Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 195 'Dirty' Ice Cream Shop

After staying in line for more or less half an hour, it was finally Nathan and Bella's turn to order.

The moment Nathan stepped foot into the ice cream shop, he paused,

With a frown, he murmured, "This energy…"

A familiar but unfamiliar energy hit Nathan the second he passed by the entrance of the store.

It was a dark, murky, and evil energy that Nathan had already encountered a few times in the past.

Demonic Energy!

That's right, what Nathan felt was demonic energy circulating inside the ice cream shop.

Nathan looked around at the people inside the store and saw that no one seemed to notice this, which is not a surprise as they are just normal people.

At this time, Bella saw Nathan stop walking and noticed his unusual behavior.

"Is there something wrong, Nathan?" She worriedly asked after seeing the frown on his face.

Hearing her voice, Nathan snapped out of his thoughts, he turned his eyes back to Bella and immediately saw the worried eyes she's giving him.

Shaking his head lightly, Nathan gave a small smile and acted casually, saying, "No, it's nothing. Let's go."

Nathan continued walking towards the counter as if nothing happened.

Although worried, Bella still decided to follow Nathan without asking again.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am and Sir."

The store employee greeted the two of them with a bright smile on her face.

"Hello, I would like some of that chocolate ice cream and…" Nathan turned his head at Bella.

Bella thought for some time before saying, "Strawberry for me please."

"One chocolate and one strawberry flavored ice cream, coming right up!"

The employee immediately started preparing the orders of the two as they stood there, watching her every movement.

While he is looking at the ice cream being prepared, Nathan is also observing everything around him, trying to feel where the source of the demonic energy is coming from.

Not long after, the ice creams are finally done.

"Here's your order."

The employee handed them the ice cream.

The two carefully took their ice cream and thanked the employee before heading towards an empty seat at the corner of the store.

Staring at the strawberry ice cream on her hand, Bella can't help but start drooling at the smell it is giving out.

"Hmm, this smells so good~ I can't wait anymore!"

Bella stretched out her tongue and was about to lick her ice cream, but suddenly, Nathan grabbed the ice cream from her hand.

"Ah! Nathan, what are you doing!?"

Bella was startled at Nathan's sudden move and looked at him with incredulous eyes.

Nathan put a finger on her lips and gestured to her not to make a noise.

Bella's been confused by Nathan's behavior since earlier and was planning to say something about it.

But after seeing the serious look on Nathan's eyes, Bella still decided to remain silent and wait for Nathan to explain everything himself.

So she nodded her head and gestured that she would not make a sound.

Only after that did Nathan remove his finger from her lips.

Then, under Bella's confused eyes, Nathan took out his phone.

A look of understanding suddenly appeared on Bella's face when she saw that.

'Ah, so he wants to take a picture of it first? I did not expect that Nathan is actually this kind of person.' she thought in her head.

But contrary to her thoughts, Nathan did not open the camera app but the Omnipotent Village app.

Tapping the storage, Nathan saw a long list of things that he piled up inside such as documents, seeds, knife, armor, and a lot more other items.

But Nathan did not even take a glance at those things and focused his eyes on an unassuming glass at the end of the list.

It was the Glasses of all seeing that he bought from the system and used in the past, back when he removed the curse from the cafe.

That was the only time he used this item and just threw it inside the storage right after he used it.

"There it is. I know I still have it." He muttered.

Tapping it, Nathan took it out from the storage and the next second, Nathan felt something appeared in the pocket of his pants.

Taking it out, it was the Glasses of all seeing.

Putting the glasses on the table, Nathan looked back at Bella and said, "I know you might have been confused by my actions earlier, right?"

Bella nodded.

Nathan pushed the glasses to Bella and said, "If you put this glass on, you will understand what's going on."

After saying that, Nathan just stared at Bella and did not say anything else.

Bella looked at Nathan with unsure eyes for a second before turning her eyes at the glasses in front of her.

"... Well, if you're lying to me I'll get mad."

She said as she picked up the glasses and wore them.

Then the next second, her eyes widened and she froze with a shocked expression.

After a few seconds, she seems to have recovered a little and stiffly turned her head at Nathan.

"T-that, w-what the h-hell is t-this?" She asked in a low voice.

Seeing her frightened appearance, Nathan removed the glasses from her and placed it back on the table in front of her.

When her vision came back to normal, Bella heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Nathan opened his mouth and said, "Do you understand it now?"

Bella did not immediately say anything and seems to still be digesting what she just saw.

Then, full of seriousness, she asked, "Nathan, just what the hell is that?"

She pointed at the glasses of all seeing as if it was the cause of all those visions, which is technically right.

Without hiding it, Nathan said, "That glasses is called, Glasses of all seeing. It has the ability to let us see things that are not visible to the naked eye."

Hearing that, Bella's face changed and immediately started looking around the ice cream shop.

Then she turned her head back to Nathan and said, "Y-you, you mean to say t-that, those disgusting black things are really around us?"

Hearing her words, Nathan might not know what she saw with the glasses, but he still nodded.



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