Tavern in Another Dimension: Getting the Elf Queen Drunk at the Start

Chapter 2: The Little Boy Who Sells Wine

Chapter 2: The Little Boy Who Sells Wine

Alan looked at the female elf in front of him. Her every move exuded temptation. She was simply too stunning.

"The scent of wine?"

The female elf's full lips opened slightly, emitting a clear sound that was like a stream flowing in the morning.

"The scent of wine."

Alan nodded and repeated it once more.

The female elf's eyes lit up and looked at Alan with interest.

Alan looked at the female elf's expression and continued, "This is a new type of wine that I brew myself."

He paused and smiled.

"My beautiful and elegant elf lady, may I have the honor to invite you to my tavern for a drink?"

As Alan spoke, he put a hand in front of the elven lady and made a very gentlemanly and elegant inviting gesture to her.

The elven lady had a smile on her lips and her shapely eyebrows were flirtatious. She looked at the interesting little guy in front of her and stretched out her hand, she was about to accept Alan's invitation.

However, at this moment, the old drunkard, who was only one aisle away from them, heard everything Alan said.

The blacksmith named Wayne was obviously drunk, so he couldn't help but interrupt.

"A kid who hasn't even grown out all of his hair is spouting nonsense. He brewed his own wine? He's still dreaming don't you think? Hahaha..."

The people at the same table all slapped their hands on the table and laughed, agreeing with Wayne's teasing.

"Hahaha... That's right, how good can the wine be if it was brewed by a kid."

The young man's expression did not change even after being ridiculed. He replied calmly.

"If you don't believe me, you can come to my tavern and try it. If it doesn't taste good, I won't charge you."

Alan shrugged and retorted confidently.

As soon as the young man finished speaking, the drunkards who were originally laughing loudly laughed even louder.

"If your wine doesn't taste good, you still dare to charge us? Aren't you afraid that we'll destroy the shop? Hahaha ~"

"I say, it's not whether the wine tastes good or not, but rather if you, little brat, actually brewed any wine within a month?"

"Could it be that the wine hasn't even been brewed yet and the tavern only serves water to the customers ... hahaha!"

The more these drunkards talked, the more they felt that their guesses were correct. No one could believe that a 16 year old boy could brew any good wine within a month.

No matter how they ridiculed him, he listened calmly. There was not a hint of anger on his face.

The female elf was sitting silently at the side the whole time. She did not speak. When she heard the conversation between the boy and these drunkards, she became even more curious. What kind of wine could make him so confident?

Alan took in the expressions of everyone around him. The drunkards' doubts and the female elf's wavering decision.

He saw that the female elf was already tempted, so he had to strike while the iron was hot.

"My beautiful lady, you must know that my new wine can also improve one's appearance."

When the female elf heard that this wine that she had never drunk before could also improve one's appearance, she was even more interested.

"If you can continue drinking it for a long time, not only will it make your skin whiter, it will slow down aging, promote blood circulation, and dispel the cold from your body. Of course, for elves who have a long life, aging is not a problem."

Alan ignored the drunkards who were making fun of him and spoke to the female elf.

But after Alan said that, the drunkard named Wayne could not help but make fun of him again.

"Did you hear that? This kid said that his wine can not only improve one's appearance but also dispel the cold from the body. He said it as if he really did brew a new wine. Hey, elven lady over there, better not believe him so easily. How is that possible?"

"Wayne, you're too bad. If you say that, you'll completely ruin the child's business!"

The drunkards roared with laughter.

Although Alan wanted to retort, he knew that the most powerful retort in the face of doubt was to speak with facts.

So he stood up and extended his hand again, inviting the female elf across from him in a gentlemanly and elegant manner.

"Madam, no matter how much you think, it's better to try it out yourself. My tavern is at the end of the street not far from here."

Looking at the young boy in front of her who was acting like an adult, the female elf was initially only interested in the new wine he was talking about. Now, it seemed that this boy was the most interesting one.

In the tavern with mixed smells, the faint fragrance surrounding the boy was constantly attracting her attention.

One had to know that this beautiful female elf in front of him was not an ordinary elf woman.

She was the queen of the elven race.

The elven race's talent for distinguishing scent was far higher than other races. In this aspect, a queen was even more talented than others.

According to elven age, this queen, who was only 200 years old, was still very young, but her strength was not to be underestimated.

She lived in the Forest of Elves year round. Other than handling the affairs of her race, she rarely interacted with outsiders.

This time, she was finally freed from the heavy duties and was able to relax in Sofia's tavern.

She did not expect to meet this interesting young man. His body carried a faint scent that she was infatuated with.

Before leaving the Forest of Elves, the elders had repeatedly reminded her to be careful of human males. This was because they liked to say nice things, but you never know what bad intentions they have in their hearts.

As for the intelligent and sensitive elven race, sensing human emotions was also one of their talents.

Looking at the boy's sincere smile, the elven queen finally chose to smile and nod in agreement to his invitation, handing him her hand.

"It's my honor to be able to invite you to my tavern, my beautiful elven lady."

After receiving her affirmative reply, Allen smiled slightly and held the elven lady's hand as he stood up, the two of them leaving the elven tavern side by side.

Wayne looked at the two of them leaving one after the other and was stunned.

"Do all women nowadays have such bad taste? Why would they like such a delicate and weak young man?" He muttered in a low voice.

"Wayne, no wonder you've been single for so many years and still haven't found a woman, Hahaha..."

"That's right, the young man is good-looking and your big and burly appearance can't compare to him."

The blacksmith, who was ridiculed by his companion, looked indignant. "Hmph, there were many women who pursued me back then. I was strong and valiant then, but unfortunately, I only wanted to go on adventures..."

"Look at what this old widower is saying. He didn't drink too much tonight, so how did he get so drunk? Hahaha..."

Everyone treated Wayne's words as a joke and laughed.

That shabby tavern at the end of the street was closed for more than half a year and just recently reopened, how could it possibly have any good wine!

The female elf was invited to taste the new wine, but could it really be that simple?

Whether the blacksmith wanted to believe it or not, the beautiful female elf indeed left with the handsome young man.

Wayne sighed in his heart. Despite his tough words, he still felt a little jealous.

At that moment, Sophia, the owner of the elven tavern, came down from the second floor.

She stood on the stairs and looked around the entire tavern, only to find that her queen had disappeared.

After going downstairs and asking around, she found out that the queen was taken to the small tavern at the end of the street by a young man.


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