Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 608: Invincible BYD electric vehicle

  Chapter 608 The Invincible BYD Electric Vehicle

  Currently, L4 autonomous driving technology is not unique to Pingguo Company, but can be used by the entire electric vehicle alliance.

   Moreover, Hantang Technology has also authorized its own L4 autonomous driving technology to many companies, such as Volkswagen, BYD, Chery, Changan, FAW, Hongqi and other automobiles.

   It is hoped that the Hantang Autonomous Driving Technology Alliance will be formed to counter the Meidiguo Electric Vehicle Alliance.

  So the current L4 autonomous driving technology is no longer a black technology, but a popular technology.

  In this case, although the launch of Pingguo's second-generation electric vehicle has a leading edge, it is the second car in the world to support L4-level autonomous driving technology.

   But this world's second advantage did not last long. In March, Fengtian Electric Vehicle and General Electric Vehicle, which also support L4 autonomous driving technology, were also launched.

   Among them, although Pingguo has achieved good results in the fields of mobile phones, tablets and electric vehicles.

   But to be honest, in terms of car brand image and recognition, people all over the world still think of Fengtian and GM cars.

  With similar performance and the same level of L4 autonomous driving technology, people trust Toyota and GM electric vehicles more.

  So the sales of Fengtian and GM Group's electric vehicles unexpectedly came from behind, surpassing the sales of Pingguo's electric vehicles.

  However, no matter how they surpass, their sales still have a huge gap from the sales of Hantang electric vehicles and BYD electric vehicles.

   Currently, BYD electric vehicles are the most sold, followed by Hantang electric vehicles.

  After all, Hantang electric vehicles are in the mid-to-high end, while BYD electric vehicles are in the low-end and mid-end, so BYD is naturally leading in sales.

  In order to meet the growing demand in the world, BYD electric vehicles are currently developed in the form of loans.

  At present, BYD's planned annual production capacity of electric vehicles has exceeded the original annual production capacity of 6 million units, reaching an annual production capacity of 16 million units!

  Annual production capacity of 16 million units is not a small number. According to the future history, Fengtian Motors sells an average of more than 10 million fuel vehicles plus electric vehicles every year.

   At this time, the annual production capacity planned by BYD reached 16 million units, which far exceeded the annual output of Fengtian Automobile in history.

   However, although the planned annual production capacity is surprising, people know that BYD's cheapest electric car only costs tens of thousands of yuan.

  So I feel that BYD is not bragging, because BYD electric vehicles have reduced the price of cars to 30,000 to 40,000.

  This virtually enables many people to afford a car, and there are also many potential buyers of BYD electric vehicles.

  In this case, no one will question BYAD's current scheduled annual production capacity of 16 million units.

  Because their sales have shown that they can indeed do this, and the most terrifying thing is that BYD is almost a killer in the low-end market.

  At present, no company in the world can compete with BYD electric vehicles. The quality of BYD electric vehicles is very good.

  BYAD electric vehicles have never had any controversy about the quality of batteries or motors, even if there are negative public opinions on the Internet.

  Their discussions all said that the skin of BYD's electric car is too thin, and when it scratches something next to it, there will be scratches.

  But the car skin is too thin and easy to scratch. This is a common problem of all plastic car bodies, and it is also common sense, so this is not a problem at all.

   In addition, no one accused Hantang electric vehicle of false electricity, accused Hantang electric vehicle accessories or motors.

   Or accuse Hantang electric vehicles of abnormal noise or loud noise during driving, it can be said that none of them exist.

   On the contrary, they praised the quality of Hantang technology, the exquisite interior decoration, and praised the actual performance of the battery, that is, the power storage capacity is usually higher than the theory.

  Other companies claim to be able to run 100 kilometers, but they may only run 85 to 90 kilometers in reality, and this is still without the air conditioner.

  If the air conditioner is turned on, the battery life will be terrible, usually only 70% to 80%, and even better, it can reach 90%.

  The battery of Dahan Tang Technology is not false. It claims to be able to run 100 kilometers, but in reality it can often run 105-115 kilometers.

  And the 110~115 kilometers refers to the case of turning on the air conditioner. If the air conditioner is not turned on, it can actually reach 120 kilometers!

  Under such circumstances, relying on the strong motor power and the cruising range that is not false or even exceeded.

  Finally, the workmanship quality with no bad reviews and the most important cheap price are added.

  BYAD's electric vehicles are simply invincible in the market.

   Among them, there are other companies trying to learn from BYD electric vehicles, but in the end they all failed without exception.

   BYD electric vehicles mainly use sodium-ion blade batteries, but BYD electric vehicles do not use all-solid lithium batteries.

  The sodium-ion blade battery is produced by Hantang Technology. At this time, other companies purchase the price of Hantang Technology blade battery. Naturally, it is impossible for BYD electric vehicles to be lower.

  In this case, if other companies want to compete with BYD EV at a low price, then no company can win BYD EV.

   You must know that the cost of an electric vehicle battery usually accounts for 25% to 60%. If you can get a cheaper battery, the cost will undoubtedly be lower.

   Of course, it is not without car companies that have engaged in low-price competition. A certain Wuling electric car that claims to build whatever the people need has produced a cheaper electric car.

  The price of the sodium-ion blade batteries they purchased is indeed impossible to lower than that of BYD electric vehicles, but they can sacrifice their own interests.

  So Wuleng Motors launched an electric car that is cheaper than BYD's lowest-end electric car.

   But in the end they did achieve a little bit of success, but they didn't dominate the low-end market like they thought.

   On the contrary, their sales volume is not as good as that of BYD's low-end electric vehicles, although their prices are about 3,000 cheaper than the lowest-end BYAD electric vehicles, and even close to 5,000 cheaper at the peak.

   But the problem is that the quality of BYD's electric vehicles is good. On the contrary, Wuling Motors has never stopped giving negative reviews or complaints since its launch.

  Some people exposed how many kilometers they were driving and there were breakdowns, and some people exposed that the quality of workmanship of Wulong electric car interiors and other things was too different, and the response was frequent.

  In this case, you want to spend more money to buy an electric car that can be used for several years without problems.

   Or pay a few thousand less for a poor quality electric car that can break down at any time?

  So although the Wuling Electric Vehicle was a success in terms of results, and made a small profit when it didn’t lose money, it failed in terms of overall strategic goals.



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