Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 21 Gold Points

With Nathan's denial, Natalie points at the 'drugs' on the table.

"I-If you're really not an addict, t-then, why do you have 'drugs' in your pocket?"

"That's not drugs!" Nathan immediately refuted,

This time, doubt appeared on Natalie's big brown eyes.

"If it's not? What is it then?" She asked suspiciously.

Now Nathan is the one having a hard time.

He doesn't know how he should explain about the awakener since it's too unbelievable for a normal person.

After weighting the pros and cons of things, Nathan made a decision.

'F*ck it! I don't want to think about it anymore!'

In the end, Nathan thought to just stop worrying about it and explained the details of the awakener.

Except for the existence of the system, since Nathan felt that it's too bizarre and should not be revealed carelessly.

There are reasons for Nathan's decision.

First is that he needs Natalie to use the awakener, being honest is just what he should do.

Or so he thinks.

Second, Nathan felt like there will be more 'out of this world' phenomenon that will happen to him in the future.

He doesn't know why, but his guts is just telling him that there will be.

As he talks about it, Natalie's eyes keep widening as he goes on and on about the awakener and the existence of those outside planet Earth.

When Nathan finished talking, you can already read from her face what she is thinking, her jaw wide open.

Not being able to hold in her thoughts, she blurted,


For that, Nathan just spread his hands and sigh helplessly.

What can he do, it really is just too unbelievable to hear this kind of thing out of nowhere.

But the thing is, Nathan doesn't have any proof in hand to make Natalie believe what he's saying.

Just as he was sighing, he paused for a second as his eyes suddenly lit up!

'Wait, I almost forgot about that!'

Last night, Nathan upgraded the system, but after that, he did not take a look at it because he was excited with the appraisal reward from the mission and the soul talent.

As things happened, because of fatigue, he did not have the energy to look at it anymore.

Now that he finally has the time, of course he should look at it!

Without paying attention to the shocked Natalie, Nathan opened the system interface.

[Host: Nathaniel Fernandez

Level: LV 5+

Profit per Tap: 5 PHP (Philippine Peso)

Experience: 241,332 / 100,000

Mission: 1 Mission

Shop: Open

Gold Points: 0]

Nathan immediately turned his eyes to the shop.

"It really is open now!" He muttered,

Natalie heard Nathan's muttering and looks at him with her widened eyes,

"What are you talking about now, brother? Are you sure you're not going insane?"

She squints her eyes suspiciously.

"Cough, it, it's nothing. How can you curse your brother like that?"

Nathan coughed lightly as he waved his hands.

When Natalie heard that, she stopped looking at Nathan and stared at the syringe in front of her.

Thinking of things that only she knows of.


Seeing that Natalie stopped looking at him, Nathan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he immediately turns back to the system, opening the newly added shop.

Nathan was dazzled by all kinds of products when he did so!

He saw all kinds of treasure being sold in the shop!

There are all kinds of weapons, cold weapons and hot weapons alike!

Even things that seem to come from sci-fi and fantasy movies are there!

'Space 001 Spacecraft, Plasma Cannon, Heavenly Halberd, Invincible Armor, Fountain of Youth…'

This is like a treasure house of the heavens!

As Nathan browses through the shop, his eyes can't help but grow wider and wider.

He almost drooled as he looked at the treasures being sold at the shop.

This is amazing!

Nathan hurriedly shook his head and calmed himself down.

Must remain calm in the face of temptation!

Few seconds later, Nathan was back to his calm state.

Looking at the treasures, he tried his best to not become agitated by these things.

At this time, Nathan looked at the price of these treasures and his eyes became still.

Space 001 Spacecraft - 1,000,000,000 gold points

Plasma Cannon - 50,000,000 gold points

Heavenly Halberd - 10,000 gold points

Fountain of Youth Droplets - 10,000,000,000 gold points

Nathan got dizzy with all the zeros behind those products.

He already expected it to be pricey, but not this much!

Taking a deep breath, Nathan kept his calm.

How can he let his mood continue to fluctuate like this, if someday he encounters something big, he won't suddenly just die of a heart attack, right?

Nathan reprimanded himself and also remembered to always stay calm.

Next, he looked back at the price and noticed that all the products can only be bought with gold points.

Gold Point?

What's this?

Since he doesn't know about gold points, Nathan of course asked about it to the system.

[Gold points are the currency at the shop. With Gold points, the host can buy anything that he wants from the shop as long as he has enough gold points. To get Gold points, host can exchange your experience points to gold points for the shop. The exchange ratio is 100,000:1]

After saying that, the system went silent again.

Nathan also had no more questions so he let it be.

He propped his chin with his hand, looking at how much experience he had.


That's his current experience points.

"That means I can only exchange it for 2 gold points, sigh…"

Nathan was a little disappointed seeing that.

It can't be helped since the first thing he saw when he opened the shop was a high priced item, his views have become higher as well!

Nathan shook his head, he might be disappointed but he still needed to exchange it for gold points.

Nathan unhurriedly exchanged his exp points into gold points inside the shop.

Gold Points: 2


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