Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 458 - 458 'I Can Touch Them Without Being Worried… Hehehe~'

"Boss, you have a meeting with Yan Luhan in one hour." Xiao Huang reminded him while glancing at his watch. Sheng Ruming paused in his steps and turned around. 

"Then, let's go." Sheng Ruming said as he walked out of the villa. After looking at his mother's behaviour, he was relieved and knew his mother would take care of Luo Lixi in his absence. 

Luo Lixi's eyes followed the man who went out of the room without saying anything. She stood up and turned to Wei Airan. 

"Aunty, I should go…" Luo Lixi hurriedly said and intended to follow Sheng Ruming but Wei Airan stopped her. 

"You have just arrived. Stay here for a bit longer." 

Looking at the sincere eyes of the other person, Luo Lixi couldn't bear to leave. In no time, Luo Lixi was brought somewhere else and she was delighted to see the familiar scene in the secret room where Wei Airan would always make her perfumes. 

"Do you like it?" Wei Airan asked as she saw Luo Lixi's delightful expression.

"Yes!" Luo Lixi replied excitedly. Then, she shocked Wei Airan with her perfume making skills. How would the old lady know that she had been preparing for this very day for many years?...

In the Yan Business Group.

With a firm and serious face, Sheng Ruming walked with large steps. His body remained straight as he made his way towards the topmost floor of the company. 

The employees greeted him enthusiastically when they spotted him. In no time, Sheng Ruming entered the room of the CEO. 

Yan Luhan stopped working when he saw him coming. He pushed the files away and stood up. "What brought you here early in the morning?"

Sheng Ruming went straight to the chair which was in front of Yan Luhan's desk and glanced at him sharply. 

"Don't you know?" 

"How will I know if you don't tell me?" The smile on Yan Luhan's face didn't boarden much as he stared at Sheng Ruming. 

"I have a good proposal here." At his remark, Xiao Huang handed a file to Yan Luhan. Looking at the project name on the front, Yan Luhan froze. He hurriedly checked the inside information.

"This… are you giving this to me?" Yan Luhan smiled vaguely and inquired. Sheng Ruming nodded. "It seems quite unbelievable that you would give such a good project."

Sheng Ruming lifted his head and glanced at him vaguely. "I am not giving this to you for free. You have to do something for me in return…"

The smile on Yan Luhan's face deepened. He asked while folding his arms, "What will I have to do?"

Sheng Ruming's eyes narrowed as he tapped on the glass surface of the desk. Xiao Huang stepped ahead and explained the condition. The smile from Yan Luhan's face vanished but in the end, he nodded. 

Back at the Sheng Villa. 

In the secret room, Luo Lixi finished making the 5th bottle of perfume. With this performance, she went up to the highest peak in Wei Airan's heart. 

"Never thought that you would know how to make perfumes. I am impressed." Wei Airan said gently as she walked ahead and picked up the glass bottle. 

When she smelled the pleasant fragrance, her face showed a satisfied expression. Luo Lixi shouted in victory in her mind as she handed the other bottles to Wei Airan. 

The old lady didn't stand on ceremony and went ahead. After she was done, she turned to Luo Lixi with admiration. 

"Where did you learn to make Perfumes? They smell better than mine."

"Ah… I learned from a renowned perfumer." Luo Lixi told the truth. She liked the idea of making her own perfumes in her previous life and thought of learning it while she was abroad in this life. 

At this time, the door of the room opened from outside. Aunt Lin went beside Wei Airan in hurried steps and then whispered something. Hearing her, the smile on Wei Airan's face paused. 

"Girl, someone has come to meet you." Wei Airan glanced at Luo Lixi.

"Me?" Luo Lixi asked in puzzlement. Wei Airan didn't reply as it was unnecessary and all of them left the room. 

When Luo Lixi returned to the front room of the villa, she was taken aback by the person she saw. 

"Yichen, how come you are here?"

Zhao Yichen walked upto to Luo Lixi and then asked, "Xixi, don't you have your phone with you?"

"No… I seem to forget it in my hotel room." Luo Lixi smiled awkwardly. Then her eyes darted to Pan Er Jiu who was standing behind Zhao Yichen. 

'This girl…' Luo Lixi helplessly glanced at her. The other person mouthed 'sorry' and then looked away. 

Zhao Yichen dialed someone's number and then gave it to Luo Lixi. Looking at the name on it, Luo Lixi gulped down her saliva. 

"Father… " Luo Lixi whispered and then glanced at the ground. 

"Come to Long city today. Finish all your work in time and don't let me call you again." Luo Baiyun said gravely and then hung up. 

Zhao Yichen was staring at Luo Lixi. Looking at the deeming eyes, he walked ahead and whispered, "Your grandfather's health isn't well. He has important announcements to make."

Hearing him, Luo Lixi became worried. 'At this time of the year, that happened…'

She recalled the times when she was thrown from the bridge. Zhao Yichen saw this and thought Luo Lixi was being scared of Luo Qintian. 

In the past years, he had realised that Luo Lixi would respect Luo Qintian a lot, more than her biological father. Sometimes, she would agree to some matters in which she wouldn't give consent even with a hundred persuasion from her father.

All the members of the Luo Mansion knew this and he got to know this by chance. Luo Lixi fiddled with her fingers and then whispered with a frown, "You stay in a hotel for today. I will come to you later."

Zhao Yichen shook his head. "I can't. Your grandfather gave me a strict order. I have to bring you to the Long city as soon as possible."

"This…" Luo Lixi fumbled and then turned around. She walked up to Wei Airan and said apologetically, "Sorry, aunty. Some matters came up and I have to go."

"It's fine. Just notify Ruming before you leave." Wei Airan whispered. Then she took the jade Bengals from her wrists and stuffed them in Luo Lixi's hands. 

The latter was taken aback and hurriedly spoke out in embarrassment, "Aunty, I can't take these!"

"I know if you are really just a friend to my son. I am just giving you this as a first time meeting. Don't reject my goodwill."

At her words, Luo Lixi couldn't bear to refute again. Pan Er Jiu saw this and then walked beside Luo Lixi. Upon noticing her, a light lit up in Luo Lixi's mind. She glanced at Pan Er Jiu and asked.

"Jiu, did you bring the thing?"

"Ah, which thing, miss? Sorry, I forgot." She said with a sorry face.

Even though Pan Er Jiu knew Luo Lixi didn't tell her to bring anything, she had enough brain cells to read the atmosphere and played along. 

"The pear shaped…" Luo Lixi blinked her left eye rapidly and the other person finally got what she meant. 

She took out a little jewelry box and handed it to Luo Lixi. After checking the content inside, Luo Lixi handed it to Wei Airan. 

"Aunty, I run a small studio abroad. This little thing is designed by me personally. Hope aunty will like it." 

Wei Airan nodded and gladly accepted the box. Then she went alongside with other people and saw Luo Lixi leaving. 

Aunt Lin saw the cars going away and turned to her, "Madam, she… is she the girl whom the young master was trying to find?"

"Hmm." Wei Airan nodded. She couldn't be more familiar with the looks in her son's eyes. "I thought, I will teach that girl a heavy lesson so that she will be obedient and become a good housewife. From the Luo family... it's not possible."

Wei Airan chuckled as she shook her head. Remembering that Luo Lixi could make perfumes from raw materials, her face lit up. 

"Hopefully, she's not that bad…"

Aunt Lin didn't know what was running in that head of Wei Airan. But nonetheless, it didn't stop her from being a proper companion. Thus she agreed right away as whatever the other person was saying. 

Luo Lixi didn't know Sheng Ruming's number and regretted forgetting to get this when they were together. 

"Let's go to the Sheng Industry and Corporation building. I have some matters to take care of first."

At Luo Lixi's words, the driver glanced at Zhao Yichen. The latter nodded and thus he drove the car to the company. 

"How have you been in the past few years?" Luo Lixi asked as she glanced at Zhao Yichen. The latter turned to her and replied. 

"After leaving the family, it was much better to live in the army camp. I also got some muscles. Wanna see?" While saying, he patted his upper arm smugly. 

"No need!" Luo Lixi didn't want to see the other man's body.. To her, seeing Sheng Ruming's body was more than enough. 'I can touch them without being worried… Hehehe~'


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