Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 485 - 485 DNA Results...

Then, she again slipped down on her bed and faced him with her back. The man silently stared at her and then remembered the words of Feng Shaoling.

[ She's weak and caught a fever. You should take care of her… ]

Even though he wanted to assign two nurses for her and then leave without giving a damn care, his heart didn't want to leave her. He even felt full ache sometimes...

Thus, with reluctance, he went out and bought the plainest of the plainest porridge for her!

The man took out some tablets and then mixed them in the porridge. With cold eyes, he saw those melting in the blended soup. 

It somewhat resembles a boat sinking underwater and he imagined people screaming on top of them… 

'What's happening?!' Sheng Ruming frowned as he shook his head. Luo Lixi didn't notice this as she was still facing him with her back. 

Then, with a considerate smile, he patted her shoulder and murmured, "I have to go to the company. Eat something before I leave." 

"No. I won't." Luo Lixi replied hoarsely as she hid her head and became a certified mummy. 

She didn't want to see him at that moment. She even had the sudden urge to tie him with a rope and beat mercilessly. 

'If it was at those times, he might have agreed without any conditions … ' Luo Lixi thought of her past life and the present before he lost memories and felt sour in her heart.

"Fine then, I have work so I am leaving. Eat it when you feel like it." Sheng Ruming put the box away with a thud and then stood up to leave. While leaving, he didn't even spare her another look. 

After he left, Luo Lixi lifted the blanket and looked towards the door. She got angry and then went back to become motionless.

'Humph! Heartless!'


After Sheng Ruming walked out, he encountered Pan Er Jiu who was standing outside, talking with someone with a foreign language. He briefly glanced at her and then strode away. 

Pan Er Jiu noticed his figure, ended the call and then walked inside the VIP room with pursed lips. 

Looking at the woman who was playing with what seemed like plain rice soup, Pan Er Jiu chuckled and then said, "Should I buy dumplings for you?" 

Luo Lixi's face brightened up instantly as she nodded, "Buy! Buy! Remember to get the spicy ones!"

Pan Er Jiu nodded as she turned around and left. Thus, Luo Lixi's mood became somewhat cheery as she put away the porridge and looked forward to Pan Er Jiu's return.

After Sheng Ruming left the Ailin Hospital, he went straight to the Sheng Industry and Corporation. Xiao Huang hurriedly followed him and soon, both of them entered the office room. 

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Huang spoke up, "Sir, your mother wants to see…" 

"I am not free. Tell her… I am busy." Sheng Ruming cut his line and then said curtly. 

The people he had forgotten, he didn't wish to meet them even if they were his parents. 

"Then, should I give you the report on Miss Luo? You may need to get to know her again..." Xiao Huang took out a file from a hidden drawer and wanted to put it in front of Sheng Ruming but the man waved his hand. 

"No need. I don't have time for her." Sheng Ruming said indifferently as he stared at the desktop. 

Xiao Huang's hand stiffened as he looked at the serious face of Sheng Ruming. 

'Even when you lose memories, you still know work. Sigh, Miss Luo is about to get a lot of misfortune…' 

Xiao Huang thought and endless pity filled his heart for Luo Lixi. He took back the file and put it back in its original place. 

"You can check later." Xiao Huang said and then left the room. After the place became quiet, Sheng Ruming's eyes quivered as he clutched his head and groaned in pain.

Because he couldn't stand it for a long time, he finally picked up his phone and called someone.

"Finally you remember me?" Yan Ruomin chuckled as she asked that. 

At the same time, she stroked the chest of the man who was massaging her bare thighs. The man smiled as he began to take off his boxers and inched towards her. 

"What have you done to me?" Sheng Ruming asked with extreme anger. He swept away the files from his desk and punched it hard. 

Yan Ruomin's heart quivered at the noises coming from the other side. She pushed away the man and stood up abruptly. With a sneer, she asked while putting on her dress. 

"Is it very painful? Do you need help? I can help you to relieve that pain… Beg me first!" Her mocking tone made Sheng Ruming so furious that the man laughed out loud. 

"Just you wait! You will see who begs who!" Sheng Ruming shouted and then punched the desk again. 

At that, the desk broke down with a creak. Before Yan Ruomin could say anything, the man disconnected the call. 

Sheng Ruming rushed to the attached room of his office and then, threw himself on the bed. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to beat the excruciating pain which was the cause of his throbbing head. 

At the same time, some messy images flashed in his mind. In his mind, he seemed to see Luo Lixi but something seemed off. He tried to concentrate on those broken fragments but the pain got severe. 

"Miss Yan, where are you going?" The man who was with Yan Ruomin called out urgently as he saw her leaving hurriedly. He hurriedly behind her buttnaked!

"I… I have to go!" Yan Ruomin grumbled as she threw a stack of cash at him, "Don't come nearer! Keep it for now."

"Thanks for your generosity!" The man said excitedly as he bent down to pick up the money. 

Yan Ruomin tried to avoid the scenery below and looked away. She snorted as she turned around and walked out of the spa. But before she could enter her car, someone tugged her from behind. 

"Ah… ong!" Her mouth was covered by someone and then she was dragged away. 

From the entrance of the spa, the man who was with Yan Ruomin earlier, watched everything silently. He smiled brightly as he waved at her. 

"Remember to come to see me if you stay .. alive!"

The black van drove towards the horizon.

After Sheng Ruming woke up he found that the headache had already left. He sighed as he rubbed his forehead and then stood up as he murmured, 'Luckily!'

"What time is it?'' He mumbled and looked towards his watch. Noticing that it was past 9:00 p.m. the sleepiness left his eyes instantly. 

"How could I sleep for a long time?! Waste of time Damn it!" Sheng Ruming jolted up from the bed and then dashed towards his office. There, he saw Xiao Huang, who was seated on the sofa obediently.

"Did you sleep well?" The man asked calmly as he stood up. 

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" Sheng Ruming asked irritatedly as he moved towards his desk. 

Xiao Huang strode towards the door and murmured, "To me, your health comes first of all matters. I was just doing my job…"

"..." Well, what could Sheng Ruming say?

Xiao Huang opened the door and said loudly, "Shall we leave?"

"Humph!" Sheng Ruming snorted as he avoided him and went straight past him. At his childish behaviour, Xiao Huang chuckled gently. 

Soon, both of them reached the Ailin Hospital. As soon as Sheng Ruming entered Feng Shaoling's chamber, Xiao Huang stood guard outside. 

Feng Shaoling was staring at a report when he heard the creak of the door being opened. When he saw who it was, he put down the report and smiled mildly, "You are finally here? I thought you wouldn't come."

Sheng Ruming sat down opposite of him and spoke urgently, "The result? Is she really… it's confirmed?"

"Ah, yes!" Feng Shaoling nodded as he took out a file while speaking, "I was thinking when will you arrive. I hope you will see the results you want."

Before Feng Shaoling could hand it over, Sheng Ruming snatched the envelope away. He hastily took out the report from within it. Feng Shaoling chuckled as he tapped on the surface of the desk. 

At the same time, Sheng Ruming's eyes got stuck to the red bold number which was on the report. Sheng Ruming's hands trembled as he clutched the report tightly.

"99.9%... This…" He looked up at Feng Shaoling, probing him with his sharp eyes. 

"Congratulations! You will become a father.. Guess, we will get a marriage invitation soon!" Feng Shaoling teased him with eyes full of mirth. "Should I tell our friends to prepare two gifts in advance? For our sister in law and your child?"


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