Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 487 - 487 Good Days...

Luo Lixi scoffed and then put her head on his shoulder. Sheng Ruming, who was already feeling uncertain, stiffened. When he turned to her, he got to see her head which was dropping low. 

Xiao Huang glanced at the rearview mirror and lifted the partition between them. 

The car drove fastly for a long time. Luo Lixi yawned as she felt extremely tired. After a few hours, the car stopped in front of the Southern villa. 

For some reason, Sheng Ruming's heart began to beat frantically when he saw the villa. He took in a deep breath and said while staring ahead, "We have arrived."


"You, stop touching…" Sheng Ruming murmured irritatedly as he felt ticklish beside his neck but all he got to see was the sleeping Luo Lixi, snuggling deeper into the crook of his neck. 

His left hand moved to wake her up from her sleep but at the last moment, he retracted his hand. 

Xiao Huang, who had already opened the door for them and was waiting, looked away with a low cough. Sheng Ruming took a deep breath and then pushed her head away gently.

Luo Lixi's head fell back and she regained her sitting position yet still she was in deep slumber. 

'How can someone sleep like a log? Humph!' While thinking, Sheng Ruming turned to the villa and walked ahead but then he stopped. 

He lifted his hand and a frost fell upon it. Sheng Ruming looked at the sky and whispered, "Cold."

Xiao Huang glanced inside the car and then turned to him. He wanted to ask about what to do about her. In the end, he closed the door and went beside Sheng Ruming. 

"The rooms have been prepared. We should go inside. It's cold." Xiao Huang said as he turned ahead. 

The other maids, noticing his gaze, hurriedly bowed and went inside to prepare hot towels for Sheng Ruming. 

Sheng Ruming gave them a mere glance and then looked back. Looking as if she was still sleeping like a statue, without moving a bit, he creased his forehead and spoke out, "Let's go to the company."

"Yes." Xiao Huang said. 

So, both of them entered into another car and left the southern villa, leaving Luo Lixi there. 

"Miss, miss! Are you awake? A maid urgently shook Luo Lixi. Luo Lixi was irritated and turned around to grab her pillow. 

But unfortunately, she didn't remember that she was inside a car and thus fell sideways.

"Ouch!" Luo Lixi cried out in pain as her head hit the glass of the car's window, her chin hitting the window a bit harsh in the process. She rubbed her head and caressed her throbbing chin then turned towards the maid.

The other person had a worried look as she glanced at Luo Lixi. The thought of losing her job made her anxious. 

She took away her hand and inquired worriedly, "Miss, are you okay?! Sorry but you have to leave the car and go with me inside the building. It's snowing." 

"Yes?..." She trailed off as her eyes glanced around the surroundings. Only then did she remember that she had come here with Sheng Ruming but there was no sign of the man.

"Where is he?" Luo Lixi mumbled and then walked out of the car with the help of the maid. 

"Are you talking about the owner of this villa? Young master Sheng?" The maid asked as she hurriedly put a shawl around Luo Lixi's body. 

"Yes, him. The man who came with me today." Luo Lixi clarified as she stepped on the snow. Instantly, her foot caved in. 

"He has left." The maid replied as she grabbed Luo Lixi's hand and began to drag her towards the building. 

"Left?" Luo Lixi repeated and then looked ahead. Noticing the familiar view, she smiled slightly, 'Finally, I got to come here again.'



A drunk man came out of the famous casino of Long city. He walked erratically on the road while his right hand had a bottle of beer. 

"Ah! Why is it snowing?!" He shouted out angrily and crushed his bottle on a random car. At that, the car's security system got activated and the siren began to ring loudly.

"Shut up! I said SHUT UP!" Luo Lixiang screamed as he slapped the front of the car. As time went by, his slapping increased. 

"Such a pathetic sight." In another car in that parking lot, Luo Qintian said in disappointment while looking at Luo Lixiang who was punching another person's car. 

"Sorry, you have to witness such a scene." Luo Baiyun murmured with embarrassment. He couldn't bear to look at that useless son of his. 

"Indeed. You are equally useless like your son. The only credit you have is giving birth to my granddaughter!" Luo Qintian snapped at Luo Baiyun. 

"..." The other person felt helpless after hearing it for the nth time but didn't refute it anyway. 

Even though he had difficulty believing that ridiculous prophecy or whatever in the past, he was forced to believe that sometimes, nonsense becomes sense. 

Like their rebirth, Luo Lixi's success, at the same time, Luo Lixiang's failure in studies and business. That made both him and Luo Lixi believe in that nonsense.

Luo Baiyun stared at Luo Lixiang who was still punching the car. The weather was so chilly for people to stay outside yet he was still going on it again and again. 

His eyes moved towards the bush nearby. Remembering that paparazzi were there and taking pictures of his son who was in a drunkard state, his face hardened. 

He took his phone and called Zhao Yichen. In the next second, several men in black clothes rushed towards Luo Lixiang and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Who?! Who are you?! Let me go! How dare you touch me?! Do you know who I am?!" Luo Lixiang lashed out in his drunkard state and struggled to get free but how could he break free from 4 men's grip?!

They covered his mouth and dragged him away while another man went towards that bush. Zhao Yichen calmly went in the other direction and looked down on the man who was crouching on the ground. 

As soon as their eyes met, the paparazzi smiled wryly. Zhao Yichen also smiled, yet his hand moved faster than his lips. In a flash, the paparazzi felt his hand go empty. 

He abruptly stood up and cried out in panic, "My phone! Give it back to me!"

Zhao Yichen had a smile as he stared at the man and asked, "Do I look like I will give a damn about your phone?"

In the next second, the phone fell to the ground and shattered into many pieces. The man acted a second later and sprinted towards Zhao Yichen. 

When the paparazzi rushed ahead to take the memory chip from the ground, Zhao Yichen violently stepped on his fingers.


On a winter night, that sound reverberated in the surroundings and made many people scared shitless. After Zhao Yichen took the memory chip and crushed it, he turned to the paparazzi. 

"Do you want it?" While retracting his leg, he showed a small bundle of money to the man. The paparazzi was clutching his broken hand as he looked at Zhao Yichen with hateful eyes. 

"That money is way enough for your treatment. Keep the change." Zhao Yichen slapped the man with the money and threw it on the ground. 

His eyes went towards the way where Luo Lixiang was being stuffed into a car. He stared there for a moment and thought, 'How can a lady like Luo Lixi have such a useless brother?'

"Why isn't he here?!" Luo Lixi thought anxiously as she paced back and forth in the room. The maid who was beside her felt her head spinning from watching her walking for so long. 

"Miss, you have been walking for so long. Please stop and rest." While being seated, she suggested that she take a cup of juice from the tea table which was in front of her. 

She pushed it towards Luo Lixi and smiled cutely. Luo Lixi felt her heart move a little. She sat down and gulped down the juice in one go. 

Right after, her face creased up in an ugly expression. She looked at the cup and asked, "Why is it so sweet?! I feel like puking!" 

"What are you saying? Rather, it's slightly sour…" The maid trailed off as she saw Luo Lixi rushing inside the washroom. 

When she went after, she saw Luo Lixi vomiting her guts out. The maid was worried as she rushed inside and asked, "Miss, should I call a doctor?!" 

"Cough! No, I am fine." Luo Lixi struggled to say as she stood up but again she felt nausea. After waiting, she felt much better and decided to leave the washroom. 

"It must be because you have slept in the car in an awkward position." The maid guessed as she handed Luo Lixi a towel. 

"It can be." Luo Lixi murmured as she wiped her wet face and looked outside. By then, the snowfall became heavy and for some reason, her mood also felt heavier than earlier. 

'I must do something for Sheng Ruming. He better remembers everything in time.' Luo Lixi thought as she rubbed her forehead. 

Her heart was worried for the future but she was hopeful that there was bound to be good days waiting for them. 

The day where she could see herself in his arms smiling happily, just as in love.


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