Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 415 - 415 Whistle.

As soon as the wet hands touched her, Luo Lixi flinched and backed away hurriedly. Even though she couldn't see anyone, she always tried to look down and asked with immense hatred, "Who are you?!"

Noticing the odd behaviour of hers, Hua Xiamin thought with a smirk, 'Is the drug affecting her eyes? That brat Sheng is as useless as always!'


After thinking, he turned to the three shooters and motioned something. In the next moment, a black car came and Luo Lixi was forcefully pulled in it. 

"Let me go! Don't touch me! You murderer!" Luo Lixi shouted and wiggled around to try to break free from the shooters' arms while crying out. "My husband will kill you!"

The men acted as if they were deaf. Also, they weren't Sheng Ruming or Zhao Yichen who would hold her with caution. Their rough grip was as hard and ruthless as they could be.  

How she wished Sheng Ruming was here...with her. If only he could come and protect her and take her back in his arms, the only place she felt safe… 

The struggles of hers became useless and in return, Luo Lixi got only more injuries by their firm hands. Her arms were now printed with red handprints, which were making her shiver in pain. 

The men couldn't let any loose ends exist and thus, glued her lips with tape and then covered her head in black clothes even though it wasn't necessary. 

Hua Xiamin didn't enter the car. He grabbed Zhao Yichen's bloody head and lifted it. The body was getting colder as nearly all blood drained out of the man's body and colouring the dark charcoaled concrete road. 

After lifting the face, Hua Xiamin saw the concerned face of Zhao Yichen, eyes opened wide. Only if his eyes weren't bloody and blood wasn't oozing out from them, Hua Xiamin would have punctured those resolute eyes. 

"Even in your death, you are thinking of protecting her. Such a good bodyguard… Tho!" After Hua Xiamin finished whispering, he spat on the dead man's face and banged the head on the ground as hard as possible. 

Later, he stood up and stomped on the back of Zhao Yichen's head, where three holes were made by the bullets of the three shooters. 

"Only because you are an honest man, I won't leave you naked on this road. Be happy in the Netherlands!" After saying this, Hua Xiamin yet again spat on Zhao Yichen body with contempt. 

He didn't stay behind any longer and jumped into the car. Hua Xiamin chuckled as he watched the lifeless body through the rearview mirror and then looked at the shooter seated on the driver seat who gave him a firm nod. 

Then, the shooter started the car right away and it drove to an abandoned factory outside of the Long city. 

Right after the car left the scene, two men in cleaner's clothes arrived with a garbage truck. When they saw the dead body, they didn't even blink. With listless eyes, they picked up Zhao Yichen's body and put him into a green garbage bag. 

Afterwards, they cleaned the blood like they were cleaning dirt. When they were done, the men drove the truck to an abandoned valley. In the way, the policemen on duty didn't even bother to do a check-up. Instead, they were dying of the disgusting smell which was coming from the garbage truck and gave way when they saw the truck. 

The two worked like robots and in no time, the green bag was thrown into the abandoned valley. They saw in dull eyes as the bag fell down and soon vanished from their eyes. 

After making sure all was done perfectly, they turned around to go back to regain their work, to collect garbage and then dispose of it. 

In a random abandoned factory, outside of the Long city. 

A black car stealthily entered as the gigantic steel doors were opened for a long time, awaiting its arrival. Right after entering, the unconscious Luo Lixi was given an injection and brought to the basement. 

Hua Xiamin didn't even give her another glance as he walked away in hurried steps. The shooters left her in a room, bound on the chair with ropes, face still covered with the black cloth and mouth sealed. 

Luo Lixi didn't know how long she had been like this but suddenly, she gained consciousness and began to struggle fiercely. 

She felt suffocated as soon as she took a breath being conscious, who wouldn't be when they find their mouth taped and face covered in an unknown place giving eerie feelings.

After wriggling around like an earthworm spotted in light, for like twenty minutes, overwhelming tiredness enveloped her, the cloth covering her head was finally removed by someone. 

The room was dark but still a little brighter than the black cloth. 'My sight has finally returned…' Luo Lixi thought as she tried to breathe heavily when her face was released but the tape on her lips interrupted her. 

The person who had removed the black cloth, forcefully removed the tape from her lips when he noticed her attempt. Luo Lixi flinched, yelping out in pain as he tugged the thing away in one swift motion, her lips and the margin were burning after the assault. 

Looking at this, the man thought of something and put the tape back on her. She didn't even have the time to take two breaths when the thing came back to block her. With a heart filled with anger, Luo Lixi lifted her eyes to see who the heartless man was. 

'Lixiang?!' Luo Lixi called out in her mind as she saw the man. But she was surprised for a moment. The man's face looked dull and his dense beard nearly covered half of his face. 

"Sister, we have finally met after so long… Aren't you happy?!" Luo Lixiang asked with a smile. 

Luo Lixi made noise with her throat and wriggled in the chair but he only smiled in reply. The smile was so depressing and sad that Luo Lixi felt pain in her heart for no reason.

'Why am I feeling painful for him?! He killed Yichen!' Her eyes held hostility as she glared at him. 

Right at that moment, a strange sound came from somewhere. Like someone was blowing a whistle with the lowest sound possible. When this sound came into the room, Luo Lixi felt a terrifying headache. 

In no time, the pain spread throughout her nervous system and made her go crazy. Her eyes turned red because of it and she felt like taking a knife and stabbing it in her body nonstop. 

"Free me! I can't handle it anymore! Please free me!" Luo Lixi cried out in her mind but the man in front of her didn't move even a little and stood still. As if the whistle didn't have any effect on him. 

Luo Lixi had to go through that unimaginable mental and physical torture for a full 1 hour before the whistle stop. By that time, she had already asked God to give her death thousands of times. 

She felt as if her soul had left her body and then came back countless times. With bloodshot eyes, she turned to him with difficulty and shouted, which only made a noise in her throat, 'Why are you doing this to me?! Kill me if you want! Don't torture me like that!'

As if the man had read her mind, a huge smile broke out on that face as he asked, "You enjoyed that, right? I knew you would do so…"

After saying that, Luo Lixiang put his right hand in his pocket and took out a little gun. It was so small that the man had difficulty controlling it with his long fingers. 

Then, he walked towards her and whispered with red eyes, "Sister, close your eyes and count sheep. Until I say to stop, you can't stop or make any mistakes. Come on!"

But how could she say anything when her lips were sealed again by the man just a moment ago?! 

Luo Lixi stared at him intensely and thought, 'This is weird, he seems so different, even a person with a brain can think better! Or is he just messing with me?'

Luo Lixiang's face changed when she didn't make any noise. He sneered and shouted, "You are still so stubborn! Why don't you hear me even once?! You need some lessons!" 

There was something very strange, and Luo Lixi's institution was screaming but everything turned messy in her head when she tried to think clearly and could no longer try to ponder over it.

When he was speaking, again the whistle started to play. Luo Lixi nearly bent herself like a shrimp because of the rush of the pain. But this time, she didn't get to experience it any longer as the man suddenly moved. 

He came close to her, very close. Then, he put the little gun on her chest and shouted on her face, "Didn't I ask you to count?! Count!" 


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