Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 540 - The Weakened Defense

Chapter 540: The Weakened Defense

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

In addition to Kun, Wang Tong could also see another dozen or so dark ones, including some Web Zergs and Kamikaze Zergs that made up the Einherjar’s Bane Unit. On the other side of the gate, tens of thousands of primitive Zergs surrounded the Camp.

Wang Tong fished out the last slice of meat in the soup and wolfed it down. He then pressed a button on his skynet communicator as he mumbled, “We have so many guests today. Should have prepared a feast for you.”


The ground trembled as bombs exploded outside the camp. Wang Tong had bought these bombs from Syracuse at a rock bottom price, since no one had ever shown any interest in these bombs.

Wang Tong flew to the sky and found out that the camp had already been surrounded by fire. Many Zergs outside the camp were either shredded into pieces by the shockwave or devoured by the fire.

Turbolix followed Wang Tong to the sky; he couldn’t let him escape under his nose. He calculated that the best outcome for him was to capture the latter and let the human resistance weaken the city. It would be like one stone killing two birds. On the other hand, the worst could happen was having Wang Tong slip away; and Turbolix doubted that Patroclus would tolerate such a failure.

Wang Tong didn’t slow down; he flew across the sky with Turbolix hot on his heels. After a while, he landed on a giant flat rock and waited for the latter. When Turbolix arrived, Wang Tong was amused by the exhausted expression on his face. Turbolix was startled by the sudden explosion, as he didn’t expect Wang Tong to be so cunning. He lamented on the mistake of conglomerating the tropes around the camp, which exacerbated the damage of those explosives. Luckily, Turbolix thought, those were all Moye’s soldiers.

Wang Tong studied Turbolix’s faces, and he immediately saw through the immortal’s plan to deal a blow to both Wang Tong and Moye by pitting one against the other.

Wang Tong conceded that the transformation had given Turbolix a more tenacious body. However, Turbolix lacked something that was intrinsically human: a soul.

It was the soul that had driven the humans to fight for a brighter future, and transcend the animalistic desires into spiritual pursuits.

Humans’ strength came from the ability to improve themselves. But, while the immortals had already gained the perfect body, there was no more potential left in them. The lack of goal made the immortals forget their place in the world, and lost control over their power.

Turbolix’s chest heaved as he charged up his soul energy to level twenty one. “Wang Tong, taste the power of my Wind-Cloud Kick!”

Before Turbolix finished his sentence, he attacked Wang Tong with a flurry of kicks. He had perfected his kicking technique over the years; his kicking moves were so powerful that they could attack in all directions.

Turbolix rained the attacks on Wang Tong without giving him an opportunity to resist.

“Die, Die, DIE!”

Turbolix landed a kick on Wang Tong’s side, and the impact sent him flying. Before Wang Tong landed on the ground, Turbolix charged at him and bore down his elbow on Wang Tong’s soft belly.


Turbolix’s elbow-strike hammered Wang Tong down and buried him deep in a pile of rubble. Turbolix didn’t stop, as he charged GN force into his legs and kicked at Wang Tong again.


The kick sent a flurry of loose gravel flying, and the impact trembled the ground. This was the real power of a legendary immortal warrior.

The surge of power inside his body brought Turbolix a euphoria; he threw back his head and shouted to the sky like an animal in heat.

After Turbolix finally gathered himself, he failed to locate Wang Tong’s dead body. Had his attack pulverized Wang Tong’s mortal body?

Dead or alive, Turbolix needed to bring Wang Tong back to Patroclus, so he started searching.

“Where are you going?” A lazy voice came out from behind Turbolix.

Wang Tong stretched himself and yawned, “Turbolix, are you kidding me? What have you been doing over the last five years?”

Turbolix took a half step back and murmured, ” How… how is that possible? How are you not dead?”

“Dead? Hell no. But, you have indeed spoiled my clothes!” Wang Tong furrowed his brows and inched closer towards Turbolix.

Layered Fist of Tong!


Turbolix’s kicks were too slow to react, and he was dealt a blow squarely on his chest. The impact sent him staggering back until he tripped and fell to the ground. However, he was unharmed, thanks to his nearly invincible body.

Turbolix quickly picked himself up and charged at Wang Tong. When he was close, he rained kicked on Wang Tong from above. Wang Tong clenched his fist, melting the air around his fist into liquid.


Turbolix only saw a fist before he was dealt a blow in his face.

Turbolix was knocked back a few dozen meters, and when he finally pushed himself up, blood welled from his face. However, he kept walking towards Wang Tong. “Haha! Haven’t I told you that your attacks won’t work on me?” Suddenly, Turbolix turned his heels and took off in the other direction: he was running away.

Wang Tong waved his arms forcefully, and Turbolix was jolted by an unseen force in the air as he fell back to the ground. Wang Tong pressed his palm downward and summoned a wave of energy to pin him where he had fallen.

“Wang ... Wang Tong, you can’t kill me! Please, I will tell you whatever you want to know. You are the heir of the Blade Warrior… I can help you.”

Wang Tong walked to Turbolix, who was still struggling to get up. He pressed a hand on the latter’s mouth and said, “Be quiet!”

Wang Tong channeled out his soul energy and started to scan Turbolix’s mind using soul energy. After finding the fragments of images of Zhou Sisi in his sea of memories, Wang Tong heaved a sigh of relief. She was still alive, and she was still a human.

“Please don’t kill me, Wang Tong. I can be your informant; I can be useful to you!”

“Thanks, but no. May you find peace in the next life” Wang Tong said.

A worm like Zerg wiggled its head out of Turbolix’s chest and bit at Wang Tong’s hand with rows of filed teeth. Wang Tong poked it with only one finger and squashed the Zerg into pulp. Life suddenly drained from Turbolix’s face, and in a blink, he died.

Wang Tong had finally ended his suffering. Wang Tong summoned a tendril of fire in between his fingers and lit Turbolix’s body ablaze.

“Do you think Boss is in danger?” Lun Duo’s eyes were glued to the screen displaying battle updates. The last update said that the Zergs had surrounded Battle Wolf’s camp.

“Don’t worry about him. You know who he is. Plus, he had bought so many bombs. I doubt he will let them go to waste.”

The Battle Wolf traveled light and fast; in just four days, they had arrived in Maersa City.

“What should we do now?”

“Let’s bash the gate open and storm in!” Yin Tianzong suggested. He could sense that there were only a small number of Zergs inside the city.

After a while, a few thousand Zergs poured out of the city to meet the besieging forces. Yin Tianzong led a group of warriors to meet the attackers. Yin Tianzong was a master of shields; he carried two tower shields, one in each hand, as he rammed into the ranks of enemies. The heavy shields were decked out with sharp protrusions which skewered and smashed the Zergs wherever they went. Behind the shield and Yin Tianzong were a hundred or so mastery casters, who also rained death onto the attacking Zergs from above.

“Ready... Initiate Divine Burst!”

Ross shouted the command and led another group of warriors into the city.

( Updated by .Com )

It only took Battle Wolf less than an hour to take control of the strategic points in the city. Vorenus and a few warriors took an excursion to the Zerg’s hatchery and destroyed all the hatchlings.

Sensing that their future generation was at risk, instinct drove the Zergs to swarm the humans with abandon. However, just as Wang Tong had indicated, the production facility boasted a few inches thick steel plates, and held firm under waves after waves of relentless attacks.


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