smiling until several days had passed!

Wang Haixiao got scared again as he saw Ji Yanli's monstrous purchases. He stayed silent and followed her obediently while being her free carrier. 

"Done!" After Ji Yanli left the jewelry shop, she nodded in satisfaction. Wang Haixiao looked at the shopping bags he was carrying and felt pain in his heart.

Except for the cute baby clothes which could not be more expensive, the other thing's price was something that could injure his heart. 

Afterward, they went back to their helicopter, and luckily, all the things could be stuffed in it. Wang Haixiao rubbed his chest and then glanced at her. He was blessed to see her genuine smile.

"..." Wang Haixiao gulped down hard. Only then did he recall why Ji Yanli's father, Ji Xuan wanted to discipline her all the time…

The helicopter went to the sky and this time, Ji Yanli drove it at moderate speed because the back had the things she had purchased earlier. This time, Wang Haixiao was able to relax and look outside. The dense yet familiar city made him melancholy. 

"Yanli." He called out. 

"Hmm?" Ji Yanli responded while looking outside. 

"Let's… meet your parents. Not like normal times but..." Wang Haixiao tried to finish but Ji Yanli suddenly glared at him. 

"I am not ready to give you a child! Don't be delusional and think that just because others are having children, I will bear you one too!" Ji Yanli said and then snorted in the end. 

"..." Wang Haixiao, who wanted to bind her to him by a marriage certificate, thought that he had just heard the sound of his heart shattering...



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