Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 544 - The Brave Victory

Chapter 544: The Brave Victory

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Amidst the golden light emitted by the lance, the soldiers found a new strength and courage; and with that, they charged out of their covers toward their enemies.

At the front of the line was Wang Tong, Yin Tianzong, Vorenus, Guan Dongyang, and Xiao Yuyu, plunging deep into the Zergs like spearheads. Under Wang Tong’s protection, the warriors lashed out at the Zergs, unloading their vindictiveness and hatred. On the other side, the Zergs panicked and scattered, only to be trampled by their own kind.

Even as the Zergs pulled out of the city, new battle cries rang from outside the city wall—the Flame Squad had arrived. This was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The entire Zerg army, including the dark ones and their primitive cousins, fell into a disarray and fled. The Flame Squad was praised for its ferociousness during battle. They dove headlong into the retreating band of Zergs and started killing.

As more dark ones followed Kun’s footstep to the underworld, the Zerg army crumble in an instant. The Zerg reinforcement never arrived as they were tied up in the battle with the human resistance on their way to the city.

When the sun finally reached its zenith, the humans had retaken the city of Maersa. As the last group of Zergs retreated into the woods, everyone was too exhausted to chase after them; they simply watched them run away in disarray.

With their remaining strength, the soldiers and the civilians cheered. They had done the impossible and liberated the city of Maersa.

Wang Tong spotted the back of the last dark one and threw his spear to kill it instantly. When the Einherjar Lance flew itself back into his hand, everyone cheered in a frenzy. The humans had finally found the leader who could lead them out of their misery.

The soldiers of Battle Wolf were overspent and needed immediate rest, so it was up to the Flame Squad to clean up the battlefield. The scene on the battlefield reflected the most brutal battle that mankind had ever fought. However, it didn’t scare Bu Zhihuo, who was prepared to die on the battlefield with Battle Wolf. Wang Tong was convinced that not all resistance groups were full of cravens when he searched for brave warriors, and he finally found what he was looking for in Bu Zhihuo and his band.

However dangerous this operation sounded, Wang Tong would never blindly send his friends to their deaths. He had calculated the odds over and over again, weighing his options and meticulously planning every single detail of the operation.

A calm sea would never develop good sailors; a little bit of struggle and discomfort would help to toughen up the human forces. After the battle, everyone felt that they had learned something significant from their struggle.

The news of victory spread quickly all over the district. It was exciting news to everyone on mars, regardless of their history with Battle Wolf.

Marcos was a shrewd tactician; while Battle Wolf was risking their lives inside the city, he and his soldiers watched the battle unfold. Only when he sensed the promise of victory did he order his soldiers to charge at the fleeing Zergs.

When the news of the victory finally reached him, he felt a mixture of admiration and jealousy. He never thought that Wang Tong and Guan Dongyang would make it, yet they had proven him wrong again.

“Haha! These guys are the toughest SOBs I have ever met!” Aamir slammed the commander’s desk with a heavy fist.

“Touché! Who would have thought that they could have done the impossible! Well done, Guan Dongyang!” Hans said with glee.

“Haha! Hans, I don’t think it has anything to do with Guan Dongyang. It must be Wang Tong!”

“Wang Tong? Oh... Isn’t he…” At that moment, Han suddenly remembered something, an old name that had been long forgotten by the people.

“It has to be him! Who else could bring Guan Dongyang and Yin Tianzong under his command?”

“No wonder the Divine Mastery Sect had sent their chief medic to assist him. Isn’t Yin Tianzong the branch leader of the Templars?”

“I am not sure if he is the leader, but he and his warriors were definitely related to the Court. Also, I don’t think that Xiao Yuyu joined Wang Tong with the knowledge of his real identity. That being said, she must have realized it by now as well.”

“Wang Tong’s reputation will definitely help him on Earth, but I am not sure if Martians will react the same as the earthlings will.”

“Come on! There has to be a reason that made him choose Mars. I think we need to get on board with whatever he is up to.”

“Are you suggesting an alliance with Battle Wolf?”

“Why not? We are after the same goal. But, we have to tread carefully. Wang Tong is not the only person who has an agenda” Aamir said.

Wang Tong had been keeping his head low until now. His real identity explained Marcos’ series of crushing defeat at the hands of Battle Wolf.

But, no matter how powerful Wang Tong was, his own strength was no match for the might of House Lie. Nonetheless, he had made a good start by taking control of the city of Maersa.

When the Zergs retreated, the Pamir Eagle didn’t miss the opportunity of picking off the frightened Zergs. After the battle, Pamir and his soldiers started cleaning the battlefield. With expert eyes, many treasures could be found amongst the dead bodies of the Zergs. The Tank Zergs, for example, held a flame core inside their bodies. It was highly sought after by the mastery casters as the ingredients for making energy crystals. Even the most primitive Zergs had something to offer with their dead corpses, as their thick chitin provided excellent material for making armors.

Pamir was not at all optimistic about Battle Wolf’s crazy operation in the beginning. He thought that the whole thing was an act of reckless improvisation which would definitely fail in the end. He felt that the addition of a few level twenty-one soldiers had lent too much confidence to Battle Wolf. Pamir often cautioned himself to never put too much faith in just one or two powerful fighters and ignore the rest of the crew. Once the elite soldiers were eliminated, which they very often were, the entire army would quickly fall apart.

Pamir was a firm believer of his own ways, so when the news of Battle Wolf’s victory reached him, he was speechless. The Battle Wolf’s first occupation of the defenseless city was not a surprise to him, but the biggest shock came when the messenger told him that Guan Dongyang intended to make a camp in the city and defend it. He thought that it would be the last time he heard from Guan Dongyang. It was a shame to lose such a talented warrior, but he had to pay for his recklessness. Pamir was convinced that the vanguard of the Zerg army alone would be able to overwhelm the Battle Wolf, regardless of the help of a level twenty-one veteran.

As he was ready to moan over the loss of the human resistance, he was told that Battle Wolf had won the battle. This was the first time that Pamir ever doubted his own judgment.

The news quickly spread to the nearby cities. Like everyone else, Sanders was stunned by the result. After he had gathered himself, it finally occurred to him that he had gained the most powerful frenemy of his life. Knowing that the Sect’s chief Medic had partaken in the battle, Sander wondered if Battle Wolf was affiliated with the Sect, and Guan Dongyang was groomed by the sect to replace him. Enemy or not, Sanders thought that he had to extend an olive branch to the rising star nonetheless.

Although Syracuse was only a businessman, Battle Wolf’s victory had benefited him greatly. Without a human foothold within the district, it was difficult for even the most cunning businessman to travel safely. It was sufficient to say that the liberation of Maersa City had opened many doors for Syracuse in the district.? ?

When Syracuse first heard of the news, he thought that the messenger was telling him some fairy tale. As long as he had been a businessman, never once had he heard of a small war band that was able to win a city from the Zergs. After much investigation, the elements that lead to Battle Wolf’s success slowly surfaced in front of Syracuse. He discovered that Battle Wolf had acquired a legendary warrior, a miracle in itself, and used him as a bait to divert the attention of the Zergs. The diversion, together with the explosives that they had mooched off from him had delivered a huge blow to the Zerg army. When the Zergs realized what was going on, it had already been too late: Gaun Dongyang had already taken over their home base. Once Battle Wolf had taken control of the city, it set up barricades and gathered forces at the choke points. After the bulk of the Zerg army escaped the harassment of the human resistance forces along their way to home, they were annihilated by the well-prepared defenders.

However, there were many details in the plan that still baffled him. How did Guan Dongyang know that the other resistance forces, some of whom were his old enemies, would surely join his operation?

It occurred to Syracuse that Battle Wolf had been playing a very risky game from the very beginning.


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